Think The Russian People Are With Putin? Think Again

Citizens across the country are risking their lives working in resistance, advocating against the war. A poll released Thursday by the Levada Center, an independent Russian organization, found that only 45% of Russians favored the move to advance into Ukraine, The Guardian reported. A majority were against any violence toward
FEBRUARY 25, 2022

Roaming Charges: Insane in the Ukraine


"There’s more opposition on the streets of Moscow to the Russian invasion of Ukraine than there was in the US over the regime change operation in Libya or the bombings of Syria or Somalia or the proxy war on Yemen or wars in Afghanistan and Iraq at any time under Obama or Trump, which tells you something about the Russian character.

"And our own."
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By Wednesday night, every major city in Ukraine was under attack as Russian bombs targeted Kharkiv, Odesa, Kramatorsk, and Kyiv. According to Daily Kos, several Ukrainian government websites were also taken down in a series of cyberattacks, in addition to many news organizations and media outlets. As Russia works to take over Ukraine, the country’s citizens are not all in favor of Putin’s actions and cry for war.

Citizens across the country are risking their lives working in resistance, advocating against the war. A poll released Thursday by the Levada Center, an independent Russian organization, found that only 45% of Russians favored the move to advance into Ukraine, The Guardian reported. A majority were against any violence toward another country.

Vladimir’s days are numbered.
You support them yet you didn't support the Republican resistance from Biden for stealing an election.

Go figure
By Wednesday night, every major city in Ukraine was under attack as Russian bombs targeted Kharkiv, Odesa, Kramatorsk, and Kyiv. According to Daily Kos, several Ukrainian government websites were also taken down in a series of cyberattacks, in addition to many news organizations and media outlets. As Russia works to take over Ukraine, the country’s citizens are not all in favor of Putin’s actions and cry for war.

Citizens across the country are risking their lives working in resistance, advocating against the war. A poll released Thursday by the Levada Center, an independent Russian organization, found that only 45% of Russians favored the move to advance into Ukraine, The Guardian reported. A majority were against any violence toward another country.

Vladimir’s days are numbered.
Dimmer sure loves him some Russia and some Trump.
Wait a sec....

Now protesting against tyrants is a good thing?

Has it even been a week?

By Wednesday night, every major city in Ukraine was under attack as Russian bombs targeted Kharkiv, Odesa, Kramatorsk, and Kyiv. According to Daily Kos, several Ukrainian government websites were also taken down in a series of cyberattacks, in addition to many news organizations and media outlets. As Russia works to take over Ukraine, the country’s citizens are not all in favor of Putin’s actions and cry for war.

Citizens across the country are risking their lives working in resistance, advocating against the war. A poll released Thursday by the Levada Center, an independent Russian organization, found that only 45% of Russians favored the move to advance into Ukraine, The Guardian reported. A majority were against any violence toward another country.

Vladimir’s days are numbered.
LOL. Well, I think we need to see if Putin survives the next "election". Somehow, I predict he will win. The people love him, or they will be shot, poisoned, or simply disappear.
By Wednesday night, every major city in Ukraine was under attack as Russian bombs targeted Kharkiv, Odesa, Kramatorsk, and Kyiv. According to Daily Kos, several Ukrainian government websites were also taken down in a series of cyberattacks, in addition to many news organizations and media outlets. As Russia works to take over Ukraine, the country’s citizens are not all in favor of Putin’s actions and cry for war.

Citizens across the country are risking their lives working in resistance, advocating against the war. A poll released Thursday by the Levada Center, an independent Russian organization, found that only 45% of Russians favored the move to advance into Ukraine, The Guardian reported. A majority were against any violence toward another country.

Vladimir’s days are numbered.
We know American conservatives are with Putin.
By Wednesday night, every major city in Ukraine was under attack as Russian bombs targeted Kharkiv, Odesa, Kramatorsk, and Kyiv. According to Daily Kos, several Ukrainian government websites were also taken down in a series of cyberattacks, in addition to many news organizations and media outlets. As Russia works to take over Ukraine, the country’s citizens are not all in favor of Putin’s actions and cry for war.

Citizens across the country are risking their lives working in resistance, advocating against the war. A poll released Thursday by the Levada Center, an independent Russian organization, found that only 45% of Russians favored the move to advance into Ukraine, The Guardian reported. A majority were against any violence toward another country.

Vladimir’s days are numbered.
I saw something like this on tv news this morning of Russian disapproval of the Russian bombing of Ukraine orphanages, Russian relatives who live in the Ukraine and the like:
Climb back into the real world. Trump lost.
Actually, America lost when the deep state jerked the American people around with party cheating at the polls. They perverted the outcome of the presidential and the congressional winners to their communist goals by way of the Alinsky method of destruction of the free countries in the world where each person used to have one vote per person as the Constitution allows.
By Wednesday night, every major city in Ukraine was under attack as Russian bombs targeted Kharkiv, Odesa, Kramatorsk, and Kyiv. According to Daily Kos, several Ukrainian government websites were also taken down in a series of cyberattacks, in addition to many news organizations and media outlets. As Russia works to take over Ukraine, the country’s citizens are not all in favor of Putin’s actions and cry for war.

Citizens across the country are risking their lives working in resistance, advocating against the war. A poll released Thursday by the Levada Center, an independent Russian organization, found that only 45% of Russians favored the move to advance into Ukraine, The Guardian reported. A majority were against any violence toward another country.

Vladimir’s days are numbered.
No civilized nation in the world can stomach war, especially in these very modernized times in which people live. So when a war breaks out, especially these days, people are worried more about their Starbucks coffee shop than they are about their culture and borders steadily disintegrating right before their very eye's.

Not sure what happened or why it happened, so it's very hard to understand what is going on with such a huge civilized nation, especially one that has a military second to none and a nuclear arsenal second to none. Who poked the bear, and why did Putin begin to feel isolated so much so that he figured war was his only option to settle a dispute with Ukraine over something ?? Could be Territorial, otherwise if what they say about Putin being threatened along it's southern border by NATO slow creeping in thinking that it could contain Putin in the future if he got giddy enough to try something. Well he's done it, and the world needs to somehow reach out to calm his fears or either it wants to poke the bear after it's been riled up from it's den. We'll see.

Careful and skillful world leadership and diplomacy must take place now, and sorry but Biden isn't the one to go anywhere near to the situation, along with various other specific leader's in the world right now the same... After going down the path that some of these so called leader's have traveled down, it's embarrassing to say the least.

Biden trying to be relevant could exacerbate the situation into something no one wants. Like his former boss said "leave it to Biden, and he'll muck it up somehow". How true that statement has become.
LOL. Well, I think we need to see if Putin survives the next "election". Somehow, I predict he will win. The people love him, or they will be shot, poisoned, or simply disappear.
Things have changed since Friday, I.T. The people are so angry at Putin's self-serving war, you can't even see the pavement of the streets they're protesting on.
From my search engine just on Moscow:

An intimidated Putin has just been announced as having responded against protesters with an ordered nukes being used in the Ukraine. Putin is not listening to the Russian people.
I am watching Fox News alive on tv. I'm truly shocked.

And Biden went home to eat ice cream this weekend. He is satisfied that President Trump has his victory tactics sidelined by the dishonest election grab of the Democrat Party. The American people are getting a little tired of Biden hiding.
St. Petersburg scenario of discord with Putin's illegal invasion of the Ukraine:


Putin was born in St. Petersburg, btw. /wah-wah trumpet.

Putin the controller is going to have a civil war if he doesn't get what's left of his army out of the Ukraine. ^^^^

Some of the people have lost loved ones because Reuters is saying that 3,500 Russian soldiers have lost their lives. Russia is not pleased with the blind bombings of orphanages, hospitals, schools, and city centers in the Ukraine. They're not proud of Stalin's purge back in the late 40s and early 50s in which the Stalin KGB starved out farmers with daily visits to burn crops, empty farmhouse kitchens and storage bins. Millions and millions of people in the Ukraine were basically wiped off the face of the map. Several researchers said it was genocide in the Ukraine. Man, Putin may never go back to Moscow again if anyone in the Kremlin is paying attention to public outcries, it's hard to say. But what I found in my search engine with specific images requested a very few are ^above^
The leadership of Russia never realized the Ukrainian people would man up and fight back with a ferocity the world has never seen. But they're fighting for their own turf and freedom from tyrannical regimes like the one Putin has fomented for numerous years now. Nobody trusts him.

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