Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

I thought the same thing about Trump. His appeal is basically entirely personality based. He had no government ability. He barely knew how the government worked. He wouldn’t talk policy outside of vague generalities. Build a wall was his simplest one but even then, how much wall, what kind of wall and where are questions that went unanswered. Make Mexico pay for it was never a real policy, just an applause line.

To be honest, you won't find one person on the right that was bothered by who paid for it. The money Trump wanted for the wall is about what we pay out in food stamps for a little over half a month.

Trump did get the wall built. He had his own plans, but was smart enough to discuss the project with engineers and the border patrol. Using their suggestions, he changed his design, and until Dementia got in, he built 470 miles of new or replacement border wall.

Trump may not have had political experience, but he was the best President we've had in decades. You have to be a real dope to choose a guy who's been in federal government for 47 years, accomplished nothing, who's dope head son was under FBI investigation looking into matters Joe was involved in, over a guy that gave us secure borders, lower fuel prices, and the best economy we had in 50 years.

Here's the real problem: All the damage Biden planned for this country was on his website, he stated it during the debates, his party was behind it, and people still voted for him? There could only be one possibility here, and that is we had too many stupid and politically ignorant people voting, and the commies want to put that on steroids for all future elections to turn us into a single-party government forever.
In Right Wing fantasy, y'all are Always Right.
They just can't wrap their heads around the fact that more Americans don't adore their orange buffoon like they do.

So, there must be something wrong. It's not their fault, or his fault. Somebody must have cheated.

And given their love of conspiracies like Q, they just run with whatever pops to mind.
I thought the same thing about Trump. His appeal is basically entirely personality based. He had no government ability. He barely knew how the government worked. He wouldn’t talk policy outside of vague generalities. Build a wall was his simplest one but even then, how much wall, what kind of wall and where are questions that went unanswered. Make Mexico pay for it was never a real policy, just an applause line.

To be honest, you won't find one person on the right that was bothered by who paid for it. The money Trump wanted for the wall is about what we pay out in food stamps for a little over half a month.

Trump did get the wall built. He had his own plans, but was smart enough to discuss the project with engineers and the border patrol. Using their suggestions, he changed his design, and until Dementia got in, he built 470 miles of new or replacement border wall.

Trump may not have had political experience, but he was the best President we've had in decades. You have to be a real dope to choose a guy who's been in federal government for 47 years, accomplished nothing, who's dope head son was under FBI investigation looking into matters Joe was involved in, over a guy that gave us secure borders, lower fuel prices, and the best economy we had in 50 years.

Here's the real problem: All the damage Biden planned for this country was on his website, he stated it during the debates, his party was behind it, and people still voted for him? There could only be one possibility here, and that is we had too many stupid and politically ignorant people voting, and the commies want to put that on steroids for all future elections to turn us into a single-party government forever.
Trump wasn’t the best president in decades. His true talent isn’t governing, it’s marketing. That’s why it doesn’t really matter what he does, he’s good at convincing people that he’s done amazing.

Case in point, gas prices. They went up under Trump. Somehow he convinced you he did something amazing here. That’s his true power.

Trump wasn’t the best president in decades. His true talent isn’t governing, it’s marketing. That’s why it doesn’t really matter what he does, he’s good at convincing people that he’s done amazing.

Case in point, gas prices. They went up under Trump. Somehow he convinced you he did something amazing here. That’s his true power.

Gas prices went up during the best economy in 50 years. This is normal. But look at your chart again. It never hit three bucks a gallon. Now compare that to the $4.00 range it hit under Bush and Obama. Considering our economy had over a million more jobs than Americans who could do them (something I've never seen in my entire life) our gasoline would usually have been approaching $5.00 a gallon.
I don't care what he says. Trump gained 12 million more supporters than he did his first election.

Well, it is too obvious you don't care what the professional pollster, Tony Fabrizio, hired by Don Trump to tell Don Trump what he wanted to know concluded.
Because you know more than Trump?
Because you know more than Trump's pollster?

Look, poster Ray, it appears you do not know what you are talking about. No disrespect intended.

After all, you are an anonymous poster offering an opinion under a fake name on an internet gossipboard......yet, you imply you have the bona fides to credibly contradict what a professional pollster has determined after being hired (numerous times) by Don Trump.

The very same pollster who told Don Trump: You lost because more voters thought you were untrustworthy than those who didn't.

The very same pollster who told Don Trump: You lost, Don......... because more voters thought you were incompetent in your Covid response than those who didn't.

So, while the forum here is probably eager to give you even some plausibility if not credibility, Ray in simply, and plainly, have offered us no resume, no curriculum vitae that indicates you know what you are talking about.

You merely have an opinion. And everyone has one of those.

Don't mean to be harsh towards you. But there comes a time when one has gotta show one knows whereof they speak.
And you haven't.

Biden didn't win Dems stole the election.

Prove it, BluesLegend.

Saddle up, Skippy, and show the forum that you, in contradistinction to the poster above, knows what you are talking about.

Here's your chance to dazzle with your due diligence, research, or insider knowledge.
Can you be persuasive?

Or do you too, have only an opinion?
As, you know, everyone has one of those.

Batter up, poster BluesLegend.
Well, it is too obvious you don't care what the professional pollster, Tony Fabrizio, hired by Don Trump to tell Don Trump what he wanted to know concluded.
Because you know more than Trump?
Because you know more than Trump's pollster?

Look, poster Ray, it appears you do not know what you are talking about. No disrespect intended.

After all, you are an anonymous poster offering an opinion under a fake name on an internet gossipboard......yet, you imply you have the bona fides to credibly contradict what a professional pollster has determined after being hired (numerous times) by Don Trump.

The very same pollster who told Don Trump: You lost because more voters thought you were untrustworthy than those who didn't.

The very same pollster who told Don Trump: You lost, Don......... because more voters thought you were incompetent in your Covid response than those who didn't.

So, while the forum here is probably eager to give you even some plausibility if not credibility, Ray in simply, and plainly, have offered us no resume, no curriculum vitae that indicates you know what you are talking about.

You merely have an opinion. And everyone has one of those.

Don't mean to be harsh towards you. But there comes a time when one has gotta show one knows whereof they speak.
And you haven't.

So what you are trying to say here is because somebody calls themselves a professional pollster, their opinion is right and nobody else's opinion is?

After all, that's all they are, opinions. So where are these opinions formed from? That's right, from voters many of whom are politically ignorant.

Now I used to talk to a lot of people when I was working. I talked to dozens of different people most every day, and I often brought up politics, especially around election time. My experience is that people who knew little about the subject told me they supported the Democrats. People who knew a lot about it supported Republicans. Now, this is not to say every Democrat is uninformed and every Republican is informed, but just in most cases of people that claimed to vote.

Political discourse is something we all enjoy here. That's why we spend time on USMB. To discuss politics, you need to do research. You need to spend many hours watching, listening, or reading about politics. Most folks don't do that. They spend their time watching sports, movies, playing video games, but little in the way of what's in the real world around them. At best they'll look at headlines without reading the article, or researching different outlets that write on a story. Let's look at that using your source:

Untrustworthy. How? Donald Trump delivered most of what he promised us in his campaign, at least what he could control and not stopped by the commies or their judges. Lower taxes, best economy in 50 years, fantastic curbing illegals entering the country. What's untrustworthy about that?

Incompetent in his Covid response. How? Dr. Fauci in an interview stated everything they discussed about the virus was relayed timely and precisely to the public. A US President cannot force people to wear masks. A US President cannot force people to socially distance. Even if such laws could be passed through Congress and signed by the President, it would violate our constitutional rights and reversed in court.

So where do these people form their opinions from? Brainwashing. It's worked so well for the Democrats in the past, and they're doing more and more of it as time goes on.

Trump wasn’t the best president in decades. His true talent isn’t governing, it’s marketing. That’s why it doesn’t really matter what he does, he’s good at convincing people that he’s done amazing.

Case in point, gas prices. They went up under Trump. Somehow he convinced you he did something amazing here. That’s his true power.

Gas prices went up during the best economy in 50 years. This is normal. But look at your chart again. It never hit three bucks a gallon. Now compare that to the $4.00 range it hit under Bush and Obama. Considering our economy had over a million more jobs than Americans who could do them (something I've never seen in my entire life) our gasoline would usually have been approaching $5.00 a gallon.
Is it normal? Prices were going down under Obama as the economy was growing. It went up under Trump. It’s basically the exact opposite of what you were telling me.

This is what I mean. Marketing. No matter what happens, you’ve been lead to believe it’s because Trump is great.
My daughter pointed this out and it got me wondering if the American electorate has ever made such a terrible decision before?
Trump won on corruption, cronyism, wealth inequality, pollution, abandonment of human rights and abdication of global leadership.

None of you batted an eye.

Not everyone agrees with your framing.
CNN agrees with yours. That's where you got it.

You were manipulated. And you're too dim to realize it.
CNN agrees with yours. That's where you got it.

You were manipulated. And you're too dim to realize it.
That’s exactly how I feel about Trump supporters, especially when they chant things like “lock her up”.
Is it normal? Prices were going down under Obama as the economy was growing. It went up under Trump. It’s basically the exact opposite of what you were telling me.

This is what I mean. Marketing. No matter what happens, you’ve been lead to believe it’s because Trump is great.

It only went down under DumBama when fracking led us to an abundance of energy. He had nothing to do with that. It continued under Trump, but he didn't do anything to interfere with our energy production. In fact he took measures to increase it.

Fuel prices works like anything else: Supply and Demand. When the economy is doing good, demand increases. If more supply is out there to meet the demand, then it doesn't increase nearly as much.
CNN agrees with yours. That's where you got it.

You were manipulated. And you're too dim to realize it.
That’s exactly how I feel about Trump supporters, especially when they chant things like “lock her up”.
Lock who up? Oh, you mean Hillary Clinton, whom the FBI director admitted committed crimes with classified information.

Well, yeah, of course you don't want her locked up. She's a Democrat and therefore above the law, and in general, Democrats don't take national security seriously.
Is it normal? Prices were going down under Obama as the economy was growing. It went up under Trump. It’s basically the exact opposite of what you were telling me.

This is what I mean. Marketing. No matter what happens, you’ve been lead to believe it’s because Trump is great.

It only went down under DumBama when fracking led us to an abundance of energy. He had nothing to do with that. It continued under Trump, but he didn't do anything to interfere with our energy production. In fact he took measures to increase it.

Fuel prices works like anything else: Supply and Demand. When the economy is doing good, demand increases. If more supply is out there to meet the demand, then it doesn't increase nearly as much.
It should now be obvious to you that presidents don’t really have much effect on gas prices.

And yet you’re still praising Trump for “giving you” low prices.
CNN agrees with yours. That's where you got it.

You were manipulated. And you're too dim to realize it.
That’s exactly how I feel about Trump supporters, especially when they chant things like “lock her up”.
Lock who up? Oh, you mean Hillary Clinton, whom the FBI director admitted committed crimes with classified information.

Well, yeah, of course you don't want her locked up. She's a Democrat and therefore above the law, and in general, Democrats don't take national security seriously.

And yet she walks free after 4 years of Trump’s presidency.

You were manipulated and are too dim to realize it.
It should now be obvious to you that presidents don’t really have much effect on gas prices.

And yet you’re still praising Trump for “giving you” low prices.

Of course they have an effect on fuel prices. Trust me, I traded commodities for three years. I know what goes on there because I was part of it. When the least little news comes out about a commodity, the market reacts immediately.

Look, Biden and Whorris both are self-proclaimed anti-fossil fuel. The party entirely in charge of our federal government is anti-fossil fuel. When Dementia stopped the Keystone, new drilling and exploration rights on public land, it demonstrated his bias against fossil fuels were more than just words; he means business. The market reacted as expected. Traders bought long contracts (meaning they expect the price to go up).

Oil is not a kids game. It's for big leaguers. If you have an oil contract, every time it moves in your direction one dollar per barrel, you make $1,000. If you bought it at $50.00 a barrel at the beginning of February, and it made it to $60.00 a barrel by the end of February, you made 10K in one month, and that's just one contract. Most big leaguers deal in multiple contracts.

So traders are trying to get into a good thing as early as possible. If Dementia starts messing around with fracking, the same thing will happen, only worse. Depending on what they do, we can end up in big trouble in this country.
It should now be obvious to you that presidents don’t really have much effect on gas prices.

And yet you’re still praising Trump for “giving you” low prices.

Of course they have an effect on fuel prices. Trust me, I traded commodities for three years. I know what goes on there because I was part of it. When the least little news comes out about a commodity, the market reacts immediately.

Look, Biden and Whorris both are self-proclaimed anti-fossil fuel. The party entirely in charge of our federal government is anti-fossil fuel. When Dementia stopped the Keystone, new drilling and exploration rights on public land, it demonstrated his bias against fossil fuels were more than just words; he means business. The market reacted as expected. Traders bought long contracts (meaning they expect the price to go up).

Oil is not a kids game. It's for big leaguers. If you have an oil contract, every time it moves in your direction one dollar per barrel, you make $1,000. If you bought it at $50.00 a barrel at the beginning of February, and it made it to $60.00 a barrel by the end of February, you made 10K in one month, and that's just one contract. Most big leaguers deal in multiple contracts.

So traders are trying to get into a good thing as early as possible. If Dementia starts messing around with fracking, the same thing will happen, only worse. Depending on what they do, we can end up in big trouble in this country.
Commodity markets are casinos, reading on emotions and groupthink. Trump didn’t do anything other than make people feel a bit better. Oil production went up under Obama. It went up under Trump. Yet one is considered abysmal, one is considered the greatest.

You’re not speaking about facts and logic but emotion and personality worship.
Commodity markets are casinos, reading on emotions and groupthink. Trump didn’t do anything other than make people feel a bit better. Oil production went up under Obama. It went up under Trump. Yet one is considered abysmal, one is considered the greatest.

You’re not speaking about facts and logic but emotion and personality worship.

What I'm speaking on is how prices move in our country. It may be emotion, but Trump gave traders the belief that he is behind our fossil fuel production, and that's all traders need to know. Just like when they see an anti-fossil fuel President and Congress. Call it a casino or anything you like, but the commodities market sets the price for the things we buy like pork, beef, cotton, lumber, and yes, fuel.

An example of that is what happened during GW's term. They found two cattle with hoof and mouth disease. Those two Fn cattle dropped it eight points almost overnight. I wanted to get into it, but I was in another trade at the time and my money was tied up. To put the minds of traders at ease, Bush went out there eating a hamburger showing he had no fear. Reports came out that the cattle were isolated and no chance at it spreading to other cattle. Within a month, the price returned to what it was previously at. That's how the market works.

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