Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

No, the people themselves are failing to make themselves a better way of life.
That's true.
The country is to provide secure borders and protect citizens from invasions and crime.
And so much more but you're hit on a key explanation being that Americans don't understand there's so much more that government must do.
So what you are saying is that people today are just plain stupid and need some progressive elites to take care of them. Am i right?
I don't consider the average person stupid but some need an awakening to understand that they deserve more and better from government.
They are? Then why have I never read a story about it? You would think given that Democrats are for socialism, they would promote how illegals are using our country as a stepping stone to get to a socialist country because it's so great.
Just google, Canada accepting immigrants. And specify where they are coming from if you're interested. Canada usually accept more per capita than the US Ray.
But it's not a path for the 100 plus other countries. It takes a lot of money, time and luck to get here for them. South America is far from our only problem with so many people trying to get in.
I'm really not aware of what 'you' consider problems Ray.
As for wealth, no immigrant is going to share in that unless they come here legally and establish their own business
You can't get much more calm or civil than I am on USMB. Unless you are looking for an excuse NOT to discuss these subjects with me.
I'll discuss with you if you're civil.
The only reason the US is in decline is because of Democrat leadership.
Not the only reason but I would agree the D's haven't got the message either. The message is pretty close to what Bernie says.
The "decline" can be placed on invading wetbacks and our fucked governments refusal to do something about it.
All countries that can offer a better life to poor people experience the same issue. Many accept more than the US does/per capita.
All wealthy countries have an obligation.
Hahahaha....Biden hasn't pushed one fucking thing that is of clear benefit to the positive contributing, law abiding REAL American.
There are several things that he's pushed that would benefit Americans. He has succeeded with a few but still failed with most.
He's no Bernie of course, but even Bernie would be facing failure up against the other party.
You are correct. Major democrat run inner cities and metropolitan areas fail to provide quality of life. Take those out of the equation and America is leaps and bounds ahead of most other areas in the world.
I've heard that repeatedly as well as hearing Americans referring to their cities as 'shitholes' too.
I suspect it's pretty bad but calling your cities 'shitholes' is going a bit too far for a Canadian.
All countries that can offer a better life to poor people experience the same issue. Many accept more than the US does/per capita.
All wealthy countries have an obligation.
$30 trillion in debt, a homeless population larger than some countries, Veterans pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a citizenry that hates one another, a middle class that can't save a penny or get ahead, 20-40 million illiterate illegal thirdworlders deciding our elections through their anchor babies, decayed infrastructure, a destroyed healthcare system, a worthless public education system...I could go on and on....Maybe you should think about America First for a bit huh?
All countries that can offer a better life to poor people experience the same issue. Many accept more than the US does/per capita.
All wealthy countries have an obligation.

They do, and where is that obligation written? Many accept far more immigrants than the US?

The United States allows a million immigrants every year to become citizens of this great place we created. On top of that we issue close to a million green cards and Visas to outsiders to take advantage of our educational and capitalist system. This country of nearly 30 trillion in debt provides annual aid to these poor countries, and that's not even considering the hundreds of private charities that do the same. We share our wealth.

Now, name me one country that comes even close to what the US does for people outside their border. How many immigrants does Canada let in a year? :eusa_shhh:
I'm really not aware of what 'you' consider problems Ray.

Immigrants are the problem. We need to totally close our borders so nobody gets in.

How so?

Not the only reason but I would agree the D's haven't got the message either. The message is pretty close to what Bernie says.

Yes, we know all about Bernie, the guy who spent his honeymoon in the USSR. We know where he wants to take this country, the same place the Democrats want to take this country.
$30 trillion in debt, a homeless population larger than some countries, Veterans pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a citizenry that hates one another, a middle class that can't save a penny or get ahead, 20-40 million illiterate illegal thirdworlders deciding our elections through their anchor babies, decayed infrastructure, a destroyed healthcare system, a worthless public education system...I could go on and on....Maybe you should think about America First for a bit huh?

Yes, it's that bad! America is truly a mess and that resulted in desperation for many people, both left and right, who turned to Trump.

Trump promised to fix all of that you mention but it turned out that he didn't even have a plan to fix your destroyed health care system! Maybe he will have some plans if you give him a nest time?

BTW, I'm a Canadian and I won't be thinking of America first.
I wouldn't even if I was an American.
I consider it a selfish slogan that is intended on encouraging greed and the ignoring of others in desperate need.
They do, and where is that obligation written? Many accept far more immigrants than the US?

The United States allows a million immigrants every year to become citizens of this great place we created. On top of that we issue close to a million green cards and Visas to outsiders to take advantage of our educational and capitalist system. This country of nearly 30 trillion in debt provides annual aid to these poor countries, and that's not even considering the hundreds of private charities that do the same. We share our wealth.

Now, name me one country that comes even close to what the US does for people outside their border. How many immigrants does Canada let in a year? :eusa_shhh:
Canada nearly always comes out ahead on per capita comparisons Ray. When you propose your ideas the onus is on you to provide references.
Canada nearly always comes out ahead on per capita comparisons Ray. When you propose your ideas the onus is on you to provide references.
Canada is a mostly white nation…all mostly white nations come out ahead.
Why isnt’t noble Canada taking 10 million wetbacks of our hands? Why doesn’t noble Canada send 747‘s to Mexico to shuttle them in?
Immigrants are the problem. We need to totally close our borders so nobody gets in.

How so?

Yes, we know all about Bernie, the guy who spent his honeymoon in the USSR. We know where he wants to take this country, the same place the Democrats want to take this country.
I think Bernie wants to take your country to the same place as the world's leading democracies that all have a high 'quality of life'

I have Americans telling me that your cities are rotten shitholes even as we speak.

That's an indication that there's something very wrong with America that you're not acknowledging Ray.
Bernie's ideology would fit right in in Canada. We would see it as socially responsible capitalism in government.
To be fair he didn't win on those things. He promised one thing and delivered the opposite. Or simply ignored what he said he would do.

He promised and said a lot of things he never intended. Like I'd bet he got 20% of his votes purely on saying be would forgive student debt. Which of course he had no intention of doing so and immediately dismissed as soon as he was sworn in.
Canada is a mostly white nation…all mostly white nations come out ahead.
Why isnt’t noble Canada taking 10 million wetbacks of our hands? Why doesn’t noble Canada send 747‘s to Mexico to shuttle them in?
Canada takes more immigrants per capita than does the US. If you want to join a conversation then you have to get yourself up to speed on the facts.
More of your spamming through lack of understanding won't be tolerated anymore.
Yes, it's that bad! America is truly a mess and that resulted in desperation for many people, both left and right, who turned to Trump.

Trump promised to fix all of that you mention but it turned out that he didn't even have a plan to fix your destroyed health care system! Maybe he will have some plans if you give him a nest time?

BTW, I'm a Canadian and I won't be thinking of America first.
I wouldn't even if I was an American.
I consider it a selfish slogan that is intended on encouraging greed and the ignoring of others in desperate need.
To be fair he didn't win on those things. He promised one thing and delivered the opposite. Or simply ignored what he said he would do.

He promised and said a lot of things he never intended. Like I'd bet he got 20% of his votes purely on saying be would forgive student debt. Which of course he had no intention of doing so and immediately dismissed as soon as he was sworn in.

And what happened to doubling the minimum wage? As soon as he got into office he said that was off the table.
Canada is a mostly white nation…all mostly white nations come out ahead.
Why isnt’t noble Canada taking 10 million wetbacks of our hands? Why doesn’t noble Canada send 747‘s to Mexico to shuttle them in?

That is a reality most can't bring themselves to consider, let alone ever admit.

Look at all the countries in the world that have existed since man evolved enough to actually become countries. Both current countries and ones thousands of years old.

Now look at all the countries past and present that were formed, grew, were advanced for their period of time, civilized, etc.

Now think of how many of those countries were all, if not primarily, black and were formed and governed by blacks? Not very many.

Why is that? I mean surely you can't blame racism on the entire world over the span of thousands of years.

Sure there are plenty of smart, savvy, ambitious black people as individuals that are capable. But for the majority of them, or them as a large whole they can't do it as well as other races of human beings.
That's an indication that there's something very wrong with America that you're not acknowledging Ray.
Bernie's ideology would fit right in in Canada. We would see it as socially responsible capitalism in government.

And what is socially responsible capitalism? The government taking most of what you earn?

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