Zone1 Things that block people from God

Because it's absurd and violates physical laws. Just as I don't think Indian shamans can actually levitate. And no, Uri Geller cannot bend spoons with his mind.

All of these goofy magical claims go on the same shelf.

Of course you are right, but you are basing that conclusion on the irrational things "believers" claim like the literal rising of the dead from graves, but thats not the subject of the resurrection.

Its like if someone was deceived by nazi propaganda thinly veiled as christian white nationalism and was awakened to the evil of those "beliefs', renouncing them as such which is exactly like the dead coming back to life or the insane being restored to a sound mind. It happens all the time.

The resurrection was never about the resumption of a former existence. It was always about entry into a new existence like a child becoming an adult, or the dead becoming a "living being".
Because it's absurd and violates physical laws. Just as I don't think Indian shamans can actually levitate. And no, Uri Geller cannot bend spoons with his mind.

All of these goofy magical claims go on the same shelf.
Except for my premise, God designed physical laws, that is where you struggle, yet you believe nothing can produce something!
Here we go again with you telling me what I have to believe.

Just because people in the Iron Age believed something is not a good enough reason to keep believing it.

And I never said JC wasn't a real person so there you go again making shit up.
You believe all eyewitness accounts, and writings of major philosophers, unless it goes against what you can't wrap your finite mind around, God is infinite
People were killed because the powers that be thought they were a threat to their power.

Then those same powers that be actually took control over the religion ands used it a a club to keep people in line
A club to keep people in line, how so?
So what?

Just because there are a lot of writings in no way means those writings are actually true.

There is no proof that the god of the New Testament exists outside of the bible itself. The bible was put together by the RCC and it was the RCC that decided what would and would not be included and then named itself as interpretive authority of all things biblical

The bible is a propaganda tool that is all it is. In fact the RCC executed the first person to ever translate the bible from Latin so that the common man could read it because the RCC wanted to maintain its power over the message
So you believe in other philosophers with no more evidence than I show, less so actually, and can't reconcile with the God who created you?
Hah? Frankenstein and his delusions are evidence that demonic possession is a fact of life.

How else do you explain the mindless droves of useful idiots who actually fell for the specious lie that trump is going to save democracy with fascism by terrifying the uneducated about losing their constitutional rights and convincing them that democrats, the free press, truth, liberty, justice, the balance of powers, and the constitution are the real enemy, and its their religious obligation and patriotic duty to support tyranny and deny others their constitutional rights? WTF

In bible speak trump is a 21st century demon, his followers are just disposable possessions that he has beguiled into advancing his megalomaniacal ambitions to become a tyrannical MADMAN.

How is it even possible that you don't believe in evil spirits and demonic possession? Hah? Don't you believe in what you have seen with your own eyes and heard with your own ears for years?

Seriously, what more evidence do you really need? Pay attention! To be aware is to be alive.
Total and precise projection is what has been used against Trump, Democrats are evil incarnate I pray you will see some day what they are actually doing including fascism is what they project onto Trump and republicans. They are really good at it with help from their accomplices in the media. Trump is certainly no Angel but is a far sight better than any Democrat. The Democrats have weaponized what is supposed to be one of the checks and balances in the Government in the DOJ
Total and precise projection is what has been used against Trump, Democrats are evil incarnate I pray you will see some day what they are actually doing including fascism is what they project onto Trump and republicans. They are really good at it with help from their accomplices in the media. Trump is certainly no Angel but is a far sight better than any Democrat. The Democrats have weaponized what is supposed to be one of the checks and balances in the Government in the DOJ

I know, I know. You drank the Kool-Aid. The truth, the very truth, is that Trump is the most deceitful, perverse, narcissistic, quisling con artist to ever desecrate the White House.

He is openly praising dictators and despots and sworn enemies of democracy. He shamelessly denigrates the military, the rule of law, the free press, and advocates violence to achieve his goal to neuter the constitution by delegating positions of authority to the assholes who stroke his ego.

The very definition of a fascist piece of shit.

Democrats are evil incarnate? But the people who surgically removed your brain with Nazi propaganda disguised as Christian nationalist patriotism aren't? WTF. Are you really that stupid?

Damn. If you weren't such a pusillanimous asshole I would feel sorry for you.
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I know, I know. You drank the Kool-Aid. The truth, the very truth, is that Trump is the most deceitful, perverse, narcissistic, quisling con artist to ever desecrate the White House.

He is openly praising dictators and despots and sworn enemies of democracy. He shamelessly denigrates the military, the rule of law, the free press, and advocates violence to achieve his goal to neuter the constitution by delegating positions of authority to the assholes who stroke his ego.

The very definition of a fascist piece of shit.

Democrats are evil incarnate? But the people who surgically removed your brain with Nazi propaganda disguised as Christian nationalist patriotism aren't? WTF. Are you really that stupid?

Damn. If you weren't such an asshole I would feel sorry for you.
That, that right there is precisely the projection i spoke of, you just pointed out everything the Democrats are doing, while pointing the finger at Trump, there is no hope for you! They weaponized the DOJ against political rivals, Democrat politicians told people to get in the face of conservative politicians, and voters, burned towns to the ground, looted, doxed Supreme court justices, suppressed 1st amendment rights by having social media withhold information and blatantly lied about the crimes of Biden and son
, there is no hope for you!

Trump is the very definition of a demon and you are his possession but there is no hope for me?

Oh No! Woe is me! What can I do? Follow your example and sell my soul to a devil for lies? :auiqs.jpg:

Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!
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They weaponized the DOJ against political rivals
No, the DOJ is doing its job because its the right thing to do. Benedict Donald is a brazen quisling criminal who is under the control of foreign oligarchs, dictators, despots, and tyrants attempting to destroy democratic values, the very foundation of this country, to enrich his minions and family, stroke his pathetic ego, and avoid the consequences of his many crimes, ripping people off, betraying his followers, and selling out this country for cash and adulation.

Now you know. What are you going to do about it you fake patriot and fake Christian. Anything?

Get out of your death bed, stand up, and walk like a man you querulous worm. I'll be watching...

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No, the DOJ is doing its job because its the right thing to do. Benedict Donald is a brazen quisling criminal who is under the control of foreign oligarchs, dictators, despots, and tyrants attempting to destroy democratic values, the very foundation of this country, to enrich his minions and family, stroke his pathetic ego, and avoid the consequences of his many crimes, ripping people off, betraying his followers, and selling out this country for cash and adulation.

Now you know. What are you going to do about it you fake patriot and fake Christian. Anything?

Get out of your death bed, stand up, and walk like a man you querulous worm. I'll be watching...

More projecting Joe Biden's traits, and those of the Demonrat party onto Trump, silly child.
You say those things, and call me those names, like a child would, tough talk on the internet
Of course you are right, but you are basing that conclusion on the irrational things "believers" claim like the literal rising of the dead from graves, but thats not the subject of the resurrection.
It is to them. They believe a man came back from the dead. Just ask them.

It's pretty crucial to their mythology.
It is to them. They believe a man came back from the dead. Just ask them.

It's pretty crucial to their mythology.

Thats why they should be banned from holding any position of authority that requires the public trust, operating heavy machinery, and working with young children, lest they fuck up their minds.

Thats why they should be banned from holding any position of authority that requires the public trust, operating heavy machinery, and working with young children, lest they fuck up their minds.
Right, let the drag queens and homos raise those kids, which are you?
Right, let the drag queens and homos raise those kids, which are you?
Hey, you are the guy who lifted his skirt for every pagan religion that has ever winked at your church worshipping a naked Jewish man on your knees as if he was a god who died for you. Ugh

If thats normal I am completely out of my tree, a flaming fag, unapologetically queer.

And I would trust a parade of happy homos with children before I trusted Trump with anything.
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I absolutely believe Jesus rose from the grave!
So do I. Jesus called pharisaic practices a whitewashed tomb. He escaped like a bat out of hell.

And every eyewitness account of Jesus after the crucifixion are eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams, the only place where such things occur and are not impossible.
Hey, you are the guy who lifted his skirt for every pagan religion that has ever winked at your church worshipping a naked Jewish man on your knees as if he was a god who died for you. Ugh

If thats normal I am completely out of my tree, a flaming fag, unapologetically queer.

And I would trust a parade of happy homos with children before I trusted Trump with anything.
Well you are a derelict so of course you would, had a feeling you were queer
Well you are a derelict so of course you would, had a feeling you were queer

You got me! Are you a prophet or something? What happened to you? 2 or 3 guys penetrated and defiled your mind with their foul emissions? Wanna meet at the next basement bible study?
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You got me! Are you a prophet or something? What happened to you? 2 or 3 guys penetrated and defiled your mind with their foul emissions? Wanna meet at the next basement bible study?
Pass I refuse to cast pearls before swine!

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