Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

We both know we arent’t alking about “immigrants”…we’re talking about ILLEGAL, needy, undesirable, illiterate thirdworlders…how many is Canada taking in? POST THE DATA.
(this is where you pretend you didn’t see this post)
Immigrants are all the same to Canada. There's no data for the hateful description you describe.

If you can behave properly we can carry on a polite discussion. After you're proven you're capable of that, I will dig up some numbers for Canada's acceptance of immigrants.
Yeah, as long as there is a right for working without a union. When i got back from Saudi Arabia, i was required to join a union, if i wanted a certain type of employment. I had to take a 20,000 pay cut because of the union. My skills had me making $70,000 a year tax free in Saudi, but had to work for $24 an hour and give up union dues also. Unions suck for the worker, but those union leaders who sit behind oak desks and dont do shit, make the millions....Another scam of the Democrat party...

Oh and Union retirements are taxed as earned income, while my dividend retirement is taxed as qualified dividends, a much lower tax rate. Rely on others to take care of you, they will reap the money, while you get just enough to live on, rely on yourself(unless you are a stupid ass progressive) and you can live in wealth and happiness...
Yours is a very unusual case. Most people who express dislike of unions are those who are making low wages and begrudge union members who are earning high wages. Ray from Cleveland carelessly revealed that was his case. There are exceptions of course but not with truck drivers who are cheated out of a decent wage and benefits.
What does this awesome “future“ hold?
Here’s a glimpse of the present manifested by Democrat policy and ideologies….$30 trillion in debt, a homeless population larger than some countries, Veterans pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a citizenry that hates one another, a middle class that can't save a penny or get ahead, decayed infrastructure,

You're not the only American by far that has confirmed that America has become that bad now.
Some place the blame on the left and some on the right. For me as a Canadian, all that matters is that the fall into corruption and poverty in America is confirmed.

Yes, 15th. on quality of life. Will it get worse under the Biden regime?
Yours is a very unusual case. Most people who express dislike of unions are those who are making low wages and begrudge union members who are earning high wages. Ray from Cleveland carelessly revealed that was his case.

I swear you leftists are all born liars. Quote me where I said I didn't like unions because of what they make. Go for it liar.
Immigrants are all the same to Canada. There's no data for the hateful description you describe.

If you can behave properly we can carry on a polite discussion. After you're proven you're capable of that, I will dig up some numbers for Canada's acceptance of immigrants.

I looked up the immigration in your country. I found nothing that said they allow citizenship, only that they can live there, and that's only about 1/4 of what we allow in to become citizens. Furthermore in most cases you have to know or be related to a Canadian to get in. They allow people in who are uneducated and no skills, but I would love to know that percentage they let in, and also know how many people of color, and no, I don't mean Asians as people of color. Your Hispanic population is only 7% now.
I swear you leftists are all born liars. Quote me where I said I didn't like unions because of what they make. Go for it liar.
You didn't say it Ray, you wouldn't do that. You 'carelessly revealed' it.

I'm finished with you until you become less argumentative.
You didn't say it Ray, you wouldn't do that. You 'carelessly revealed' it.

I'm finished with you until you become less argumentative.

As a leftist you can't stand losing an argument, that's why you're finished with me.

Look everybody! We have a foreigner here who signed up to an American political forum because he doesn't like to argue!!! :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:
I swear you leftists are all born liars. Quote me where I said I didn't like unions because of what they make. Go for it liar.
I said that Unions suck, because union workers can never excel at their job. They must do what the contract tells them, no more no less, so that is mediocre. Great work are by those who get to purchase stock in their work, because the better the employee does, the company does better, their stock does better.
I said that Unions suck, because union workers can never excel at their job. They must do what the contract tells them, no more no less, so that is mediocre. Great work are by those who get to purchase stock in their work, because the better the employee does, the company does better, their stock does better.

I hate them because they've destroyed so many companies in this country. I mean, how can a business operate when the owner(s) can only promote those the union permits, and that's not based on work performance, it's based on tenure.

Years ago I pulled in to make a pickup. The S and R guy looked at me and said "G-damn it!!, you had to come now, didn't you!" I told him I was sorry. He said it wasn't me, it's the fact he can't get his packing done and take care of trucks at the same time. I knew they gave him a helper, and asked why he couldn't load my truck? He said the helper they gave him was afraid to drive the tow motor.

As he was loading me, I stopped him and had to ask "if the guy can't drive a tow motor, WTF is he your helper?" He said that's the union rules. He has seniority, so he gets the job even if he can't do it. I stopped him again and said "Well why don't you tell the union he can't do the job?" With that comment, he shut off the tow motor, gave a deep sigh and said "I can drive this tow motor right through the front of your trailer, and because I'm in a union, I'll still have my job tomorrow. But if I ever told the company or union that a union man can't do his job, they'd throw my ass out in the street in about ten seconds." He started his tow motor back up and finished loading me.
My daughter pointed this out and it got me wondering if the American electorate has ever made such a terrible decision before?
If you successfully rig an election it does not matter that The Sitting President set a record for most votes for a sitting President in US History.

Some guy named Al Gore Rhythm will always win in the end if it's rigged. He'll manufacture as many fraudulent votes as he needs to edge you out.

Just like the same system was put in place to elect Maduro, they used the identical system to put Puppet Joe in power as the illegitmate .....

Dumbass Of The American Republic's "Democracy"

Or DOTARD for short.
You're not the only American by far that has confirmed that America has become that bad now.
Some place the blame on the left and some on the right. For me as a Canadian, all that matters is that the fall into corruption and poverty in America is confirmed.

Yes, 15th. on quality of life. Will it get worse under the Biden regime?
What would happen to Canada if 10 million illiterate illegals from Mexico, Central and South America landed there tomorrow?
Be honest...don't be scared.
My daughter pointed this out and it got me wondering if the American electorate has ever made such a terrible decision before?
Biden didn't "win" anything! The CCP and their American subsidiary cheated in the tens of millions column!
"What would happen to Canada if 10 million illiterate illegals from Mexico, Central and South America landed there tomorrow?"
I honestly don't know.
But, as you posed the question, we can presume you know the answer. At least that's the way it works in the courtroom dramas I watch on the telly.
So, if you know what would happen, poster BrokeLoser, please share with the forum,

And, if I may ask....give us a little context into your thinking.
Meaning, if you say X will happen, well tell us why X, and not why Y?

Merci, mon ami.

"The CCP and their American subsidiary cheated in the tens of millions column!"

Ah, et tu, Frank?
So you're gonna go with a firm assertion on this "cheating' schtick?

Well, OK.
I guess.
So do this Frank ---- prove it.

Any undereducated doofus can make an assertion ....but smart folks with a competent education, can back it up with credible persuasive insight, and verifiable facts.

So, good poster Frank ------ Saddle up.
Show us that your little pony can trot.


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