Things I don't understand

My first tattoo was that of a falcon. It was my way of paying homage to one of nature's most fierce predators. An amazingly beautiful bird that I respect and admire. It is a fitting tribute.

My second tattoo was placed next to the falcon. The wolf personifies Mrs. H. The wife is a Pagan and Wiccan and a woman of the earth and of all of nature that is represented in this universe. My affirmation that God is in fact female.

The third tattoo is nestled among the first two. The winged fairy is our miracle daughter who spent the first week of her life in an incubator. Our daughter whom the attending physician suggested we abort upon observing an early ultrasound and declaring strong indications of Downs Syndrome. "Go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'", he said.

My body is my canvass, my billboard, my statement to nature life and survival.
Now you did it.

Wolves mate forever....they will hunt you down in the afterlife just to remind you of that Valentines day when you bought the white roses instead of the red....

Bad form bro!

Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Because some people like tattoos. I have none, my wife has a few. Her best friend is covered from neck to ankles.

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

Plenty of other ways. Some use middle names, some use nicknames. My cousin shares his father's name: his father is Paul, he is, universally, "PJ".

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

Good publicity.
Tatts don't bother me if they are not excessive. Arms, legs, chest, back. But once they start crawling up the neck or are full sleeves...blech. Especially on women.

The rest is just dumb...i.e. wrestling. It's FAKE. Yet the audience of full of morons getting all hot and bothered on which one is the baddy and which they think is the goody. Blech.

Jr. is ok with me. If the parents don't call him Junior, most others won't either.
Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

Why do otherwise supposedly normal and decent people have to sink to the gutter and use vulgar profanities?

Why do people refer to countries smack in the middle of Europe as "Eastern European" countries?

That is for a start.

I'm gonna have a bunch of kids and name them junior and cover there bodies with tattoos after cussing out and bullying the COO of WWE. Oh and Eastern Europe is where I say it is.......
Why? Because I choose to and it's none of your business.

Sorry, the title "Idiot of the Century" already belongs to the mediocre former "boxer" George whatever his name is, who was, in spite of his obvious idiocy, was astute enough to to take advantage of even bigger idiots by selling his useless hamburger frier contraptions.

I assume that was some sophomoric attempt at repartee. Given the fact you read what I posted at face value only reenforces that assessment. If you look closely you'll observe the proverbial stiletto plainly embedded in your heart, I just pointed it in the right direction, you did the rest.
If you look even the closer you might come to realize the last sentence in my original response speaks volumes.
Now about that stiletto........
I love tattoos, and I don't know why people name their kids after themselves.

I don't like tats for myself, but don't mind that one of my sons has several, and I have lots of friends (Bikers) that have more than one tattoo, and it's fine with me.

It's an honor to name a child after their father - to have the same name. My son loves that he has the same name as his dad, because he really looks up to my husband.

And to answer the OP - people do what they do because they can and it's nobody else's business.
Another thing I have trouble understanding is why politicians say some of the things they say.

Contenders for idiotic statements - which I hope they regretted later - are:

3. Third in line for the Presidency (in case of a horrible terrorist act) Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi saying that the House must pass the Obamacare bill to find out what is in it.

2. Second in line for the Presidency, (again in case of a horrible terrorist act) Vice President Joe Biden, who debased his office by using minor league locker room vulgar profanity in reference to the passing of said bill. Not clear whether he read it or not in order to find what's in it.

1. Undisputed winner, though, is THE President, who said that Islam is a religion of peace, after terrorist act that was the worst ever on American soil.
Another thing I have trouble understanding is why politicians say some of the things they say.

Contenders for idiotic statements - which I hope they regretted later - are:

3. Third in line for the Presidency (in case of a horrible terrorist act) Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi saying that the House must pass the Obamacare bill to find out what is in it.

How about MitchMcConnell's:
[ame=]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

2. Second in line for the Presidency, (again in case of a horrible terrorist act) Vice President Joe Biden, who debased his office by using minor league locker room vulgar profanity in reference to the passing of said bill. Not clear whether he read it or not in order to find what's in it.

I notice you're only bringing up those made by the left - how come? Even some Republicans acknowledge that the "right" needs to stop making stupid comments, but you didn't even notice that, did you?

SENATOR LEAHY: I'm really sorry you feel that way, Mr. Vice President. It sounds like you feel a bit like I do when you cast aspersions on my morality and patriotism, sir. I don't like that, either.



THE VICE PRESIDENT: You heard me, Vermonster. Pull that fucking hemp thong out of your gaping, maple-syrup-gushing man **** and fuck off. Asshole.
Dick Cheney and Senator Leahy: Transcript of Long Overdue Exchange Between Vice President Dick "Christian Values Role Model" Cheney and Rage-Consumed Liberal Senator Patrick Leahy:- WHITEHOUSE.ORG

Critical reflections about the GOP's shortcomings have been commonplace in the wake of the 2012 elections. Barbour's comments followed up on a speech by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) this week, in which he urged the GOP to stop being the "stupid party" and to abstain from making "offensive and bizarre comments."Haley Barbour: GOP's 'Stupid' And 'Offensive' Comments Damage Entire Party's Brand

1. Undisputed winner, though, is THE President, who said that Islam is a religion of peace, after terrorist act that was the worst ever on American soil.

I guess doing business with Osama Bin Ladin's brother is okay with you, no?

Bush's Former Oil Company Linked To bin Laden Family
Another thing I have trouble understanding is why politicians say some of the things they say.

Contenders for idiotic statements - which I hope they regretted later - are:

3. Third in line for the Presidency (in case of a horrible terrorist act) Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi saying that the House must pass the Obamacare bill to find out what is in it.

How about MitchMcConnell's:
[ame=]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

2. Second in line for the Presidency, (again in case of a horrible terrorist act) Vice President Joe Biden, who debased his office by using minor league locker room vulgar profanity in reference to the passing of said bill. Not clear whether he read it or not in order to find what's in it.

I notice you're only bringing up those made by the left - how come? Even some Republicans acknowledge that the "right" needs to stop making stupid comments, but you didn't even notice that, did you?

SENATOR LEAHY: I'm really sorry you feel that way, Mr. Vice President. It sounds like you feel a bit like I do when you cast aspersions on my morality and patriotism, sir. I don't like that, either.



THE VICE PRESIDENT: You heard me, Vermonster. Pull that fucking hemp thong out of your gaping, maple-syrup-gushing man **** and fuck off. Asshole.
Dick Cheney and Senator Leahy: Transcript of Long Overdue Exchange Between Vice President Dick "Christian Values Role Model" Cheney and Rage-Consumed Liberal Senator Patrick Leahy:- WHITEHOUSE.ORG

Critical reflections about the GOP's shortcomings have been commonplace in the wake of the 2012 elections. Barbour's comments followed up on a speech by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) this week, in which he urged the GOP to stop being the "stupid party" and to abstain from making "offensive and bizarre comments."Haley Barbour: GOP's 'Stupid' And 'Offensive' Comments Damage Entire Party's Brand

1. Undisputed winner, though, is THE President, who said that Islam is a religion of peace, after terrorist act that was the worst ever on American soil.

I guess doing business with Osama Bin Ladin's brother is okay with you, no?

Bush's Former Oil Company Linked To bin Laden Family

I notice that you failed to notice that #3 of my list of outrageous and idiotic statements made by politicians was uttered by not some senator or vice president, but a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT.

Get real.

I give you credit for being a typical liberal though. You only quoted part of my post, which appeared to support your unsupportable claim.[
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Just to change topic and in order to resurrect this thread:

I don't understand why the liberal media are so forgiving to Judge Janine Pirro. There has not been anyone with the possible exception of Rush Limbaugh who assessed Obama's achievements - or lack thereof - as mercilessly and correctly as Judge Janine.

After the despicable hatchet job they've done on Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Bachmann, they have been surprisingly gentle with their lack of personal attacks on her, despite the fact that her show is watched by more people than the combined viewing audience of MSNBC on Friday and/or Saturday nights, when MSNBC features shows about the future residences of Democrat politicians.
And for a total change in topic but in spirit of the OP, I don't understand why pretty much ALL Buicks are owned and driven by old folks.
I notice that you failed to notice that #3 of my list of outrageous and idiotic statements made by politicians was uttered by not some senator or vice president, but a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT.

Get real.
Nowhere in your posts did you ever mention a Republican President. Tell me which post, and I will apologize, otherwise, you're blowing smoke!

I give you credit for being a typical liberal though. You only quoted part of my post, which appeared to support your unsupportable claim.

And, you are a typical partisan hack. I read all your posts, and nowhere did I see a Republican President's name, so unless you are able to give me the post #, I will assume that you are lying and hoping to get away with it.
1. How can the same title - Reverend - can be applied to a person who preaches nothing but hate, like Al Sharpton, and a person who preaches love, like Billy Graham?

2. What the hell is giving New Hempshire and Iowa the right to be the first in presidential primaries?

3. Speaking of presidential primaries, why aren't all states hold it on the same day, like in January of the election year?

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