Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

"Americans didn't make this decision. Communists did and adjusted the election."

That's an intriguing , not to mention ominous, assertion.
Can the poster explain for us just what his meaning is?

Like who are the "Communists" that made the 'decision' to put Biden in office?
And how did they "adjust" the election? ------ Meaning, which states, or hell, even which or how many precincts? And did they adjust all votes? And how were they able to effect some votes and not others? And do top ballot but not down ballot?

I find the whole subject of this 'stolen election' fascinating and when we have a poster make an assertion that he (she?) knows what was done......well, I'm eager to hear their vetting and sourcing to substantiate their declaration.

So that the rest of us can better do our own due diligence.
While Trump CUT taxes he did so by getting us 8 trillion in more debt. 8 Trillion in four years. (here is where you make excuses for that)

The "relief" bill is simply more of the same "relief" we had under Trump.

8 trillion, yet every relief bill was made by the Democrats in the the House. The same Democrat House that Trump served half of his term with.
The bottom line is the American public has been slowly dumbed down by public education/indoctrination. Most suffer from complete ignorance when it comes to politics. They catch snipits on the the front page of MSN or on social media. The CLEAR bias of the MSM is on full display, particularly in headlines. The hatred for Trump, the man, far, far outweighs the hatred for his policies, in fact, most Democrats would struggle to tell how his policies failed America, because they didn’t.

I don’t think most people would vote for higher taxes, more illegals, fewer jobs, etc. but the problem is most don’t know they did. Most will never know they did though it will happen right in front of their eyes. The MSM will spin to make them believe it wasn’t Biden or the Democrats. The Democratic policies could literally destroy the US economy along with the fabric of our country and many would never be able to put two and two together. One look at this latest “COVID Relief” bill is all it takes to see just how easy it is to pull the wool over the Democratic sheep in this country. We very well may have reached a tipping point where the indoctrinated masses will follow their dear leaders right off a cliff. It is EXACTLY where our enemies want us to be.

If that's true (and I have every reason to believe it is) then we have a huge ignorance problem in this country; people voting on leaders based on personality instead of abilities and accomplishments. How can this work? It can't.

Imagine a baseball or football team using that criteria. Imagine a company doing the same. They'd all be failures and go out of business.

And that's why we have failed leadership today.
The bottom line is the American public has been slowly dumbed down by public education/indoctrination. Most suffer from complete ignorance when it comes to politics. They catch snipits on the the front page of MSN or on social media. The CLEAR bias of the MSM is on full display, particularly in headlines. The hatred for Trump, the man, far, far outweighs the hatred for his policies, in fact, most Democrats would struggle to tell how his policies failed America, because they didn’t.

I don’t think most people would vote for higher taxes, more illegals, fewer jobs, etc. but the problem is most don’t know they did. Most will never know they did though it will happen right in front of their eyes. The MSM will spin to make them believe it wasn’t Biden or the Democrats. The Democratic policies could literally destroy the US economy along with the fabric of our country and many would never be able to put two and two together. One look at this latest “COVID Relief” bill is all it takes to see just how easy it is to pull the wool over the Democratic sheep in this country. We very well may have reached a tipping point where the indoctrinated masses will follow their dear leaders right off a cliff. It is EXACTLY where our enemies want us to be.

If that's true (and I have every reason to believe it is) then we have a huge ignorance problem in this country; people voting on leaders based on personality instead of abilities and accomplishments. How can this work? It can't.

Imagine a baseball or football team using that criteria. Imagine a company doing the same. They'd all be failures and go out of business.

And that's why we have failed leadership today.
That is the only reason right wingers voted for their reality TV guy.
Biden won because of mail-in. That's it.

I demur.

Trump lost...per his very own hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio ....because 80+ million voters perceived him as untrustworthy and Covid incompetent.

Not my opinion, it is Fabrizio's opinion, which Trump sought and paid for.

Here, it's in Fabrizio's own report to Trump, and to Trump's people:

ps....If you don't want to read all 27-pages of Fabrizio's work, here is Politico's reporting on it:

I demur.

Trump lost...per his very own hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio ....because 80+ million voters perceived him as untrustworthy and Covid incompetent.

Not my opinion, it is Fabrizio's opinion, which Trump sought and paid for.

Here, it's in Fabrizio's own report to Trump, and to Trump's people:

There is no possible way this guy or anybody else is going to convince me most voters turned stupid. No possible way. No informed American or voter would vote for a guy the had the policy the OP outlined, plus the policy of ruining what are currently safe and secure suburbs, and disarming law abiding citizens.

While I admit we do have a lot of uninformed and stupid voters, mail-in drew in millions more. Those people would have otherwise stayed home and not voted.
I demur.

Trump lost...per his very own hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio ....because 80+ million voters perceived him as untrustworthy and Covid incompetent.

Not my opinion, it is Fabrizio's opinion, which Trump sought and paid for.

Here, it's in Fabrizio's own report to Trump, and to Trump's people:

There is no possible way this guy or anybody else is going to convince me most voters turned stupid. No possible way. No informed American or voter would vote for a guy the had the policy the OP outlined, plus the policy of ruining what are currently safe and secure suburbs, and disarming law abiding citizens.

While I admit we do have a lot of uninformed and stupid voters, mail-in drew in millions more. Those people would have otherwise stayed home and not voted.

You're correct, no informed voter would vote for the hyperhallucinatory bullshit fantasy the OP plopped out of his ass in his title. That ain't the real world and nothing like that happened. We have to admit we have a lot of uninformed and stupid posters some of whom are not above propping up a thread with cockamamious strawmannic bullshit. Such rankly dishonest hacktics need to be called out for what they are and dismissed out of hand.
I demur.

Trump lost...per his very own hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio ....because 80+ million voters perceived him as untrustworthy and Covid incompetent.

Not my opinion, it is Fabrizio's opinion, which Trump sought and paid for.

Here, it's in Fabrizio's own report to Trump, and to Trump's people:

There is no possible way this guy or anybody else is going to convince me most voters turned stupid. No possible way. No informed American or voter would vote for a guy the had the policy the OP outlined, plus the policy of ruining what are currently safe and secure suburbs, and disarming law abiding citizens.

While I admit we do have a lot of uninformed and stupid voters, mail-in drew in millions more. Those people would have otherwise stayed home and not voted.
Isn't the franchise of being able to vote by mail wonderful. Oh, that right, only right wingers hate to make the franchise that accessible.
No informed American or voter would vote for a guy the had the policy the OP outlined, plus the policy of ruining what are currently safe and secure suburbs, and disarming law abiding citizens.

Oh, I quite agree.
But then, no candidate with the platform the OP imagines actually ran.
PS.......poster Ray, it is called a Strawman. (go ahead google it.)

While I admit we do have a lot of uninformed and stupid voters, mail-in drew in millions more. Those people would have otherwise stayed home and not voted.

Ah, as has already been posted, "uninformed", even "stupid" voters are American citizens.
As such, they have earned a right to vote by that very fact.

Is poster Ray suggesting that ONLY citizens who are "informed" (I would speculate that would open a can of worms?); or non-"stupid" (IQ tests, Ray?)....... are eligible to vote?

So, once again, all together now, in harmony ----- Don Trump lost because:
He was perceived by enough voters to be untrustworthy (really, ain't that kind of a 'Duh!' revelation?);
2. He was perceived to be incompetent in his Covid response (bleach, hydroxychloroquine, gone by April, goes away in warm weather, 'we've turned the corner', masks are for the 'politically correct')

So, when a lot of people have access to vote....and then vote.
And do so against a man perceived to be untrustworthy and incompetent.......and you are surprised by that, Ray?

Oh, I quite agree.
But then, no candidate with the platform the OP imagines actually ran.
PS.......poster Ray, it is called a Strawman. (go ahead google it.)

It's called going to Biden's website and reading his agenda.

Raising minimum wage nationally to $15.00 an hour would eliminate job. That's not my opinion, that's the estimate from the CBO. Decreasing fossil fuels eliminates jobs because it takes a lot of workers to bring that product to market. We are the number one energy exporter of the world. You can't export green energy.

Dementia said fracking would not be part of his administration, nervously following it up with "We will work it out!" Whorris was asked if she became President, would she get rid of fracking on her first day. To that she said yes she would. So it's clear anybody informed knew that Biden and his team was going to increase our energy prices. And son-of-a-bitch, wouldn't you know it, that's exactly what he did.

The OP states more illegals. Well guess what Dementia did? He reversed all of Trump's successful border policies, and now we have a border crisis on our hands once again. Worse now than before because they are bringing in Covid with them today and many are not being tested.

There is nothing strawman about the OP. It's 100% accurate and it all came true in less than a month he held office.

Ah, as has already been posted, "uninformed", even "stupid" voters are American citizens.
As such, they have earned a right to vote by that very fact.

Is poster Ray suggesting that ONLY citizens who are "informed" (I would speculate that would open a can of worms?); or non-"stupid" (IQ tests, Ray?)....... are eligible to vote?

I wish we could do that, but we can't. However uninformed people won't take the time and effort to vote because even they know they don't understand most if not all the issues or candidates and what they stand for. Put a ballot on their kitchen table, nothing on TV, it's raining or snowing outside, sure they'll fill it out.

While you're just fine with the Obama Phone ladies choosing our leaders, I'm not. Let me put it another way as I have to so many people.

MLB decided they will let the citizens of the city choose players instead of the owners and managers. In my city, you had to demonstrate you had an acute knowledge of baseball to vote on players. You had to take your picks to one of the various locations they allowed you to submit your choices. In your city, they allowed anybody to choose their players. You didn't have to go anywhere either. You just clip the questionnaire out of the local newspaper and mail it in.

Now, which city do you suppose will have the much better baseball team, your city or mine?

Biden won for the only reason of mail-in ballots. The commies know they don't stand a chance without the stupid or politically ignorant voting. It's why they fought so hard against Voter-ID making the false claim that it was discriminatory. It's why they want it to be the standard in this country from here on out. The more politically ignorant that vote, the closer they are to turning our nation into a single-party government forever. Hitler would be so proud.
"Biden won for the only reason of mail-in ballots. The commies know they don't stand a chance without the stupid or politically ignorant voting. .......Hitler would be so proud."

Hitler would be so proud?
Oh boy, histrionics much?
The poster trivializes the 75,000,000 people who died in World War II as he strains to make a faulty argument.

Let's go back to that 'autopsy' that Don Trump commissioned and paid his chief pollster, Tony Fabrizio.

Fabrizio found that the two main reasons Trump lost was the perception by voters that he was: untrustworthy and incompetent.
Jeeeeez!! Does that need be tattooed somewhere?

In addition, Fabrizio revealed:

"The report zeroes in on an array of demographics where Trump suffered decisive reversals in 2020, including among white seniors, the same group that helped to propel him to the White House. The autopsy says that Trump saw the “greatest erosion with white voters, particularly white men,” and that he “lost ground with almost every age group.”

The report says that the former president suffered a “double-digit erosion” with “White College educated voters across the board.”

The picture of the election presented in the report is widely shared by political professionals in both parties......."


So, while poster Ray of Cleveland argues that it was uninformed folks mailing in their ballots that beat Don Trump,.....well, Trump's own man says it was white seniors (uninformed?);
'Suburbanites' and 'White Men' and College Educated (uninformed and ignorant?)

So much for the canard that it was all those ignorant urban people-of-color who mailed in a ballot.

TRUMP'S........OWN.........RESEARCHER........SAYS: ___________________________

So read it.
So, while poster Ray of Cleveland argues that it was uninformed folks mailing in their ballots that beat Don Trump,.....well, Trump's own man says it was white seniors (uninformed?);
'Suburbanites' and 'White Men' and College Educated (uninformed and ignorant?)

So much for the canard that it was all those ignorant urban people-of-color who mailed in a ballot.

TRUMP'S........OWN.........RESEARCHER........SAYS: _______________________

I don't care what he says. Trump gained 12 million more supporters than he did his first election. Why doesn't this guy talk about that?

Face facts: We had more voters than anytime in history. Most of the votes went to Dementia. What does that tell you?
My daughter pointed this out and it got me wondering if the American electorate has ever made such a terrible decision before?
Trump won on corruption, cronyism, wealth inequality, pollution, abandonment of human rights and abdication of global leadership.

None of you batted an eye.

Not everyone agrees with your framing.
If that's true (and I have every reason to believe it is) then we have a huge ignorance problem in this country; people voting on leaders based on personality instead of abilities and accomplishments. How can this work? It can't.
I thought the same thing about Trump. His appeal is basically entirely personality based. He had no government ability. He barely knew how the government worked. He wouldn’t talk policy outside of vague generalities. Build a wall was his simplest one but even then, how much wall, what kind of wall and where are questions that went unanswered. Make Mexico pay for it was never a real policy, just an applause line.

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