Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

Wages didn't keep pace with inflation Ray and it sounds like you're one of the victims Ray.

Increased wages is what causes inflation. Look at what's going on in our country now. Companies with millions of job openings were competing with the federal government for workers. The only way they could do that is increase wage offers, and now inflation is the worst it's been in 20 years.

Non-skilled blue collar wages did not keep up with inflation, however a person willing to go to college or trade school can do just fine and in some cases, very well. I'm retired from the transportation industry. We still need tens of thousands of drivers we can't find. In the last ten years or so they've been bringing foreigners in to do the job, and most of them are terrible drivers. Some don't even know our language to read road signs. It's terrible.

Are you really crying over milk spilt by the industrial revolution, just for the sake of trying to take the blame off of corps that went to China?
In your own little world you're much too intolerant of other people's freedoms and rights, and that's not limited to the noise that annoys you.

What blame? The American consumer demanded the lowest possible prices, and there is no way for much of industry to provide that staying inside of the country. They had no choice. Get out of the country or fold up their companies.
You're racist and you're also too intolerant for the area in which you live Ray.

I live in an area in which there are few loud motorcycles because I know that I have no right to be intolerant and complain about it.
That's respecting motorcyle riders' freedom and ensuring my own freedoms at the same time.

So what can you do Ray? You can't become an intolerant racist and act illegally to stop them from upsetting your calm.

I'm sorry for you problem but there are likely only two solutions.

1. Wear ear protection.
2. Move somewhere else.

Americans seem to only understand that their personal freedoms are important, while thinking that black people shouldn't be free to make noise with their motorcycles.

And then the white Americans turn to racism and guns to get their way.
So it would be okay to ride up next to a black person on a motorcycle with a noose hanging on my mirror? Right?
I live in an area in which there are few loud motorcycles because I know that I have no right to be intolerant and complain about it.
That's respecting motorcyle riders' freedom and ensuring my own freedoms at the same time.

So what can you do Ray? You can't become an intolerant racist and act illegally to stop them from upsetting your calm.

I'm sorry for you problem but there are likely only two solutions.

1. Wear ear protection.
2. Move somewhere else.

Americans seem to only understand that their personal freedoms are important, while thinking that black people shouldn't be free to make noise with their motorcycles.

And then the white Americans turn to racism and guns to get their way.

So what's wrong with demanding peace and quite where you live? Most white people demand that as well. The loud motorcycles are one thing, but you don't need to be blasting that jungle music so loud you can't even hear the television set in your own living room. That's why we have noise disturbance laws in our cities; not that blacks care for obeying laws that much.

My point was that nobody on the left thinks it's ever the blacks fault for nobody wanting to live around them. It's simply the color of their skin that upsets us. Well guess what, there is no truth to that whatsoever. it's not the skin color that makes us dislike them, it's how people of that skin color act why we don't want them anywhere near us.
First, a hat-tip to poster 'Donald H'.
It is refreshing to read an articulate view of issues that stir such partisanship.
Please keep up this yeoman's work.
Now for the hanging-curves just sitting on the corner of the plate:

Maybe you should think about America First for a bit huh?

I consider it a selfish slogan that is intended on encouraging greed and the ignoring of others.......

I think it is selfish too. Xenophobia on a bumper-sticker.

It gained traction around WWI as a sop to the isolationist who wanted the U.S. to stay out of the European war. But then the Klu Klux Klan embraced it as a a catch-phrase for their overweening racism and anti-immigrant xenophobia.

Whenever I hear it, or read it.....I think "America Alone".
And that is not a good thing.

Immigrants are the problem. We need to totally close our borders so nobody gets in.
And Ray from Cleveland......does a better job of driving home the xenophobia point suggested above.......than I can.
I have Americans telling me that your cities are rotten shitholes even as we speak.
I'm sorry to hear of that. It saddens me. Those poor folks. What possible circumstances brought them to such an opinion?

My wife and I....corporate careerist nomads our entire working lives......have lived in 7 major American cities. (and 3 smaller ones) And we liked every one of 'em. Enjoyed our time and experience in them. They were great places to live a full and rich life. We met and were be-friended by wonderful people. Many remain friends to this day.
Now, nearing our doddering years, we are very grateful for the warp and weft those years --and the people --- in those cities gave us.

(ps....for the Canadians who lurk here.....we always wanted to live in Montreal for a spell. The stars never aligned. It didn't happen. A great place to visit.)

Now, I was not born a city guy. My folks owned a small town (400 people) grocery store....and our family --5 of us at the time ---lived upstairs above the store. It was a farming community. Big city living was something both my bride and I learned. And reveled in. She as much as I.
So there is that. I married the right gal.

Attempting to denigrate an entire people based on skin colour is RACIST.

Yes it is, poster Donald.
And it is also saddening that that definition even needs to be offered here as new revelation to some posters. is the internet. A gossipboard. Where any moke who can type can come on here ...have their own personal keyboard enema. Anonymously.
As has been said: The id will out.

At any rate, poster Donald H. keep up he good fight. You have earned a fanbase.
And Ray from Cleveland......does a better job of driving home the xenophobia point suggested above.......than I can.

Not wanting open borders or people intruding in our country is xenophobia? Was Dementia xenophobic when he said no Cubans were allowed inside the US? No. He made that policy because Cubans are much more prone to vote Republican than other Hispanics.

What morons outside of liberal whites would sit back and watch as a party systematically is making them a minority so they can create a single-party country forever and end the Great Experiment?
First, a hat-tip to poster 'Donald H'.
It is refreshing to read an articulate view of issues that stir such partisanship.
Please keep up this yeoman's work.
Now for the hanging-curves just sitting on the corner of the plate:



I think it is selfish too. Xenophobia on a bumper-sticker.

It gained traction around WWI as a sop to the isolationist who wanted the U.S. to stay out of the European war. But then the Klu Klux Klan embraced it as a a catch-phrase for their overweening racism and anti-immigrant xenophobia.

Whenever I hear it, or read it.....I think "America Alone".
And that is not a good thing.


And Ray from Cleveland......does a better job of driving home the xenophobia point suggested above.......than I can.

I'm sorry to hear of that. It saddens me. Those poor folks. What possible circumstances brought them to such an opinion?

My wife and I....corporate careerist nomads our entire working lives......have lived in 7 major American cities. (and 3 smaller ones) And we liked every one of 'em. Enjoyed our time and experience in them. They were great places to live a full and rich life. We met and were be-friended by wonderful people. Many remain friends to this day.

Now, nearing our doddering years, we are very grateful for the warp and weft those years --and the people --- in those cities gave us.

(ps....for the Canadians who lurk here.....we always wanted to live in Montreal for a spell. The stars never aligned. It didn't happen. A great place to visit.)

Now, I was not born a city guy. My folks owned a small town (400 people) grocery store....and our family --5 of us at the time ---lived upstairs above the store. It was a farming community. Big city living was something both my bride and I learned. And reveled in. She as much as I.
So there is that. I married the right gal.


Yes it is, poster Donald.
And it is also saddening that that definition even needs to be offered here as new revelation to some posters. is the internet. A gossipboard. Where any moke who can type can come on here ...have their own personal keyboard enema. Anonymously.
As has been said: The id will out.

At any rate, poster Donald H. keep up he good fight. You have earned a fanbase.
Thanks so much Chillicothe for the comments and the encouragement!
So what's wrong with demanding peace and quite where you live? Most white people demand that as well. The loud motorcycles are one thing, but you don't need to be blasting that jungle music so loud you can't even hear the television set in your own living room. That's why we have noise disturbance laws in our cities; not that blacks care for obeying laws that much.

My point was that nobody on the left thinks it's ever the blacks fault for nobody wanting to live around them. It's simply the color of their skin that upsets us. Well guess what, there is no truth to that whatsoever. it's not the skin color that makes us dislike them, it's how people of that skin color act why we don't want them anywhere near us.
Could you please stop trying to demean the left with me. That which you consider the left are really good middle of the road people.
Not at all. The supply and demand system with employment works great if people don't throw monkey wrenches into the system like unions, illegals, mandated wages. Left alone the system works fine.

Because we are a free country, consumers can choose to buy any product they desire. In the 80's after the recession, American consumers chose cheaper foreign products because the costs passed down in American products made them too expensive.

What unions did was give us years of inflation and increase our cost of living. When our average wage went up by a dollar, the average wage in China went up two cents. When our average wage when up another dollar, the average wage in South Korea went up 10 cents. It was only a matter of time until we priced ourselves out of the market which we did.

However a larger monster was haunting the American worker, and that was automation. Automation replaced more American jobs than those that left and outsourcing combined. Now with the inflation caused by the Democrats paying people more money to stay home than work, those threats are even larger than ever.
Are you all about begrudging those who earn more than you. I find that's the biggest reason for why a lot of poor people hate unions.

Real capitalists understand that part of the system includes the right to collective bargaining. This is the 'freedom' of workers to have a say in their lives as workers.

Don't try telling me anything about automation Ray, I'm not interested in replaying the inductrial revolution with you just because you're trying to avoid the topic on why US corporations moved to China.

Be more selective on what you choose to waste my time over discussing. Only rational and interesting points will be receiving my response.
I think you missed the whole point, Biden represented the future and its promises, Trump represented the past and all its broken promises and failures.
What does this awesome “future“ hold?
Here’s a glimpse of the present manifested by Democrat policy and ideologies….$30 trillion in debt, a homeless population larger than some countries, Veterans pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a citizenry that hates one another, a middle class that can't save a penny or get ahead, decayed infrastructure, 20-40 million illiterate illegal thirdworlders deciding our elections through their anchor babies, ruining blue collar trade work and destroying our healthcare and public education systems, a government working their asses off to help Mexicos people while fucking over our own...I could go on and on.
Canada takes more immigrants per capita than does the US. If you want to join a conversation then you have to get yourself up to speed on the facts.
More of your spamming through lack of understanding won't be tolerated anymore.
We both know we arent’t alking about “immigrants”…we’re talking about ILLEGAL, needy, undesirable, illiterate thirdworlders…how many is Canada taking in? POST THE DATA.
(this is where you pretend you didn’t see this post)
People who are not vaccinated against Covid-19 are 11 times more likely to die from the disease and 10 times more likely to be hospitalized with the disease according to the CDC.

679,000 Americans have died from Covid-19. Today we are averaging over 150,000 cases and 1,550 deaths a day.

Our President declared war on the pandemic.

Why is it forum Republicans largely refrain from discussing the Republican Party? There is one very good reason.

With the inclusion of Republican governors and lawmakers, the Republican leadership is siding with the virus.

The Times reports, "President Biden’s far-reaching assertion of executive authority to require Covid-19 vaccines for 100 million American workers relies on a set of complicated legal tools that will test the power — and the limits — of the federal government to compel personal health care decisions.

"To more aggressively confront the coronavirus pandemic, Mr. Biden is pulling several levers of presidential power: He is using an emergency provision in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970; he is threatening to withhold federal funding from hospitals and other health care organizations; and he is embracing his authority as chief executive of the sprawling federal work force and its contractors.

"Together, the president’s actions are an assertive use of his jurisdiction over American life as the occupant of the Oval Office."

At least fifteen Republican governors say our President's attack on the malevolent virus amounts to government overreach, and that they plan to challenge it in court. The Republican National Committee has said it plans to sue the administration over the stringent new measures.

The President had a three-word reply to these threats from the Republican leadership.

"Have at it."

The irony is, Republicans are attacking the methods the President is using, but, if the pandemic gets worse, more deaths, months more of the suffering, these same Republicans will be first in line to blame the President.

In addition, Republicans have passed laws that restrict voting access, passed gun laws that can turn city streets into the O.K. Corral, while still another law dictates health decisions for women, and a Republican governor promises to remove all rapists in his state.

If one were a Republican, with this incongruity, would you want to discuss the Republican Party? The party has become downright embarrassing.

That explains the silence.
Are you all about begrudging those who earn more than you. I find that's the biggest reason for why a lot of poor people hate unions.

Real capitalists understand that part of the system includes the right to collective bargaining. This is the 'freedom' of workers to have a say in their lives as workers.

Don't try telling me anything about automation Ray, I'm not interested in replaying the inductrial revolution with you just because you're trying to avoid the topic on why US corporations moved to China.

Be more selective on what you choose to waste my time over discussing. Only rational and interesting points will be receiving my response.
Yeah, as long as there is a right for working without a union. When i got back from Saudi Arabia, i was required to join a union, if i wanted a certain type of employment. I had to take a 20,000 pay cut because of the union. My skills had me making $70,000 a year tax free in Saudi, but had to work for $24 an hour and give up union dues also. Unions suck for the worker, but those union leaders who sit behind oak desks and dont do shit, make the millions....Another scam of the Democrat party...

Oh and Union retirements are taxed as earned income, while my dividend retirement is taxed as qualified dividends, a much lower tax rate. Rely on others to take care of you, they will reap the money, while you get just enough to live on, rely on yourself(unless you are a stupid ass progressive) and you can live in wealth and happiness...
Are you all about begrudging those who earn more than you. I find that's the biggest reason for why a lot of poor people hate unions.

Real capitalists understand that part of the system includes the right to collective bargaining. This is the 'freedom' of workers to have a say in their lives as workers.

Don't try telling me anything about automation Ray, I'm not interested in replaying the inductrial revolution with you just because you're trying to avoid the topic on why US corporations moved to China.

Be more selective on what you choose to waste my time over discussing. Only rational and interesting points will be receiving my response.
When you start being all high and righteous, while being an ignorant asshole, it is time to put you in with the rest of the 173 prog slaves i have on ignore. I wont waste another iota of my intellect trying to argue at your level.

Yeah, that's America.
But Americans howl about it at the same time as they deny it. So you've turned your country into a 'shithole'!

Blame the libruls!
Again, America is a great place.....if you take the liberal run shitholes out of the equation. Show me a major U.S. city with high crime, gangs, drug problems, high murder rates, etc.....and I will show you a city run by liberals. You may hate that fact, but don't blame me for it. Blame the cities leaders!!!!
My daughter pointed this out and it got me wondering if the American electorate has ever made such a terrible decision before?
Lets break it down

more illegals - Where did he campaign on that? He campaigned on treating people with dignity and not separating families. That has a majority. Separating Families At The Border Is Really Unpopular

fewer jobs - Unemployment has been dropping under Biden...Job Growth is also high, Biden just doesn't remind you about everyday...​

higher taxes - Yes Biden is proposing higher taxation on rich... Americans want the wealthy and corporations to pay more taxes, but are elected officials listening?

higher fuel costs - well fuel costs are going to rise... As the Biden economy gets stronger and stronger the demand goes up... But Biden is looking at alternative sources for power, this might seem strange for you but he is no bought and paid for by Big Oil... So he is looking at a longer stragey to reduce US dependence on Oil and other fossil fuels... This might scare you as this involves change...​

Thanks for pointing out the hard work and success Biden has already done and achieved... Some great years ahead...

You are probably bitching that he got of Afghanistan as well... It was messy but it showed what America can achieve... That will pay off too..

more illegals - Where did he campaign on that? He campaigned on treating people with dignity and not separating families. That has a majority. Separating Families At The Border Is Really Unpopular

fewer jobs - Unemployment has been dropping under Biden...Job Growth is also high, Biden just doesn't remind you about everyday...​

higher taxes - Yes Biden is proposing higher taxation on rich... Americans want the wealthy and corporations to pay more taxes, but are elected officials listening?

higher fuel costs - well fuel costs are going to rise... As the Biden economy gets stronger and stronger the demand goes up... But Biden is looking at alternative sources for power, this might seem strange for you but he is no bought and paid for by Big Oil... So he is looking at a longer stragey to reduce US dependence on Oil and other fossil fuels... This might scare you as this involves change...​

And now kids, another story. This one is called Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Are you all about begrudging those who earn more than you. I find that's the biggest reason for why a lot of poor people hate unions.

Real capitalists understand that part of the system includes the right to collective bargaining. This is the 'freedom' of workers to have a say in their lives as workers.

Don't try telling me anything about automation Ray, I'm not interested in replaying the inductrial revolution with you just because you're trying to avoid the topic on why US corporations moved to China.

Be more selective on what you choose to waste my time over discussing. Only rational and interesting points will be receiving my response.

I told you why our companies moved overseas, but as a typical liberal, your response is :lalala:

As far as unions go, I could write a book on them. As a local truck driver, I've talked to many union workers, plant supervisors, and even employers about their situation. I know a hell of a lot more about it than you could study. We lost a lot of good customers because of those unions, and that gives me a right to hate them. If I made a delivery or pickup at a company I knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not based on their work ethics and attitude towards their job.

Unions are not illegal in this country. Any group of workers could start a union anytime they want, but they don't. Why? Because from experience, workers understand that bringing in a union would only be the beginning of them losing their job and company.
This is xenophobia: " Immigrants are the problem. We need to totally close our borders so nobody gets in."

So what's xenophobic about believing that? Closing our borders means I don't want anybody getting in no matter where they are from. We have way too many now.
BTW, I'm a Canadian and I won't be thinking of America first.
I wouldn't even if I was an American.
I consider it a selfish slogan that is intended on encouraging greed and the ignoring of others in desperate need.
You realize America, the greatest nation on the globe was built on individualism right?
I can’t help but wonder…how many desperate thirdworlders should America take in Gustavo? What’s your number?

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