Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

I almost hear glee in your post.
Are you proud to live amongst such an ignorant electorate?
Voters voting on personal feelings and against positive progression and prosperity?

If you say so. I've noted many times........I didn't vote for any of them but I wasn't happy that Trump won but I was really happy Hillary lost.

I wasn't happy that Biden won but I was happy that Trump lost this time. Maybe some day one of the parties will actually run someone decent but I doubt it.
My daughter pointed this out and it got me wondering if the American electorate has ever made such a terrible decision before?
Each of what you listed are directed toward social change. So one at a time:

More illegals: All rich countries need to take in those in dire need.

Fewer jobs: Large numbers of jobs are secondary to high paying fulltime jobs, which then finanace those who are unemployed.

Higher taxes: Higher taxes for the wealthy is the only way to keep the system afloat. It's sinking.

Higher fuel prices: That translates into higher taxes and so the former applies.

This may seem quite foreign to most Americans, and that's because it is foreign. I'm a Canadian and I think what I'm suggesting is pretty close to what the majority of Canadians accept.

So I would just add that we Canadians do concentrate on taxation where there is some logic in higher taxes. That could be tobacco, alcohol, and gasoline.

But of course I'm not suggesting that Biden is completely honest in all his initiatives. The D party doesn't have a track record that proves their social responsibility toward the people.
Each of what you listed are directed toward social change. So one at a time:

More illegals: All rich countries need to take in those in dire need.

Fewer jobs: Large numbers of jobs are secondary to high paying fulltime jobs, which then finanace those who are unemployed.

Higher taxes: Higher taxes for the wealthy is the only way to keep the system afloat. It's sinking.

Higher fuel prices: That translates into higher taxes and so the former applies.

This may seem quite foreign to most Americans, and that's because it is foreign. I'm a Canadian and I think what I'm suggesting is pretty close to what the majority of Canadians accept.

So I would just add that we Canadians do concentrate on taxation where there is some logic in higher taxes. That could be tobacco, alcohol, and gasoline.

But of course I'm not suggesting that Biden is completely honest in all his initiatives. The D party doesn't have a track record that proves their social responsibility toward the people.
Why is it that the wealthy need to pay more in taxes, instead of the fucking government cutting worthless programs? I know a few of them that are total waste of money yet continue to hang around, because again, it is a waste of money...

But wait, i thought Joe Biteme wasnt going to raise taxes on anyone making less than $200,000 a year? Are you saying that Joe Biteme lied to US ....again...
Why is it that the wealthy need to pay more in taxes, instead of the fucking government cutting worthless programs? I know a few of them that are total waste of money yet continue to hang around, because again, it is a waste of money...
Can we agree on what you consider to be a worthless program?
But wait, i thought Joe Biteme wasnt going to raise taxes on anyone making less than $200,000 a year? Are you saying that Joe Biteme lied to US ....again...
If he said that, and I think he did, then if he does then it could be considered to be a lie. But I wouldn't say definitively because I don't have all the details.

Fwiw, I would say that America's entire taxation scheme needs a close look. The income inequality statistics at least, don't lie.

Your ideas on how taxation should be applied would be interesting.

Overall, America's 'quality of life' has declined enormously and I think the blame can be placed on government in general as opposed to either party.
Why is it that the wealthy need to pay more in taxes, instead of the fucking government cutting worthless programs? I know a few of them that are total waste of money yet continue to hang around, because again, it is a waste of money...

HUD is one of those programs. There is no reason why taxpayers should be paying for people who don't work or work very little to live in the suburbs. You want me to support you, fine, I'll support you over there--not over here.
Can we agree on what you consider to be a worthless program?

If he said that, and I think he did, then if he does then it could be considered to be a lie. But I wouldn't say definitively because I don't have all the details.

Fwiw, I would say that America's entire taxation scheme needs a close look. The income inequality statistics at least, don't lie.

Your ideas on how taxation should be applied would be interesting.

Overall, America's 'quality of life' has declined enormously and I think the blame can be placed on government in general as opposed to either party.
I used to be part of the income poor, but i developed skills that enabled me to move into the top 10%. Why is it that other people cannot do what i have done? Are they more stupid than me? Do we have to punish smart people and reward stupid people? Why is it that those in Political office say that the rich should pay more in taxes, yet those political hacks find ways NOT to pay their fair share? I mean come on man, wake the fuck up, if you pay more in taxes that is your fault for being gullible, smart people learn the ways of the Democrat Hacks, and use the very tax loopholes that the hacks use. That is called "Fairness".(intelligent also).

I used to be part of the income poor, but i developed skills that enabled me to move into the top 10%. Why is it that other people cannot do what i have done?
That's not a question that's asked for the purpose of getting an answer.

Your country is failing to provide a good 'quality of life' for the majority of the people.

If what you say is true then you have found a way around the problem.

That is, if what you say can be believed. I generally reject that which sounds like it's made up for the occasion.
Your country is failing to provide a good 'quality of life' for the majority of the people.

If what you say is true then you have found a way around the problem.

That is, if what you say can be believed. I generally reject that which sounds like it's made up for the occasion

If Canada is so great, why are our illegals not making their way to your border to live there instead? Why do they (and millions of others) come here and stay? People are flying to Mexico from over 100 countries around the world just to take a chance at getting into the United States. They certainly are not doing that to get to your country.

So apparently the USA is much more popular with people around the world than your ice-box of a country. I think your first problem is you have no idea what this country is all about. Our founders never created a federal government to make our quality of life better. They left that opportunity to the individuals. Our founders created a federal government to govern, and that's it.
That's not a question that's asked for the purpose of getting an answer.

Your country is failing to provide a good 'quality of life' for the majority of the people.

If what you say is true then you have found a way around the problem.

That is, if what you say can be believed. I generally reject that which sounds like it's made up for the occasion.
You are correct. Major democrat run inner cities and metropolitan areas fail to provide quality of life. Take those out of the equation and America is leaps and bounds ahead of most other areas in the world.
Each of what you listed are directed toward social change. So one at a time:

More illegals: All rich countries need to take in those in dire need.

Fewer jobs: Large numbers of jobs are secondary to high paying fulltime jobs, which then finanace those who are unemployed.

Higher taxes: Higher taxes for the wealthy is the only way to keep the system afloat. It's sinking.

Higher fuel prices: That translates into higher taxes and so the former applies.

This may seem quite foreign to most Americans, and that's because it is foreign. I'm a Canadian and I think what I'm suggesting is pretty close to what the majority of Canadians accept.

So I would just add that we Canadians do concentrate on taxation where there is some logic in higher taxes. That could be tobacco, alcohol, and gasoline.

But of course I'm not suggesting that Biden is completely honest in all his initiatives. The D party doesn't have a track record that proves their social responsibility toward the people.

More illegals: All rich countries need to take in those in dire need.
BULLSHIT.....What rule book are you finding this in?
In a nation funded by The People ALL action taken by the elected government MUST be of direct benefit to The People just as the founders intended.

Fewer jobs: Large numbers of jobs are secondary to high paying fulltime jobs, which then finanace those who are unemployed.
But Democrats keep expanding the underclass and destroying the working class with their illegal pet humans.

Higher taxes: Higher taxes for the wealthy is the only way to keep the system afloat. It's sinking.
It's "sinking" because Democrats keep expanding the non contributing underclass with their illegal pet humans.

Higher fuel prices: That translates into higher taxes and so the former applies.
Democrats keep expanding the underclass with their illegal pet humans. Why should good people pay for their fuck-ups?

This may seem quite foreign to most Americans, and that's because it is foreign. I'm a Canadian and I think what I'm suggesting is pretty close to what the majority of Canadians accept.
How many dead-beat illegal wetbacks and taxpayer tit sucking blacks reside in nearly all white Canada?

So I would just add that we Canadians do concentrate on taxation where there is some logic in higher taxes.
How about we just kick all wetbacks out and lockdown our border instead...seems quite "logical" doesn't it?

But of course I'm not suggesting that Biden is completely honest in all his initiatives. The D party doesn't have a track record that proves their social responsibility toward the people.
Hahahaha....Biden hasn't pushed one fucking thing that is of clear benefit to the positive contributing, law abiding REAL American.
Overall, America's 'quality of life' has declined enormously and I think the blame can be placed on government in general as opposed to either party.
The "decline" can be placed on invading wetbacks and our fucked governments refusal to do something about it.
You are correct. Major democrat run inner cities and metropolitan areas fail to provide quality of life.
Thank you, few Americans like to admit it.
Take those out of the equation and America is leaps and bounds ahead of most other areas in the world.
You can't just wish those out of the equation. America is ahead of 'most' other countries but has fallen down from being in the top ten world leaders, to 15th. on quality of life. China is catching up to Americ fast.

Americans are choosing to uphold income inequality instead of providing the best for it's people.
If Canada is so great, why are our illegals not making their way to your border to live there instead?
Many are Ray.
Why do they (and millions of others) come here and stay? People are flying to Mexico from over 100 countries around the world just to take a chance at getting into the United States. They certainly are not doing that to get to your country.
They go to all wealthy countries Ray and America is in a direct path from Mexico and C.America.
So apparently the USA is much more popular with people around the world than your ice-box of a country.
It's not an icebox Ray but the people do prefer a warmer climate such as the US south. That's closer to normal for them.
I think your first problem is you have no idea what this country is all about. Our founders never created a federal government to make our quality of life better. They left that opportunity to the individuals. Our founders created a federal government to govern, and that's it.

Be it individuals or government to blame for the US decline, is something we could discuss further. But you're going to have to be calm and civil if you want to talk to me.
hahaha...Good Leftists are ass-backwards on everything.
You affirm my point; the dumbest motherfuckers in America voted in favor of fucking themselves over....Why don't you find that bizarre?
They voted in favor of fucking over everyone else. They didn’t think they would actually be a “ fuckee” too.

Jokes on them.
Many are Ray.

They are? Then why have I never read a story about it? You would think given that Democrats are for socialism, they would promote how illegals are using our country as a stepping stone to get to a socialist country because it's so great.

They go to all wealthy countries Ray and America is in a direct path from Mexico and C.America.

But it's not a path for the 100 plus other countries. It takes a lot of money, time and luck to get here for them. South America is far from our only problem with so many people trying to get in.

As for wealth, no immigrant is going to share in that unless they come here legally and establish their own business

Be it individuals or government to blame for the US decline, is something we could discuss further. But you're going to have to be calm and civil if you want to talk to me.

You can't get much more calm or civil than I am on USMB. Unless you are looking for an excuse NOT to discuss these subjects with me.

The only reason the US is in decline is because of Democrat leadership.
That's not a question that's asked for the purpose of getting an answer.

Your country is failing to provide a good 'quality of life' for the majority of the people.

If what you say is true then you have found a way around the problem.

That is, if what you say can be believed. I generally reject that which sounds like it's made up for the occasion.
No, the people themselves are failing to make themselves a better way of life. The country is to provide secure borders and protect citizens from invasions and crime. So what you are saying is that people today are just plain stupid and need some progressive elites to take care of them. Am i right?
No, the people themselves are failing to make themselves a better way of life. The country is to provide secure borders and protect citizens from invasions and crime. So what you are saying is that people today are just plain stupid and need some progressive elites to take care of them. Am i right?

That's a good question.

I think what he's really saying though is in his country, your success and happiness depends (or should depend) on government; not yourself, not your actions, not your financial risks in life, but government.

As I told him a few posts ago, that's not what the US government is for.

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