Things just got real interesting....

DICKERSON: Vladimir Putin said that Russia did not interfere in the U.S. election. Did he lie?

HALEY: Well, I have always said we don’t trust Russia. And I think we’re all aware that Russia was involved in the elections.

Face the Nation transcript April 2, 2017: Haley, Cornyn, King
And I think we’re all aware that Russia was involved in the elections.
Wink, wink.

What trash. If they think it means they don't know.
oh come on guys......everyone knows Russia paid WikiLeaks to drop all that 'FAKE NEWS' about Clinton just before the election and that gave her the pity vote over Trumps electoral win...:2up:
Im typing this url on a phone keyboard. Hopefully, i wont fat finger it.

I apologize ahead of time that the testimony is longer than a tweet.

I also find it hilarious that the same tards who bleeved every bullshit lie put out by their propaganda outlets (some of which I documented in my Fool Me A Thousand Times topic) are the same tards who are born again Doubting Thomases when it comes to Russian meddling.

At the same time, these tards swallow every lie Trump utters on a daily basis.

DICKERSON: Vladimir Putin said that Russia did not interfere in the U.S. election. Did he lie?

HALEY: Well, I have always said we don’t trust Russia. And I think we’re all aware that Russia was involved in the elections.

Face the Nation transcript April 2, 2017: Haley, Cornyn, King
Do you have ANYTHING that shows voting machines were screwed with?
No, you don't. And they were NOT hooked to the net so they could NOT be hacked.

I did not say anything about voting machines, retard. And the ENTIRE COUNTRY knows Russia's meddling did not involve voting machines.

My god, you really are as retarded as you sounded.

This is that willful blindness to which I alluded earlier. TA-DAAAAA!
....Three subpoenas are related to questions about how and why the names of associates of President Donald Trump were unredacted and distributed within classified reports by Obama administration officials during the transition between administrations.....

^^^That right there is one of the most interesting sentences EVERRRRRR

but alas, once again I'll wait until I hear & see the cell doors slam shut
DICKERSON: Vladimir Putin said that Russia did not interfere in the U.S. election. Did he lie?

HALEY: Well, I have always said we don’t trust Russia. And I think we’re all aware that Russia was involved in the elections.

Face th
DICKERSON: Vladimir Putin said that Russia did not interfere in the U.S. election. Did he lie?

HALEY: Well, I have always said we don’t trust Russia. And I think we’re all aware that Russia was involved in the elections.

Face the Nation transcript April 2, 2017: Haley, Cornyn, King

e Nation transcript April 2, 2017: Haley, Cornyn, King

He failed to mention in what way they meddled in the election.
You can't be this in the dark. You just can't.

I can't believe whatever hack bullshit you read every day on whatever propaganda site you favor, that they would have you tards this deep in the dark.

But then again...

I just provided you a link to some testimony. Read it, retard. Then don't EVER pretend you don't know what kind of meddling we are talking about again.
I'm sure you'll posting up that evidence any minute now....
First, thank you for confirming my point! :lol:

Second, it amuses me to no end how studiously and successfully your propaganda outlets have managed to keep you from watching the Congressional testimony, as well as kept from you all the statements by Trump appointees openly admitting the Russians meddled in our election.

Wow!!! Your piss outlets must count on you being thoroughly stupid.

I'm sure you have some links.

Tragically for you, I do!

When I get to a computer, I will post them. Im posting on a phone right now.

And do you really need a link to C-Span so you can watch Congressional testimony for yourself? If you are able to spens timebon this forum and reading manufactured bullshit from partisan hacks at all your faborite propaganda outleys, then you have time to watch C-Span.

I'll wait.
No reason for me to dig through the shit when you have it on hand.
One would think you liberals would have posted it up so many times that I couldnt have missed it.
Actually, I have posted it many times. But as I have pointed out countless times, you tards have an amazing capacity for willful blindness when it comes to things which destroy your delusions.
I'm pretty sure posting something multiple times doesn't make it true. How about you post something specific? Something that actually proves your case.
DICKERSON: Vladimir Putin said that Russia did not interfere in the U.S. election. Did he lie?

HALEY: Well, I have always said we don’t trust Russia. And I think we’re all aware that Russia was involved in the elections.

Face th
DICKERSON: Vladimir Putin said that Russia did not interfere in the U.S. election. Did he lie?

HALEY: Well, I have always said we don’t trust Russia. And I think we’re all aware that Russia was involved in the elections.

Face the Nation transcript April 2, 2017: Haley, Cornyn, King

e Nation transcript April 2, 2017: Haley, Cornyn, King

He failed to mention in what way they meddled in the election.
You can't be this in the dark. You just can't.

I can't believe whatever hack bullshit you read every day on whatever propaganda site you favor, that they would have you tards this deep in the dark.

But then again...

I just provided you a link to some testimony. Read it, retard. Then don't EVER pretend you don't know what kind of meddling we are talking about again.
you 'fat fingered' it.
Im typing this url on a phone keyboard. Hopefully, i wont fat finger it.

I apologize ahead of time that the testimony is longer than a tweet.

I also find it hilarious that the same tards who bleeved every bullshit lie put out by their propaganda outlets (some of which I documented in my Fool Me A Thousand Times topic) are the same tards who are born again Doubting Thomases when it comes to Russian meddling.

At the same time, these tards swallow every lie Trump utters on a daily basis.

Oh! The Washington Post! Well, that settles it!
I would wager one hundred dollars the delusional tards won't read the testimony.
DICKERSON: Vladimir Putin said that Russia did not interfere in the U.S. election. Did he lie?

HALEY: Well, I have always said we don’t trust Russia. And I think we’re all aware that Russia was involved in the elections.

Face th
DICKERSON: Vladimir Putin said that Russia did not interfere in the U.S. election. Did he lie?

HALEY: Well, I have always said we don’t trust Russia. And I think we’re all aware that Russia was involved in the elections.

Face the Nation transcript April 2, 2017: Haley, Cornyn, King

e Nation transcript April 2, 2017: Haley, Cornyn, King

He failed to mention in what way they meddled in the election.
You can't be this in the dark. You just can't.

I can't believe whatever hack bullshit you read every day on whatever propaganda site you favor, that they would have you tards this deep in the dark.

But then again...

I just provided you a link to some testimony. Read it, retard. Then don't EVER pretend you don't know what kind of meddling we are talking about again.

It appears she was wrong or it would have been leaked long ago.
oh come on guys......everyone knows Russia paid WikiLeaks to drop all that 'FAKE NEWS' about Clinton just before the election and that gave her the pity vote over Trumps electoral win...:2up:

Well that's a demented irrational baseless and fact-free statement.

Typical uneducated trump freak.

Whassa matta Cheeka, don't like my calling it a pity vote for your bitch? My comment was an obvious joke and most here would know that.......and it's still better than any comment you've made
Im typing this url on a phone keyboard. Hopefully, i wont fat finger it.

I apologize ahead of time that the testimony is longer than a tweet.

I also find it hilarious that the same tards who bleeved every bullshit lie put out by their propaganda outlets (some of which I documented in my Fool Me A Thousand Times topic) are the same tards who are born again Doubting Thomases when it comes to Russian meddling.

At the same time, these tards swallow every lie Trump utters on a daily basis.

Oh! The Washington Post! Well, that settles it!
It's a transcript, you fucking, fucking, fucking idiot.

Jesus, why do you tards come out in public and advertise your stupidity?

You just proved your hack puppeteers have you so thoroughly controlled, you see a link to WaPo the way a vampire views holy water. You have been trained like a dog to recoil at the mere site of anything that isn't from your master.

It's positively amazing and entertaining to see you pavlovian tards in action.

This is how the hacks have kept reality from destroying your delusions.
Im typing this url on a phone keyboard. Hopefully, i wont fat finger it.

I apologize ahead of time that the testimony is longer than a tweet.

I also find it hilarious that the same tards who bleeved every bullshit lie put out by their propaganda outlets (some of which I documented in my Fool Me A Thousand Times topic) are the same tards who are born again Doubting Thomases when it comes to Russian meddling.

At the same time, these tards swallow every lie Trump utters on a daily basis.

Oh! The Washington Post! Well, that settles it!
It's a transcript, you fucking, fucking, fucking idiot.

Jesus, why do you tards come out in public and advertise your stupidity?

You just proved your hack puppeteers have you so thoroughly controlled, you see a link to WaPo the way a vampire views holy water. You have been trained like a dog to recoil at the mere site of anything that isn't from your master.

This is how the hacks have kept reality from destroying your delusions.

Meddled in what way?
Things have been pretty interesting for a while. Most of those subpoenas are against Comrade Trump. But I'm more interested in the FBI investigation than the GOP led damage control exercise in the House.

Considering they've found butkus so far on the Russian front I'm pretty certain that'll continue.
The unmasking on the other hand hasn't received the attention it deserves by the press or anyone else for that matter.

If the unmasking turns out to be true,which we all know it is,the dems are screwed.

Dick Butkus? I didn't know he was lost!

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