Things Many White People Seem To Not Understand

Nothing pisses me off more than hearing the BS called White Privilege. ...... :mad-61:

I'm white male who grew up in an average lower middle class neighborhood. We weren't rich, only owned one car; but always had food on the table and clothes on our backs. Attended public school that had american Indians, blacks, mexicans.

Drafted for Vietnam; the same day as another kid who was a native american from my high school. He didn't come back and his name is on the "Wall". (maybe it was because of white privilege that I survived?) .... :dunno:

Long story short.......used the G.I any vet could; black, white, brown. Earned a degree, landed a job, married, bought a house, and raised a family, had a long productive career.

But now I am informed that it was all because of "white privilege".

That I had two side jobs while attending college had zero to do with my success. Because everything was handed to me due to my white skin. ........ :cool:

Come on duhs, you racist fucks have a plan for the "white problem."

I am an American. Nothing else matters.

Cmon people, wake up! The reason you are seeing threads like this on here and other political sites, is the same reason you just heard about the Hillary commercial trying to connect Trump with the KKK. Polls show in Florida he is ahead by 4 points, with slightly over 20% African American vote for him.

They can't have their indentured servants escaping the liberal plantation, and if those numbers spread, Hillary will be DOA on election day, sooooooooo, here, there, and everywhere, you are going to see threads like this, to get "the hired help" thinking the correct way again! Right astro-turfers-)
320's a Democratic shill? Don't think so, dude.

Well OL, why don't you ask him/her why on this particular day he/she decided to start a thread like this! I know, I know, coincidence; just like Bill Clinton meeting Lynch on one day at an airport, then the next day, Obama FINALLY goes and campaigns for Hillary.

You may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean you can't think, does it!
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.
Cmon people, wake up! The reason you are seeing threads like this on here and other political sites, is the same reason you just heard about the Hillary commercial trying to connect Trump with the KKK. Polls show in Florida he is ahead by 4 points, with slightly over 20% African American vote for him.

They can't have their indentured servants escaping the liberal plantation, and if those numbers spread, Hillary will be DOA on election day, sooooooooo, here, there, and everywhere, you are going to see threads like this, to get "the hired help" thinking the correct way again! Right astro-turfers-)
320's a Democratic shill? Don't think so, dude.

Well OL, why don't you ask him/her why on this particular day he/she decided to start a thread like this! I know, I know, coincidence; just like Bill Clinton meeting Lynch on one day at an airport, then the next day, Obama FINALLY goes and campaigns for Hillary.

You may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean you can't think, does it!
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.
There is nothing to see that actually backs up McIntosh's claims. America today is closer to black supremacist South Africa than it is to the Jim Crow south.

For every tiny, insignificant little backwater that still clings to the "good ole days" there are huge cities that are openly hostile to white people, and nobody gives a shit about the latter.
Cmon people, wake up! The reason you are seeing threads like this on here and other political sites, is the same reason you just heard about the Hillary commercial trying to connect Trump with the KKK. Polls show in Florida he is ahead by 4 points, with slightly over 20% African American vote for him.

They can't have their indentured servants escaping the liberal plantation, and if those numbers spread, Hillary will be DOA on election day, sooooooooo, here, there, and everywhere, you are going to see threads like this, to get "the hired help" thinking the correct way again! Right astro-turfers-)
320's a Democratic shill? Don't think so, dude.

Well OL, why don't you ask him/her why on this particular day he/she decided to start a thread like this! I know, I know, coincidence; just like Bill Clinton meeting Lynch on one day at an airport, then the next day, Obama FINALLY goes and campaigns for Hillary.

You may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean you can't think, does it!
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.

Thought you were leaving this thread OL!

Lets get down to it then---------------> the only reason WP (white Priv) is a factor, is because while it is inclusive to everyone, others want it to be different. It is NOT WP, it is called capitalism.

EXAMPLE----------> YOU, yes I mean YOU, everyday and get sick. What is it you eat? Pork, but you never cook it. I come along and tell you the reason you are getting sick is because you have to cook it. So I cook you up a nice pork dinner, you eat it, and you don't get sick.

Now the logical person would start cooking their pork, but you claim that the only reason I am not getting sick is because I am white. Whitey sucks, so you continue to eat your pork raw and get sick. Why? Because your liberal friends tell you I am trying to screw you over, and give you one lousy pork chop a month as long as you vote for NON COOKED PORK!

So while you are puking your guts out everyday, somehow I get the blame for suggesting you cook your pork. Your benefactors? Why they are great people, because they give you one lousy pork chop a month, and if they want you to eat it uncooked, why they helped you............NOW DIDN'T THEY!!!!!!!
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.

Yep, you're full of shit.

And a racist.
320's a Democratic shill? Don't think so, dude.

Well OL, why don't you ask him/her why on this particular day he/she decided to start a thread like this! I know, I know, coincidence; just like Bill Clinton meeting Lynch on one day at an airport, then the next day, Obama FINALLY goes and campaigns for Hillary.

You may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean you can't think, does it!
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.

Thought you were leaving this thread OL!

Lets get down to it then---------------> the only reason WP (white Priv) is a factor, is because while it is inclusive to everyone, others want it to be different. It is NOT WP, it is called capitalism.

EXAMPLE----------> YOU, yes I mean YOU, everyday and get sick. What is it you eat? Pork, but you never cook it. I come along and tell you the reason you are getting sick is because you have to cook it. So I cook you up a nice pork dinner, you eat it, and you don't get sick.

Now the logical person would start cooking their pork, but you claim that the only reason I am not getting sick is because I am white. Whitey sucks, so you continue to eat your pork raw and get sick. Why? Because your liberal friends tell you I am trying to screw you over, and give you one lousy pork chop a month as long as you vote for NON COOKED PORK!

So while you are puking your guts out everyday, somehow I get the blame for suggesting you cook your pork. Your benefactors? Why they are great people, because they give you one lousy pork chop a month, and if they want you to eat it uncooked, why they helped you............NOW DIDN'T THEY!!!!!!!
You've totally lost me. And I am leaving. It's just so hard for me to let some gorilla have the last word. Gotta go. Use plain English next time you want to make a point with me, okay?
you can always tell when a thread is spot on, the usual I'm not a racist racists are attracted to it like flies to shit.

half white (Irish) half cheetwood Cherokee.
racist? nope. you on the other hand...

I am an American. Nothing else matters.
Bullshit. I'd love to be there when a family member of yours starts dating someone of a different race or someone of the same gender.
I can never truly understand what it is like growing up black in America. I only know how my black friends have described it over the years. One of them did take me to an old bar on the other side of the tracks one night. Long time ago. Nary a white soul in sight. All eye turned as we walked in and it got strangely quite for a second. I turned to my friend and said, "That's what you mean huh" as he grinned. Me being a long hair type, there were some laughs and most went about their night. A few were ass-holes but most were just there to have a good time like any bar, and we did.
Did you expect to be gangbanged or something?

No you sick fuck, he wanted to show me how it felt when he walked into an all white bar with me.
I can never truly understand what it is like growing up black in America. I only know how my black friends have described it over the years. One of them did take me to an old bar on the other side of the tracks one night. Long time ago. Nary a white soul in sight. All eye turned as we walked in and it got strangely quite for a second. I turned to my friend and said, "That's what you mean huh" as he grinned. Me being a long hair type, there were some laughs and most went about their night. A few were ass-holes but most were just there to have a good time like any bar, and we did.
Did you expect to be gangbanged or something?

No you sick fuck, he wanted to show me how it felt when he walked into an all white bar with me.
So you felt privileged you weren't gang banged or disappointed?

We had a good time drinking and listening to some live blues that night.
I love when Democrats pretend to be cultured.
bitch please the only culture you know is yogurt .
Don't know where you got the idea that being delusional is anything close to sobriety, must have been the same mental illness that compels you to falsely proclaim I'm a drunk.
You couldn't be more wrong.

Well duhs, anyone who posts the idiocy you do and is not falling down drunk, is royally fucked....

You honestly don't appear to have more than 2 or 3 functioning brain cells.
Don't know where you got the idea that being delusional is anything close to sobriety, must have been the same mental illness that compels you to falsely proclaim I'm a drunk.
You couldn't be more wrong.

Well duhs, anyone who posts the idiocy you do and is not falling down drunk, is royally fucked....

You honestly don't appear to have more than 2 or 3 functioning brain cells.
Jealous rears it's mishapen head!
I am informed that it was all because of "white privilege".

If that's what you think my OP said, you too didn't understand it.
You don't understand it.

Peggy McIntosh is just as batshit crazy as Jane Elliot or Robert Jensen, and both of them very much do say that(and more).

No one ever has the guts to debate anyone on the actual validity of "white privilege".

You have the audacity to say that nobody "has the guts to debate anyone on the actual validity of "white privilege," yet look at the unsubstantiated claims you've up to this point in the thread. This is your fourth post and neither in it nor in the preceding three have you presented anything resembling content worthy of calling it a a debate.
  • Where's your opening assertion that's stated in positive form and completely neutral terms?
  • Where are your arguments that are not only devoid of informal and formal fallacies and that are supported by credible data and research findings that in addition to having fully disclosed methodologies, are also referenced for all to review?
  • Where is is your equally well developed counter-argument?
  • Where is your cogent rebuttal to the counter-argument?
  • Where is your conclusion that "brings it all home" by synthesizing the argument, counter-argument and rebuttal?
The answer to every one of those questions is the same: nowhere!

So if you want to debate, post your dialectic argument. Provided you actually produce a dialectic argument, I'll respond in kind why my own dialectic argument that refutes yours. You and I each have three days to compose our argument. You and I each get one post to present our argument; neither of us sees the other's argument in advance. Deadline for posting is 8:30 pm on 28-August-2016.

Choose one of the assertions below; the one you choose will be the one we debate.:
  • White Privilege exists.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
  • White people vote for anyone but Democrats because the concept of White Privilege prevents them from voting for Democrats.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
  • In the U.S., structural privileges exist that allow whites to legally maintain an edge over minorities.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
Just so you know that I am quite willing to engage in a dialectic argument, I have already posted one on USMB, although the topic was not this one.
Last edited:
I am informed that it was all because of "white privilege".

If that's what you think my OP said, you too didn't understand it.
You don't understand it.

Peggy McIntosh is just as batshit crazy as Jane Elliot or Robert Jensen, and both of them very much do say that(and more).

No one ever has the guts to debate anyone on the actual validity of "white privilege".

You have the audacity to say that nobody "has the guts to debate anyone on the actual validity of "white privilege," yet look at the unsubstantiated claims you've up to this point in the thread. This is your fourth post and neither in it nor in the preceding three have you presented anything resembling content worthy of calling it a a debate.
  • Where's your opening assertion that's stated in positive form and completely neutral terms?
  • Where are your arguments that are not only devoid of informal and formal fallacies and that are supported by credible data and research findings that in addition to having fully disclosed methodologies, are also referenced for all to review?
  • Where is is your equally well developed counter-argument?
  • Where is your cogent rebuttal to the counter-argument?
  • Where is your conclusion that "brings it all home" by synthesizing the argument, counter-argument and rebuttal?
The answer to every one of those questions is the same: nowhere!

So if you want to debate, post your dialectic argument. Provided you actually produce a dialectic argument, I'll respond in kind why my own dialectic argument that refutes yours. You and I each have three days to compose our argument. You and I each get one post to present our argument; neither of us sees the other's argument in advance. Deadline for posting is 8:30 pm on 28-August-2016.

Choose one of the assertions below; the one you choose will be the one we debate.:
  • White Privilege exists.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
  • White people vote for anyone but Democrats because the concept of White Privilege prevents them from voting for Democrats.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
  • In the U.S., structural privileges exist that allow whites to legally maintain edge over minorities.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
Just so you know that I am quite willing to engage in a dialectic argument, I have already posted one on USMB, although the topic was not this one.
White privilege is not just an American assertion or concept; it is, at the very least, a western encompassing one that is lodged at any white person McIntosh's fanatics think they can get away with labeling.

If I pick the 1st or 3rd choice we would have to debate the subject from a western standpoint(Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc on top of the US), not just an American one.

I am actually having a hard time choosing because I want to do all 3.
Last edited:
I am informed that it was all because of "white privilege".

If that's what you think my OP said, you too didn't understand it.
You don't understand it.

Peggy McIntosh is just as batshit crazy as Jane Elliot or Robert Jensen, and both of them very much do say that(and more).

No one ever has the guts to debate anyone on the actual validity of "white privilege".

You have the audacity to say that nobody "has the guts to debate anyone on the actual validity of "white privilege," yet look at the unsubstantiated claims you've up to this point in the thread. This is your fourth post and neither in it nor in the preceding three have you presented anything resembling content worthy of calling it a a debate.
  • Where's your opening assertion that's stated in positive form and completely neutral terms?
  • Where are your arguments that are not only devoid of informal and formal fallacies and that are supported by credible data and research findings that in addition to having fully disclosed methodologies, are also referenced for all to review?
  • Where is is your equally well developed counter-argument?
  • Where is your cogent rebuttal to the counter-argument?
  • Where is your conclusion that "brings it all home" by synthesizing the argument, counter-argument and rebuttal?
The answer to every one of those questions is the same: nowhere!

So if you want to debate, post your dialectic argument. Provided you actually produce a dialectic argument, I'll respond in kind why my own dialectic argument that refutes yours. You and I each have three days to compose our argument. You and I each get one post to present our argument; neither of us sees the other's argument in advance. Deadline for posting is 8:30 pm on 28-August-2016.

Choose one of the assertions below; the one you choose will be the one we debate.:
  • White Privilege exists.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
  • White people vote for anyone but Democrats because the concept of White Privilege prevents them from voting for Democrats.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
  • In the U.S., structural privileges exist that allow whites to legally maintain edge over minorities.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
Just so you know that I am quite willing to engage in a dialectic argument, I have already posted one on USMB, although the topic was not this one.
White privilege is not just an American assertion or concept, it is, at the very least, a western encompassing one that is lodged at any white person McIntosh's fanatics think they can get away with labeling.

If I pick the 1st or 3rd choice we would have to debate the subject from a western standpoint(Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc on top of the US), not just an American one.

I am actually having a hard time choosing because I want to do all 3.

Well, then the choice is clear: #2 it is.
I am informed that it was all because of "white privilege".

If that's what you think my OP said, you too didn't understand it.
You don't understand it.

Peggy McIntosh is just as batshit crazy as Jane Elliot or Robert Jensen, and both of them very much do say that(and more).

No one ever has the guts to debate anyone on the actual validity of "white privilege".

You have the audacity to say that nobody "has the guts to debate anyone on the actual validity of "white privilege," yet look at the unsubstantiated claims you've up to this point in the thread. This is your fourth post and neither in it nor in the preceding three have you presented anything resembling content worthy of calling it a a debate.
  • Where's your opening assertion that's stated in positive form and completely neutral terms?
  • Where are your arguments that are not only devoid of informal and formal fallacies and that are supported by credible data and research findings that in addition to having fully disclosed methodologies, are also referenced for all to review?
  • Where is is your equally well developed counter-argument?
  • Where is your cogent rebuttal to the counter-argument?
  • Where is your conclusion that "brings it all home" by synthesizing the argument, counter-argument and rebuttal?
The answer to every one of those questions is the same: nowhere!

So if you want to debate, post your dialectic argument. Provided you actually produce a dialectic argument, I'll respond in kind why my own dialectic argument that refutes yours. You and I each have three days to compose our argument. You and I each get one post to present our argument; neither of us sees the other's argument in advance. Deadline for posting is 8:30 pm on 28-August-2016.

Choose one of the assertions below; the one you choose will be the one we debate.:
  • White Privilege exists.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
  • White people vote for anyone but Democrats because the concept of White Privilege prevents them from voting for Democrats.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
  • In the U.S., structural privileges exist that allow whites to legally maintain edge over minorities.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
Just so you know that I am quite willing to engage in a dialectic argument, I have already posted one on USMB, although the topic was not this one.
White privilege is not just an American assertion or concept, it is, at the very least, a western encompassing one that is lodged at any white person McIntosh's fanatics think they can get away with labeling.

If I pick the 1st or 3rd choice we would have to debate the subject from a western standpoint(Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc on top of the US), not just an American one.

I am actually having a hard time choosing because I want to do all 3.

Well, then the choice is clear: #2 it is.
if it's a "western "concept no choice is necessary as it functions the same way any where their is a white majority.
is there a major difference in countries that are more homogenous like china ?
the disparity there is just as obvious as here.
I am informed that it was all because of "white privilege".

If that's what you think my OP said, you too didn't understand it.
You don't understand it.

Peggy McIntosh is just as batshit crazy as Jane Elliot or Robert Jensen, and both of them very much do say that(and more).

No one ever has the guts to debate anyone on the actual validity of "white privilege".

You have the audacity to say that nobody "has the guts to debate anyone on the actual validity of "white privilege," yet look at the unsubstantiated claims you've up to this point in the thread. This is your fourth post and neither in it nor in the preceding three have you presented anything resembling content worthy of calling it a a debate.
  • Where's your opening assertion that's stated in positive form and completely neutral terms?
  • Where are your arguments that are not only devoid of informal and formal fallacies and that are supported by credible data and research findings that in addition to having fully disclosed methodologies, are also referenced for all to review?
  • Where is is your equally well developed counter-argument?
  • Where is your cogent rebuttal to the counter-argument?
  • Where is your conclusion that "brings it all home" by synthesizing the argument, counter-argument and rebuttal?
The answer to every one of those questions is the same: nowhere!

So if you want to debate, post your dialectic argument. Provided you actually produce a dialectic argument, I'll respond in kind why my own dialectic argument that refutes yours. You and I each have three days to compose our argument. You and I each get one post to present our argument; neither of us sees the other's argument in advance. Deadline for posting is 8:30 pm on 28-August-2016.

Choose one of the assertions below; the one you choose will be the one we debate.:
  • White Privilege exists.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
  • White people vote for anyone but Democrats because the concept of White Privilege prevents them from voting for Democrats.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
  • In the U.S., structural privileges exist that allow whites to legally maintain edge over minorities.
    • Negative: You
    • Affirmative: I
Just so you know that I am quite willing to engage in a dialectic argument, I have already posted one on USMB, although the topic was not this one.
White privilege is not just an American assertion or concept, it is, at the very least, a western encompassing one that is lodged at any white person McIntosh's fanatics think they can get away with labeling.

If I pick the 1st or 3rd choice we would have to debate the subject from a western standpoint(Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc on top of the US), not just an American one.

I am actually having a hard time choosing because I want to do all 3.

Well, then the choice is clear: #2 it is.
You are already failing to properly debate because:
1. your 1st choice can easily fit my criteria.

2. Your 3rd choice is redundant when accounting for the 1st choice and merely exists as a way to pigeonhole me into a debate on white privilege in the US without proper global context, which white privilege is actually based upon.

I have chosen #1 btw.

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