Think about this- Biden actually won on more illegals, fewer jobs, higher taxes & higher fuel costs...Has any other potus ever won on such a platform?

Nobody gets to keep all the money they earn. Some of that money has to go to your country in taxes to pay the country that enabled you to make the money.

And the same applies to government needing to take some of your money.

Those who can't or won't understand that must be possessed with an element of greed.
$30 trillion in debt, a homeless population larger than some countries, Veterans pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a citizenry that hates one another, a middle class that can't save a penny or get ahead, 20-40 million illiterate illegal thirdworlders deciding our elections through their anchor babies, decayed infrastructure, a destroyed healthcare system, a worthless public education system...I could go on and on....Maybe you should think about America First for a bit huh?
The Progs have done their assigned job. Using social programs to mask the damage as we move more and more into socialism, and then communism.
And what is socially responsible capitalism? The government taking most of what you earn?
No Ray, it's not. Countries that practice more socially responsible capitalism don't take more in taxes than does the US, for that which is provided back from the government to the people.
In fact, Canada provides much more back to the people than your country does, for roughly the same amount of taxation overall.

Don't forget Ray, Canada has the highest quality of life in the world while America has fallen to 15th.
We need to be able to discuss some explanations for why that is so.

  • A good job market
  • Affordability
  • Economic stability
  • Family friendly
  • Income equality
  • Politically stable
  • Safety
  • Well-developed public health system
  • Well-developed public education system
Let's work with those parameters as comparisons, one by one.
That is a reality most can't bring themselves to consider, let alone ever admit.

Look at all the countries in the world that have existed since man evolved enough to actually become countries. Both current countries and ones thousands of years old.

Now look at all the countries past and present that were formed, grew, were advanced for their period of time, civilized, etc.

Now think of how many of those countries were all, if not primarily, black and were formed and governed by blacks? Not very many.

Why is that? I mean surely you can't blame racism on the entire world over the span of thousands of years.

Sure there are plenty of smart, savvy, ambitious black people as individuals that are capable. But for the majority of them, or them as a large whole they can't do it as well as other races of human beings.
Attempting to denigrate an entire people based on skin colour is RACIST.

America is inflicted with a 'race' problem that has become a racism problem of huge proportions, due t the lack of acceptance of the large black population. When slavery was abolished the American south refused to accept that blacks must be accepted as equals.

You could have escaped part of the accusation had you stopped with the 'majority', but you then had to confirm your racism by referring to 'the large whole'.
The Progs have done their assigned job. Using social programs to mask the damage as we move more and more into socialism, and then communism.
There is a great deal of anger and remorse felt by Americans when they come to realize that their corporations have been permitted to pack up and move to China to take advantage of more lucrative markets. And of course they refused China's offer to take American with them to perform the work. That was unfettered capitalism in action!

But now you are condemning the social responsibility of government that would place limitations on those departed corporations run by capitalists.

Did you know that 'socialism' is the same as 'social responsibility' that would promote the idea of placing some limitations on capitalists and corporations?

Does Trump or Biden speak a socialist agenda when they promise to bring those corporations and jobs back to America?
Should a different set of values be forced on America's corporations and capitalists?
And what is socially responsible capitalism? The government taking most of what you earn?
I think Don H here is trying to say that because progressive slaves are so stupid, that they cant get ahead in life, and need an overbearing government to take the money from winners, and give it to the losers, because then there is "fairness". Fortunately i have lived long enough to see country after country try this, and watch it fail time and again. When this generation of wise people finally leave the Earth, it is going to be a really bad time for the slaves to come.
Attempting to denigrate an entire people based on skin colour is RACIST.

America is inflicted with a 'race' problem that has become a racism problem of huge proportions, due t the lack of acceptance of the large black population. When slavery was abolished the American south refused to accept that blacks must be accepted as equals.

You could have escaped part of the accusation had you stopped with the 'majority', but you then had to confirm your racism by referring to 'the large whole'.
Show me a country run by black or brown people, that are as successful as this country? Just one...
There is a great deal of anger and remorse felt by Americans when they come to realize that their corporations have been permitted to pack up and move to China to take advantage of more lucrative markets. And of course they refused China's offer to take American with them to perform the work. That was unfettered capitalism in action!

But now you are condemning the social responsibility of government that would place limitations on those departed corporations run by capitalists.

Did you know that 'socialism' is the same as 'social responsibility' that would promote the idea of placing some limitations on capitalists and corporations?

Does Trump or Biden speak a socialist agenda when they promise to bring those corporations and jobs back to America?
Should a different set of values be forced on America's corporations and capitalists?
I was part of a corporation and did quite well for myself. Are you saying that people who work for corporations are bad?
Attempting to denigrate an entire people based on skin colour is RACIST.
Not willing to “follow the science”, the data and statistics on this one huh?
Scared shitless to do so when ethnicity is involved...UNLESS of course it’s directed at
institutionally racist whitey who elected a black president twice....right?
Anyhoo....I thought you prefer to generalize since all the accusations of “systemic racism”....NO?
There is a great deal of anger and remorse felt by Americans when they come to realize that their corporations have been permitted to pack up and move to China to take advantage of more lucrative markets. And of course they refused China's offer to take American with them to perform the work. That was unfettered capitalism in action!

But now you are condemning the social responsibility of government that would place limitations on those departed corporations run by capitalists.

Did you know that 'socialism' is the same as 'social responsibility' that would promote the idea of placing some limitations on capitalists and corporations?

Does Trump or Biden speak a socialist agenda when they promise to bring those corporations and jobs back to America?
Should a different set of values be forced on America's corporations and capitalists?

Trump wanted to bring more corporations back by getting more government out of their lives. The reason they left in the first place was all the expensive government regulations and un-controlled unions that priced us out of the world market.

In America we don't (or shouldn't) force anything on anybody. People who approve that government force others belong in North Korea, not the United States.
Attempting to denigrate an entire people based on skin colour is RACIST.

You know, I was just telling my neighbors that earlier in the week. I live in a mostly black city. It was white when I moved here, but since blacks destroy the areas they live in, they migrate to our areas and destroy ours.

In any case I live on the intersection of two main streets with a stop light. During the summer these blacks ride their motorcycles and blare their radio so loud it can be heard five or six houses away. It's like one every two minutes or less does the same thing.

So we were trying to have a nice quiet summer evening when yet another black on a motorcycle stops at the light with the jungle music blaring. We had to stop talking of course until he left. I said to them "The reason we don't want them living around us is because we are racist."
My daughter pointed this out and it got me wondering if the American electorate has ever made such a terrible decision before?

Trump wanted to bring more corporations back by getting more government out of their lives.
Seriously Ray? LOL
Did those corporations that moved to China have more government in their lives?
I have a hunch they wanted a lot lower than paying union wages!

Who would have ever thought that you would attempt to blame your own country's wage scale for corporations packing up and going to China?
Your thought train just ran off the tracks.
Seriously Ray? LOL
Did those corporations that moved to China have more government in their lives?
I have a hunch they wanted a lot lower than paying union wages!

Who would have ever thought that you would attempt to blame your own country's wage scale for corporations packing up and going to China?
Your thought train just ran off the tracks.

Not at all. The supply and demand system with employment works great if people don't throw monkey wrenches into the system like unions, illegals, mandated wages. Left alone the system works fine.

Because we are a free country, consumers can choose to buy any product they desire. In the 80's after the recession, American consumers chose cheaper foreign products because the costs passed down in American products made them too expensive.

What unions did was give us years of inflation and increase our cost of living. When our average wage went up by a dollar, the average wage in China went up two cents. When our average wage when up another dollar, the average wage in South Korea went up 10 cents. It was only a matter of time until we priced ourselves out of the market which we did.

However a larger monster was haunting the American worker, and that was automation. Automation replaced more American jobs than those that left and outsourcing combined. Now with the inflation caused by the Democrats paying people more money to stay home than work, those threats are even larger than ever.
"The reason we don't want them living around us is because we are racist."
You're racist and you're also too intolerant for the area in which you live Ray.

I live in an area in which there are few loud motorcycles because I know that I have no right to be intolerant and complain about it.
That's respecting motorcyle riders' freedom and ensuring my own freedoms at the same time.

So what can you do Ray? You can't become an intolerant racist and act illegally to stop them from upsetting your calm.

I'm sorry for you problem but there are likely only two solutions.

1. Wear ear protection.
2. Move somewhere else.

Americans seem to only understand that their personal freedoms are important, while thinking that black people shouldn't be free to make noise with their motorcycles.

And then the white Americans turn to racism and guns to get their way.
My daughter pointed this out and it got me wondering if the American electorate has ever made such a terrible decision before?
I think you missed the whole point, Biden represented the future and its promises, Trump represented the past and all its broken promises and failures.
Not at all. The supply and demand system with employment works great if people don't throw monkey wrenches into the system like unions, illegals, mandated wages. Left alone the system works fine.

Because we are a free country, consumers can choose to buy any product they desire. In the 80's after the recession, American consumers chose cheaper foreign products because the costs passed down in American products made them too expensive.

What unions did was give us years of inflation and increase our cost of living. When our average wage went up by a dollar, the average wage in China went up two cents. When our average wage when up another dollar, the average wage in South Korea went up 10 cents. It was only a matter of time until we priced ourselves out of the market which we did.
Wages didn't keep pace with inflation Ray and it sounds like you're one of the victims Ray.
However a larger monster was haunting the American worker, and that was automation. Automation replaced more American jobs than those that left and outsourcing combined. Now with the inflation caused by the Democrats paying people more money to stay home than work, those threats are even larger than ever.

Are you really crying over milk spilt by the industrial revolution, just for the sake of trying to take the blame off of corps that went to China?
In your own little world you're much too intolerant of other people's freedoms and rights, and that's not limited to the noise that annoys you.
I call it like I see it. Ive been to several said shitholes. I can't think of a better descriptive term. All run by the left.
Yeah, that's America.
But Americans howl about it at the same time as they deny it. So you've turned your country into a 'shithole'!

Blame the libruls!

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