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Things you would like to see in the democratic platform in 2020?

To be treated in the same way as anyone else....They're American citizens. What is needed will be figured out throughout time.

So they're missing no rights now ... but, you'll think about some special treatment later?

Maybe allow them to have their preferred gender on their id, use the bathroom of their choice and have the right not to be harmed.
Things you would like to see in the democratic platform in 2020? Some ideas.
1. Rebuilding our EPA --Reverse a lot of the bs the republican party is doing against the environment right now.
2. Rebuilding our public educational system...Yes, we're going to have to spend more money on our educational system and work to improve it. We need to add one class and that would be one directed towards educating our children towards the importance of government and government regulations within the economy...Tired of the rich mans slaves in this country going against their own best interest.
3. Rebuilding our infrastructure with a promise to spend 8 trillion dollars over the next decade.
4. Manhatten like projects in science to get to mars, produce fusion and cure cancer.
5. Full rights and protections for transgender people.
6. Single payer! Works everywhere else,,,why not here.

Taxes till you drop.

A lot of these things wouldn't cause much more taxes then now....We'd also have a larger economy and a lot more people would be in quality jobs.
Maybe allow them to have their preferred gender on their id, use the bathroom of their choice and have the right not to be harmed.

Genders are on ID are for the purposes of identification, not segregation. If you're wearing blue contacts, your eye colour on the license is still brown. If you're a man wearing a dress, you might be a stunner, but for ID purposes you're ID still says male.

Anyone who has gone through reassignment surgery and has officially changed their sex is already entitled to putting their new sex on their ID.

The choice of bathrooms isn't just an issue for transsexuals. It's a decision for everyone. Using the toilet is an intimate act and not everyone is comfortable with mixed gender public toilets. There is an old saying, 'Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose'. If a man prefers to use the women's toilet he has to also consider the feelings of women who prefer not to have a man in the ladies toilet. Until the idea of gender-designated toilets has been completely discarded at some future date ... there will never be a complete consensus on this issue. It's not about transsexual rights, it's about everyone's comfort.

And, for the record, no one has the right to harm anyone using the a public bathroom. That is called assault, regardless of provocation, and can be prosecuted.
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You libtardz need a platform you can be proud of.

Here, let me help...

1. Abortion on demand at taxpayers expense.
2. Mandatory gun registration to pave way for future confiscation
3. Tax the Churches, remove credits for charitable donations, etc.
4. 50% tax rates for any home making more than 100K per year combined
5. Complete open borders
6. Repeal all voter ID laws.
7. Totally legalize ALL recreational drugs
8. Raise Minimum wage to $25 per hour.
9. Legalize Prostitution Nationwide.
10. Release all convicted drug dealers and other drug offenders from prison, immediately.
11. Repeal all fetal Homicide Laws.... cause, those damn parasites are NOT wanted and not really children anyway.
12. Confiscate 50% of the total wealth of the wealthiest 1% and use their money to provide Free Healthcare for all who can't afford it on their own.
13. Make this the new official Flag of the U.S.
and make it out of Hemp, so when someone burns it, we all get a buzz.
14. Ban home and private schools
15. Make Union membership mandatory in any workplace with more than fifteen employees.
16. Abolish the death penalty nation wide.....
You libtardz need a platform you can be proud of.

Here, let me help...

1. Abortion on demand at taxpayers expense.
2. Mandatory gun registration to pave way for future confiscation
3. Tax the Churches, remove credits for charitable donations, etc.
4. 50% tax rates for any home making more than 100K per year combined
5. Complete open borders
6. Repeal all voter ID laws.
7. Totally legalize ALL recreational drugs
8. Raise Minimum wage to $25 per hour.
9. Legalize Prostitution Nationwide.
10. Release all convicted drug dealers and other drug offenders from prison, immediately.
11. Repeal all fetal Homicide Laws.... cause, those damn parasites are NOT wanted and not really children anyway.
12. Confiscate 50% of the total wealth of the wealthiest 1% and use their money to provide Free Healthcare for all who can't afford it on their own.
13. Make this the new official Flag of the U.S.
and make it out of Hemp, so when someone burns it, we all get a buzz.
14. Ban home and private schools
15. Make Union membership mandatory in any workplace with more than fifteen employees.
16. Abolish the death penalty nation wide.....

Finally ... a platform ALL Americans can get behind. A guaranteed winner.
Maybe allow them to have their preferred gender on their id, use the bathroom of their choice and have the right not to be harmed.

Genders are on ID are for the purposes of identification, not segregation. If you're wearing blue contacts, your eye colour on the license is still brown. If you're a man wearing a dress, you might be a stunner, but for ID purposes you're ID still says male.

Anyone who has gone through reassignment surgery and has officially changed their sex is already entitled to putting their new sex on their ID.

The choice of bathrooms isn't just an issue for transsexuals. It's a decision for everyone. Using the toilet is an intimate act and not everyone is comfortable with mixed gender public toilets. There is an old saying, 'Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose'. If a man prefers to be use the women's toilet he has to also consider the feelings of women who prefer not to have a man in the ladies toilet. Until the idea of gender-designated toilets has been completely discarded at some future date ... there will never be a complete consensus on this issue. It's not about transsexual rights, it's about everyone's comfort.

And, for the record, no one has the right to harm anyone using the a public bathroom. That is called assault, regardless of provocation, and can be prosecuted.
Ah what else could you expect a libby-lip like Mathew to come up with for a "winning agenda"..
His #1 priority is "rebuilding" the EPA Gestapo and a cure for cancer & a functional nuclear fusion reactor is way down on his trillion $ list that mentions right on top that he wants to "educate" children not to be "rich man`s slaves" in extra classes that in effect preach communism to little kids that have no idea how may nations have been enslaved with the same bait phrase "don`t be a rich man`s slave". In all cases the final result was that everybody became a slave and the only people who are the new fat cats are the top party apparatchicks.
I heard that line being broadcast by every radio station behind the Iron Curtain where they called West Germans the same thing what this looser wants to preach in school. All the while we "rich man`s slaves" owned property, had plenty of food, fast cars and could travel anywhere at any time while those imprisoned on the East side of the wall labored all day in State owned factories and farms that were unable to produce a sufficient and affordable supply of anything.
When the wall came down there was a people tsunami ready and willing to become "rich man`s slaves" in West Germany...much like the one that almost overwhelmed the United States which Mathew considers a "rich man`s slave" country.
here is an honest statement...hillary may be crooked but so is trump and hillary was not a fool....he is

Ahhh but hillary IS a fool, she lost an election to a complete buffoon because she took her base for granted and figured she had a cakewalk. SHE lost a very winnable election because she is corrupt, and a fool of the first order for believing she knew better than anybody else.
here is an honest statement...hillary may be crooked but so is trump and hillary was not a fool....he is

Ahhh but hillary IS a fool, she lost an election to a complete buffoon because she took her base for granted and figured she had a cakewalk. SHE lost a very winnable election because she is corrupt, and a fool of the first order for believing she knew better than anybody else.
The Clinton gangsters knew all along that US elections are won by the team that scores more goals wherever they have to compete and not by the team who only wins on their home turf where the referees bend the rules in their favor. They were too busy taking shots at the winning team captain instead of the goal and only scored points in the press box and with the home town mob while they did it. And after the scoreboard was team Trump 304, team Clinton 227 they claimed that team Trump was coached by the Russians. So no, this election was not winnable by a team that thought they could disqualify the other team`s captain with a locker room joke he made in a private one on one setting decades ago. And just to make sure that nobody can ever find out what the bitch that lost the match had on her private server remained private she had every trace of it annihilated and smashed while the FBI and everybody else who was supposed to referee against foul play looked the other way and spied on team Trump.
The only way they can win the next election is to have the press box continue to disqualify every goal team Trump scores....and hope that the cheer leaders at CNN etc can fool the same fools twice in a row and whip them all into the same kind of irrational frenzied violent reaction their flag and car burning, window smashing China syndrome core base meltdown has every time team Trump does or says something.
Here is my 10 part suggested platform

1 No identity politics bullshit.
2 No Identity politics bullshit.
3 No Identity politics bullshit.
4 No identity politics bullshit
5 No identity politics bullshit
6 No identity politics bullshit.
7 No Identity politics bullshit.
8 No Identity politics bullshit.
9 No identity politics bullshit
10 No identity politics bullshit
Here is my 10 part suggested platform

1 No identity politics bullshit.
2 No Identity politics bullshit.
3 No Identity politics bullshit.
4 No identity politics bullshit
5 No identity politics bullshit
6 No identity politics bullshit.
7 No Identity politics bullshit.
8 No Identity politics bullshit.
9 No identity politics bullshit
10 No identity politics bullshit
Oh, but to dream.
1. Anyone who has ever threatened to leave the country will be rounded up, passports confiscated, and flown to Venezuela at government expense (each allowed to take two rolls of toilet paper).
Things you would like to see in the democratic platform in 2020? Some ideas.
1. Rebuilding our EPA --Reverse a lot of the bs the republican party is doing against the environment right now.
2. Rebuilding our public educational system...Yes, we're going to have to spend more money on our educational system and work to improve it. We need to add one class and that would be one directed towards educating our children towards the importance of government and government regulations within the economy...Tired of the rich mans slaves in this country going against their own best interest.
3. Rebuilding our infrastructure with a promise to spend 8 trillion dollars over the next decade.
4. Manhatten like projects in science to get to mars, produce fusion and cure cancer.
5. Full rights and protections for transgender people.
6. Single payer! Works everywhere else,,,why not here.
I'm with you on 6, all the way.
Totally against your "additional class" in #2. I also don't know if it's more money we need to improve education. Needs radical overhaul and complete rethinking, for sure, but pols need to get the hell out of it.
1. Anyone who has ever threatened to leave the country will be rounded up, passports confiscated, and flown to Venezuela at government expense (each allowed to take two rolls of toilet paper).

Yes, because FASCIST POLICE STATES just cry out FREEDOM!
I believe in the second amendment but think the most sick within our society should be restricted. The democrats should come out as more pro-second amendment.

Open bathrooms as long as they have had SRS surgery and are passing as women is fair.

Come on ... you can't get the White House back being a wimp. You need to go full-on revolution. Bring it.

Honestly I am only left of moderate on most things. I believe in the second amendment and do have my own guns so I wouldn't come out against it....

Transgenders deserve rights.
They have the same rights everyone else has.
Things you would like to see in the democratic platform in 2020? Some ideas.
1. Rebuilding our EPA --Reverse a lot of the bs the republican party is doing against the environment right now.
2. Rebuilding our public educational system...Yes, we're going to have to spend more money on our educational system and work to improve it. We need to add one class and that would be one directed towards educating our children towards the importance of government and government regulations within the economy...Tired of the rich mans slaves in this country going against their own best interest.
3. Rebuilding our infrastructure with a promise to spend 8 trillion dollars over the next decade.
4. Manhatten like projects in science to get to mars, produce fusion and cure cancer.
5. Full rights and protections for transgender people.
6. Single payer! Works everywhere else,,,why not here.

White genocide and free shit for everyone.

Also, make America middle east again.

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