Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

Your argument is that he ran on a horrible platform and still won. That says more about his opponent than it does him.

You can't spin the title of my is what it says it is...Try harder TDS'er

I acknowledged your thread title. I explained why he won.

Start over and try harder...Here's the question again.
"Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?"

OK. Probably not but that says more about his opponent than it does about him.

What in Trumps platform was directly aimed to fuck Americans over?
Consult with your boy AFrench2 on this one. Good luck

U.S. Farm Bankruptcies Reach Eight-Year High [Infographic]

And I already noted........his decisions to do absolutely nothing about the millions working here illegally.

Don't have the guts for any kind of an extended economic war with China, I see.

Good thing it wasn't a shooting war, I sure wouldn't want you on my side.

I'd want you on the front line. You must be pissed that Trump didn't start an actual war?

Trump wouldn't have. Biden will, though. Just watch: He's weak, ineffective, and beholden to our enemies. They do not fear him, and they do not respect him.

Like Barack Obama, our adversaries view Joe Biden as a clown who can be manipulated. He and his family have already taken money from Russian oligarchs and communist Chinese industrialists, and you're not going to like what happens when they demand that he reciprocates.
My daughter pointed this out and it got me wondering if the American electorate has ever made such a terrible decision before?

Please just consider this:

... This IS NOT politics as usual Or even extreme political devide ....THIS IS LITERALLY WAR .

.... This country is under attack, just as surely as if bombs were being dropped.... The only difference is our enemies (Including China) have figured out that they can destroy us without even firing a single shot..... They are using guilible, and ignorant liberals to undermine the very frabric of our society... AND THEY ARE WINNING

May God have mercy on the United States.
it got me wondering if the American electorate has ever made such a terrible decision before?-BrokeLoser

Ah, it's happened very rarely in American history. Only once in 2016.
You lose credibility fast when you default to retarded TDS shit...try to make some sense bud. Trump did not run on nor get elected on such a platform....even the most ignorant of you know that. guy with the Confederate Flag avatar said I have no credibility. Uh oh.

The guy with the Confed flag AND a Pregger Ewe video in his sigline no less. :rofl:
Your argument is that he ran on a horrible platform and still won. That says more about his opponent than it does him.

You can't spin the title of my is what it says it is...Try harder TDS'er

I acknowledged your thread title. I explained why he won.

Start over and try harder...Here's the question again.
"Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?"

OK. Probably not but that says more about his opponent than it does about him.

What in Trumps platform was directly aimed to fuck Americans over?
Consult with your boy AFrench2 on this one. Good luck

U.S. Farm Bankruptcies Reach Eight-Year High [Infographic]

And I already noted........his decisions to do absolutely nothing about the millions working here illegally.

Don't have the guts for any kind of an extended economic war with China, I see.

Good thing it wasn't a shooting war, I sure wouldn't want you on my side.

I'd want you on the front line. You must be pissed that Trump didn't start an actual war?

Trump wouldn't have. Biden will, though. Just watch: He's weak, ineffective, and beholden to our enemies. They do not fear him, and they do not respect him.

Like Barack Obama, our adversaries view Joe Biden as a clown who can be manipulated. He and his family have already taken money from Russian oligarchs and communist Chinese industrialists, and you're not going to like what happens when they demand that he reciprocates.

And Trump still lost to him.
Your argument is that he ran on a horrible platform and still won. That says more about his opponent than it does him.

You can't spin the title of my is what it says it is...Try harder TDS'er

I acknowledged your thread title. I explained why he won.

Start over and try harder...Here's the question again.
"Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?"

OK. Probably not but that says more about his opponent than it does about him.

What in Trumps platform was directly aimed to fuck Americans over?
Consult with your boy AFrench2 on this one. Good luck

U.S. Farm Bankruptcies Reach Eight-Year High [Infographic]

And I already noted........his decisions to do absolutely nothing about the millions working here illegally.

Don't have the guts for any kind of an extended economic war with China, I see.

Good thing it wasn't a shooting war, I sure wouldn't want you on my side.

I'd want you on the front line. You must be pissed that Trump didn't start an actual war?

Trump wouldn't have. Biden will, though. Just watch: He's weak, ineffective, and beholden to our enemies. They do not fear him, and they do not respect him.

Like Barack Obama, our adversaries view Joe Biden as a clown who can be manipulated. He and his family have already taken money from Russian oligarchs and communist Chinese industrialists, and you're not going to like what happens when they demand that he reciprocates.

And Trump still lost to him.

Looks like Biden's the real loser. He sucks at the job and doesn't have a clue as to what he's doing.

Da fuq were you people even thinking, anyway? :auiqs.jpg:
The Covid relief package should pass the House tomorrow. Biden will sign the bill shortly thereafter, and the checks will go out in the mail within days.

I wonder how many Trump Republicans in the rural counties of America will embrace the benefits of Biden's $1.9 trillion package.

The bill, which will be a defining moment for Biden in his symbolic first 100 days in office, will send stimulus checks of up to $1,400 to many Americans and extend federal unemployment benefits through September 6. The bill also includes money to reopen schools, aid for stricken small businesses, child tax credits and health insurance subsidies.

Surely, millions of those who voted for Trump will see huge benefits from the fulfillment of Biden's campaign promise.

Indeed, a Pew Research Center poll released Tuesday found that 70 percent of U.S. adults favor Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid bill, including 41 percent of self-identified Republicans, and an Associated Press poll showed 70 percent of U.S. adults approve of Biden's handling of the pandemic.

While millions of Trump Republicans will cherish the many benefits of Biden's relief package, they must at the same time realize not one member of their party in the House and Senate voted to give them those benefits.

That should give them a moment of pause.
The Covid relief package should pass the House tomorrow. Biden will sign the bill shortly thereafter, and the checks will go out in the mail within days.

I wonder how many Trump Republicans in the rural counties of America will embrace the benefits of Biden's $1.9 trillion package.

The bill, which will be a defining moment for Biden in his symbolic first 100 days in office, will send stimulus checks of up to $1,400 to many Americans and extend federal unemployment benefits through September 6. The bill also includes money to reopen schools, aid for stricken small businesses, child tax credits and health insurance subsidies.

Surely, millions of those who voted for Trump will see huge benefits from the fulfillment of Biden's campaign promise.

Indeed, a Pew Research Center poll released Tuesday found that 70 percent of U.S. adults favor Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid bill, including 41 percent of self-identified Republicans, and an Associated Press poll showed 70 percent of U.S. adults approve of Biden's handling of the pandemic.

While millions of Trump Republicans will cherish the many benefits of Biden's relief package, they must at the same time realize not one member of their party in the House and Senate voted to give them those benefits.

That should give them a moment of pause.
I'm really not sure why you believe I should not accept my own tax dollars.
Do a search on deaths attributed to the police knee-to-neck/back hold in Minneapolis. One, in ten years, and that wasn't even proven. Death rates in Minneapolis due to fentanyl overdoses? Our friends at google love to make it hard to pin that number down, but I'm sure its more than one.
Every American with a lick of sense, knew this was what we would be getting with Biden. Which tells you, that the propagandist did their job and fooled alot of people into voting for this radical destruction of the United States...the other folks that voted for him, actually want the destruction..
Do a search on deaths attributed to the police knee-to-neck/back hold in Minneapolis. One, in ten years, and that wasn't even proven. Death rates in Minneapolis due to fentanyl overdoses? Our friends at google love to make it hard to pin that number down, but I'm sure its more than one.

A lot. And rising 30% per year in Minneapolis.

Drug overdose deaths in Minnesota jumped 30% in first half of 2020

They must have taken Trump's election pretty hard there.
Your argument is that he ran on a horrible platform and still won. That says more about his opponent than it does him.

You can't spin the title of my is what it says it is...Try harder TDS'er

I acknowledged your thread title. I explained why he won.

Start over and try harder...Here's the question again.
"Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?"

OK. Probably not but that says more about his opponent than it does about him.

What in Trumps platform was directly aimed to fuck Americans over?
Consult with your boy AFrench2 on this one. Good luck

U.S. Farm Bankruptcies Reach Eight-Year High [Infographic]

And I already noted........his decisions to do absolutely nothing about the millions working here illegally.

Don't have the guts for any kind of an extended economic war with China, I see.

Good thing it wasn't a shooting war, I sure wouldn't want you on my side.

I'd want you on the front line. You must be pissed that Trump didn't start an actual war?

Trump wouldn't have. Biden will, though. Just watch: He's weak, ineffective, and beholden to our enemies. They do not fear him, and they do not respect him.

Like Barack Obama, our adversaries view Joe Biden as a clown who can be manipulated. He and his family have already taken money from Russian oligarchs and communist Chinese industrialists, and you're not going to like what happens when they demand that he reciprocates.

And Trump still lost to him.
China drove this. Look around, if you look at American politics. Clearly the BLM and the Democrats are funded and supported by these wankers. My proof? Banning books by a popular children's author as offensive and then we get black woman talking about juicy p*ssy is acceptable, Really? I can't say the "N" word, its offensive, but YOU can because...This is all just this black/ liberal double speak double think BULLSHIT. That's all this is.
Why would whozits in control of the internet ban the mere mention of Blue- anon and then ban questioning the 2020 election in a free and open society? (they say it might...perhaps... cause violence) . Never mind the main stream media practically drove the anti white/police riots of the last year and cost countless lives and countless billions in property? China owns us.
Your argument is that he ran on a horrible platform and still won. That says more about his opponent than it does him.

You can't spin the title of my is what it says it is...Try harder TDS'er

I acknowledged your thread title. I explained why he won.

Start over and try harder...Here's the question again.
"Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?"

OK. Probably not but that says more about his opponent than it does about him.

What in Trumps platform was directly aimed to fuck Americans over?
Consult with your boy AFrench2 on this one. Good luck

U.S. Farm Bankruptcies Reach Eight-Year High [Infographic]

And I already noted........his decisions to do absolutely nothing about the millions working here illegally.

Don't have the guts for any kind of an extended economic war with China, I see.

Good thing it wasn't a shooting war, I sure wouldn't want you on my side.

I'd want you on the front line. You must be pissed that Trump didn't start an actual war?

Trump wouldn't have. Biden will, though. Just watch: He's weak, ineffective, and beholden to our enemies. They do not fear him, and they do not respect him.

Like Barack Obama, our adversaries view Joe Biden as a clown who can be manipulated. He and his family have already taken money from Russian oligarchs and communist Chinese industrialists, and you're not going to like what happens when they demand that he reciprocates.

And Trump still lost to him.
China drove this. Look around, if you look at American politics. Clearly the BLM and the Democrats are funded and supported by these wankers. My proof? Banning books by a popular children's author as offensive and then we get black woman talking about juicy p*ssy is acceptable, Really? I can't say the "N" word, its offensive, but YOU can because...This is all just this black/ liberal double speak double think BULLSHIT. That's all this is.

Lol. Sorry, I can? Why is that?

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