Think about what republicans in power would do if there was no public outrage to take them out of power

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Hell if the GOP had their way, they would do without democracy entirely and rule as fascists.

Nothing is sacred to the GOP. With enough lobbying incentive, they’ll do anything.

Lower state and the federal minimum wage to $2.00 per hour.

Deregulate what’s put into food. You think they care if people get cancer from food? Hell no. They would just want a list of foods still safe for them to eat personally.

Make days off from work a thing of the past for the poor. No more 15 minute breaks!

Deregulation of drugs. Make Fentanyl distribution be completely unchecked.

Privatization of any healthcare whatsoever.

Rig elections by making it easier for the losing republican in a red state to overturn the results. Hell this is something they are already doing.

Sure let’s get rid of that pesky TSA at airports. Fuck national security. Republicans have places to be!

Make it easier for corporations to sue consumers.

Make it harder for consumers to sue corporations.

Kill illegal immigrants at the border on sight.

Gay marriage? Ew! No way! That grosses them out so no rights for them!

Christianity is required in public schools. Kids must do prayer every morning.

The list goes on and on.
Last I heard, republicans aren't in power.
Hell if the GOP had their way, they would do without democracy entirely and rule as fascists.

Nothing is sacred to the GOP. With enough lobbying incentive, they’ll do anything.

Lower state and the federal minimum wage to $2.00 per hour.

Deregulate what’s put into food. You think they care if people get cancer from food? Hell no. They would just want a list of foods still safe for them to eat personally.

Make days off from work a thing of the past for the poor. No more 15 minute breaks!

Deregulation of drugs. Make Fentanyl distribution be completely unchecked.

Privatization of any healthcare whatsoever.

Rig elections by making it easier for the losing republican in a red state to overturn the results. Hell this is something they are already doing.

Sure let’s get rid of that pesky TSA at airports. Fuck national security. Republicans have places to be!

Make it easier for corporations to sue consumers.

Make it harder for consumers to sue corporations.

Kill illegal immigrants at the border on sight.

Gay marriage? Ew! No way! That grosses them out so no rights for them!

Christianity is required in public schools. Kids must do prayer every morning.

The list goes on and on.

Another one thats supposed to be in the HUMOR section!

And yet..........**I** get a serious society/culture post removed from Race Relations to the Flame Zone, because one of the effing mods got a lit tampon up their butts about it!!!

Hell if the GOP had their way, they would do without democracy entirely and rule as fascists.

Nothing is sacred to the GOP. With enough lobbying incentive, they’ll do anything.

Lower state and the federal minimum wage to $2.00 per hour.

Deregulate what’s put into food. You think they care if people get cancer from food? Hell no. They would just want a list of foods still safe for them to eat personally.

Make days off from work a thing of the past for the poor. No more 15 minute breaks!

Deregulation of drugs. Make Fentanyl distribution be completely unchecked.

Privatization of any healthcare whatsoever.

Rig elections by making it easier for the losing republican in a red state to overturn the results. Hell this is something they are already doing.

Sure let’s get rid of that pesky TSA at airports. Fuck national security. Republicans have places to be!

Make it easier for corporations to sue consumers.

Make it harder for consumers to sue corporations.

Kill illegal immigrants at the border on sight.

Gay marriage? Ew! No way! That grosses them out so no rights for them!

Christianity is required in public schools. Kids must do prayer every morning.

The list goes on and on.

When democrats are in power, why are they constantly "thinking" of republicans being in power.

Run on YOUR own policies and not the "what if" tactic. Are you not confident and proud of your policies?

Lower state and the federal minimum wage to $2.00 per hour.
Should be ZERO and you can bitch and cry about it while you import more illegal labor.
Deregulate what’s put into food. You think they care if people get cancer from food? Hell no. They would just want a list of foods still safe for them to eat personally.
You should see what those government assholes ALLOW in food. Talk about a goose-stepping false sense of security.

Make days off from work a thing of the past for the poor. No more 15 minute breaks!
Forget competative benefits. We gotta force the lowest standards.. :laughing0301:
Government rules
Deregulation of drugs. Make Fentanyl distribution be completely unchecked.
Fine with me. Natural Selection is a beautiful thing.
Privatization of any healthcare whatsoever.
Pay for your own shit, you mooch.
Rig elections by making it easier for the losing republican in a red state to overturn the results. Hell this is something they are already doing.
That is RICH Mr. Voter ID is racist.
Sure let’s get rid of that pesky TSA at airports. Fuck national security. Republicans have places to be!
You love getting your crotch molested
Make it easier for corporations to sue consumers.
Who the fuck said they wanted that?
Make it harder for consumers to sue corporations.
You mean make them prove their case?

The horror!!!
Kill illegal immigrants at the border on sight.
Yep. Fuck you.
Gay marriage? Ew! No way! That grosses them out so no rights for them!
Nobody will stop gay marriage. You can relax, butt pirate.
Christianity is required in public schools. Kids must do prayer every morning.
Fuck that. Thor and Woden or nothing!!!
The list goes on and on.
And so do your histrionics.
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When democrats are in power, why are they constantly "thinking" of republicans being in power.

Run on YOUR own policies and not the "what if" tactic. Are you not confident and proud of your policies?

Am I the ONLY person in this country that sees what the Dems ACTUALLY DO when in office?

The Dems SPEND OUR TAX DOLLARS on ways to keep Republicans from running for office, as well as money launder our money in the Ukraine and the Middle East, and have it syphoned into their private accounts.
Hell if the GOP had their way, they would do without democracy entirely and rule as fascists.

Nothing is sacred to the GOP. With enough lobbying incentive, they’ll do anything.

Lower state and the federal minimum wage to $2.00 per hour.

Deregulate what’s put into food. You think they care if people get cancer from food? Hell no. They would just want a list of foods still safe for them to eat personally.

Make days off from work a thing of the past for the poor. No more 15 minute breaks!

Deregulation of drugs. Make Fentanyl distribution be completely unchecked.

Privatization of any healthcare whatsoever.

Rig elections by making it easier for the losing republican in a red state to overturn the results. Hell this is something they are already doing.

Sure let’s get rid of that pesky TSA at airports. Fuck national security. Republicans have places to be!

Make it easier for corporations to sue consumers.

Make it harder for consumers to sue corporations.

Kill illegal immigrants at the border on sight.

Gay marriage? Ew! No way! That grosses them out so no rights for them!

Christianity is required in public schools. Kids must do prayer every morning.

The list goes on and on.
You're so full of shit. Crime is out of control in democrat run cities.
Hell if the GOP had their way, they would do without democracy entirely and rule as fascists.

Nothing is sacred to the GOP. With enough lobbying incentive, they’ll do anything.

Lower state and the federal minimum wage to $2.00 per hour.

Deregulate what’s put into food. You think they care if people get cancer from food? Hell no. They would just want a list of foods still safe for them to eat personally.

Make days off from work a thing of the past for the poor. No more 15 minute breaks!

Deregulation of drugs. Make Fentanyl distribution be completely unchecked.

Privatization of any healthcare whatsoever.

Rig elections by making it easier for the losing republican in a red state to overturn the results. Hell this is something they are already doing.

Sure let’s get rid of that pesky TSA at airports. Fuck national security. Republicans have places to be!

Make it easier for corporations to sue consumers.

Make it harder for consumers to sue corporations.

Kill illegal immigrants at the border on sight.

Gay marriage? Ew! No way! That grosses them out so no rights for them!

Christianity is required in public schools. Kids must do prayer every morning.

The list goes on and on.
^^^ what Dem hate and intolerance looks like.
Thread locked, this thread should have been started in either the Badlands or the Rubber Room.
And the OPoster has been here long enough to know better.
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