Zone1 Things that block people from God

Says the guy who believes Iron Age mythology
That's how you have to see it to rationalize your subordination of it as good and just.

That's not how I see. I see deep questions that you don't possess the intellect to comprehend.
That's how you have to see it to rationalize your subordination of it as good and just.

That's not how I see. I see deep questions that you don't possess the intellect to comprehend.

And all you see is the god of the gaps.

Got a question you can't answer....a god did it

That's not intellect that's a cop out

And all you see is the god of the gaps.

Got a question you can't answer....a god did it

That's not intellect that's a cop out
Of course you will see it that way. You're a militant atheist.
A god? So you believe in gods without proof, but God creates the universe, there is a history of it, and you dismiss him?
Try and follow the conversation a little closer.

I was speaking of the god of the gaps fallacy you people love so much

And there is no history of any god creating the earth.

There are stories humans have made up to explain how the universe came to be
Try and follow the conversation a little closer.

I was speaking of the god of the gaps fallacy you people love so much

And there is no history of any god creating the earth.

There are stories humans have made up to explain how the universe came to be
You say that, yet you have absolutely no proof against it, nor proof of your supposed evolution, Evolution falls flat on it's face, based on the huge gaps in the fossil chain!
You say that, yet you have absolutely no proof against it, nor proof of your supposed evolution, Evolution falls flat on it's face, based on the huge gaps in the fossil chain!

You cannot prove that the god of the bible exists unless you use the bible as a source.

All you can do is give reason why you believe what you believe and that is not proof. because we can't explain with exacting detail absolutely everything that ever happened on this planet never mind the universe itself and what may be beyond our abilities to ever observe you say it must be my friend, the god who did all this for me.

I don't have to prove of disprove anything because my stance is that we do not know how the universe came to be or if there were any gods involved or not and I don't think we will ever really know because we are incapable of knowing just like my dog is incapable of understanding algebra..

Most of the history of life on this planet is entirely lost to us. We will never unearth a fossil of every plant or every animal that has lived because the earth is a dynamic system all we can do is take guesses and test those guesses against evidence we can find.
Better than nothing, bang everything!

Can you quote any post of mine where I said the big ban is definitively how the universe started?

Or any post of mine where I stated as a fact that there was nothing before the big bang?

I bet you can't.
I have heard the stories my whole life…

I just don’t believe them
Seems like a Fairy Tale
Great, you are right. But what do you think those fairy tales were meant to teach the children of Hebrew nomads just delivered, liberated, freed, from centuries of brutal slavery in Egypt?

What do the fairy tales in the gospels intended to teach people, past and present, living in a roman wilderness of pain?

All fiction alludes to fact. What could a talking serpent possibly represent in reality?

What is the subject of giving sight to the blind? Raising the dead? Curing the paralyzed?

Think man. You can do it!
Great, you are right. But what do you think those fairy tales were meant to teach the children of Hebrew nomads just delivered, liberated, freed, from centuries of brutal slavery in Egypt?

What do the fairy tales in the gospels intended to teach people, past and present, living in a roman wilderness of pain?

All fiction alludes to fact. What could a talking serpent possibly represent in reality?

What is the subject of giving sight to the blind? Raising the dead? Curing the paralyzed?

Think man. You can do it!
Fairy Tales have messages too
You cannot prove that the god of the bible exists unless you use the bible as a source.

All you can do is give reason why you believe what you believe and that is not proof. because we can't explain with exacting detail absolutely everything that ever happened on this planet never mind the universe itself and what may be beyond our abilities to ever observe you say it must be my friend, the god who did all this for me.

I don't have to prove of disprove anything because my stance is that we do not know how the universe came to be or if there were any gods involved or not and I don't think we will ever really know because we are incapable of knowing just like my dog is incapable of understanding algebra..

Most of the history of life on this planet is entirely lost to us. We will never unearth a fossil of every plant or every animal that has lived because the earth is a dynamic system all we can do is take guesses and test those guesses against evidence we can find.
You are incorrect, creation speaks of him. All you can do is study his creation, and try to disprove him, it will not go well.

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