Think Tank Report Concludes: Trump Would Raise Debt By $5.3 Trillion Over 10 (TEN) Years

We are down to a 438 billion dollar deficit in 2015, Trump's plan would have a 530 billion dollar deficit average for 10 years,

and Obama is the bad guy here?
better than obummers. D'oh BTW, you have obumers 10 year average?

The 2009 deficit, which is actually a fiscal year starting in October of 2008 four months before Obama was even inaugurated, let alone able to make any policy,

was the high point of the deficits. Every year since then the deficit has been lower.

Trump is proposing to raise it.

We went through that with Bush after Clinton. Not a good plan.
As I said in another thread:

Trump can be summed up as a giant Politician's Syllogism logical fallacy.

1. We must do something.
2. Trump is something.
3. We must elect Trump.

The number one issue facing our country is our debt. From it flow all of our other problems. Solve the debt, and a lot of our problems will melt away. The low LFPR, the sluggish economy, low wages, etc.

Our debt problem is not going to be solved by the same kind of thinking that got us into this mess. So we obviously need people who think better and differently.

So there's the "something" which must be done.

Trump definitely thinks differently. He does NOT think better. And even more importantly, he has no solution to our debt problem. In fact, his plan ADDS another 10 trillion dollars to the debt!

Trump has his Chumps bleeving it's all "because Mexicans", and the solution is an inanimate wall. Jesus, it sounds stupid just saying it out loud.

Sometime the cure is worse than the disease. That was true for ObamaCare, and it is just as true for Trump.

Hillary sucks, seriously sucks. She is the old thinking that got us into this mess. She is the disease.

Hillary will get us deeper into a mess. Trump is the "cure" which will bring a whole new level of damage that is beyond comprehension.
you forgot the one, he isn't the establishment and nobody owns him.
That is utterly meaningless. It's a false premise. As if not being Establishment automatically makes someone a genius.

"This circus clown is not part of the AMA Establishment. Therefore, he will make a great brain surgeon!"

And what is up with these wannabe 60s hippies whining about "The Establishment"?
It is OBVIOUS that this was a LIBERAL 'Think Tank' because: want Trump's cock.

You have me confused with Bill Clinton and / or Anthony Weiner, Swim.

By the Way, Swim - after he added nearly $7 Trillion in new debt in only 4 years, Barry WISHES he had such a record - adding only $5.3 Trillion over a 10 year period. Hell, he wishes he had BUSH'S record - adding only $4 Trillion in 8 years!
bush added 6 trillion dollars to the national debt, he inherited 6 trillion, all the debt for all presidents before him, then added another 6 trillion in 8 years....and he did this during a period of a HOUSING BUBBLE/BOOM, which grew our economy every way but loose, from construction to mortgage lending and home equity loans that increased retail sales by consumer purchases with the loaned money....taxes on all of this boom's incomes/investments should have given us a surplus in taxes....but nooooooooooooooo, in the healthiest of times, he/ -really congress....increased spending like there was no tomorrow!
As I said in another thread:

Trump can be summed up as a giant Politician's Syllogism logical fallacy.

1. We must do something.
2. Trump is something.
3. We must elect Trump.

The number one issue facing our country is our debt. From it flow all of our other problems. Solve the debt, and a lot of our problems will melt away. The low LFPR, the sluggish economy, low wages, etc.

Our debt problem is not going to be solved by the same kind of thinking that got us into this mess. So we obviously need people who think better and differently.

So there's the "something" which must be done.

Trump definitely thinks differently. He does NOT think better. And even more importantly, he has no solution to our debt problem. In fact, his plan ADDS another 10 trillion dollars to the debt!

Trump has his Chumps bleeving it's all "because Mexicans", and the solution is an inanimate wall. Jesus, it sounds stupid just saying it out loud.

Sometime the cure is worse than the disease. That was true for ObamaCare, and it is just as true for Trump.

Hillary sucks, seriously sucks. She is the old thinking that got us into this mess. She is the disease.

Hillary will get us deeper into a mess. Trump is the "cure" which will bring a whole new level of damage that is beyond comprehension.
you forgot the one, he isn't the establishment and nobody owns him.
That is utterly meaningless. It's a false premise. As if not being Establishment makes someone a genius.

And what is up with these wannabe 60s hippies whining about "The Establishment"?

Guno5000 so called Independent tries to squeeze out a retort... Nah, FAIL... you sound like a fucking idiot as usual
We are down to a 438 billion dollar deficit in 2015, Trump's plan would have a 530 billion dollar deficit average for 10 years,

and Obama is the bad guy here?
better than obummers. D'oh BTW, you have obumers 10 year average?

The 2009 deficit, which is actually a fiscal year starting in October of 2008 four months before Obama was even inaugurated, let alone able to make any policy,

was the high point of the deficits. Every year since then the deficit has been lower.

Trump is proposing to raise it.

We went through that with Bush after Clinton. Not a good plan.
so do you have bummers 10 year average? I mean, he can only cover eight years, but damn, let's see what obummer boys' is. ready set go!!!
It's time to move on, but out of the frying pan in to the fire is NOT the way to go!!!! :D
Agreed - the last Liberal President added nearly $7 trillion in only 4 years. This Think Tank thinks Trump ($5 Trillion in 10 years) will even do better than Bush ($4 trillion in 8 years). No sense in letting another debt-exploding Lib have the reins. Vote Trump.
please stop with trying to baffle me with the B.S.....

obama inherited a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit before he was inaugurated, we were in the greatest recession since the GREAT DEPRESSION, the govt's job is to spend more during these trying to stimulate the economy, and in helping all those citizens crushed by the market crash, housing boom/bust and millions upon millions of cits without jobs....

There was no rhyme or reason to the increased spending under Bush, but there was reason behind obama's first 4 years...logic dictates this Easy, the WHOLE picture.

I'm not saying Obama was perfect, and hind sight is always 20/20....

But Bush inherited a running budget surplus, and left with his last fiscal budget running at $1.4 trillion in DEFICIT.....

Obama inherited the $1.4 trillion running deficit, and will leave with about a $500 billion running deficit.

That's a HUGE improvement, though not what I would have liked to have seen it gone down to.
It's time to move on, but out of the frying pan in to the fire is NOT the way to go!!!! :D
Agreed - the last Liberal President added nearly $7 trillion in only 4 years. This Think Tank thinks Trump ($5 Trillion in 10 years) will even do better than Bush ($4 trillion in 8 years). No sense in letting another debt-exploding Lib have the reins. Vote Trump.
please stop with trying to baffle me with the B.S.....

obama inherited a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit before he was inaugurated, we were in the greatest recession since the GREAT DEPRESSION, the govt's job is to spend more during these trying to stimulate the economy, and in helping all those citizens crushed by the market crash, housing boom and millions upon millions of cits without jobs....

There was no rhyme or reason to the increased spending under Bush, but there was reason behind obama's first 4 years...logic dictates this Easy, the WHOLE picture.

I'm not saying Obama was perfect, and hind sight is always 20/20....

But Bush inherited a running budget surplus, and left with his last fiscal budget running at $1.4 trillion in DEFICIT.....

Obama inherited the $1.4 trillion running deficit, and will leave with about a $500 billion running deficit.

That's a HUGE improvement, though not what I would have liked to have seen it gone down to.
Poooooor Odumbo inherited blah blah blah.. which made him spend like a fucking DRUNK HO
It's time to move on, but out of the frying pan in to the fire is NOT the way to go!!!! :D
Agreed - the last Liberal President added nearly $7 trillion in only 4 years. This Think Tank thinks Trump ($5 Trillion in 10 years) will even do better than Bush ($4 trillion in 8 years). No sense in letting another debt-exploding Lib have the reins. Vote Trump.
please stop with trying to baffle me with the B.S.....

obama inherited a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit before he was inaugurated, we were in the greatest recession since the GREAT DEPRESSION, the govt's job is to spend more during these trying to stimulate the economy, and in helping all those citizens crushed by the market crash, housing boom and millions upon millions of cits without jobs....

There was no rhyme or reason to the increased spending under Bush, but there was reason behind obama's first 4 years...logic dictates this Easy, the WHOLE picture.

I'm not saying Obama was perfect, and hind sight is always 20/20....

But Bush inherited a running budget surplus, and left with his last fiscal budget running at $1.4 trillion in DEFICIT.....

Obama inherited the $1.4 trillion running deficit, and will leave with about a $500 billion running deficit.

That's a HUGE improvement, though not what I would have liked to have seen it gone down to.
yeah, yeah, we get it. excuses for a libturd are a plenty
And he will blame the Mexicans for it.
why do you say that? Mexico will paying for a wall.

a big wall.

Good luck with that.
no luck needed.

You're right. What you need is a good psychiatrist. You and the rest of the drumpfodder are outright delusional if you think that Trump would build a wall, much less would Mexico pay for it.
Notice how the scumbag liberals destroy every fucking thing they touch... look at Democrat ran SHITHOLES, some ran by liberal fucks for over 100 yrs... THEY'RE LITERAL TRASH but it's Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooshs fault.. LMAO YOU FUCKING neanderthals are your own worst enemies.
After 8 years of BOOOOOOOOOSH, a majority of your fellow citizens elected Obama.


It may be time to move on.

After 8 years of Obama, they're going to elect freaking Donald Trump.

That should tell you leftists something - it won't, but it should.
why do you say that? Mexico will paying for a wall.

a big wall.

Good luck with that.
no luck needed.

You're right. What you need is a good psychiatrist. You and the rest of the drumpfodder are outright delusional if you think that Trump would build a wall, much less would Mexico pay for it.
yeah I get it, we'll need them to take care of all of those libturds who lost.
We are down to a 438 billion dollar deficit in 2015, Trump's plan would have a 530 billion dollar deficit average for 10 years,

and Obama is the bad guy here?
better than obummers. D'oh BTW, you have obumers 10 year average?

The 2009 deficit, which is actually a fiscal year starting in October of 2008 four months before Obama was even inaugurated, let alone able to make any policy,

was the high point of the deficits. Every year since then the deficit has been lower.

Trump is proposing to raise it.

We went through that with Bush after Clinton. Not a good plan.
so do you have bummers 10 year average? I mean, he can only cover eight years, but damn, let's see what obummer boys' is. ready set go!!!

His starting point was a one trillion dollar deficit.
We are down to a 438 billion dollar deficit in 2015, Trump's plan would have a 530 billion dollar deficit average for 10 years,

and Obama is the bad guy here?
better than obummers. D'oh BTW, you have obumers 10 year average?

The 2009 deficit, which is actually a fiscal year starting in October of 2008 four months before Obama was even inaugurated, let alone able to make any policy,

was the high point of the deficits. Every year since then the deficit has been lower.

Trump is proposing to raise it.

We went through that with Bush after Clinton. Not a good plan.
so do you have bummers 10 year average? I mean, he can only cover eight years, but damn, let's see what obummer boys' is. ready set go!!!

His starting point was a one trillion dollar deficit.
what is it now?
Bush added $2.5 Trillion over 6 years. In his last 2 years the Near Super Majority of Libs controlled spending...the budget, spending, and the economy. In only 2 years they added just $1 trillion shy of what Bush did in 6. The failed economy - Libs were in charge. The 'inherited economy mess' - Barry got that from his fellow Democrats who controlled Congress through the end of his 2nd year in office. He inherited nothing from Bush.
Trump is proposing massive tax cuts and massive defense spending increases.

That is the standard issue GOP plan and it NEVER lowers the deficits.
We are down to a 438 billion dollar deficit in 2015, Trump's plan would have a 530 billion dollar deficit average for 10 years,

and Obama is the bad guy here?
better than obummers. D'oh BTW, you have obumers 10 year average?

The 2009 deficit, which is actually a fiscal year starting in October of 2008 four months before Obama was even inaugurated, let alone able to make any policy,

was the high point of the deficits. Every year since then the deficit has been lower.

Trump is proposing to raise it.

We went through that with Bush after Clinton. Not a good plan.
so do you have bummers 10 year average? I mean, he can only cover eight years, but damn, let's see what obummer boys' is. ready set go!!!

His starting point was a one trillion dollar deficit.
what is it now?

Gee I don't know, read my posts. Like the ones you responded to.

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