Zone1 Things that block people from God

You never called anyone a snake? A dog? A pig? A vulture, a sheep, cattle, worm, or a maggot?

Bullshit. And you think that a talking serpent is ludicrous? Damn.....What blindness!

Well, you had Adam and you had Eve
The only two humans in the Garden of Eden

The Bible says a Serpent spoke to them
Who else was there?
You are incorrect, creation speaks of him. All you can do is study his creation, and try to disprove him, it will not go well.

No it doesn't.

And anyone can study the universe and FYI I have never tried to disprove the existence of any gods. I just don't believe that IF any gods exist that any of them are actually the god depicted by any human religion.
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Not one person has argued anything to this date, or shown me evidence that disqualifies my belief, I mean you can try but it will go badly!
Not one person has argued anything to this date , or shown me evidence that proves the god they worship actually exists as depicted in their religious texts
That is correct. When science studies what you call God's creation, it finds facts and knowledge. If those facts don't align with the childish myths found in the Bible, then he proper thing would be for yu to admit the are myths.

Instead you invoke magic. Like a primitive human from 5000 years ago trying explain why it is raining.
Such as?
There is no proof, neither is there a need for the existence of a God.
Therefore those who believe in a God - can't proof it, but obviously need one, since they can't help themselves to get on with their own life.
You say you don't believe, yet here you are discussing it, why not just get on with your life. I've covered it, but here it is again, you do believe, but you suppress it because acknowledging God, means you have to acknowledge your sin.
No it doesn't.

And anyone can study the universe and FYI I have never tried to disprove the existence of any gods. I just don't believe that IF any gods exist that any of them are actually the god depicted by any human religion.
Yes, creation absolutely speaks of him. You do what you want, but when people discussing this tell lies, I will call them on it. Separation from God comes from sin sin comes from many things mostly selfish desires, pride, anger, covetousness.
Not one person has argued anything to this date , or shown me evidence that proves the god they worship actually exists as depicted in their religious texts
The proof is all around you, you are proof, the way your body works, the way the universe works, it is not all by chance.
You say you don't believe, yet here you are discussing it, why not just get on with your life. I've covered it, but here it is again, you do believe, but you suppress it because acknowledging God, means you have to acknowledge your sin.
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Romans 1:20
Yes, creation absolutely speaks of him. You do what you want, but when people discussing this tell lies, I will call them on it. Separation from God comes from sin sin comes from many things mostly selfish desires, pride, anger, covetousness.

You mean like you coveting your salvation and your eternal reward in heaven?

Your prideful belief that you are something special and your selfish desire that you deserve to be you forever?

Your anger at people who don't follow your beliefs ?

The funny thing is I desire nothing from anyone or any gods but you certainly do.
The proof is all around you, you are proof, the way your body works, the way the universe works, it is not all by chance.
No it really isn't.

All you have is reasons why you believe what you do and those reasons do not constitute proof.
You say you don't believe, yet here you are discussing it, why not just get on with your life. I've covered it, but here it is again, you do believe, but you suppress it because acknowledging God, means you have to acknowledge your sin.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

In order to sin - one must believe in a God, and thus in the teachings of a religion.

So if I shoot of your head - I committed murder, and not a sin, and I will be punished according to a respective secular law.
You mean like you coveting your salvation and your eternal reward in heaven?

Your prideful belief that you are something special and your selfish desire that you deserve to be you forever?

Your anger at people who don't follow your beliefs ?

The funny thing is I desire nothing from anyone or any gods but you certainly do.
No need to covet, that is the free gift of God through his son Jesus Christ, for no man comes to the father but through Jesus.
I am a child of God, that is the only thing that makes me special, and then only to God.
I have no anger with you, I pity you!
I have no need to beg, as God provides!
:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

In order to sin - one must believe in a God, and thus in the teachings of a religion.

So if I shoot of your head - I committed murder, and not a sin, and I will be punished according to a respective secular law.
Not true God does not need you to believe he is real, for him to be real. True, but without repentance you will also suffer from him who can kill the body and soul. Careful what you say on here as that could be construed as a threat. Where do you suppose the law for murder came from?
Jesus is God, he was beaten crucified, and died for your sins, was dead and buried then rose on the third day, you choose what you do with that
Well I for one flat out reject that nonsense as the irrational religious flotsam of dying age..

Jesus was the awaited Messiah, a Jewish man who died trying to teach his people that the Divine commands are figurative, the subjects hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.. His command to "eat my flesh" was a direct reference to kosher law where the flesh of one creature or another is either clean or unclean. Simple. Thats it.

The "Word became flesh" was never about God becoming a man. It is just the author establishing that the existing metaphor for the Word, of God, "Bread from heaven", the food of angels, became flesh, the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for Divine instruction, the Word of God.

There is only one God. He has no visible shape or material form and there is no other God in existence either above or below him which precludes the possibility of the existence of any unequalled coequal trinity that diddled a virgin to became a human being who was reviled rejected and died for YOUR sins, an absurd claim that just reveals a cowardly and faithless person who would celebrate the reprehensible lie that an innocent man was beaten and crucified because you are an asshole, er, sinner who says and does stupid things in the name of the Lord.
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