Zone1 Things that block people from God

  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:2, Colossians 1:21)
  2. Pride (Psalm 10:4, James 4:6)
  3. The enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  4. Preoccupation with this world (1 John 2:15, Romans 1:25)

Sometimes I hear nonbelievers say things like "I would like to believe, but I just don't." So for the sake of those who say that with sincerity, I felt it would be worthwhile to point out that certain things can block people from God. Or another way to put it is, there are certain things that are blinding.

This may not be a complete list, so if you're a believer, feel free to add to this list, in case I left anything out.
(1) I envy you, Buttercup, for your faith. It no doubt gives you a strength that I certainly do not have.

(2) But in my 86 years, I have experienced too much personal suffering and have read too much about the horrific suffering of others to believe in God (or an afterlife).

(3) I believe that some people feel that the idea of God definitely died after the Holocaust was revealed to the world.

(4) Nevertheless, I pray each morning -- just in case!

I wish you (and every member and guest) a Healthy New Year.
Wow what a bunch of Garbage, why even waste time typing those lies! You not unlike others are suppressing your innate knowledge of God in your life based on your pride and selfishness! Enjoy while you can!
Listen sparkle. If you think that a triune god diddled a virgin to become a Jewish human being only to be rejected despised tortured and crucified as a "perfect sacrifice" to himself so that dipshits, I mean "believers", who think its a religious duty to defy the Laws of God so that y'all can sin with impunity for life and not die as long as you perpetuate these abominations, throw some spare change at your preacher, and thank Jesus for dying for you on Sunday and every other high holy day, all I can say to you is that, obviously, you have your reward already! Sucker.

Thanks for helping me to reveal the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate by so generously demonstrating IRL the terrifying and deeply disturbing death, a curse, consequent to defying God's inescapable Law.
Like resurrection. Come on man, put in a little mental effort.
this idiot may take these stories literally but the simple truth is that the resurrection is just about people awakening from a delusion like anyone who ever escaped the bondage of a religious cult.

It was never about the dead coming back to life like in some "Night of The Living Dead" scenario.

The subject of the resurrection is not about the resumption of a former existence, after the death of the body, it's about entry into a new existence, a new life, before the death of the body.
this idiot may take these stories literally but the simple truth is that the resurrection is just about people awakening from a delusion like anyone who ever escaped the bondage of a religious cult.
If you say so.

I know the authors meant it as fact. As do the followers of their ancient mythologies.
Uh huh.

Then the Roman Catholic Church decided what was to be included in the bible and what wasn't then appointed themselves as the sole interpreter of that bible

For all you know they left out the most important parts
If that is what you think go with it>
Listen sparkle. If you think that a triune god diddled a virgin to become a Jewish human being only to be rejected despised tortured and crucified as a "perfect sacrifice" to himself so that dipshits, I mean "believers", who think its a religious duty to defy the Laws of God so that y'all can sin with impunity for life and not die as long as you perpetuate these abominations, throw some spare change at your preacher, and thank Jesus for dying for you on Sunday and every other high holy day, all I can say to you is that, obviously, you have your reward already! Sucker.

Thanks for helping me to reveal the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate by so generously demonstrating IRL the terrifying and deeply disturbing death, a curse, consequent to defying God's inescapable Law.
Why are you even on this thread? It is clear that you are an anti Christ. You are possessed by an unclean spirit, your sophomoric attempts to insult me are very childish!
this idiot may take these stories literally but the simple truth is that the resurrection is just about people awakening from a delusion like anyone who ever escaped the bondage of a religious cult.

It was never about the dead coming back to life like in some "Night of The Living Dead" scenario.

The subject of the resurrection is not about the resumption of a former existence, after the death of the body, it's about entry into a new existence, a new life, before the death of the body.
Rubbish, back that up!
Rubbish, back that up!
When Jesus said to the Pharisees, "tax gatherers and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of God before you" do you imagine dead people coming out of a grave and floating up into the sky?

This happened while Jesus was still alive, before his supposed atoning "sacrificial death".

What does that tell you?
When Jesus said to the Pharisees, "tax gatherers and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of God before you" do you imagine dead people coming out of a grave and floating up into the sky?

This happened while Jesus was still alive, before his supposed atoning "sacrificial death".

What does that tell you?
It tells me nothing, there are two covenants one old which required sacrifice, and when he died the new covenant in which the perfect lamb of God died for our sins thus making the requirement for sacrifice of animals necessary.
If you say so.

I know the authors meant it as fact.
So you know that the authors believed in talking serpents literally? :auiqs.jpg:Wow. Do you also know that Carlo Collodi believed that puppets can become real boys? Check your ears man....

As do the followers of their ancient mythologies.

That may be true for many here. They demonstrate that ignorance daily but still, wow.
It tells me nothing, there are two covenants one old which required sacrifice,
Alrighty then. So you degenerated from animal sacrifice to human sacrifice? And you think you are saved? pft. I'm sure that Jesus is very impressed by your deep and abiding love for him. :hmpf:

I am.

You, a he goat "without blemish", have been carefully selected and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Not to worry! Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord. :splat:

Many will feast on the flesh stripped from your broken bones, the birds of the air will be satisfied.
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Alrighty then. So you degenerated from animal sacrifice to human sacrifice? And you think you are saved? pft. I'm sure that Jesus is very impressed by your deep and abiding love for him. :hmpf:

I am.

You, a he goat "without blemish", have been carefully selected and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Not to worry! Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord. :splat:

Many will feast on the flesh stripped from your broken bones, the birds of the air will be satisfied.
Keep yappin skippy you are amusing

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