Think college is expensive now? Wait until ObamaCare


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Parents and students facing sky-high state-run college tuitions aren't likely to be thinking about ObamaCare. But perhaps they should, since if left in place ObamaCare will likely end up making college still more expensive.

Why? Because ObamaCare relies heavily on Medicaid - the federal/state program that provides health insurance for the poor - to expand coverage.

But Medicaid is already swallowing up state budgets, forcing states to cut back on everything else, especially support for two and four year colleges.

This is typical of liberal policy. They claim something is too expensive (healthcare) and then they create a program that not only causes that expense to skyrocket, but also other expenses (ObamaCare).

Another great example is the Dodd-Frank Finance Reform. Well all had free checking, now because of the costly regulations on banks, they are all doing away with free checking. And who does that hurt? Certainly not the wealthy like Bill Gates. Nope, it hurts the very low income individuals that the idiot liberal Dumbocrat claims to be working for.

It's truly astounding the catastrophic level of failure that the idiot liberal policies lead to....
Pure Pubcrappe. Kids can stay on their parent's insurance till 26 under O-care. So duped...

First of all, the fact that you would refer to a 26 year old as a "kid" speaks volumes about your government entitlement mentality.

Second, who gives a flying fuck if a family saves several grand a year on insurance if they spend several grand more a year on college?

Like I said, ignorant liberal policy causes everything to fail...

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