Things will get much worse after the election

My problem, is this old fashioned colonial era, walk in fireplace....we can't find A fireplace insert big enough to fit!!!!!!!!!!!

It would take A whole bunch of masonry perhaps, to make it smaller somehow, to fit A smaller insert with blower??
/——-/ I don’t know. I just remember my friends who had fireplaces in their 1940s homes who had them. They did capture a lot of heat. Good luck.
We need to buy a wood stove, to heat this house this winter instead of heating oil!

We have two cords of wood and another 5 cords of wood in dead trees that are sprinkled in the woods on our property, and we do have a center home fireplace, that does heat it, but very inefficiently....the fireplace is huge and has a four by five foot opening, I can almost stand upright in it! Well, basically this causes us to use double or triple the wood of a normal fireplace and a lot of the heat escapes up the chimney.....

A wood stove, tucked in the huge fireplace would serve us better, more efficiently! And we could use our heating oil, only for the hot water in the house....and not heating it!
If you can get a good one, it's $500-ish dollars well spent!
It kind of was really. Putin would not have invaded Ukraine while Trump was president and Biden lifting sanctions in Nord Stream 2 played a large role in Putin’s decision and timing. Even still, the war in Ukraine was not the impetus for high inflation in the US.
Nope, Biden restricting fuel production and instituting onerous regulations on Day 1 is what's driving the inflation. That and unforeseen Covid shutdown results the Dems never thought about.
Unlike you, I can put two and two together and come up with four. Trump sanctioned Nord Stream 2 to save Germany from their own stupidity and not to allow Putin more leverage. Biden wasn’t smart enough to figure that out and the average Democrat only knows what they are told by MSNBC and what they read on Twitter and Facebook.
Trump sanctioned Nordstream two companies, Trump had zero control over Nordstream two the pipeline and it has never been used or authorized for use.
Nobody wants the austerity measures that will be necessary.....The RINOs and neocons love spending money as much as the dems do....How do you think that they keep their PACs fat?
Hey1srrelluc- I want to agree with your post but first want to check our definitions to see if we match regarding the term neocon-“Originally used to describe left-wingers who crossed the floor, neocons are on the authoritarian right, rather than the traditionally conservative libertarian right. They tend to be very pro-war and adopt the mentality of "We're better than you and we know it."

If you’re using the same definition I’m giving you a thumbs up in agreement:) my true purpose was to inform maybe one or two other readers of what neocon means. I had to look it up to check to make sure the revisionist definition people haven’t revised the definition recently… like with vaccine, ultra MAGA, ultra fill in the blank.

Yellen is warning that fuel prices may soar soon, once Europe stops buying Putin Crude.

Is it a coincidence this coincides with the November elections?


And don't forget, farmers across the globe are being stopped from growing what they usually grow, due to the war on fossil fuels and fertilizer. This means, for the fist time farmers have not been allowed to grow as much, which means less food and higher prices to come.

Oh, and the Fed just realized inflation is still crazy, sending the stock market plummeting again.

This means higher and higher and higher interest rates to come.

Just let those Dims win the Senate again and they can unleash their hounds of hell upon us all.
They'll blame it on the Republican Congress
Gas prices will spike the day after the election, bet!

They're just holding them down now in hopes of more votes in the election.
Outside of the early stimulus, his spending hasn't really hit the economy's spread over a 10 year period, and govt bureaucracy crud slows money getting out there, so the infrastructure and this new supposed inflation bill, is not affecting inflation much yet...inflation was and is, already happening from supply issues..... and some other worldwide issues....

His early in presidency covid stimulus hurt, because it burned holes in our pockets!!! We could not wait to get out and spend it!!! Spend, spend, spend! The economy was on fire....but we had no supply to support our spending....causing prices to rise, as well!!!

Two years of covid disruption, is going to take two years to fix, at least, imho....more pain to come.... :(
“Covid disruption” needs to be defined regarding duration as to why the disruption went on (is continuing to go on) much longer than necessary and much more severe than necessary.

A lot (not all) of the spend, spend, spend that you mentioned was based on mass psychological influence by government spokespeople that were given megaphones in full support of promoting an extended shut down. Primarily through Fauci and Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki, as well by the puppet himself Biden. Even with his observable signs of dementia filmed over and over, ole Joe’s words were accepted as factually based advice although drenched in tainted politics. Fauci’s motives? Don’t get me started, because that would require pages of a fact-based analysis based upon his history and multiple repeated falsehoods.

Similar to what the feds do when they come out with their psychological manipulation tactic to sway mass markets- “predicting” what will happen to interest rates within a few days or even within 24 hours. This annual televised side show has a major impact on the markets. Do you agree that this is done to influence investors from all walks (small, medium, large)? It does and they know it, otherwise what’s the true purpose of a heads-up? To give people an advanced warning? Why is this done?

Same thing happened when the US government health advisory National Institutes of Health -NIH org., via one of its many departments NIAAD used Fauci as a daily spokesperson including lies such as “we need to slow down the virus by flattening the curve” followed by his deceptive reason used “to save hospitals” telling sick people to stay home. Fauci’s psychological manipulation was used to give Moderna the extra weeks needed to rush through their testing. A virus cannot be flattened to save lives- this has been proven by scientific studies and Fauci was certainly aware of this previous research.

What bothers me the most about your post is that you suggest, indirectly, that because the covid disruption cost has been spread out over the next 10 years this makes it better or acceptable, when it is absolutely not acceptable. I’ll need to research more about this broad statement (which I also have read elsewhere) to determine whether or not the cost will be spread equally over the next 10 years, as opposed to a huge chunk of it in immediate capacity which I suspect is the case. Either way the astronomical costs shouldn’t have happened and could have been avoided. In part, it was absolutely a choice.
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Biden/Dem gas is up over $5 a gallon again. Food shortages have begun and will get worse. I ordered double mushrooms on a pizza yesterday, was told I could only have 1/2 mushrooms due to a mushroom shortage. F'ing Biden has even screwed up mushrooms.
Biden/Dem gas is up over $5 a gallon again. Food shortages have begun and will get worse. I ordered double mushrooms on a pizza yesterday, was told I could only have 1/2 mushrooms due to a mushroom shortage. F'ing Biden has even screwed up mushrooms.
BL yes, Biden’s handlers to be precise. Have to wonder about Susan Rice (Obama’s former national security advisor/UN rep) currently acting as Biden’s domestic policy advisor meeting multiple times weekly with Biden and Rice’s past and present connection to Obama. This needs a microscope to go viral, overdue actually.
BL yes, Biden’s handlers to be precise. Have to wonder about Susan Rice (Obama’s former national security advisor/UN rep) currently acting as Biden’s domestic policy advisor meeting multiple times weekly with Biden and Rice’s past and present connection to Obama. This needs a microscope to go viral, overdue actually.
Valerie Jarret, too. Those 2 are who's really running the country. (into the ground)
“Covid disruption” needs to be defined regarding duration as to why the disruption went on (is continuing to go on) much longer than necessary and much more severe than necessary.

A lot (not all) of the spend, spend, spend that you mentioned was based on mass psychological influence by government spokespeople that were given megaphones in full support of promoting an extended shut down. Primarily through Fauci and Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki, as well by the puppet himself Biden. Even with his observable signs of dementia filmed over and over, ole Joe’s words were accepted as factually based advice although drenched in tainted politics. Fauci’s motives? Don’t get me started, because that would require pages of a fact-based analysis based upon his history and multiple repeated falsehoods.

Similar to what the feds do when they come out with their psychological manipulation tactic to sway mass markets- “predicting” what will happen to interest rates within a few days or even within 24 hours. This annual televised side show has a major impact on the markets. Do you agree that this is done to influence investors from all walks (small, medium, large)? It does and they know it, otherwise what’s the true purpose of a heads-up? To give people an advanced warning? Why is this done?

Same thing happened when the US government health advisory National Institutes of Health -NIH org., via one of its many departments NIAAD used Fauci as a daily spokesperson including lies such as “we need to slow down the virus by flattening the curve” followed by his deceptive reason used “to save hospitals” telling sick people to stay home. Fauci’s psychological manipulation was used to give Moderna the extra weeks needed to rush through their testing. A virus cannot be flattened to save lives- this has been proven by scientific studies and Fauci was certainly aware of this previous research.

What bothers me the most about your post is that you suggest, indirectly, that because the covid disruption cost has been spread out over the next 10 years this makes it better or acceptable, when it is absolutely not acceptable. I’ll need to research more about this broad statement (which I also have read elsewhere) to determine whether or not the cost will be spread equally over the next 10 years, as opposed to a huge chunk of it in immediate capacity which I suspect is the case. Either way the astronomical costs shouldn’t have happened and could have been avoided. In part, it was absolutely a choice.
What in the infrastructure bill would you cut, and how much would it be reduced by? For 4 years Trump promised an infrastructure bill, but was unable to get one..... covid got in the way, i think? So even repubs knew the bill was needed.

Yes, I do think once the money starts to come, it is front loaded, for these bills....heavier in the first five years, less in the last five years.
What in the infrastructure bill would you cut, and how much would it be reduced by? For 4 years Trump promised an infrastructure bill, but was unable to get one..... covid got in the way, i think? So even repubs knew the bill was needed.

Yes, I do think once the money starts to come, it is front loaded, for these bills....heavier in the first five years, less in the last five years.
I’ll pick one. A full response would be more like a mini thesis but I avoid going there because most readers would likely puke.

By the way, I went directly to “green supporter info” to obtain the following information. I did not use sources that are abundant in numbers that are against them directly:

The Union of Concerned Scientists has calculated that: Manufacturing a mid-sized EV with an 84-mile range results in about 15 percent more emissions than manufacturing an equivalent gasoline vehicle. For larger, longer-range EVs that travel more than 250 miles per charge, the manufacturing emissions can be as much as 68 percent higher.”

“The production process needed to build battery-powered cars is also dirty. It emits pollutants and greenhouse gases in larger amounts than the production process of conventional autos.”

Remember when phone booths were needed and could be found all over the country at gas stations? Now? A few of them remain workable, most removed. How easy will it be to remove charging stations once they are in mass display when we find out that this EC production (especially the production of absolute environmental costs mining required metals-just ask Chileans) is not a solution for anything or anyone? My crystal ball is cloudy but we’re going to hear more about how we need to enhance public transportation options by improving ways to get a bulk of people in one vehicle to reduce carbon emissions. Pretty much old-school, investing in public transportation, many folks don’t like it though preferring their own vehicle and it won’t be a seller nor a savior.

Government support for EC spews the lie: that EC’s emit less damage to our environment vehicle per vehicle, but leave out completely the manufacturing aspect and what’s required to get the precious metals needed. Just another for-profit scheme masquerading as “the way to save the planet”. Good grief, as if this current administration doesn’t manufacture enough deception. Forcing/encouraging/bantering consumers into buying EC’s is not a solution and research has determined that those who claim EC’s reduce our transportation carbon footprint are lying.

Readers: Pay close attention to how Biden’s administration dresses up the facts to sell their wares:
“ The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes $5 billion in formula funding for states with a goal to build a national charging network. 10% is set-aside each year for the Secretary to provide grants to States to help fill gaps in the network. The Law also provides $2.5 billion for communities and corridors through a competitive grant program that will support innovative approaches and ensure that charger deployment meets Administration priorities such as supporting rural charging, improving local air quality and increasing EV charging access in disadvantaged communities.”

As I mentioned, there is so much more for a full answer this is only one aspect but it’s very telling about the current government and their promoted falsehoods. Not a fan in any shape or form.

Sorry to all readers who puked. Lol
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