Things I don't understand

Adding to the list of things I don't understand:

Why would joggers, who have a perfectly good sidewalk prefer to jog on the road, used by motorized vehicles?

Why not put the baskets in the game of basketball, up about thirty feet, so that genetic freaks would not dominate, but people with skill would have equal chance?

Why not give a stroke penalty to a pro golfer who misses the fairway from the tee?

And while on the subject of golf, WHY should the spectators be quiet when one of these spoiled brats come to putt or drive? Can you imagine similar demands from a football player about to make game deciding field goal attempt? Or a basketball player attempting to make a penalty shot? Would they be laughed out of the place, just like these golfers SHOULD be?

And while on the subject of sports: Who started his idiocy of "Shoot outs" in hockey? Isn't Hocey a TEAM sport? Why let the the final decision of the game determined by ONE player from each team?

If the object of sports is achieving the best you can be, why not let it happen? We all know that the validity of results is determined simply by who did and who did not get caught. If there is anyone foolish enough to think that the so-called "legitimate" winners never used performance enhancing drugs, let them prove it.

1. Fear of stepping on a crack, and thusly breaking their mother's back.

2. Because watching someone trying to chuck a basketball 30 feet in the air is funny, but only for about 10 minutes or so.

3. Because if they wanted that they should replace the rough with water, lots of water.

4. Blame tennis players, they started it.

5. The american aversion to anything ending in a tie, and hockey players aversion to playing 3 extra periods unless it is the playoffs.

6. Because sooner or later that logic will be used to allow robots in sports, and then its Terminator time.
My first tattoo was that of a falcon. It was my way of paying homage to one of nature's most fierce predators. An amazingly beautiful bird that I respect and admire. It is a fitting tribute.

My second tattoo was placed next to the falcon. The wolf personifies Mrs. H. The wife is a Pagan and Wiccan and a woman of the earth and of all of nature that is represented in this universe. My affirmation that God is in fact female.

The third tattoo is nestled among the first two. The winged fairy is our miracle daughter who spent the first week of her life in an incubator. Our daughter whom the attending physician suggested we abort upon observing an early ultrasound and declaring strong indications of Downs Syndrome. "Go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'", he said.

My body is my canvass, my billboard, my statement to nature life and survival.

Cool Mr. H. Now about that potty mouth...
Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

Why do otherwise supposedly normal and decent people have to sink to the gutter and use vulgar profanities?

Why do people refer to countries smack in the middle of Europe as "Eastern European" countries?

That is for a start.

I'm gonna have a bunch of kids and name them junior and cover there bodies with tattoos after cussing out and bullying the COO of WWE. Oh and Eastern Europe is where I say it is.......
Why? Because I choose to and it's none of your business.

Sorry, the title "Idiot of the Century" already belongs to the mediocre former "boxer" George whatever his name is, who was, in spite of his obvious idiocy, was astute enough to to take advantage of even bigger idiots by selling his useless hamburger frier contraptions.

Fool! :lol: that's like calling most kitchen utensils useless and stupid: coffee pots, tea pots, omelette pans, griddles, crock lots, double boilers....

Good gawd youneed to get a life or look into the Hemlock Society
Not understanding how and why Europe is divided up the way it is into the eest, east, eurasia...

Some of you people are as amazingly stupid and ignorant as you are lonely lemmings, following this thread into imbecillity

My first tattoo was that of a falcon. It was my way of paying homage to one of nature's most fierce predators. An amazingly beautiful bird that I respect and admire. It is a fitting tribute.

My second tattoo was placed next to the falcon. The wolf personifies Mrs. H. The wife is a Pagan and Wiccan and a woman of the earth and of all of nature that is represented in this universe. My affirmation that God is in fact female.

The third tattoo is nestled among the first two. The winged fairy is our miracle daughter who spent the first week of her life in an incubator. Our daughter whom the attending physician suggested we abort upon observing an early ultrasound and declaring strong indications of Downs Syndrome. "Go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'", he said.

My body is my canvass, my billboard, my statement to nature life and survival.

Cool Mr. H. Now about that potty mouth...
I'll wash it out. With whiskey. :beer:
I'm gonna have a bunch of kids and name them junior and cover there bodies with tattoos after cussing out and bullying the COO of WWE. Oh and Eastern Europe is where I say it is.......
Why? Because I choose to and it's none of your business.

Sorry, the title "Idiot of the Century" already belongs to the mediocre former "boxer" George whatever his name is, who was, in spite of his obvious idiocy, was astute enough to to take advantage of even bigger idiots by selling his useless hamburger frier contraptions.

Fool! :lol: that's like calling most kitchen utensils useless and stupid: coffee pots, tea pots, omelette pans, griddles, crock lots, double boilers....

Good gawd youneed to get a life or look into the Hemlock Society

There is nothing a George Foreman hamburger frier can do what a regular frying pan could not do. So, while I admire Foreman`s acuity to suck idiots into buying his totally useless and needless kitchen appliance, I do not understand why otherwise normal people would fall victim for his scheme.

One time in my life I was desperate enough to think that the end would be preferable, but then I thought of all the fun in life I could have reading posts like yours, and changed my mind.
Sorry, the title "Idiot of the Century" already belongs to the mediocre former "boxer" George whatever his name is, who was, in spite of his obvious idiocy, was astute enough to to take advantage of even bigger idiots by selling his useless hamburger frier contraptions.

Fool! :lol: that's like calling most kitchen utensils useless and stupid: coffee pots, tea pots, omelette pans, griddles, crock lots, double boilers....

Good gawd you need to get a life or look into the Hemlock Society

There is nothing a George Foreman hamburger frier can do what a regular frying pan could not do. So, while I admire Foreman`s acuity to suck idiots into buying his totally useless and needless kitchen appliance, I do not understand why otherwise normal people would fall victim for his scheme.

One time in my life I was desperate enough to think that the end would be preferable, but then I thought of all the fun in life I could have reading posts like yours, and changed my mind.

Cooking burgers or chicken breasts in an electric Forman Grill ... hmmm...

Most all pots and pans can be thrown away.

What about a garlic press? How about spatulas? How about you wake up and realize you don't need a stove when you can microwave all your food?

Uh, I just made toast without a toaster! Call the Nobel Committee

Now about that Hemlock...
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Adding to the list of things I don't understand:

Why would joggers, who have a perfectly good sidewalk prefer to jog on the road, used by motorized vehicles?

Why not put the baskets in the game of basketball, up about thirty feet, so that genetic freaks would not dominate, but people with skill would have equal chance?

Why not give a stroke penalty to a pro golfer who misses the fairway from the tee?

And while on the subject of golf, WHY should the spectators be quiet when one of these spoiled brats come to putt or drive? Can you imagine similar demands from a football player about to make game deciding field goal attempt? Or a basketball player attempting to make a penalty shot? Would they be laughed out of the place, just like these golfers SHOULD be?

And while on the subject of sports: Who started his idiocy of "Shoot outs" in hockey? Isn't Hocey a TEAM sport? Why let the the final decision of the game determined by ONE player from each team?

If the object of sports is achieving the best you can be, why not let it happen? We all know that the validity of results is determined simply by who did and who did not get caught. If there is anyone foolish enough to think that the so-called "legitimate" winners never used performance enhancing drugs, let them prove it.

1. Fear of stepping on a crack, and thusly breaking their mother's back.

2. Because watching someone trying to chuck a basketball 30 feet in the air is funny, but only for about 10 minutes or so.

3. Because if they wanted that they should replace the rough with water, lots of water.

4. Blame tennis players, they started it.

5. The american aversion to anything ending in a tie, and hockey players aversion to playing 3 extra periods unless it is the playoffs.

6. Because sooner or later that logic will be used to allow robots in sports, and then its Terminator time.

1. The cracks on the sidewalk are smooth compared to the potholes on the road, at least around where I live.

2. If you ever saw a 5 foot tall basketball player make a throw into a basket 30 feet above the floor, you would wonder what you ever saw in a 7 foot freak slam dunking.

3. There is absolutely no excuse for a professional who plays golf seven days a week to miss a fairway from a tee shot, regardless what is on either side, water or whatever. Any so called professional who can`t shoot straight enough from a tee, does not deserve to be a pro.

4. Sure, blame the shemale and gay tennis players.

5. Ties are a natural ending of a fair competition. The only natural decision of a playoff game - in a TEAM sport - that must have a winner is sudden death. If it takes all night, so be it, just ask old NHL players who were there and done it.

6. Using robots in sports is an idea that probably will not gain any traction for a long time. But using better nutrition, better drugs, better preparation should not be prohibited by arbitrary rules set by inferior competitors and sadly, accepted by those who aim to be politically correct.
I've come to accept that tattoos are a current popular fad, but I still have a personal bias against it. Far too many kids are getting them as soon as they are able without really understanding the long term effects. Depending on what you get and where you get it, it can indeed affect your employment and financial possibilities long term. That and what seemed cool and expressive at 18 might not be so cool and expressive at 38 with kids or 58 with grand kids. Plus there is the whole sag and bag factor with age. I don't put bumper stickers on my vehicles either. Just my 02 cents and no offense to those who like ink. It's your choice.
Fool! :lol: that's like calling most kitchen utensils useless and stupid: coffee pots, tea pots, omelette pans, griddles, crock lots, double boilers....

Good gawd you need to get a life or look into the Hemlock Society

There is nothing a George Foreman hamburger frier can do what a regular frying pan could not do. So, while I admire Foreman`s acuity to suck idiots into buying his totally useless and needless kitchen appliance, I do not understand why otherwise normal people would fall victim for his scheme.

One time in my life I was desperate enough to think that the end would be preferable, but then I thought of all the fun in life I could have reading posts like yours, and changed my mind.

Cooking burgers or chicken breasts in an electric Forman Grill ... hmmm...

Most all pots and pans can be thrown away.

What about a garlic press? How about spatulas? How about you wake up and realize you don't need a stove when you can microwave all your food?

Uh, I just made toast without a toaster! Call the Nobel Committee

Now about that Hemlock...

If you throw away all your pots and pans, try to cook soup or make PAN cakes using this monstrosity, invented by a mediocre boxer and bamboozled by same to hypnotize and mesmerize pathetic sorry ass losers to buy it.

As long as I have a good knife, I do not need a garlic press. YOU probably do not need a spatula, because you have thrown away your frying pan in favor of a Foreman Grill.

The bread I eat has been already baked. I do not need to toast it, with or without a microwave.

Get some lesson in cooking, but in the mean time keep on posting, I can use the giggles you provide.
For a change of topics, but still in the spirit of the OP:

I dont understand how come the more expensive a car is, the less likely is that it has a functional turn signal. Follow a Porsche, a Mercedes, a Cadillac, a Lexus or a Lamborghini and if you ever find that that vehicle made a turn WITH signalling it, you win!

Surely, it can not be the arrogance of the driver of said vehicle of not signalling a turn.

Just asking.
Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

Why do otherwise supposedly normal and decent people have to sink to the gutter and use vulgar profanities?

Why do people refer to countries smack in the middle of Europe as "Eastern European" countries?

That is for a start.

Tattoos - I don't believe they have an understanding of how wonderfully and fearfully made they are by God. With that said, I am not bothered at all by tattoos. I'm thinking more about what is written on the inside on their hearts most of the time . . .

I don't know. Maybe they want to feel as if their legacy will carry further by naming their child after themselves . . . ?

I do not have cable television and do not watch that stuff but I know what wrestling is and am guessing they didn't think before they chose that as a cause they would sponsor? Guessing here. . .

Gutter language and profanity - out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. It is what is in their hearts. Many people look decent enough on the outside but what is going on inside is an entirely different matter. When I was living in the world I used curse words too. It is a matter of feeling miserable and wantin others to know how much. . . imo.

Europe? I don't know. Ask a European but I wouldn't get too hung up on their why's. They drive on the wrong side of the road too you know . . . :eusa_angel:

Have a blessed day and I'll rep you for the thread. It was interesting to me. - Jeri
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Why would anyone debase their own bodies with tattooes?

Why would any father condemn his male child to a life time of being "Junior" by giving him the same name as his own?

How can the WWE sponsor anti-bullying when its COO is the biggest bully there is?

Why do otherwise supposedly normal and decent people have to sink to the gutter and use vulgar profanities?

Why do people refer to countries smack in the middle of Europe as "Eastern European" countries?

That is for a start.

Tattoos - I don't believe they have an understanding of how wonderfully and fearfully made they are by God. With that said, I am not bothered at all by tattoos. I'm thinking more about what is written on the inside on their hearts most of the time . . .

I don't know. Maybe they want to feel as if their legacy will carry further by naming their child after themselves . . . ?

I do not have cable television and do not watch that stuff but I know what wrestling is and am guessing they didn't think before they chose that as a cause they would sponsor? Guessing here. . .

Gutter language and profanity - out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. It is what is in their hearts. Many people look decent enough on the outside but what is going on inside is an entirely different matter. When I was living in the world I used curse words too. It is a matter of feeling miserable and wantin others to know how much. . . imo.

Europe? I don't know. Ask a European but I wouldn't get too hung up on their why's. They drive on the wrong side of the road too you know . . . :eusa_angel:

Have a blessed day and I'll rep you for the thread. It was interesting to me. - Jeri

Thanks for the kind words.

I started this thread, because there is not one day that goes in my life that I do not wonder about or do not understand something, in spite of the fact that my past is long and my future appears to be short.

We named our son after my father and my wifes father our daughter after my mother and my wifes mother, you know, first and second names.

I dispensed with profanity once I left the factory floor and the union for a job that I trained myself, after I learned English as a second language.
Another thing I don't understand: Why does the President need people behind him when he speaks?

Does he not understand that he is showing his backside to them?

Don't those people behind the President realize that they are USED as props and puppets?

I don't understand their utter lack of self-respect for being happy to be a prop.
Another thing I don't understand: Why does the President need people behind him when he speaks?

Does he not understand that he is showing his backside to them?

Don't those people behind the President realize that they are USED as props and puppets?

I don't understand their utter lack of self-respect for being happy to be a prop.

most people have a pack/herd mentality. Having people behind you implies the people are "behind" you, thus re-inforcing whatever you are talking about to the masses.
I guess you fall into the group that is so mentally deficient that they need to resort to obscene and vulgar profanity befitting a fourteen-year-old who has finally, at last, discovered that being vulgar and profane enhances his/her chances of being discovered/appreciated by people far above their mental acuity.

Do you think not using dirty words to insult people somehow elevates you above them? :lol:

I call people retards all the time, but I don't pretend I am using clean language when I do. Don't kid yourself. Your post is right down in the gutter with the foulest of mouths.

Obviously, you are a lying (as usual, as always) liberal, to whom expanding ice everywhere on the polar regions of the globe means global warming, the ever decreasing work participation means lower unemployment rate and more cursing and swearing in every day life and and slum hip-hop and rap means increasing and improving culture.

Look at you go, constructing strawman fallacies on the fly. What a blazing hypocrite you are. No wonder you stumble through life baffled and confused.
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I went shopping the other day. I needed to pick up a couple of items, and when I did, I lined up at the express checkout.

There was an old lady ahead of me with an almost full shopping cart, obviously ignoring the sign "15 items or less".

I don't understand why people do that. Were they absent from school when the number "15" was taught?

And when I paid for my two items, and followed her out of the store, I noticed that she left her shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot.

Go figure!
Do you think not using dirty words to insult people somehow elevates you above them? :lol:

I call people retards all the time, but I don't pretend I am using clean language when I do. Don't kid yourself. Your post is right down in the gutter with the foulest of mouths.

Obviously, you are a lying (as usual, as always) liberal, to whom expanding ice everywhere on the polar regions of the globe means global warming, the ever decreasing work participation means lower unemployment rate and more cursing and swearing in every day life and and slum hip-hop and rap means increasing and improving culture.

Look at you go, constructing strawman fallacies on the fly. What a blazing hypocrite you are. No wonder you stumble through life baffled and confused.

Now I feel properly chastened and chastised.

I don't understand why some people have to resort to obscenity and name-calling.

When I do that it is in self-defense. When you do it it is because you enjoy it.

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