Things I don't understand


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2012
Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

Why do otherwise supposedly normal and decent people have to sink to the gutter and use vulgar profanities?

Why do people refer to countries smack in the middle of Europe as "Eastern European" countries?

That is for a start.
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Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

That is for a start.

How can Bryan Cranston give to charity when Walter White earned all his money from illegally selling meth? You're confusing real life and entertainment.
Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

That is for a start.

How can Bryan Cranston give to charity when Walter White earned all his money from illegally selling meth? You're confusing real life and entertainment.


It is a fact that in REAL LIFE lots of kids watch TV and go to arenas in their communities to enjoy wrestling. WWE so called super stars speak out against bullying.

BTW, who are Brian Cranston and Walter White?
Tat's are disgusting filth. I don't have much to do with people all tatted up.

WWE is entertainment for the mentally retarded.

Yes, having the name "junior" is exceedingly lame.
Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

That is for a start.

How can Bryan Cranston give to charity when Walter White earned all his money from illegally selling meth? You're confusing real life and entertainment.


It is a fact that in REAL LIFE lots of kids watch TV and go to arenas in their communities to enjoy wrestling. WWE so called super stars speak out against bullying.

BTW, who are Brian Cranston and Walter White?

Bryan Cranston is an actor who portrays the character Walter White on the television show "Breaking Bad." Walter White is not a real person. The person you're referring to on WWE television is a character, not the actor behind the character, and not a real person.
Tat's are disgusting filth. I don't have much to do with people all tatted up.

WWE is entertainment for the mentally retarded.

Yes, having the name "junior" is exceedingly lame.

WWE is World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT.

As entertainment it is for the mentally retarded about as much as CSI, Oprah Winfrey, The View, The Cycle, The Five, Seinfeld, any so called concert by screamers and screechers like Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Barbra Streisand or Celine Dion, it is nothing but ENTERTAINMENT.

Some people like ballet and opera. Since it is obviously beyond your brain function, beyond your understanding, and beyond your non-existing common sense, you would probably consider folks who like opera and ballet nothing but pathetic idiots, and not even realize that such judgement is more a reflection on you, than on them.
My first tattoo was that of a falcon. It was my way of paying homage to one of nature's most fierce predators. An amazingly beautiful bird that I respect and admire. It is a fitting tribute.

My second tattoo was placed next to the falcon. The wolf personifies Mrs. H. The wife is a Pagan and Wiccan and a woman of the earth and of all of nature that is represented in this universe. My affirmation that God is in fact female.

The third tattoo is nestled among the first two. The winged fairy is our miracle daughter who spent the first week of her life in an incubator. Our daughter whom the attending physician suggested we abort upon observing an early ultrasound and declaring strong indications of Downs Syndrome. "Go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'", he said.

My body is my canvass, my billboard, my statement to nature life and survival.
My first tattoo was that of a falcon. It was my way of paying homage to one of nature's most fierce predators. An amazingly beautiful bird that I respect and admire. It is a fitting tribute.

My second tattoo was placed next to the falcon. The wolf personifies Mrs. H. The wife is a Pagan and Wiccan and a woman of the earth and of all of nature that is represented in this universe. My affirmation that God is in fact female.

The third tattoo is nestled among the first two. The winged fairy is our miracle daughter who spent the first week of her life in an incubator. Our daughter whom the attending physician suggested we abort upon observing an early ultrasound and declaring strong indications of Downs Syndrome. "Go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'", he said.

My body is my canvass, my billboard, my statement to nature life and survival.

I admire your love of nature and your devotion to honor species other than human.

I still have difficulty to understand your need to appreciate the world around you by defacing your own body.

And you have my greatest admiration for not heeding the so called advice of the so called doctor who advised you to abort a living, breathing human being for the sake of convenience.

If the mother of my wife had listened to the "advice" of her "doctor" I would have no wife today. She was adopted at birth and 57 years later - at the urging of our daughter - she found her roots, and SEVEN siblings along the way. Seven citizens who are the salt of the Earth, much the same as my wife.

One of her siblings have a Down Syndrome child.

Another one is the adoptive father of a child who is actually no longer a child, since he has at least chronologically, matured into an adult but is still totally helpless with Multiple Sclerosis.

Having said that, I also respect your belief that God is a female. Don't agree, but respect.

You know, to each his own.
This thread is really embarrassing for a few of you...

Here's a big fuck you!

This thread is really embarrassing for a few of you...

Here's a big fuck you!


I guess you fall into the group that is so mentally deficient that they need to resort to obscene and vulgar profanity befitting a fourteen-year-old who has finally, at last, discovered that being vulgar and profane enhances his/her chances of being discovered/appreciated by people far above their mental acuity.
I love tattoos, and I don't know why people name their kids after themselves.
This thread is really embarrassing for a few of you...

Here's a big fuck you!


I guess you fall into the group that is so mentally deficient that they need to resort to obscene and vulgar profanity befitting a fourteen-year-old who has finally, at last, discovered that being vulgar and profane enhances his/her chances of being discovered/appreciated by people far above their mental acuity.

Lighten up. Don't be so butthurt about everything. Life's too short man... try to enjoy it every once in a while.

I guess you fall into the group that is so mentally deficient that they need to resort to obscene and vulgar profanity befitting a fourteen-year-old who has finally, at last, discovered that being vulgar and profane enhances his/her chances of being discovered/appreciated by people far above their mental acuity.

Do you think not using dirty words to insult people somehow elevates you above them? :lol:

I call people retards all the time, but I don't pretend I am using clean language when I do. Don't kid yourself. Your post is right down in the gutter with the foulest of mouths.
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I guess you fall into the group that is so mentally deficient that they need to resort to obscene and vulgar profanity befitting a fourteen-year-old who has finally, at last, discovered that being vulgar and profane enhances his/her chances of being discovered/appreciated by people far above their mental acuity.

Do you think not using dirty words to insult people somehow elevates you above them? :lol:

I call people retards all the time, but I don't pretend I am using clean language when I do. Don't kid yourself. Your post is right down in the gutter with the foulest of mouths.

Obviously, you are a lying (as usual, as always) liberal, to whom expanding ice everywhere on the polar regions of the globe means global warming, the ever decreasing work participation means lower unemployment rate and more cursing and swearing in every day life and and slum hip-hop and rap means increasing and improving culture.

I do not have to pretend I use clean language, because I DO use clean language. I would not ever sink to your level and call anyone a retard, but if I ever did, you would be the first to qualify.

And saying that someone who uses no profanity in life and on these threads due to being a mature person, has the foulest mouth, you exposed yourself and your ilk as the greatest hypocrite. If there is anyone on the gutter, it's you foul-mouthed liberals.

On a lighter note, let me resurrect this thread and say that here are a couple more things I don't understand:

Why do health nut joggers jog on the road where people drive cars, when there is a perfectly good sidewalk to jog on?

Why do people with more than 12 items go to the checkout at the supermarket, where the sign says 12 items or less?
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Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

Why do otherwise supposedly normal and decent people have to sink to the gutter and use vulgar profanities?

Why do people refer to countries smack in the middle of Europe as "Eastern European" countries?

That is for a start.

1. Tattoos are for some people an expression of thier persona draw on thier skin. Of course for others, its an expression of too many tequila's and a suprise the next morning.

2. I don't see Jr as a disparaging term, and its a bridge to get you to the real cool names like Michael somethingorother III or IV.

3. Fiction vs. reality to me, and occasionally Vince McMahon gets his ass totally handed to him for his bullying.

4. Because its fun and it can help to make a point.

5. Everyone ignores that large mass of a country we call "Russia", at least the part west of the Ural Mountains.
Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

Why do otherwise supposedly normal and decent people have to sink to the gutter and use vulgar profanities?

Why do people refer to countries smack in the middle of Europe as "Eastern European" countries?

That is for a start.

1. Tattoos are for some people an expression of thier persona draw on thier skin. Of course for others, its an expression of too many tequila's and a suprise the next morning.

2. I don't see Jr as a disparaging term, and its a bridge to get you to the real cool names like Michael somethingorother III or IV.

3. Fiction vs. reality to me, and occasionally Vince McMahon gets his ass totally handed to him for his bullying.

4. Because its fun and it can help to make a point.

5. Everyone ignores that large mass of a country we call "Russia", at least the part west of the Ural Mountains.

Thanks for your take on above "issues".
Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

Why do otherwise supposedly normal and decent people have to sink to the gutter and use vulgar profanities?

Why do people refer to countries smack in the middle of Europe as "Eastern European" countries?

That is for a start.

I'm gonna have a bunch of kids and name them junior and cover there bodies with tattoos after cussing out and bullying the COO of WWE. Oh and Eastern Europe is where I say it is.......
Why? Because I choose to and it's none of your business.
My first tattoo was that of a falcon. It was my way of paying homage to one of nature's most fierce predators. An amazingly beautiful bird that I respect and admire. It is a fitting tribute.

My second tattoo was placed next to the falcon. The wolf personifies Mrs. H. The wife is a Pagan and Wiccan and a woman of the earth and of all of nature that is represented in this universe. My affirmation that God is in fact female.

The third tattoo is nestled among the first two. The winged fairy is our miracle daughter who spent the first week of her life in an incubator. Our daughter whom the attending physician suggested we abort upon observing an early ultrasound and declaring strong indications of Downs Syndrome. "Go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'", he said.

My body is my canvass, my billboard, my statement to nature life and survival.[/QUOTE

If you wanted the image of "nature's most fierce predator" on your body, PERMANENTLY, you would have got the tattooer to pierce your and debase your body with the image of a house cat, THE true predator, because the house cat is the ONLY predator in the world, that kills for the pleasure of killing.

Having said that, I admire you for not aborting your daughter, with knowing the challenges you and your wife had to face in your lives. I can only for that you are not among those who referred to Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child as a retard, as is the habit of the oh so tolerant and loving liberals.
Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

Why do otherwise supposedly normal and decent people have to sink to the gutter and use vulgar profanities?

Why do people refer to countries smack in the middle of Europe as "Eastern European" countries?

That is for a start.

I'm gonna have a bunch of kids and name them junior and cover there bodies with tattoos after cussing out and bullying the COO of WWE. Oh and Eastern Europe is where I say it is.......
Why? Because I choose to and it's none of your business.

Sorry, the title "Idiot of the Century" already belongs to the mediocre former "boxer" George whatever his name is, who was, in spite of his obvious idiocy, was astute enough to to take advantage of even bigger idiots by selling his useless hamburger frier contraptions.
Adding to the list of things I don't understand:

Why would joggers, who have a perfectly good sidewalk prefer to jog on the road, used by motorized vehicles?

Why not put the baskets in the game of basketball, up about thirty feet, so that genetic freaks would not dominate, but people with skill would have equal chance?

Why not give a stroke penalty to a pro golfer who misses the fairway from the tee?

And while on the subject of golf, WHY should the spectators be quiet when one of these spoiled brats come to putt or drive? Can you imagine similar demands from a football player about to make game deciding field goal attempt? Or a basketball player attempting to make a penalty shot? Would they be laughed out of the place, just like these golfers SHOULD be?

And while on the subject of sports: Who started his idiocy of "Shoot outs" in hockey? Isn't Hocey a TEAM sport? Why let the the final decision of the game determined by ONE player from each team?

If the object of sports is achieving the best you can be, why not let it happen? We all know that the validity of results is determined simply by who did and who did not get caught. If there is anyone foolish enough to think that the so-called "legitimate" winners never used performance enhancing drugs, let them prove it.

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