Things Republicans Are Going to Pretend to Care About Again

Two of the top things Democrats are going to pretend to care about again.



Personally I dont think so.
I think that the mask is off.
I think that they won't even pretend that anymore.
When Biden started the unity talk, you can not think that Progs can slink any lower. Whether we like it or not they control the direction of the nation. It is only the speed that needs to be determined.
trump has sold out to Putin and Russia, thus revealing he doesn't care about America.

trump's fat ass has done nothing but chastise and fire anyone who disagrees with him.

Your dumb ass is so brain dead that you are unable to see how hypocritical you are. In your effort to talk bad about the President-Elect, you fail to understand how big of a shithead it makes you look. You ARE stupid.

So, were you born severely retarded or did you suffer extreme head trauma?
Odd how you didn't dispute anything stated in my post. You offer no intelligence which is typical for a trump cultist. Congratulations - you are a model of the brainwashed and CONned.
Two of the top things Democrats are going to pretend to care about again.


trump has sold out to Putin and Russia, thus revealing he doesn't care about America.

trump's fat ass has done nothing but chastise and fire anyone who disagrees with him.

Your dumb ass is so brain dead that you are unable to see how hypocritical you are. In your effort to talk bad about the President-Elect, you fail to understand how big of a shithead it makes you look. You ARE stupid.

No, the person you voted for, biden, is a pedophile owned by the ccp. Talk about stupid.
That whole Russian thingy was proven to be a hoax, some time ago.
That whole Russian "hoax" was proven to be a HOAX some time ago and confirmed when Tramp pardoned the scum who lied to protect him..

Ed the liar lies again...

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.
Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.
style='font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Courier;color:#333333'>The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafott, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government or at its direction, control, or request during the relevant time period.1232

Your own witch trials.

Grand Inquisitor Robert "Where is my oatmeal" Mueller and his wicked little henchman Torquemada Weissman broke every law in the books to try and frame up the president, and failed.

Mobbed up Muelller is a pile of shit. Corrupt to the bone. Whitey Bolger's bought and paid for stooge. Even considering that, what you thugs did to him is reprehensible. A man clearly in the final stages of Alzheimer's trotted around while you conducted your Inquisition, and then subjected to humiliation in front the nation as he struggled to remember his own name.

You Communists are gutter scum.
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trump has sold out to Putin and Russia, thus revealing he doesn't care about America.

trump's fat ass has done nothing but chastise and fire anyone who disagrees with him.

Your dumb ass is so brain dead that you are unable to see how hypocritical you are. In your effort to talk bad about the President-Elect, you fail to understand how big of a shithead it makes you look. You ARE stupid.

So, were you born severely retarded or did you suffer extreme head trauma?
Odd how you didn't dispute anything stated in my post. You offer no intelligence which is typical for a trump cultist. Congratulations - you are a model of the brainwashed and CONned.

Your post which consisted of "herpaderp?"

Imagine that Comrade.

Another hate filled Commie spewing blind idiocy - yep, you're a democrat alright.
It's not about Obama and hasn't been for 4 years.
When it comes to hiding a presidents past obama will be part of the discussion for generations to come

So you can cover for the crap that Rump pulls over and over only proving that he doesn't give a damn about the Nation and only cares about looking like a winner. He's a loser and he's on the tab to really lose big time. The good news is, in about 2 years, no one is going to be even mentioning Rump. He can't even lose with dignity. A real winner would find another hill to climb. But a loser like Rump cons people like you to cover for him. You are even more a loser than Rump is.
So you can cover for the crap that Rump pulls over and over only proving that he doesn't give a damn about the Nation
If not releasing his student records proves that trump does not give a damn about the nation that applies to obama too in spades
So you can cover for the crap that Rump pulls over and over only proving that he doesn't give a damn about the Nation
If not releasing his student records proves that trump does not give a damn about the nation that applies to obama too in spades

I could care less about whether Rump or even the Tooth Fairy releases his student records. You are just trying to do another red herring. That's just another way to attempt to cover for Rump the Traitor.
I could care less about whether Rump or even the Tooth Fairy releases his student records.
The woman in the video introduced trump school records

and you dragged that stupid woman onto this forum
That whole Russian thingy was proven to be a hoax, some time ago.
That whole Russian "hoax" was proven to be a HOAX some time ago and confirmed when Tramp pardoned the scum who lied to protect him..
??? It was proven to be a hoax and Adam Schiff was proven to be a liar. ???

Trump lost. Time to find a new villain to blame for your inadequacies.
I could care less about whether Rump or even the Tooth Fairy releases his student records.
The woman in the video introduced trump school records

and you dragged that stupid woman onto this forum

I did? I did? Damn, you really need to step away from that line of funny white powder.
You are the op and you posted the link

I could care less about whether Rump or even the Tooth Fairy releases his student records.
The woman in the video introduced trump school records

and you dragged that stupid woman onto this forum

So what. Is that your only Gotcha'? It only goes to show character or the lack of in Rumps case. You opened that door up when you went after Dr. Jill Biden. You can't have it both ways when it suits you. Now, what about the rest of what she says? Care to comment on those? Or are you going to invent another Gotcha'.
Two of the top things Democrats are going to pretend to care about again.



Democrats’ current 4 year fake concern over debts and deficits is going to expire January 20.

Hey, the Dems can't do any worse without public auctioning off Rhode Island. Maybe we should consider putting Wyoming, South Dakota and Idaho on that same sale since no one really wants to live there anyway. Instead of Greenland, maybe Rump can con a bunch of hapless investors in buying one of those so he can build another Rump Disaster.
Two of the top things Democrats are going to pretend to care about again.


trump has sold out to Putin and Russia, thus revealing he doesn't care about America.

trump's fat ass has done nothing but chastise and fire anyone who disagrees with him.

Your dumb ass is so brain dead that you are unable to see how hypocritical you are. In your effort to talk bad about the President-Elect, you fail to understand how big of a shithead it makes you look. You ARE stupid.
Awwwk.....Progressive Polly parroting all the libber media talking points...awwwwk!
This fails as a red herring fallacy – the thread isn’t about Obama.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable given how dishonest most conservatives are, and how unwilling conservatives are to acknowledge facts and the truth.
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!

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