Things We Need From You, Trump

1) Your tax returns. Now.

2) Your plans. For anything. Anything at all. "It's going to be a wonderful thing" is not a plan.

We have Trump's gigantic deficit tax plan. The biggest deficit tax plan of all the GOP tax plans submitted. So there's that.

Any rubes supporting Trump are free to explain his plans for any of the other problems which he will solve, in detail. Thanks.

I think I see a dust cloud on the horizon. Could it be the Tu Quoque Brigade riding into town to cover up the inability to lay out what Trump's plans are?

If you ever have a lawyer who advises you to release your tax returns to the public during an audit? Fire him. That is the same advice you will get from attorney's across America. Trump has been audited every year and is in the middle of an audit right now. He has told us his plans all along. Start listening, G.

The release the tax returns for the years not being auditted. Problem solved. No reason to hide anything

Again I ask, why do you want to see them since you will not be voting for him and you wouldn't be able to read and understand them if you had them in your hand.

Now all the sudden the left wants to see records and such....I seem to recall with Obama they were not so demanding. These trolls are so transparent you can see right through them

Why aren't the leftists demanding to see Hillary's transcripts from the speeches she made to all of the banking firms?
they are.
Donald is doing a great job! He is the best thing the DNC has seen in years.
1) Your tax returns. Now.

2) Your plans. For anything. Anything at all. "It's going to be a wonderful thing" is not a plan.

We have Trump's gigantic deficit tax plan. The biggest deficit tax plan of all the GOP tax plans submitted. So there's that.

Any rubes supporting Trump are free to explain his plans for any of the other problems which he will solve, in detail. Thanks.

I think I see a dust cloud on the horizon. Could it be the Tu Quoque Brigade riding into town to cover up the inability to lay out what Trump's plans are?

If you ever have a lawyer who advises you to release your tax returns to the public during an audit? Fire him. That is the same advice you will get from attorney's across America. Trump has been audited every year and is in the middle of an audit right now. He has told us his plans all along. Start listening, G.

The release the tax returns for the years not being auditted. Problem solved. No reason to hide anything

Again I ask, why do you want to see them since you will not be voting for him and you wouldn't be able to read and understand them if you had them in your hand.

Now all the sudden the left wants to see records and such....I seem to recall with Obama they were not so demanding. These trolls are so transparent you can see right through them

Why aren't the leftists demanding to see Hillary's transcripts from the speeches she made to all of the banking firms?

The Leftists are desperately attempting to throw anything regardless of how juvenile against the wall in an all out last ditch effort to smear the Republican candidate. If you recall, Clinton just faced Bernie in the same primaries but there is a total lack of enthusiasm for either Hillary or Bernie from the Left. They are simply scared shitless Trump will get elected and reverse the give-away program of the ACA and appoint two or three Supreme Court Justices.
You're absolutely right 0000...Hillary has set the standard in plans with her clear cry for us to become whole. If that's not a plan...I'll be goddamned.

The Tu Quoque Brigade arrived a little late, but I knew they would get here sooner or later!

Now all the sudden the left wants to see records and such....I seem to recall with Obama they were not so demanding. These trolls are so transparent you can see right through them
And he never shows up without his trusty sidekick!
The Leftists are desperately attempting to throw anything regardless of how juvenile against the wall in an all out last ditch effort to smear the Republican candidate.

First, I'm not a Leftist. I'm a Reagan Republican. Second, are you saying it is "desperate" to ask a candidate for their plans to "Make America Great Again"?


"Trust me. It will be great and a wonderful thing."

Just how shallow an idiot are you?
You're absolutely right 0000...Hillary has set the standard in plans with her clear cry for us to become whole. If that's not a plan...I'll be goddamned.

The Tu Quoque Brigade arrived a little late, but I knew they would get here sooner or later!

Now all the sudden the left wants to see records and such....I seem to recall with Obama they were not so demanding. These trolls are so transparent you can see right through them
And he never shows up without his trusty sidekick!
Two cocks are better than none, Herman. I'll rent you the smaller one for 15 bucks per hour...minimum wage for the little guy....yo.
Here is Trump's immigration reform plan:

Immigration Reform


Triple the number of ICE officers.

Nationwide e-verify.

Mandatory return of all criminal aliens.

Detention—not catch-and-release.

Defund sanctuary cities.
Cut-off federal grants to any city which refuses to cooperate with federal law enforcement.

Enhanced penalties for overstaying a visa.

Cooperate with local gang task forces.

End birthright citizenship.
And what is wrong with that plan faggot?
Ending birthright citizenship is unconstitutional, and as Un-American as it gets.

It's also unconstitutional and un-American for The President to give legal status to illegal aliens.
The Leftists are desperately attempting to throw anything regardless of how juvenile against the wall in an all out last ditch effort to smear the Republican candidate.

First, I'm not a Leftist. I'm a Reagan Republican. Second, are you saying it is "desperate" to ask a candidate for their plans to "Make America Great Again"?


"Trust me. It will be great and a wonderful thing."

Just how shallow an idiot are you?

I'm most probably far more educated than you. I do have enough common sense to know that Trump doesn't do his own taxes and might not even know what his taxes are all about. His taxes are done by his accountants. He depends on them. If there are any problems with his taxes, that will be an argument to be settled between his accountants and the IRS. I say an individual's tax return is the business of the individual and of no one else.
You're absolutely right 0000...Hillary has set the standard in plans with her clear cry for us to become whole. If that's not a plan...I'll be goddamned.

The Tu Quoque Brigade arrived a little late, but I knew they would get here sooner or later!

Now all the sudden the left wants to see records and such....I seem to recall with Obama they were not so demanding. These trolls are so transparent you can see right through them
And he never shows up without his trusty sidekick!

Sort of like you, Guano and Snot Scum. The Three Mouses with Tears
1) Your tax returns. Now.

Staple them to Obama's college transcripts.

2) Your plans. For anything. Anything at all. "It's going to be a wonderful thing" is not a plan.

We have Trump's gigantic deficit tax plan. The biggest deficit tax plan of all the GOP tax plans submitted. So there's that.

Any rubes supporting Trump are free to explain his plans for any of the other problems which he will solve, in detail. Thanks.

I think I see a dust cloud on the horizon. Could it be the Tu Quoque Brigade riding into town to cover up the inability to lay out what Trump's plans are?

Like Obama, Trump has no real plans.

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