How We Got To This Point

China's system of 'socially' responsible capitalsim within the control of a communist government is working extremely well. It's standing as a direct challenge to US style 'greedy' capitalism that is failing to serve the American people.

Those are the facts that stir lowlife idiots like this OP to making ridiculous claims.

Doesn't the Trojan horse cartoon say it loud and clear. She's quite convinced that stripping some control away form the very wealthy is a foot in the door for communism.

And the truth is, the American people have been so thoroughly brainwashed that many of them believe it.

Biden only holds some aces with the fact that delivering his 'big money gifts' to the people, could be powerful enough to cancel out some of the redbaiting bullshit.

Americans are being asked by the Republican party to choose their faith in the American way over a reasonable degree of propserity that could bring America back into at least the top ten on quality of life.

Is that you, Donald Hitler???????????
You could at least take the time to be able to understand the labels you attach to others. Hitler's regime hated communists.
Better to call me Donald Mao.
Her handlers do not have that much IQ.
China's system of 'socially' responsible capitalsim within the control of a communist government is working extremely well. It's standing as a direct challenge to US style 'greedy' capitalism that is failing to serve the American people.

Those are the facts that stir lowlife idiots like this OP to making ridiculous claims.

Doesn't the Trojan horse cartoon say it loud and clear. She's quite convinced that stripping some control away form the very wealthy is a foot in the door for communism.

And the truth is, the American people have been so thoroughly brainwashed that many of them believe it.

Biden only holds some aces with the fact that delivering his 'big money gifts' to the people, could be powerful enough to cancel out some of the redbaiting bullshit.

Americans are being asked by the Republican party to choose their faith in the American way over a reasonable degree of propserity that could bring America back into at least the top ten on quality of life.

"Over the past 100 years the most oppressive ideology in the world has been communism [Marxism]. While the people who lived under it were starved, tortured and murdered, its leaders lived in luxury.
The suppression of ordinary people by their communist rulers far surpasses anything capitalist employers were ever accused of doing. While condemning exploitation, communist dictators turned out to be masters at it.

a. R.J. Rummel estimates that almost 170 million people were killed in the 20th century by their own governments. These are not deaths in war. They are the victims of genocide by the governments in the countries where they lived. Hate on the Left

So that IS YOU, Donald Hitler!!!!!!!
China's system of 'socially' responsible capitalsim within the control of a communist government is working extremely well. It's standing as a direct challenge to US style 'greedy' capitalism that is failing to serve the American people.

Those are the facts that stir lowlife idiots like this OP to making ridiculous claims.

Doesn't the Trojan horse cartoon say it loud and clear. She's quite convinced that stripping some control away form the very wealthy is a foot in the door for communism.

And the truth is, the American people have been so thoroughly brainwashed that many of them believe it.

Biden only holds some aces with the fact that delivering his 'big money gifts' to the people, could be powerful enough to cancel out some of the redbaiting bullshit.

Americans are being asked by the Republican party to choose their faith in the American way over a reasonable degree of propserity that could bring America back into at least the top ten on quality of life.

Is that you, Donald Hitler???????????
You could at least take the time to be able to understand the labels you attach to others. Hitler's regime hated communists.
Better to call me Donald Mao.

"Hitler's regime hated communists."

Both followed the dicta of Karl Marx, you dunce.

"Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism." George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

Here's a lesson you missed:
A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." November 27, 1925.(Article provided in the film)

"The Soviet Story," an award winning documentary clarifying the close and personal attachments of Hitler's Nazis and Stalin's Communists.

"Soviet Story" is the most powerful antidote yet to the sanitisation of the past. The film is gripping, audacious and uncompromising. [...] The main aim of the film is to show the close connections—philosophical, political and organisational—between the Nazi and Soviet systems." Telling the Soviet story
China's system of 'socially' responsible capitalsim within the control of a communist government is working extremely well. It's standing as a direct challenge to US style 'greedy' capitalism that is failing to serve the American people.

Those are the facts that stir lowlife idiots like this OP to making ridiculous claims.

Doesn't the Trojan horse cartoon say it loud and clear. She's quite convinced that stripping some control away form the very wealthy is a foot in the door for communism.

And the truth is, the American people have been so thoroughly brainwashed that many of them believe it.

Biden only holds some aces with the fact that delivering his 'big money gifts' to the people, could be powerful enough to cancel out some of the redbaiting bullshit.

Americans are being asked by the Republican party to choose their faith in the American way over a reasonable degree of propserity that could bring America back into at least the top ten on quality of life.

Is that you, Donald Hitler???????????
You could at least take the time to be able to understand the labels you attach to others. Hitler's regime hated communists.
Better to call me Donald Mao.

"Hitler's regime hated communists."

Both followed the dicta of Karl Marx, you dunce.

"Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism." George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

Here's a lesson you missed:
A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." November 27, 1925.(Article provided in the film)

"The Soviet Story," an award winning documentary clarifying the close and personal attachments of Hitler's Nazis and Stalin's Communists.

"Soviet Story" is the most powerful antidote yet to the sanitisation of the past. The film is gripping, audacious and uncompromising. [...] The main aim of the film is to show the close connections—philosophical, political and organisational—between the Nazi and Soviet systems." Telling the Soviet story

To the moron who applied the 'disagree.'

You're a moron: the fact that you disagree means the post is true.
  • Thanks
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1. As radio host Dennis Prager lies to say, courage is the least common virtue. Another way to put is is " If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything."
Of course, one can't always take statements at face value. Take Hussein Obama, for example.....he knew what he stands for, but his statements were meant to cloud the issue:
President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall event in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]

In the above we see a political machination. It is more efficacious to pretend moderation, to fool those who don't know what they stand for, or don't stand for anything.

Put together 'revolution' and 'moderate' and you get names like Obama, Biden and Kerensky.

2. "Aleksandr Kerensky, in full Aleksandr Fyodorovich Kerensky, (born April 22 [May 2, New Style], 1881, Simbirsk [now Ulyanovsk], Russia—died June 11, 1970, New York, New York, U.S.), moderate socialist revolutionary who served as head of the Russian provisional government from July to October 1917 (Old Style).
...a reputation as an eloquent, dynamic politician of the moderate left....Unlike some of the more radical socialists, .... Kerensky, who adhered to no rigid political dogma and whose dramatic oratorical style appeared to win him broad popular support,.... lost the confidence of the left wing by refusing to implement their radical social and economic programs ..."

3. For the Left, moderates are useful in gaining the support of those who don't understand the stakes, and/or don't stand for anything more than sports beer and pizza.
"Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metonymic phrase referring to superficial appeasement. It is attributed to Juvenal, a Roman poet active in the late first and early second century CE — and is used commonly in cultural, particularly political, contexts."
Bread and circuses - Wikipedia

But the moderates are to be replaced by radicals.

4. . Roosevelt's New Deal was riddled with communists....paid agents of Stalin. At a dinner party, a number administration officials spilled the beans, spoke openly about the plans to cause a revolution so they can rebuild America in the Soviet's image. "Wirt claimed he had "discovered" evidence of a plot within FDR's administration to launch a Bolshevik takeover of the United States..... garnering all kind of media attention, and even testifying before Congress about his evidence of a "concrete plan" for the overthrow of the U.S. government crafted by members of FDR's "Brain Trusters." "Roosevelt is only the Kerensky of this revolution," he quoted them. (Kerensky was the provisional leader of Russia just before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.) The hoodwinked president would be permitted to stay in office, they said, "until we are ready to supplant him with a Stalin."

5. Biden voters are those who neither understand what is and has taken place.
They stand for nothing.
Easily proven:

It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

They voted for Kerensky.

More rubber room material from the queen of Russian propaganda.
1. As radio host Dennis Prager lies to say, courage is the least common virtue. Another way to put is is " If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything."
Of course, one can't always take statements at face value. Take Hussein Obama, for example.....he knew what he stands for, but his statements were meant to cloud the issue:
President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall event in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]

In the above we see a political machination. It is more efficacious to pretend moderation, to fool those who don't know what they stand for, or don't stand for anything.

Put together 'revolution' and 'moderate' and you get names like Obama, Biden and Kerensky.

2. "Aleksandr Kerensky, in full Aleksandr Fyodorovich Kerensky, (born April 22 [May 2, New Style], 1881, Simbirsk [now Ulyanovsk], Russia—died June 11, 1970, New York, New York, U.S.), moderate socialist revolutionary who served as head of the Russian provisional government from July to October 1917 (Old Style).
...a reputation as an eloquent, dynamic politician of the moderate left....Unlike some of the more radical socialists, .... Kerensky, who adhered to no rigid political dogma and whose dramatic oratorical style appeared to win him broad popular support,.... lost the confidence of the left wing by refusing to implement their radical social and economic programs ..."

3. For the Left, moderates are useful in gaining the support of those who don't understand the stakes, and/or don't stand for anything more than sports beer and pizza.
"Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metonymic phrase referring to superficial appeasement. It is attributed to Juvenal, a Roman poet active in the late first and early second century CE — and is used commonly in cultural, particularly political, contexts."
Bread and circuses - Wikipedia

But the moderates are to be replaced by radicals.

4. . Roosevelt's New Deal was riddled with communists....paid agents of Stalin. At a dinner party, a number administration officials spilled the beans, spoke openly about the plans to cause a revolution so they can rebuild America in the Soviet's image. "Wirt claimed he had "discovered" evidence of a plot within FDR's administration to launch a Bolshevik takeover of the United States..... garnering all kind of media attention, and even testifying before Congress about his evidence of a "concrete plan" for the overthrow of the U.S. government crafted by members of FDR's "Brain Trusters." "Roosevelt is only the Kerensky of this revolution," he quoted them. (Kerensky was the provisional leader of Russia just before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.) The hoodwinked president would be permitted to stay in office, they said, "until we are ready to supplant him with a Stalin."

5. Biden voters are those who neither understand what is and has taken place.
They stand for nothing.
Easily proven:

It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

They voted for Kerensky.

More rubber room material from the queen of Russian propaganda.

"More rubber room material from the queen of Russian propaganda."

To appear as though you were an adult, first and foremost.....drop any reference to Putin and Russia.

That plot was exploded by the Mueller fiasco.

If there was any doubt who Putin favored as President….the dossier was a Russian attempt to sink the Trump campaign., being as ignorant as you are, don't realize that the Democrat Party is the one that supported, shielded, and took orders from the Soviets for 70 years, and Obama made a quid pro quo with

Third,....the Democrat Party today stands for all of the aims of the Communist Party.

Succinctly put.....rules #1 and #2

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Now….vat about moose and skwerril????

Democrat Jerry Nadler’s ties to Russia

China's system of 'socially' responsible capitalsim within the control of a communist government is working extremely well. It's standing as a direct challenge to US style 'greedy' capitalism that is failing to serve the American people.

Those are the facts that stir lowlife idiots like this OP to making ridiculous claims.

Doesn't the Trojan horse cartoon say it loud and clear. She's quite convinced that stripping some control away form the very wealthy is a foot in the door for communism.

And the truth is, the American people have been so thoroughly brainwashed that many of them believe it.

Biden only holds some aces with the fact that delivering his 'big money gifts' to the people, could be powerful enough to cancel out some of the redbaiting bullshit.

Americans are being asked by the Republican party to choose their faith in the American way over a reasonable degree of propserity that could bring America back into at least the top ten on quality of life.

Is that you, Donald Hitler???????????
You could at least take the time to be able to understand the labels you attach to others. Hitler's regime hated communists.
Better to call me Donald Mao.

"Hitler's regime hated communists."

Both followed the dicta of Karl Marx, you dunce.

"Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism." George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

Here's a lesson you missed:
A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." November 27, 1925.(Article provided in the film)

"The Soviet Story," an award winning documentary clarifying the close and personal attachments of Hitler's Nazis and Stalin's Communists.

"Soviet Story" is the most powerful antidote yet to the sanitisation of the past. The film is gripping, audacious and uncompromising. [...] The main aim of the film is to show the close connections—philosophical, political and organisational—between the Nazi and Soviet systems." Telling the Soviet story

Of course Hitler learned much from reading about Karl Marx. He learned how the Russian government was structured and built.

In order to defeat your enemy you first need to understand how they think. Just as General Milley said, “I need to understand white hate in order to deal with it”.

You seem to think that just picking up a book on the topic, or written by an author, indicates an endorsement of their belief structure. How can you defeat communism if you know nothing about it?

The problem with homeschooled right wingers is that they aren’t exposed to any ideas or literature that contradict the conservative doctrines of today’s Republican Party.

You are a fine example of this limited education. You can’t think for yourself. You don’t know how. Everything you know about liberalism is what you were told by your parents and by right wing authors who are you quote in your OP’s.

You can’t defend your OP’s because you lack critical thinking skills to apply what you’ve been allowed to learn.

We have no trouble dismantling your bullshit, because we expose ourselves to ideas on both the right and the left, and we’re not believing right wing propaganda that has no basis in history or fact.

Even your insults are cut and paste.
1. As radio host Dennis Prager lies to say, courage is the least common virtue. Another way to put is is " If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything."
Of course, one can't always take statements at face value. Take Hussein Obama, for example.....he knew what he stands for, but his statements were meant to cloud the issue:
President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall event in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]

In the above we see a political machination. It is more efficacious to pretend moderation, to fool those who don't know what they stand for, or don't stand for anything.

Put together 'revolution' and 'moderate' and you get names like Obama, Biden and Kerensky.

2. "Aleksandr Kerensky, in full Aleksandr Fyodorovich Kerensky, (born April 22 [May 2, New Style], 1881, Simbirsk [now Ulyanovsk], Russia—died June 11, 1970, New York, New York, U.S.), moderate socialist revolutionary who served as head of the Russian provisional government from July to October 1917 (Old Style).
...a reputation as an eloquent, dynamic politician of the moderate left....Unlike some of the more radical socialists, .... Kerensky, who adhered to no rigid political dogma and whose dramatic oratorical style appeared to win him broad popular support,.... lost the confidence of the left wing by refusing to implement their radical social and economic programs ..."

3. For the Left, moderates are useful in gaining the support of those who don't understand the stakes, and/or don't stand for anything more than sports beer and pizza.
"Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metonymic phrase referring to superficial appeasement. It is attributed to Juvenal, a Roman poet active in the late first and early second century CE — and is used commonly in cultural, particularly political, contexts."
Bread and circuses - Wikipedia

But the moderates are to be replaced by radicals.

4. . Roosevelt's New Deal was riddled with communists....paid agents of Stalin. At a dinner party, a number administration officials spilled the beans, spoke openly about the plans to cause a revolution so they can rebuild America in the Soviet's image. "Wirt claimed he had "discovered" evidence of a plot within FDR's administration to launch a Bolshevik takeover of the United States..... garnering all kind of media attention, and even testifying before Congress about his evidence of a "concrete plan" for the overthrow of the U.S. government crafted by members of FDR's "Brain Trusters." "Roosevelt is only the Kerensky of this revolution," he quoted them. (Kerensky was the provisional leader of Russia just before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.) The hoodwinked president would be permitted to stay in office, they said, "until we are ready to supplant him with a Stalin."

5. Biden voters are those who neither understand what is and has taken place.
They stand for nothing.
Easily proven:

It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

They voted for Kerensky.

More rubber room material from the queen of Russian propaganda.

"More rubber room material from the queen of Russian propaganda."

To appear as though you were an adult, first and foremost.....drop any reference to Putin and Russia.

That plot was exploded by the Mueller fiasco.

If there was any doubt who Putin favored as President….the dossier was a Russian attempt to sink the Trump campaign., being as ignorant as you are, don't realize that the Democrat Party is the one that supported, shielded, and took orders from the Soviets for 70 years, and Obama made a quid pro quo with

Third,....the Democrat Party today stands for all of the aims of the Communist Party.

Succinctly put.....rules #1 and #2

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Now….vat about moose and skwerril????

Democrat Jerry Nadler’s ties to Russia

If you had actually read the Mueller report, you would know that it says the Russians successfully interfered with the 2016 election, using a disinformation campaign and the hacking of the DNC by the Russian government.

You would also know that Mueller did not find sufficient evidence to obtain a conviction on conspiracy charges related to the Russians and the Trump campaign. The report is clear on that point. Evidence of a conspiracy existed, but not sufficient to convict beyond a reasonable doubt.

The Mueller report went on to say that there was sufficient evidence for at least five charges of obstruction of justice against Donald Trump for his interference in the Russia investigation, including his attempts to fire Mueller.

Your assertions about the Mueller investigation are once again Republican lies told you by Donald Trump and Bill Barr. The Mueller report confirmed both the conspiracy between Trump and the Russians, and the Russian propaganda campaign throughout the 2016 election.

You are still promoting the Russian lies about 2016. That’s because you were already homeschooled willing dupe for anything Republucans tell you.

I strongly suggest to you that you refrain from further comment on the Russia investigation, or the Mueller report, until you have actually read the Mueller report.

I would say that posting shit that is so easily debunked would keep you from looking stupid, but that ship sailed a long, long, time ago.
China's system of 'socially' responsible capitalsim within the control of a communist government is working extremely well. It's standing as a direct challenge to US style 'greedy' capitalism that is failing to serve the American people.

Those are the facts that stir lowlife idiots like this OP to making ridiculous claims.

Doesn't the Trojan horse cartoon say it loud and clear. She's quite convinced that stripping some control away form the very wealthy is a foot in the door for communism.

And the truth is, the American people have been so thoroughly brainwashed that many of them believe it.

Biden only holds some aces with the fact that delivering his 'big money gifts' to the people, could be powerful enough to cancel out some of the redbaiting bullshit.

Americans are being asked by the Republican party to choose their faith in the American way over a reasonable degree of propserity that could bring America back into at least the top ten on quality of life.

Is that you, Donald Hitler???????????
You could at least take the time to be able to understand the labels you attach to others. Hitler's regime hated communists.
Better to call me Donald Mao.

"Hitler's regime hated communists."

Both followed the dicta of Karl Marx, you dunce.

"Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism." George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

Here's a lesson you missed:
A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." November 27, 1925.(Article provided in the film)

"The Soviet Story," an award winning documentary clarifying the close and personal attachments of Hitler's Nazis and Stalin's Communists.

"Soviet Story" is the most powerful antidote yet to the sanitisation of the past. The film is gripping, audacious and uncompromising. [...] The main aim of the film is to show the close connections—philosophical, political and organisational—between the Nazi and Soviet systems." Telling the Soviet story

Of course Hitler learned much from reading about Karl Marx. He learned how the Russian government was structured and built.

In order to defeat your enemy you first need to understand how they think. Just as General Milley said, “I need to understand white hate in order to deal with it”.

You seem to think that just picking up a book on the topic, or written by an author, indicates an endorsement of their belief structure. How can you defeat communism if you know nothing about it?

The problem with homeschooled right wingers is that they aren’t exposed to any ideas or literature that contradict the conservative doctrines of today’s Republican Party.

You are a fine example of this limited education. You can’t think for yourself. You don’t know how. Everything you know about liberalism is what you were told by your parents and by right wing authors who are you quote in your OP’s.

You can’t defend your OP’s because you lack critical thinking skills to apply what you’ve been allowed to learn.

We have no trouble dismantling your bullshit, because we expose ourselves to ideas on both the right and the left, and we’re not believing right wing propaganda that has no basis in history or fact.

Even your insults are cut and paste.

Let's see if you've picked the right side.

“Karl Marx was intent on fomenting war between economic classes; Cultural Marxists have expanded the scope of his target to races, genders, and religious Christians. Identity Politics, or Cultural Marxism, has been the core curriculum of American public and private schools for several generations now…. radicals have changed the name of their utopia to “social justice.” But their political mission—civil war in pursuit of a totalitarian ambition to remake the world and dominate its inhabitants—remains the same.” Horowitz, “The Enemy Within,” ch.2

“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

Police shooting of black man near Minneapolis sparks protests and clashes with police

Not that hard to figure it out, huh?
1. As radio host Dennis Prager lies to say, courage is the least common virtue. Another way to put is is " If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything."
Of course, one can't always take statements at face value. Take Hussein Obama, for example.....he knew what he stands for, but his statements were meant to cloud the issue:
President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall event in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]

In the above we see a political machination. It is more efficacious to pretend moderation, to fool those who don't know what they stand for, or don't stand for anything.

Put together 'revolution' and 'moderate' and you get names like Obama, Biden and Kerensky.

2. "Aleksandr Kerensky, in full Aleksandr Fyodorovich Kerensky, (born April 22 [May 2, New Style], 1881, Simbirsk [now Ulyanovsk], Russia—died June 11, 1970, New York, New York, U.S.), moderate socialist revolutionary who served as head of the Russian provisional government from July to October 1917 (Old Style).
...a reputation as an eloquent, dynamic politician of the moderate left....Unlike some of the more radical socialists, .... Kerensky, who adhered to no rigid political dogma and whose dramatic oratorical style appeared to win him broad popular support,.... lost the confidence of the left wing by refusing to implement their radical social and economic programs ..."

3. For the Left, moderates are useful in gaining the support of those who don't understand the stakes, and/or don't stand for anything more than sports beer and pizza.
"Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metonymic phrase referring to superficial appeasement. It is attributed to Juvenal, a Roman poet active in the late first and early second century CE — and is used commonly in cultural, particularly political, contexts."
Bread and circuses - Wikipedia

But the moderates are to be replaced by radicals.

4. . Roosevelt's New Deal was riddled with communists....paid agents of Stalin. At a dinner party, a number administration officials spilled the beans, spoke openly about the plans to cause a revolution so they can rebuild America in the Soviet's image. "Wirt claimed he had "discovered" evidence of a plot within FDR's administration to launch a Bolshevik takeover of the United States..... garnering all kind of media attention, and even testifying before Congress about his evidence of a "concrete plan" for the overthrow of the U.S. government crafted by members of FDR's "Brain Trusters." "Roosevelt is only the Kerensky of this revolution," he quoted them. (Kerensky was the provisional leader of Russia just before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.) The hoodwinked president would be permitted to stay in office, they said, "until we are ready to supplant him with a Stalin."

5. Biden voters are those who neither understand what is and has taken place.
They stand for nothing.
Easily proven:

It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

They voted for Kerensky.

More rubber room material from the queen of Russian propaganda.

"More rubber room material from the queen of Russian propaganda."

To appear as though you were an adult, first and foremost.....drop any reference to Putin and Russia.

That plot was exploded by the Mueller fiasco.

If there was any doubt who Putin favored as President….the dossier was a Russian attempt to sink the Trump campaign., being as ignorant as you are, don't realize that the Democrat Party is the one that supported, shielded, and took orders from the Soviets for 70 years, and Obama made a quid pro quo with

Third,....the Democrat Party today stands for all of the aims of the Communist Party.

Succinctly put.....rules #1 and #2

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Now….vat about moose and skwerril????

Democrat Jerry Nadler’s ties to Russia

If you had actually read the Mueller report, you would know that it says the Russians successfully interfered with the 2016 election, using a disinformation campaign and the hacking of the DNC by the Russian government.

You would also know that Mueller did not find sufficient evidence to obtain a conviction on conspiracy charges related to the Russians and the Trump campaign. The report is clear on that point. Evidence of a conspiracy existed, but not sufficient to convict beyond a reasonable doubt.

The Mueller report went on to say that there was sufficient evidence for at least five charges of obstruction of justice against Donald Trump for his interference in the Russia investigation, including his attempts to fire Mueller.

Your assertions about the Mueller investigation are once again Republican lies told you by Donald Trump and Bill Barr. The Mueller report confirmed both the conspiracy between Trump and the Russians, and the Russian propaganda campaign throughout the 2016 election.

You are still promoting the Russian lies about 2016. That’s because you were already homeschooled willing dupe for anything Republucans tell you.

I strongly suggest to you that you refrain from further comment on the Russia investigation, or the Mueller report, until you have actually read the Mueller report.

I would say that posting shit that is so easily debunked would keep you from looking stupid, but that ship sailed a long, long, time ago.

"If you had actually read the Mueller report, you would know that it says the Russians successfully interfered with the 2016 election, using a disinformation campaign and the hacking of the DNC by the Russian government."

Watch now deftly I smash this custard pie in your lying, ugly, kisser:

Courtesy of NPR and the NYTimes...

"The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election," Barr wrote in a letter to leaders of the House and Senate judiciary committees on Sunday afternoon.That was despite "multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign," he wrote. Mueller Report Doesn't Find Russian Collusion, But Can't 'Exonerate' On Obstruction

“ The report further explains that a primary consideration for the Special Counsel's investigation was whether any Americans – including individuals associated with the Trump campaign – joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election, which would be a federal crime. The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election. As the report states: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.” Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report
1. As radio host Dennis Prager lies to say, courage is the least common virtue. Another way to put is is " If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything."
Of course, one can't always take statements at face value. Take Hussein Obama, for example.....he knew what he stands for, but his statements were meant to cloud the issue:
President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall event in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]

In the above we see a political machination. It is more efficacious to pretend moderation, to fool those who don't know what they stand for, or don't stand for anything.

Put together 'revolution' and 'moderate' and you get names like Obama, Biden and Kerensky.

2. "Aleksandr Kerensky, in full Aleksandr Fyodorovich Kerensky, (born April 22 [May 2, New Style], 1881, Simbirsk [now Ulyanovsk], Russia—died June 11, 1970, New York, New York, U.S.), moderate socialist revolutionary who served as head of the Russian provisional government from July to October 1917 (Old Style).
...a reputation as an eloquent, dynamic politician of the moderate left....Unlike some of the more radical socialists, .... Kerensky, who adhered to no rigid political dogma and whose dramatic oratorical style appeared to win him broad popular support,.... lost the confidence of the left wing by refusing to implement their radical social and economic programs ..."

3. For the Left, moderates are useful in gaining the support of those who don't understand the stakes, and/or don't stand for anything more than sports beer and pizza.
"Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metonymic phrase referring to superficial appeasement. It is attributed to Juvenal, a Roman poet active in the late first and early second century CE — and is used commonly in cultural, particularly political, contexts."
Bread and circuses - Wikipedia

But the moderates are to be replaced by radicals.

4. . Roosevelt's New Deal was riddled with communists....paid agents of Stalin. At a dinner party, a number administration officials spilled the beans, spoke openly about the plans to cause a revolution so they can rebuild America in the Soviet's image. "Wirt claimed he had "discovered" evidence of a plot within FDR's administration to launch a Bolshevik takeover of the United States..... garnering all kind of media attention, and even testifying before Congress about his evidence of a "concrete plan" for the overthrow of the U.S. government crafted by members of FDR's "Brain Trusters." "Roosevelt is only the Kerensky of this revolution," he quoted them. (Kerensky was the provisional leader of Russia just before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.) The hoodwinked president would be permitted to stay in office, they said, "until we are ready to supplant him with a Stalin."

5. Biden voters are those who neither understand what is and has taken place.
They stand for nothing.
Easily proven:

It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

They voted for Kerensky.

More rubber room material from the queen of Russian propaganda.

"More rubber room material from the queen of Russian propaganda."

To appear as though you were an adult, first and foremost.....drop any reference to Putin and Russia.

That plot was exploded by the Mueller fiasco.

If there was any doubt who Putin favored as President….the dossier was a Russian attempt to sink the Trump campaign., being as ignorant as you are, don't realize that the Democrat Party is the one that supported, shielded, and took orders from the Soviets for 70 years, and Obama made a quid pro quo with

Third,....the Democrat Party today stands for all of the aims of the Communist Party.

Succinctly put.....rules #1 and #2

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Now….vat about moose and skwerril????

Democrat Jerry Nadler’s ties to Russia

If you had actually read the Mueller report, you would know that it says the Russians successfully interfered with the 2016 election, using a disinformation campaign and the hacking of the DNC by the Russian government.

You would also know that Mueller did not find sufficient evidence to obtain a conviction on conspiracy charges related to the Russians and the Trump campaign. The report is clear on that point. Evidence of a conspiracy existed, but not sufficient to convict beyond a reasonable doubt.

The Mueller report went on to say that there was sufficient evidence for at least five charges of obstruction of justice against Donald Trump for his interference in the Russia investigation, including his attempts to fire Mueller.

Your assertions about the Mueller investigation are once again Republican lies told you by Donald Trump and Bill Barr. The Mueller report confirmed both the conspiracy between Trump and the Russians, and the Russian propaganda campaign throughout the 2016 election.

You are still promoting the Russian lies about 2016. That’s because you were already homeschooled willing dupe for anything Republucans tell you.

I strongly suggest to you that you refrain from further comment on the Russia investigation, or the Mueller report, until you have actually read the Mueller report.

I would say that posting shit that is so easily debunked would keep you from looking stupid, but that ship sailed a long, long, time ago.

Let's review how quickly you caught on to that the, Democrats, were doing:

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol.

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet here you are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 25 times already???????????

You must be really dummmmmmm.
It's hard to say just how much Russia did for the Trump campaign and agenda but there should be no doubt they did what they could. Both countries interfere in the other's politics as much as possible for their own political gain.
Russia/Putin highly favoured Trump over Biden.

All of little importance now, after the fact, because nothing can come of the collusion of the Trump regime with Russia. At worst it's peculiar politics that shouldn't have happened by any candidate for president who had his country's best interests in mind.

Perhaps the worst consequences that can come out of it is the Biden regime's need to follow through on the 'Russia hate' for the purpose of domestic political gain. Americans have been schooled to hate Russia and that's really tragic.

US/Russia/China relationships are more fragile now than even during the Cold war, in my opinion. America allowing Trump to gain power again should be the unthinkable. I think you understand the reasons why.

The risk should be eliminated by any means possible.
It's hard to say just how much Russia did for the Trump campaign and agenda but there should be no doubt they did what they could. Both countries interfere in the other's politics as much as possible for their own political gain.
Russia/Putin highly favoured Trump over Biden.

All of little importance now, after the fact, because nothing can come of the collusion of the Trump regime with Russia. At worst it's peculiar politics that shouldn't have happened by any candidate for president who had his country's best interests in mind.

Perhaps the worst consequences that can come out of it is the Biden regime's need to follow through on the 'Russia hate' for the purpose of domestic political gain. Americans have been schooled to hate Russia and that's really tragic.

US/Russia/China relationships are more fragile now than even during the Cold war, in my opinion. America allowing Trump to gain power again should be the unthinkable. I think you understand the reasons why.

The risk should be eliminated by any means possible.

That's a lie.

The Democrats colluded with the Kremlin to sink the Trump candidacy.

Let's check:

Anti-Russia Actions by Trump…things that have directly and indirectly effected Russia

1.Bombed Russian ally, Syria, hitting Russian facilities killing a number of Russian military

2.Pulled out of the Iran deal…a Russian signee

3.Pulled out of Paris Accords….a Russian signee

4.Sanctions against Russia…460 sanctions against individuals and entities

5.Expelled Russian diplomats

6.Gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles to use against Russian proxies…Obama sent mittens

7. Obama….more flexible, Hillary ‘reset button,’ wouldn’t give Poland defensive missiles, Uranium one deal….

8. At the NATO meeting, he warned Germany not to make huge energy deals enriching Russia….

9. Trump created an energy juggernaut in the United States….a body-blow to the Russian economy. Anyone pro-fracking is anti-Russia.

10. And, of course, you dunce, first and foremost.....

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.


Are all Canadians liars......or just you???????????

You must be really dummmmmmm.


You have the ability to debate but you haven't learned to stop short of extremes that make no sense. Your vitriol assures that you'll never convince anybody of anything.

I'm a Canadian with no dog in your domestic political fight and so we could reach agreement on some of your points. Unfortunately, your scattergun approach makes any agreement impossible.

Try to leash your feelings. Your wild ranting only results in promoting a worthless shit fight.
1.Bombed Russian ally, Syria, hitting Russian facilities killing a number of Russian military

To use that as an example: The important fact is that Obama handed Syria to Putin with his red line speech that invited cooperation with Putin and Assad.

Putin and Assad quickly agreed to the elimination of Syria's supposed WMD's, effectively destroying America's motive of using the same justification for war as it had used on Iraq.

US domestic politics skews all rational discussion out of sync with reality. The same has happened to the actual truth on Trump's cooperation with Russia/Putin, or lack of.

On a bright note, both the US and Russia are carefully avoiding any intention direct military strikes against each other. It's an extremely dangerous game but it has saved the world from nuclear war so far at least.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

There is/was a dossier and Putin holds the proof that it was factual information that would do harm to Trump

Of course Putin preferred that Trump would win, but that doesn't confirm that Russia/Putin acted to make it happen.

That'a America's domestic dog fight to sort out.

You must be really dummmmmmm.


You have the ability to debate but you haven't learned to stop short of extremes that make no sense. Your vitriol assures that you'll never convince anybody of anything.

I'm a Canadian with no dog in your domestic political fight and so we could reach agreement on some of your points. Unfortunately, your scattergun approach makes any agreement impossible.

Try to leash your feelings. Your wild ranting only results in promoting a worthless shit fight.

You're simply a low-life liar.

I just proved it.

Wear it well.....and drop the vulgarity, no matter how deeply I've wounded you.
I've only tried to help you hon, because you demonstrate a potential for ability. If you want to turn that into a worthless shitfight then go for it.

If you want to pursue a rational message then you'll have to tone it down.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

There is/was a dossier and Putin holds the proof that it was factual information that would do harm to Trump

Of course Putin preferred that Trump would win, but that doesn't confirm that Russia/Putin acted to make it happen.

That'a America's domestic dog fight to sort out.

"...Putin holds the proof that it was factual information that would do harm to Trump"

Yet again, proof that you are naught but a scummy lying low-life.

. Every day, it seems, there's some stupid, ugly, insalubrious imbecile whose mission is to lay out the usual, lying Leftist propaganda bumper-stickers.

I see, today, you've volunteered for that role.

"After 18 months of steely-eyed investigation, the only parts of the dossier that have been "confirmed" are bland factual statements -- Moscow is a city in Russia -- while the untrue parts are anything having to do with Trump or his associates.

As New York Times national security reporter Matthew Rosenberg explained to MSNBC's easily excited Chris Hayes last March:

"Both journalists and others who had copies of it for a long time have not been able to report much of it out. We've heard that, you know, the FBI and the Intelligence Community believe about 30 percent of it may be accurate, but most of that 30 percent, if not all, has been non-Trump stuff."
February 7, 2018 - CARTER PAGE: AGENT 000

“Not one claim concerning Trump in the Steele Dossier has ever been verified by the FBI, according to Andrew McCabe himself in recent testimony to the House Intelligence Committee. The only confirmed fact is unsurprising: former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow on his own dime and met with various Russians—all perfectly legal.

Comey and then-CIA Director John Brennan laundered the Steele Dossier through the U.S. intelligence community to give it an aura of credibility and get it to the press. It was also used by the FBI and senior DOJ officials to secure wiretap warrants from a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. Then its contents, via court-authorized FISA warrants, were used to justify the illegal unmasking of the identities of wiretapped Trump officials.” The Politicization of the FBI

“Agents did not believe that either the source or Mr. Steele was deliberately inventing things, according to the former official. How the dossier ended up loaded with dubious or exaggerated details remains uncertain, but the document may be the result of a high-stakes game of telephone, in which rumors and hearsay were passed from source to source.” Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier (Published 2019)

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