Zone1 Things that block people from God

Not true God does not need you to believe he is real, for him to be real. True, but without repentance you will also suffer from him who can kill the body and soul. Careful what you say on here as that could be construed as a threat. Where do you suppose the law for murder came from?
When Jesus said, "satan was a murderer from the beginning" he was referring to the story of the talking serpent in the garden of Eden who literally didn't kill anyone. What he did was beguile Adam and Eve into defying the command of God with the lie that they would not die if they ate of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but will instead become like God. An intentional malicious lie which caused their immediate "death", a curse, and expulsion from Eden.

Not unlike you who is trying to manipulate and con people into defying the 1st commandment to worship a imaginary mangod. If scripture is true YOU are a murderer. If successful, a serial killer.

When Jesus said, "therefore anyone who sets aside even the least of these commands, and teaches other to do the same, will be called "least" in the kingdom of Heaven", he was also referring to that story. To understand what Jesus meant by saying "LEAST" see Genesis 3:14

If scripture is true, unless YOU repent for YOUR sorcery, YOUR fornication, (by lifting YOUR skirt for every irrational pagan religion on earth that ever winked at YOUR church), YOUR deceit and YOUR murders, YOU will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. And never is a very very long time.
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No need to covet, that is the free gift of God through his son Jesus Christ, for no man comes to the father but through Jesus.
I am a child of God, that is the only thing that makes me special, and then only to God.
I have no anger with you, I pity you!
I have no need to beg, as God provides!
But you really want to get that gift don't you?

And it's obviously not free if you are required to do what a god tells you to do in order to get it.

And you sound pretty angry to me that I won't just believe what you tell me I have to.
Well I for one flat out reject that nonsense as the irrational religious flotsam of dying age..

Jesus was the awaited Messiah, a Jewish man who died trying to teach his people that the Divine commands are figurative, the subjects hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.. His command to "eat my flesh" was a direct reference to kosher law where the flesh of one creature or another is either clean or unclean. Simple. Thats it.

The "Word became flesh" was never about God becoming a man. It is just the author establishing that the existing metaphor for the Word, of God, "Bread from heaven", the food of angels, became flesh, the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for Divine instruction, the Word of God.

There is only one God. He has no visible shape or material form and there is no other God in existence either above or below him which precludes the possibility of the existence of any unequalled coequal trinity that diddled a virgin to became a human being who was reviled rejected and died for YOUR sins, an absurd claim that just reveals a cowardly and faithless person who would celebrate the reprehensible lie that an innocent man was beaten and crucified because you are an asshole, er, sinner who says and does stupid things in the name of the Lord.
Good for you!
When Jesus said, "satan was a murderer from the beginning" he was referring to the story of the talking serpent in the garden of Eden who literally didn't kill anyone. What he did was beguile Adam and Eve into defying the command of God with the lie that they would not die if they ate of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but will instead become like God. An intentional malicious lie which caused their immediate "death", a curse, and expulsion from Eden.

Not unlike you who is trying to manipulate and con people into defying the 1st commandment to worship a imaginary mangod. If scripture is true YOU are a murderer. If successful, a serial killer.

When Jesus said, "therefore anyone who sets aside even the least of these commands, and teaches other to do the same, will be called "least" in the kingdom of Heaven", he was also referring to that story. To understand what Jesus meant by saying "LEAST" see Genesis 3:14

If scripture is true, unless YOU repent for YOUR sorcery, YOUR fornication, (by lifting YOUR skirt for every irrational pagan religion on earth that ever winked at YOUR church), YOUR deceit and YOUR murders, YOU will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. And never is a very very long time.
Wow what a bunch of Garbage, why even waste time typing those lies! You not unlike others are suppressing your innate knowledge of God in your life based on your pride and selfishness! Enjoy while you can!
But you really want to get that gift don't you?

And it's obviously not free if you are required to do what a god tells you to do in order to get it.

And you sound pretty angry to me that I won't just believe what you tell me I have to.
I have that gift!
Obedience is an act of love toward God who sent his Son to die for me, compared to Jesus crucifixion, my being obedient, is not based on God's wanting to punish me. It's based on God knowing what is best for me. Man you are just an angry little thing aren't you!
I have that gift!
Obedience is an act of love toward God who sent his Son to die for me, compared to Jesus crucifixion, my being obedient, is not based on God's wanting to punish me. It's based on God knowing what is best for me. Man you are just an angry little thing aren't you!

Wow you presume to know the mind of your god by assuming you are already in heaven huh?

And considering the way you've been whining about me disagreeing with your belief I'd say it's you who have issues.
And why is his opinion any better than yours?
This thread is about what blocks people from God, and I covered that for you. this isn't a thread for you to come to, and vent your frustration toward God or his people! or to try and belittle them that again is based on your frustration, because you can't get that feeling that God is real out of your system. Hint you will never get that out of your system whether you become a believer or not!
This thread is about what blocks people from God, and I covered that for you. this isn't a thread for you to come to, and vent your frustration toward God or his people! or to try and belittle them that again is based on your frustration, because you can't get that feeling that God is real out of your system. Hint you will never get that out of your system whether you become a believer or not!

And you're the authority on that huh?
Wow you presume to know the mind of your god by assuming you are already in heaven huh?

And considering the way you've been whining about me disagreeing with your belief I'd say it's you who have issues.
Based on what scripture says, I will be in Heaven as I have confessed my sins, repented, and asked Jesus to save me! No issue just doing what I have been commanded to do in scripture
Based on what scripture says, I will be in Heaven as I have confessed my sins, repented, and asked Jesus to save me! No issue just doing what I have been commanded to do in scripture

And only your religion is the right one ?

Maybe you're wrong as there are 2 other Abrahamic religions to pick from so by my reckoning you have a 2 in three chance of being wrong
Negative, it is the word of God, whether you believe or not, matters not!

No it's the word of people who said they were speaking for a god kind of like you say you're speaking for a god

And we all know people ain't perfect
No it's the word of people who said they were speaking for a god kind of like you say you're speaking for a god

And we all know people ain't perfect
The were inspired by God through the holy spirit to write, people ar not however God is
The were inspired by God through the holy spirit to write, people ar not however God is
Uh huh.

Then the Roman Catholic Church decided what was to be included in the bible and what wasn't then appointed themselves as the sole interpreter of that bible

For all you know they left out the most important parts

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