Think of the Children! Biden White House Bans Religious Easter Eggs From Art Contest

Outrage as Biden proclaims Easter Sunday as 'Trans Day of Visibility' -

as White House BANS children from submitting religious-themed Easter egg designs at annual event for military families

30 Mar 2024 ~~ By Will Potter
  • Biden sparked backlash by declaring this Easter Sunday to be a national 'Transgender Day of Visibility'
  • The White House also banned any Easter Egg Roll event entries with 'questionable content,' including religious symbols and political statements
President Biden has sparked outrage by declaring this Easter Sunday will also officially become Transgender Day of Visibility.
The White House doubled up backlash as it also banned religious imagery in submissions from children of military families taking part in the traditional Easter Egg Roll event, as critics branded the moves an 'attack on Christianity.'
Former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy led the charge, as he mused 'I wonder how (Biden) came up with that date' by having Easter Sunday clash with the transgender tribute day.
Conservative policy researcher Jeremy Carl tweeted that it shows the president and Democrats 'hate America's heritage... and they show it again and again.'
'The war on Christianity continues,' said another critic, as others pointed out: 'We need to remind the White House that Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.'
Others noted that Biden often made a point of his Catholic faith on the campaign trail, while conservative influencers 'the Hodge twins' added: 'I guess Easter is cancelled this year.'

One has to question the authenticity of the 11 Cardinals in the U.S.
Where are those outspoken guardians of Catholism?
Where is the Vactican on the blaspheming of the most sacred day in Christendom.
Where is the call for Ex-Communication?
This act by Joseph Robinette Bidens is a heinous Satanic of Heresy. His soul has been blackened by these terrible blasphemous acts.
Regrettably, Joe knows exactly what is going on and wants this. He so hates the world for not adoring him and worshiping him like they did Obama. Among his first actions after being installed was to talk to “historians” to plan how he can be the most transformative president in history so he will be remembered through the ages. And what better way than doing the “fundamental transformation” that Obama couldn’t do.
At this point, I have to think that Biden's handlers want him to lose. Maybe they enjoyed being the party out of power, so they could blame someone else for their failures and incite riots.
March 31st has been TVD since 2009.

You could have googled that and not made a complete ass of yourself with this post but you’d need a brain to come up with the idea.

I'll leave it to you asses who want to celebrate tranny bullies. You brainless types come up with the worst ideas.
Teaching children to be tolerant of others. I would expect Meriweather and our other real Christians to be supportive of Biden's initiative on both the eggs and the Trans.

Here is another example of why many American children don't know the difference between right and wrong.

You fkrs need to spend all day Sunday obsessing over it. Make it a family affair!
We are not called to be tolerant of sin nor secual deviance.
The resurrection signifies the same thing Easter eggs do, rebirth.

No they don’t.

I'll leave it to you asses who want to celebrate tranny bullies. You brainless types come up with the worst ideas.

Tranny bullies??? More trans people are bullied, attacked and murderedon a per capita basis, than any other demographic in your nation.

Every time you post, you display hate, ignorance and intolerance for others. Hate destroys the hater, Hollie. Your hate is palpable. And sad.
No they don’t.

Tranny bullies??? More trans people are bullied, attacked and murderedon a per capita basis, than any other demographic in your nation.

Every time you post, you display hate, ignorance and intolerance for others. Hate destroys the hater, Hollie. Your hate is palpable. And sad.

There's so much self-loathing and projection in your frantic tirades.

You hate with a vengeance. Your self-loathing just oozes.
God says being gay is a sin.

No he doesn’t. God didn’t say one word about being gay.

Look at the 10 Commandments. Those are God’s laws and there is no mention of homosexuality, or abortion, or any of the other things you go batshit crazy about.

But adultery, lying, and stealing - all of Trump’s favourite activities are listed by God as things Thou shalt not do.

God didn’t punish Soddom and Gomorrah for homosexuality. He destroyed them because they didn’t welcome the strangers in their midst. Just like you try to turn away the refugees. At your Southern Border.

You really need to read the Bible instead of listening those who blaspheme it.
There's so much self-loathing and projection in your frantic tirades.

You hate with a vengeance. Your self-loathing just oozes.

Why are YOU so angry, Hollie? What’s do YOU get out of humiliating yourself posting easily such debunked billshit. Spewing venom at someone you don’t even know.

Why would I hate you? What a waste of time and energy that would be.

Stop trying to prove how clever you are because you’re failing - badly.
Why are YOU so angry, Hollie? What’s do YOU get out of humiliating yourself posting easily such debunked billshit. Spewing venom at someone you don’t even know.

Why would I hate you? What a waste of time and energy that would be.

Stop trying to prove how clever you are because you’re failing - badly.
What easily debunked 'billshit'? You don't debunk anything. You add nothing to any thread but these sweaty, feverish rants.

Stop spreading your hate and derision. With every post you announce your self- loathing.
No they don’t.

Tranny bullies??? More trans people are bullied, attacked and murderedon a per capita basis, than any other demographic in your nation.

Every time you post, you display hate, ignorance and intolerance for others. Hate destroys the hater, Hollie. Your hate is palpable. And sad.
long sioince debunked

they are in fact no more bullied attaxked or murdered than any other demographic
God murdered creatures on this Earth several times are you sure this is a benevolent being?
What easily debunked 'billshit'? You don't debunk anything. You add nothing to any thread but these sweaty, feverish rants.

Stop spreading your hate and derision. With every post you announce your self- loathing.

Why, just in this thread, you accused President Biden of declaring trans visibility day to coincide with Easter. Trans Visibility day has been held on March 31 since 2009. Biden had NOTHING to do with declaring it. I posted a link to prove it.

I’ve calmly posted rebuttals of your bullshit, linked to Breitbart, and my rebuttals come complete with links to credible sources.

Your response is to lose your shit completely and go crazy. You don’t fact check or Google before posting and then you rage at me for calling out your lies.

Grow up act like an adult for a change.

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