Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

To be fair, I don't think he actually gave voice to that platform during the campaign...

What campaign? He was in his basement 90% of the time.

Yup. He never campaigned and now we know why. He knew he was going to win the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Wait till his EO's and green shit kick in. Anyone who voted for that stuttering fuck will be regretting it.
Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

He couldn't have done it without Trump's help.
You think that is bad. Trump won on helping the richest get richer, repealing the "black guy's" healthcare reform, and a trade war (he lost).
While millions of Trump Republicans will cherish the many benefits of Biden's relief package, they must at the same time realize not one member of their party in the House and Senate voted to give them those benefits.
I'm really not sure why you believe I should not accept my own tax dollars.

That is not what I said. Strange how Trump's fans imagine what I said rather than dealing with what I did say.

It might be an intelligence issue. In any case, they can't deal with what I actually said. This thread proves it.
Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

That simply is not true.

For example, the stock market has been going crazy since Biden was elected, setting records nearly every day. The investment people love Biden.

Should we trust them and their billions of dollars in investment savvy or should we trust you and your wacky comment?
It really makes you wonder how bizarrely mis-informed the next generation of blob-supporters is going to be.

I wonder what percentage of us “misinformed” folks won’t be getting stimulus checks because we make too much money? It is quite alarming that us “misinformed” folks are likely the crowd making the most money on average. It is quite astounding actually.
Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

That simply is not true.

For example, the stock market has been going crazy since Biden was elected, setting records nearly every day. The investment people love Biden.

Should we trust them and their billions of dollars in investment savvy or should we trust you and your wacky comment?

Um, the world is coming out of a pandemic and lockdowns. There will be a boon. Once the imbecile‘s policies fully take hold, reality will set in. The smart money knows this.
I asked my 18 yr old son if he was excited about supporting the horde at the border wearing Biden T-shirts. It couldn't be any more obvious that whoever owns the democrats and most republicans could care less about the American People. It should be common sense that policy should support and promote working citizens.
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We must also keep in mind that people 'voted' to tear down traditional two parent families. That is so past tense.
While millions of Trump Republicans will cherish the many benefits of Biden's relief package, they must at the same time realize not one member of their party in the House and Senate voted to give them those benefits.
I'm really not sure why you believe I should not accept my own tax dollars.

That is not what I said. Strange how Trump's fans imagine what I said rather than dealing with what I did say.

It might be an intelligence issue. In any case, they can't deal with what I actually said. This thread proves it.
That's exactly what you said. Meanwhile, give up the condescension. You have no justification for it.
The OP: "Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs..."

Most directly to the the query in the OP: No, nobody has. Ever. Period.

However, your seemingly insincere query appears to be merely a figment of your overheated imagination. That's not necessarily a bad thing. After all America is a diverse, encompassing and tolerant culture that allows fringie-think into our political discourse.

that says more about his opponent than it does about him.

You know, THAT sentiment has been expressed several times in this very thread.
So, to over-drive the nail:

It seems, the OP, Loser, hasn't
.really thought through his suggestion.
If.....IF.....Joe Biden did run such a poor campaign.....but still won..........
............well, draw your own conclusions.

One of which, could be that his opponent was even worse than Biden's campaign.

.............................................................................................. guy with the Confederate Flag avatar said I have no credibility.
Well, we need not dwell too much on that peculiar flag fetish.
One does wonder, though, about the highlighting of the U.S.Army's , and America's, biggest deserter and traitor, Bob Lee.
What's that about?
Are we going to see, Benedict Arnold, Eldridge Ames, Simon Girty, Michael Pollard as avatars here too?

It seems so, well so un-patriotic, so un-American.

dumbest motherfuckers in America voted in favor of fucking themselves over
.......I'll vote to fuck myself over.

Ah, poster Loser, ........ is this the right forum for you?
You seem so full of rage and anger and unhappiness.
What's up with that?
And why come here to display it?

Here, try this venue: Google up, or

They seem, in my opinion, a better fit for what discombobulates you.

You may be happier there.

Your fellow poster, Ch. ;)
Last edited:
The OP: "Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs..."

Most directly to the the query in the OP: No, nobody has. Ever. Period.

However, your seemingly insincere query appears to be merely a figment of your overheated imagination. That's not necessarily a bad thing. After all America is a diverse, encompassing and tolerant culture that allows fringie-think into our political discourse.

that says more about his opponent than it does about him.

You know, THAT sentiment has been expressed several times in this very thread.
So, to over-drive the nail:

It seems, the OP, Loser, hasn't
.really thought through his suggestion.
If.....IF.....Joe Biden did run such a poor campaign.....but still won..........
............well, draw your own conclusions.

One of which, could be that his opponent was even worse than Biden's campaign.

.............................................................................................. guy with the Confederate Flag avatar said I have no credibility.
Well, we need not dwell too much on that peculiar flag fetish.
One does wonder, though, about the highlighting of the U.S.Army's , and America's, biggest deserter and traitor, Bob Lee.
What's that about?
Are we going to see, Benedict Arnold, Eldridge Ames, Simon Girty, Michael Pollard as avatars here too?

It seems so, well so un-patriotic, so un-American.

dumbest motherfuckers in America voted in favor of fucking themselves over
.......I'll vote to fuck myself over.

Ah, poster Loser, ........ is this the right forum for you?
You seem so full of rage and anger and unhappiness.
What's up with that?
And why come here to display it?

Here, try this venue: Google up, or

They seem, in my opinion, a better fit for what discombobulates you.

You may be happier there.

Your fellow poster, Ch. ;)

The bottom line is the American public has been slowly dumbed down by public education/indoctrination. Most suffer from complete ignorance when it comes to politics. They catch snipits on the the front page of MSN or on social media. The CLEAR bias of the MSM is on full display, particularly in headlines. The hatred for Trump, the man, far, far outweighs the hatred for his policies, in fact, most Democrats would struggle to tell how his policies failed America, because they didn’t.

I don’t think most people would vote for higher taxes, more illegals, fewer jobs, etc. but the problem is most don’t know they did. Most will never know they did though it will happen right in front of their eyes. The MSM will spin to make them believe it wasn’t Biden or the Democrats. The Democratic policies could literally destroy the US economy along with the fabric of our country and many would never be able to put two and two together. One look at this latest “COVID Relief” bill is all it takes to see just how easy it is to pull the wool over the Democratic sheep in this country. We very well may have reached a tipping point where the indoctrinated masses will follow their dear leaders right off a cliff. It is EXACTLY where our enemies want us to be.
The OP: "Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs..."

Most directly to the the query in the OP: No, nobody has. Ever. Period.

However, your seemingly insincere query appears to be merely a figment of your overheated imagination. That's not necessarily a bad thing. After all America is a diverse, encompassing and tolerant culture that allows fringie-think into our political discourse.

that says more about his opponent than it does about him.

You know, THAT sentiment has been expressed several times in this very thread.
So, to over-drive the nail:

It seems, the OP, Loser, hasn't
.really thought through his suggestion.
If.....IF.....Joe Biden did run such a poor campaign.....but still won..........
............well, draw your own conclusions.

One of which, could be that his opponent was even worse than Biden's campaign.

.............................................................................................. guy with the Confederate Flag avatar said I have no credibility.
Well, we need not dwell too much on that peculiar flag fetish.
One does wonder, though, about the highlighting of the U.S.Army's , and America's, biggest deserter and traitor, Bob Lee.
What's that about?
Are we going to see, Benedict Arnold, Eldridge Ames, Simon Girty, Michael Pollard as avatars here too?

It seems so, well so un-patriotic, so un-American.

dumbest motherfuckers in America voted in favor of fucking themselves over
.......I'll vote to fuck myself over.

Ah, poster Loser, ........ is this the right forum for you?
You seem so full of rage and anger and unhappiness.
What's up with that?
And why come here to display it?

Here, try this venue: Google up, or

They seem, in my opinion, a better fit for what discombobulates you.

You may be happier there.

Your fellow poster, Ch. ;)

The bottom line is the American public has been slowly dumbed down by public education/indoctrination. Most suffer from complete ignorance when it comes to politics. They catch snipits on the the front page of MSN or on social media. The CLEAR bias of the MSM is on full display, particularly in headlines. The hatred for Trump, the man, far, far outweighs the hatred for his policies, in fact, most Democrats would struggle to tell how his policies failed America, because they didn’t.

U.S. farm bankruptcies hit an eight-year high: court data

As I've noted many times, Trump did very, very little. He talked a lot but did very little. Now look at him, he's become a TV preacher. "Send me your money and I'll save you".

I don’t think most people would vote for higher taxes, more illegals, fewer jobs, etc. but the problem is most don’t know they did. Most will never know they did though it will happen right in front of their eyes. The MSM will spin to make them believe it wasn’t Biden or the Democrats. The Democratic policies could literally destroy the US economy along with the fabric of our country and many would never be able to put two and two together. One look at this latest “COVID Relief” bill is all it takes to see just how easy it is to pull the wool over the Democratic sheep in this country. We very well may have reached a tipping point where the indoctrinated masses will follow their dear leaders right off a cliff. It is EXACTLY where our enemies want us to be.

While Trump CUT taxes he did so by getting us 8 trillion in more debt. 8 Trillion in four years. (here is where you make excuses for that)

The "relief" bill is simply more of the same "relief" we had under Trump.


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