Think about this...


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Flynn clearly violates the law by not registering as a foreign agent until well after he'd been appointed as national security advisor. Trump asks for his resignation.

Comey does his job and breaks no laws, though he does some things that don't conform to DoJ internal policy and historic practice. Trump fires him outright rather than affording him the courtesy of asking for his resignation.

How telling is that about how Trump adjudges what's important and what's not when evaluating matters?
Flynn clearly violates the law by not registering as a foreign agent until well after he'd been appointed as national security advisor. Trump asks for his resignation.

Comey does his job and breaks no laws, though he does some things that don't conform to DoJ internal policy and historic practice. Trump fires him outright rather than affording him the courtesy of asking for his resignation.

How telling is that about how Trump adjudges what's important and what's not when evaluating matters?
I also recognized that Trump is acting like a bully CEO.

No big surprise there.

Trump will get his own big surprise from Mueller.

Mueller will investigate everything to the last iota.
The funniest thing about Trump is that as a CEO he is so politically absurd and also a sexual harasser by his own admission.

If this frat boy had not inherited he could never have survived in a real corporation.
It's too bad that any one of the babes whom he groped did not poke him in the eye and blind him for it.
Flynn clearly violates the law by not registering as a foreign agent until well after he'd been appointed as national security advisor. Trump asks for his resignation.

Comey does his job and breaks no laws, though he does some things that don't conform to DoJ internal policy and historic practice. Trump fires him outright rather than affording him the courtesy of asking for his resignation.

How telling is that about how Trump adjudges what's important and what's not when evaluating matters?

Flynn did nothing wrong....he certainly didn't sign off on a huge uranium deal in exchange for a donation to his charitable foundation like a certain former demcrat presidential candidate did when she was Secretary of State, no? Flynn was contacting world leaders after Trump's victory as a civilian and one of Trump's pieces for the transition team. He did not commit one way or the other when asked about the lifting of sanctions (that should have never been put in place to begin with) on Russia. His mistake was saying that the lifting of sanctions wasn't discussed and technically, it wasn't but the word "sanctions" was mentioned by the Russian ambassador and how do we know this conversation took place? Because Flynn was being illegally targeted by the "Deep State" and the fact that Flynn was director of the D.I A for two years and had one of the highest security clearances one can have? It's safe to say that this was the proverbial molehill that was turned into a mountain.

Russia has shown remarkable restraint since the Ukraine installed a E.U friendly puppet after the Soros funded and E.U/NATO backed coup d'etat of Ukraine and has watched as NATO forces have slowly been moving in weapons that could be used on Russia. It's akin to China making a pact with Mexico and they move in huge regiments of the red army complete with tanks and missiles. People have no idea of what kind of danger we are in. Is the Deep State intentionally trying to provoke Putin into a nuclear exchange to cover for the coming dollar crash and want Putin as the fall guy? I suspect that is the case.
Flynn clearly violates the law by not registering as a foreign agent until well after he'd been appointed as national security advisor. Trump asks for his resignation.

Comey does his job and breaks no laws, though he does some things that don't conform to DoJ internal policy and historic practice. Trump fires him outright rather than affording him the courtesy of asking for his resignation.

How telling is that about how Trump adjudges what's important and what's not when evaluating matters?

Comey only selectively did his job. He was not going after the people who unmasked Flynn or Hillary for her server (actual crimes), but was "investigating Russian interference" something no one can describe.

Yes Comey very well may have committed a crime. He either committed perjury or didn't report a crime (which for people in his position essentially is a crime). Also when he said in the press conference that "he didn't recommend prosecution" that isn't his job. His job is to gather and summit evidence that is it nothing else.
Flynn clearly violates the law by not registering as a foreign agent until well after he'd been appointed as national security advisor. Trump asks for his resignation.

Comey does his job and breaks no laws, though he does some things that don't conform to DoJ internal policy and historic practice. Trump fires him outright rather than affording him the courtesy of asking for his resignation.

How telling is that about how Trump adjudges what's important and what's not when evaluating matters?

Comey only selectively did his job. He was not going after the people who unmasked Flynn or Hillary for her server (actual crimes), but was "investigating Russian interference" something no one can describe.

Yes Comey very well may have committed a crime. He either committed perjury or didn't report a crime (which for people in his position essentially is a crime). Also when he said in the press conference that "he didn't recommend prosecution" that isn't his job. His job is to gather and summit evidence that is it nothing else.
He was not going after the people who unmasked Flynn

  • You know that he/"his" FBI isn't "going after" people who disclosed classified information because of what?
  • How do you know there is no ongoing investigation to determine who leaked classified information and whether their doing so is indeed a violation of the law and not a legally permissible "whistleblowing?
  • Are you going to tell us the FBI is not "going after" those individuals because you haven't been told or heard of them doing so?
I'd think by now you'd have figured out that the FBI's even noting that a given investigation is underway is uncharacteristic and that for cases wherein the subjects of the investigation are not very high profile individuals -- either named "most wanted" individuals where of all that's left is apprehension or major political/government figures like Clinton and Trump -- the FBI isn't going to disclose that an investigation is underway.

He was not going after Hillary for her server (actual crimes)

Out of what wpmb did you just crawl?
I guess now we know the significance of "blonde" in your ID.

Comey [perhaps] didn't report a crime (which for people in his position essentially is a crime)

The job of the nation's various police forces is not to report crimes but rather to investigate them and apprehend their perpetrators, and document the circumstances under which those two activities take place. It is everyone's duty to report crimes to law enforcement organizations; however, not reporting crimes is not in and of itself necessarily a crime.

Insofar as your legal knowledge is so limited that you aren't aware of the distinction between reporting and enforcement, I'm not going to further engage with you on this topic, Mr.Blond for it's clear you (1) are ill prepared to have it, (2) don't innately know what you're talking about, and (3) make no effort to confirm the verity of what you happen to believe is so. One cannot have a mature and rational conversation with people imbued with those traits and shortcomings and who deign, as you have, to discuss topics for which those three things are so.
  • You know that he/"his" FBI isn't "going after" people who disclosed classified information because of what?
  • How do you know there is no ongoing investigation to determine who leaked classified information and whether their doing so is indeed a violation of the law and not a legally permissible "whistleblowing?
  • Are you going to tell us the FBI is not "going after" those individuals because you haven't been told or heard of them doing so?

If there was an investigation going on they would have figured it out by now: Gowdy Points The Finger: He Just Accused These 6 Obama Officials -- AND BARACK -- Of... [VIDEO]

Out of what wpmb did you just crawl?
I guess now we know the significance of "blonde" in your ID.

Oh yeah there was a real investigation going on:

Whoa: The FBI Made 'Side Deals' to Destroy Top Hillary Aides' Laptops, For Some Reason

The job of the nation's various police forces is not to report crimes but rather to investigate them and apprehend their perpetrators, and document the circumstances under which those two activities take place. It is everyone's duty to report crimes to law enforcement organizations; however, not reporting crimes is not in and of itself necessarily a crime.

In someone in Comey's postion it is a crime not to report a crime

"Under the law, Comey is required to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any attempt to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States. Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey. (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361) He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law."
Gregg Jarrett: Comey's revenge is a gun without powder
  • You know that he/"his" FBI isn't "going after" people who disclosed classified information because of what?
  • How do you know there is no ongoing investigation to determine who leaked classified information and whether their doing so is indeed a violation of the law and not a legally permissible "whistleblowing?
  • Are you going to tell us the FBI is not "going after" those individuals because you haven't been told or heard of them doing so?

If there was an investigation going on they would have figured it out by now: Gowdy Points The Finger: He Just Accused These 6 Obama Officials -- AND BARACK -- Of... [VIDEO]

Out of what wpmb did you just crawl?
I guess now we know the significance of "blonde" in your ID.

Oh yeah there was a real investigation going on:

Whoa: The FBI Made 'Side Deals' to Destroy Top Hillary Aides' Laptops, For Some Reason

The job of the nation's various police forces is not to report crimes but rather to investigate them and apprehend their perpetrators, and document the circumstances under which those two activities take place. It is everyone's duty to report crimes to law enforcement organizations; however, not reporting crimes is not in and of itself necessarily a crime.

In someone in Comey's postion it is a crime not to report a crime

"Under the law, Comey is required to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any attempt to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States. Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey. (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361) He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law."
Gregg Jarrett: Comey's revenge is a gun without powder
In someone in Comey's postion it is a crime not to report a crime

"Under the law, Comey is required to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any attempt to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States. Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey. (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361) He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law."
18 USC 4
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

28 USC 1361
The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any action in the nature of mandamus to compel an officer or employee of the United States or any agency thereof to perform a duty owed to the plaintiff.​

Comey, at the time, was such an individual as stipulated in 18 USC 4. Making case notes (the memo (and others like it) of which we've heard) constitutes such notice having been made. The investigators who would make use of and examine the pertinent particulars the memo(s) relates has been underway since last year.

A careful reader will note to that 18 USC 4 does not stipulate that any such notification be made public before, during or after any related investigation into the matter occurs. So are you in a position to credibly assert that Comey has not, as required by 18 USC 4, reported any felonious acts of which he's aware or suspects have happened?

The relevant substance, in the matter under discussion, of 28 USC 1361 is that a district court can compel Comey to report or disclose what he knows about felonious acts that may have or did occur. In essence, that means a district court can issue a subpoena for Comey's memos and/or testimony.
So are you in a position to credibly assert that Comey has not, as required by 18 USC 4, reported any felonious acts of which he's aware or suspects have happened?

Based on what you quoted:

18 USC 4
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

In essence, that means a district court can issue a subpoena for Comey's memos and/or testimony.

What had been leaked does not rise to the level of obstruction of justice it rises to the level of asking a cop not to write you a ticket.
So are you in a position to credibly assert that Comey has not, as required by 18 USC 4, reported any felonious acts of which he's aware or suspects have happened?

Based on what you quoted:

18 USC 4
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

In essence, that means a district court can issue a subpoena for Comey's memos and/or testimony.

What had been leaked does not rise to the level of obstruction of justice it rises to the level of asking a cop not to write you a ticket.
Okay. I'm done having any discussions with you. I'm not going to engage in conversation with someone who "conveniently" and disingenuously quotes part of what I wrote and not other parts in an effort to make their point and/or discredit me. You'll note though I may respond in substance to specific parts of your and other individuals' posts, I do not discard the remainder of their comments making it look as though they never made them.

Specifically, I noted that with regard to "as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States" in 18 USC 4:

Comey, at the time, was such an individual


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