Things Many White People Seem To Not Understand

I can never truly understand what it is like growing up black in America. I only know how my black friends have described it over the years. One of them did take me to an old bar on the other side of the tracks one night. Long time ago. Nary a white soul in sight. All eye turned as we walked in and it got strangely quite for a second. I turned to my friend and said, "That's what you mean huh" as he grinned. Me being a long hair type, there were some laughs and most went about their night. A few were ass-holes but most were just there to have a good time like any bar, and we did.

You should cry, then beg forgiveness. Then give 90% of what you own to the NAACP.

White jes ain't right..

I do notice that the anti-white hatred of your leftist scum is off the scale today. Did the Soros hate sites declare this "hate whitey day?"

Nah, turns out, for the most part, we're all the same.
I can never truly understand what it is like growing up black in America. I only know how my black friends have described it over the years. One of them did take me to an old bar on the other side of the tracks one night. Long time ago. Nary a white soul in sight. All eye turned as we walked in and it got strangely quite for a second. I turned to my friend and said, "That's what you mean huh" as he grinned. Me being a long hair type, there were some laughs and most went about their night. A few were ass-holes but most were just there to have a good time like any bar, and we did.
Did you expect to be gangbanged or something?

No you sick fuck, he wanted to show me how it felt when he walked into an all white bar with me.
I can never truly understand what it is like growing up black in America. I only know how my black friends have described it over the years. One of them did take me to an old bar on the other side of the tracks one night. Long time ago. Nary a white soul in sight. All eye turned as we walked in and it got strangely quite for a second. I turned to my friend and said, "That's what you mean huh" as he grinned. Me being a long hair type, there were some laughs and most went about their night. A few were ass-holes but most were just there to have a good time like any bar, and we did.
Did you expect to be gangbanged or something?

No you sick fuck, he wanted to show me how it felt when he walked into an all white bar with me.
So you felt privileged you weren't gang banged or disappointed?

We had a good time drinking and listening to some live blues that night.
Nothing pisses me off more than hearing the BS called White Privilege. ...... :mad-61:

I'm white male who grew up in an average lower middle class neighborhood. We weren't rich, only owned one car; but always had food on the table and clothes on our backs. Attended public school that had american Indians, blacks, mexicans.

Drafted for Vietnam; the same day as another kid who was a native american from my high school. He didn't come back and his name is on the "Wall". (maybe it was because of white privilege that I survived?) .... :dunno:

Long story short.......used the G.I any vet could; black, white, brown. Earned a degree, landed a job, married, bought a house, and raised a family, had a long productive career.

But now I am informed that it was all because of "white privilege".

That I had two side jobs while attending college had zero to do with my success. Because everything was handed to me due to my white skin. ........ :cool:

[]right on schedule unhinged pulls the unnecessary and racist children of the holocaust pic right out of his ass.

Come on duhs, you racist fucks have a plan for the "white problem."

half white (Irish) half cheetwood Cherokee.
racist? nope. you on the other hand...

I am an American. Nothing else matters.

Cmon people, wake up! The reason you are seeing threads like this on here and other political sites, is the same reason you just heard about the Hillary commercial trying to connect Trump with the KKK. Polls show in Florida he is ahead by 4 points, with slightly over 20% African American vote for him.

They can't have their indentured servants escaping the liberal plantation, and if those numbers spread, Hillary will be DOA on election day, sooooooooo, here, there, and everywhere, you are going to see threads like this, to get "the hired help" thinking the correct way again! Right astro-turfers-)
320's a Democratic shill? Don't think so, dude.

Well OL, why don't you ask him/her why on this particular day he/she decided to start a thread like this! I know, I know, coincidence; just like Bill Clinton meeting Lynch on one day at an airport, then the next day, Obama FINALLY goes and campaigns for Hillary.

You may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean you can't think, does it!
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
Boy, you sure told me! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Look, racism is the heart of your filthy party. Hating people for the color of their skin is just what you do. No doubt you used to hate people for having black skin, now you hate people for having white skin.

The party tells you to hate, and hate you do....
It's not my party! I have objected to bigotry since the first time I grabbed the bully on the bus by the hair of the head, slammed him against a wall and screamed him a piece of my mind. I've never hated anyone for their skin color. I do hate stupid bigots, though, who presume to know everything about someone else based on the fact that they would like to live in a more fair world.
It's not my party! I have objected to bigotry since the first time I grabbed the bully on the bus by the hair of the head, slammed him against a wall and screamed him a piece of my mind. I've never hated anyone for their skin color. I do hate stupid bigots, though, who presume to know everything about someone else based on the fact that they would like to live in a more fair world.

This is a typical democrat hate whitey thread, and you jumped in head first.
Nothing pisses me off more than hearing the BS called White Privilege. ...... :mad-61:

I'm white male who grew up in an average lower middle class neighborhood. We weren't rich, only owned one car; but always had food on the table and clothes on our backs. Attended public school that had american Indians, blacks, mexicans.

Drafted for Vietnam; the same day as another kid who was a native american from my high school. He didn't come back and his name is on the "Wall". (maybe it was because of white privilege that I survived?) .... :dunno:

Long story short.......used the G.I any vet could; black, white, brown. Earned a degree, landed a job, married, bought a house, and raised a family, had a long productive career.

But now I am informed that it was all because of "white privilege".

That I had two side jobs while attending college had zero to do with my success. Because everything was handed to me due to my white skin. ........ :cool:

[]right on schedule unhinged pulls the unnecessary and racist children of the holocaust pic right out of his ass.

Come on duhs, you racist fucks have a plan for the "white problem."

half white (Irish) half cheetwood Cherokee.
racist? nope. you on the other hand...

I am an American. Nothing else matters.

Cmon people, wake up! The reason you are seeing threads like this on here and other political sites, is the same reason you just heard about the Hillary commercial trying to connect Trump with the KKK. Polls show in Florida he is ahead by 4 points, with slightly over 20% African American vote for him.

They can't have their indentured servants escaping the liberal plantation, and if those numbers spread, Hillary will be DOA on election day, sooooooooo, here, there, and everywhere, you are going to see threads like this, to get "the hired help" thinking the correct way again! Right astro-turfers-)
320's a Democratic shill? Don't think so, dude.

Well OL, why don't you ask him/her why on this particular day he/she decided to start a thread like this! I know, I know, coincidence; just like Bill Clinton meeting Lynch on one day at an airport, then the next day, Obama FINALLY goes and campaigns for Hillary.

You may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean you can't think, does it!
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
I can never truly understand what it is like growing up black in America. I only know how my black friends have described it over the years. One of them did take me to an old bar on the other side of the tracks one night. Long time ago. Nary a white soul in sight. All eye turned as we walked in and it got strangely quite for a second. I turned to my friend and said, "That's what you mean huh" as he grinned. Me being a long hair type, there were some laughs and most went about their night. A few were ass-holes but most were just there to have a good time like any bar, and we did.
Did you expect to be gangbanged or something?

No you sick fuck, he wanted to show me how it felt when he walked into an all white bar with me.
I can never truly understand what it is like growing up black in America. I only know how my black friends have described it over the years. One of them did take me to an old bar on the other side of the tracks one night. Long time ago. Nary a white soul in sight. All eye turned as we walked in and it got strangely quite for a second. I turned to my friend and said, "That's what you mean huh" as he grinned. Me being a long hair type, there were some laughs and most went about their night. A few were ass-holes but most were just there to have a good time like any bar, and we did.
Did you expect to be gangbanged or something?

No you sick fuck, he wanted to show me how it felt when he walked into an all white bar with me.
So you felt privileged you weren't gang banged or disappointed?

We had a good time drinking and listening to some live blues that night.
I love when Democrats pretend to be cultured.
I can never truly understand what it is like growing up black in America. I only know how my black friends have described it over the years. One of them did take me to an old bar on the other side of the tracks one night. Long time ago. Nary a white soul in sight. All eye turned as we walked in and it got strangely quite for a second. I turned to my friend and said, "That's what you mean huh" as he grinned. Me being a long hair type, there were some laughs and most went about their night. A few were ass-holes but most were just there to have a good time like any bar, and we did.
Did you expect to be gangbanged or something?

No you sick fuck, he wanted to show me how it felt when he walked into an all white bar with me.
I can never truly understand what it is like growing up black in America. I only know how my black friends have described it over the years. One of them did take me to an old bar on the other side of the tracks one night. Long time ago. Nary a white soul in sight. All eye turned as we walked in and it got strangely quite for a second. I turned to my friend and said, "That's what you mean huh" as he grinned. Me being a long hair type, there were some laughs and most went about their night. A few were ass-holes but most were just there to have a good time like any bar, and we did.
Did you expect to be gangbanged or something?

No you sick fuck, he wanted to show me how it felt when he walked into an all white bar with me.
So you felt privileged you weren't gang banged or disappointed?

We had a good time drinking and listening to some live blues that night.
I love when Democrats pretend to be cultured.

That bar was just a few blocks from an old Negro League baseball field where Satchel Paige pitched a few games.
It's not my party! I have objected to bigotry since the first time I grabbed the bully on the bus by the hair of the head, slammed him against a wall and screamed him a piece of my mind. I've never hated anyone for their skin color. I do hate stupid bigots, though, who presume to know everything about someone else based on the fact that they would like to live in a more fair world.

This is a typical democrat hate whitey thread, and you jumped in head first.
So did you!!!!!
You can literally create a cartoon to illustrate any bullshit belief you want.
Went right over your head didn't it?
My post definitely went over your head.

I could easily make a devastatingly accurate cartoon about the "prejudice + power" fallacy depicting a black person or a Muslim Arab gunning down white pedestrians while they are proclaiming they can't be racist because they "don't have power", but that too would be little more than the propaganda you buy in to.

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