Zone1 Things that block people from God

That's a childish thing faithers tell themselves. Because you can't deal with the evidence and argument. So you invent a magical proclamation.

Not one person has argued anything to this date, or shown me evidence that disqualifies my belief, I mean you can try but it will go badly!
Not one person has argued anything to this date, or shown me evidence that disqualifies my belief, I mean you can try but it will go badly!
I won't ever try to convince you there is no God.

But if you tell me a man came back from the dead, I will laugh and show you that isn't possible.

Then you will ignore that.

Rinse, repeat.
I won't ever try to convince you there is no God.

But if you tell me a man came back from the dead, I will laugh and show you that isn't possible.

Then you will ignore that.

Rinse, repeat.
No you actually won't, we are not talking about your theories we are talking about a supernatural event, that was prophesied about and happened
  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:2, Colossians 1:21)
  2. Pride (Psalm 10:4, James 4:6)
  3. The enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  4. Preoccupation with this world (1 John 2:15, Romans 1:25)

Sometimes I hear nonbelievers say things like "I would like to believe, but I just don't." So for the sake of those who say that with sincerity, I felt it would be worthwhile to point out that certain things can block people from God. Or another way to put it is, there are certain things that are blinding.

This may not be a complete list, so if you're a believer, feel free to add to this list, in case I left anything out.
Things that block people from God

Atheism and not leading a decent life
Maybe it is. Why would I "lose"? You sound like a child.

Take your own advice. Now you don't have to embarrass yourself and claim scientific knowledge isn't true.
Your favorite magical myths don't have any place in science and are not addressed by science in any way.
You are the one who wrote this!
Your favorite magical myths don't have any place in science and are not addressed by science in any way.
That is correct. When science studies what you call God's creation, it finds facts and knowledge. If those facts don't align with the childish myths found in the Bible, then he proper thing would be for yu to admit the are myths.

Instead you invoke magic. Like a primitive human from 5000 years ago trying explain why it is raining.
Fairy Tales have messages too
Thats exactly what I said. My question to you was "what are those stories teaching"? What are the hard learned lessons of the past that the authors expected Hebrew children to understand?

Take your time.....
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But they have proven the Bible is not true
Has any scientist ever said that the story of the three pigs isn't true because its a scientific fact that pigs can't talk or build houses and big bad wolves can't huff and puff and blow them down?

It would be pretty foolish if anyone ever asserted that. Right? Just as silly as claiming its history.

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Yep. Magic. Supernatural. Just like you said.
What was once called "the magical arts" or "sorcery", is what is now known as brainwashing or mind control. Our dear friend Frankenstein seems to be under some such magical religious spell.

"God is Sovereign creator and he rose from the grave!" How do you explain that foul excretion?

It did seem like magic once, but now people know better. It isn't magic but is something, right?

Haven't you seen trump, just like the talking serpent in the garden of Eden, beguile millions of gullible fools with the addled absurdity that fascism will save democracy from communism? WTF! Did you never see a rabid TV evangelist in action, openly bullshitting believers for cash? Or am I just superstitious? And some people don't believe in sorcery, magic, or demonic possession

Imagine that!
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Has any scientist ever said that the story of the three pigs isn't true because its a scientific fact that pigs can't talk or build houses and big bad wolves can't huff and puff and blow them down?

It would be pretty foolish if anyone ever asserted that. Right? Just as silly as claiming its history.

Some Bible stories are just as ludicrous
Talking serpents
Some Bible stories are just as ludicrous
Talking serpents

You never called anyone a snake? A dog? A pig? A vulture, sheep, cattle, worm, or maggot?

Never called anyone a creep, just like "creepy things that creep" listed on the forbidden menu?

Bullshit. And you think that a talking serpent mentioned in a children's story is ludicrous? Damn..

What blindness!
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