Think people should watch this before they make claims about Voter fraud


It explains why Biden is came back in some states and compares them to others....

It is non partisan and actually is from a British source and is well researched...

Has it ever happened where 6 seats are flipped in the house and the president of that party lost? I honestly don't know the answer to this question. But I find it... Very, very... ODD.
Sorry but democrats flipped the standards...remember we don't have to prove fraud you have to prove the absent of fraud. As for the ballots separate the hand stamped ones, their really shouldn't't be more than a few right?

It explains why Biden is came back in some states and compares them to others....

It is non partisan and actually is from a British source and is well researched...

Has it ever happened where 6 seats are flipped in the house and the president of that party lost? I honestly don't know the answer to this question. But I find it... Very, very... ODD.

6 seats flipped... yes... But Democrats still won (Well look like they are winning)... Democrats are still the majority... GOP caught up but are a good bit down... This is the reason Biden didn't win on the first night...

In 2018 Democrats won the house with 53.4% of the vote, GOP got 44.8%(diff 8.6%)... That was a pick up of 41 seats.
To put 2018 in context of Presidential the last time a President won by that margin was Clinton v Dole (8.51%). Clinton got 379 votes.

Biden is winning the popular vote by almost 3%... It will be higher(I say about 4%), California has only 77% counted... NY and NJ on 80%....
Obama beat Romney by 3.86% and got 332 EC votes...

Your questions are valid but I hope I have shown why Biden winning is far from on the cards... Actually it is surprising that having the popular margin that Biden has and not winning would a complete shock to the system.
Sorry but democrats flipped the standards...remember we don't have to prove fraud you have to prove the absent of fraud. As for the ballots separate the hand stamped ones, their really shouldn't't be more than a few right?

Sorry but if you accuse someone of something the burden of proof is on you...
Why did anyone expect the rube herd to suddenly not bleev what Donald tells them to bleev? The lemmings are rushing right off the cliff at his command. Submissive, brainless, dumbasses all the way to the end.

Without a shred of proof, Trump claims fraud and they drink his piss. Why is anyone surprised?

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
A word for the few Americans here, the fact is this election has never been legitimate, it goes without saying the mail in ballot scam was a massive expression of fraud, this is indisputable, and a big reason why Mark Levin finally got around to speaking the truth about John Roberts on that sham high court, Roberts is the one who allowed this to manifest by siding with the so-called leftists on the high court, in NOT accepting case brought before them regarding slam-dunk article 2 ruling against the corrupt state of Pennsylvania taking executive action and creating new, totally anti-constitutional law centering around mail in ballots, and extended counting of them, which I might add, Roberts duplicated in North Carolina, this time succeeding in poisoning the high court further by obviously convincing Kavanaugh to join in with him in rubber-stamping obvious illegal rewrite of mandated constitutional law by executive branches barred from doing so! Apart from that obvious corruption perpetrated by Roberts, the fact is the total media conduct, lying in perfect lockstep with the corrupt federal bureaucracy for 5-years, served all by itself to totally de-legitimize the entire US federal election process!

Folks, this is precisely why we have a 2nd Amendment, you need to be prepared to pour into the streets in St Paul, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Phoenix and make it known that the jig is up, if you do not, if you lack courage of your convictions, then this is over and you are shit out of luck. Mark my words friends, the reason they held back counts in Georgia, and North Carolina, was so they could dump ballots into totally corrupted system, indeed, the sole reason for still not calling North Carolina, is just in case the cheating in Georgia falls short, where I assure if it does, same exact process begins anew in North Carolina! Friends I have told you from the very first, you will not be allowed to just vote these traitors and mobsters out, you are being treated at this very moment to the full might and weight of the corruption!

I'm sorry folks but the only solution to this is via the 2nd amendment, you will not find redress in the courts, the courts are all corrupt, the entire federal system is a mob family, it is entirely corrupt! :wink:
Sorry but democrats flipped the standards...remember we don't have to prove fraud you have to prove the absent of fraud. As for the ballots separate the hand stamped ones, their really shouldn't't be more than a few right?

Sorry but if you accuse someone of something the burden of proof is on you...

Sorry but democrats flipped the standards...remember we don't have to prove fraud you have to prove the absent of fraud. As for the ballots separate the hand stamped ones, their really shouldn't't be more than a few right?

Sorry but if you accuse someone of something the burden of proof is on you...

Says who?

Your questions are valid but I hope I have shown why Biden winning is far from on the cards... Actually it is surprising that having the popular margin that Biden has and not winning would a complete shock to the system.
Reagan... When Raegan won his second term the republicans actually lost seats in the house and/or senate. Not only is it possible, it has happened in the past.

It's not to the degree we are talking... but... yeah.

It's still odd.. But.. ok.

I personally would like recounts and what not... Because I do actually feel for the first time ever on an election, disenfranchised.

I would like a revamped voting system that will allow me to check to see who I voted for, so I can be sure the system worked as intended. I've posted this several times, I will post it yet again:

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