Think You Know Who Won WWII?

Yep. The Sicily Campaign showed that Patton was more concerned with Patton than he was with US troops. He wanted the glory and was willing to pay for it with their blood.

Alexander pushed to have Patton Court-Martialed over Sicily, but Ike wouldn't have any of it, largely due to his friendship with Patton.

George C Scott was not really Patton

No one should remain ignorant, getting all of their information from one movie

Nobody thinks that this Hollywood movie or any other can be relied upon for historical accuracy. Certainly not Steven R or me.

Ike would not criticise Patton in public for the simple reason that Americans needed a 'brilliant general' to admire and in the want of a real one Patton was hyped up to fill that role. His soldiers knew that he was a barely competent braggart but no one was going to ask them for an opinion.

Well, then you must be a complete fucking ignorant moron, there's no other explanation

To call Patton "Barely competent braggart" is just plain fucking stupid
George C Scott was not really Patton

No one should remain ignorant, getting all of their information from one movie

Nobody thinks that this Hollywood movie or any other can be relied upon for historical accuracy. Certainly not Steven R or me.

Ike would not criticise Patton in public for the simple reason that Americans needed a 'brilliant general' to admire and in the want of a real one Patton was hyped up to fill that role. His soldiers knew that he was a barely competent braggart but no one was going to ask them for an opinion.

Well, then you must be a complete fucking ignorant moron, there's no other explanation

To call Patton "Barely competent braggart" is just plain fucking stupid

IYAOEO - that means in your arrogant and obscenely expressed opinion.

It saddens me that one with whom I often agree should throw a tantrum when he encounters a contrary opinion.
Please "prove your case by referring to 'historians' or 'textbooks,'"

Your suggestion to not do so is as sensible as review committees by non-scientists of scientific findings.

no wonder your such an idiot.:D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

our textbooks in american history classes are edited with what our corrupt government wants you to hear.our government got to rewrite history with THEIR version of events.:cuckoo:
Nobody thinks that this Hollywood movie or any other can be relied upon for historical accuracy. Certainly not Steven R or me.

Ike would not criticise Patton in public for the simple reason that Americans needed a 'brilliant general' to admire and in the want of a real one Patton was hyped up to fill that role. His soldiers knew that he was a barely competent braggart but no one was going to ask them for an opinion.

Well, then you must be a complete fucking ignorant moron, there's no other explanation

To call Patton "Barely competent braggart" is just plain fucking stupid

IYAOEO - that means in your arrogant and obscenely expressed opinion.

It saddens me that one with whom I often agree should throw a tantrum when he encounters a contrary opinion.

crusader retard can face facts about events and politicians that he has always known to be true,,but when someone comes on here and destroys his long held beliefs that he has been brainwashed into belieivng to be true,he lives in denial and out of frustration,he evades facts and has meltdowns knowing he is cornered.

as everybody does who encounters resident troll Crusader Retard,like everybody else that tries to have a discussion with him,I see you also have spotted how Frank ignores facts that prove him wrong and is indeed too arrogant to admit it when he has been proven wrong.
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Patton said that WWII was a huge strategic failure for the US and Brits because is left much of Eastern Europe in the hands of "the descendants of Genghis Khan" and he was correct.

WWII left Eastern Europe enslaved to Soviet Communism and it wasn't until Reagan beat the USSR that they would be free again.

and Liberal apologists for the USSR can kiss my Santa-white ass in Macy's window

you have been taken to school time and time again that contrary to your lies,reagan did not beat the USSR.that the soviet union collpased on its own and it did not matter who was the president at the time reagans cousin.:cuckoo:
Patton said that WWII was a huge strategic failure for the US and Brits because is left much of Eastern Europe in the hands of "the descendants of Genghis Khan" and he was correct.

WWII left Eastern Europe enslaved to Soviet Communism and it wasn't until Reagan beat the USSR that they would be free again.

and Liberal apologists for the USSR can kiss my Santa-white ass in Macy's window

you have been taken to school time and time again that contrary to your lies,reagan did not beat the USSR.that the soviet union collpased on its own and it did not matter who was the president at the time reagans cousin.:cuckoo:


Then you might like to consider this:

"At no point, however, did Gorbachev want to yield Moscow's pride of place as the number two superpower. And he was blissfully confident that the risks were tolerable:
"There is no reason to fear the collapse or the end of socialism", Gorbachev assured Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu three weeks after the Berlin Wall had been breached and three weeks before the Romanian dictator was executed by his own people.
Reagan was made from far sterner stuff than was his Soviet counterpart. "
The 'Amazing and Mysterious Life' of Ronald Reagan | The National Interest
Patton said that WWII was a huge strategic failure for the US and Brits because is left much of Eastern Europe in the hands of "the descendants of Genghis Khan" and he was correct.

WWII left Eastern Europe enslaved to Soviet Communism and it wasn't until Reagan beat the USSR that they would be free again.

and Liberal apologists for the USSR can kiss my Santa-white ass in Macy's window

you have been taken to school time and time again that contrary to your lies,reagan did not beat the USSR.that the soviet union collpased on its own and it did not matter who was the president at the time reagans cousin.:cuckoo:

Then you might like to consider this:

"At no point, however, did Gorbachev want to yield Moscow's pride of place as the number two superpower. And he was blissfully confident that the risks were tolerable:
"There is no reason to fear the collapse or the end of socialism", Gorbachev assured Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu three weeks after the Berlin Wall had been breached and three weeks before the Romanian dictator was executed by his own people.
Reagan was made from far sterner stuff than was his Soviet counterpart. "
The 'Amazing and Mysterious Life' of Ronald Reagan | The National Interest

yep really should pick up this book of Bunchs "tearing down the myth." and read it.
Will Bunch: Tearing Down The Reagan 'Myth' : NPR

It shreads to pieces the lies that resident troll Crusader Retard e -whom Im convinced is a couson of Reagans,because of his the meltdowns he has here at this site when he gets proven wrong about reagan never addressing facts.:D

Its a waste of my time posting this link though because like all reaganuts,you wont read it.anytime i challenge you reagan worshippers to read it,you never take up that challenge and run away from it.:cuckoo: Bunch backs up his book with actual sources from back then in the 80's listed in the book as well. a fact crusader retard always ignores when I say that acting like i never posted that.:cuckoo:

you would know all this to be true if you ever actually bothered to read the posts of dante,myself and many others who have shreadded to pieces the lies the CIA controlled media has spread about him ever since his death on this thread here.:D
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Patton said that WWII was a huge strategic failure for the US and Brits because is left much of Eastern Europe in the hands of "the descendants of Genghis Khan" and he was correct.

WWII left Eastern Europe enslaved to Soviet Communism and it wasn't until Reagan beat the USSR that they would be free again.

and Liberal apologists for the USSR can kiss my Santa-white ass in Macy's window

you have been taken to school time and time again that contrary to your lies,reagan did not beat the USSR.that the soviet union collpased on its own and it did not matter who was the president at the time reagans cousin.:cuckoo:

The USSR collapsed all on their own


Yeah, send that to Pee Wee Herman, he's looking for new material


That's funny
Nobody thinks that this Hollywood movie or any other can be relied upon for historical accuracy. Certainly not Steven R or me.

Ike would not criticise Patton in public for the simple reason that Americans needed a 'brilliant general' to admire and in the want of a real one Patton was hyped up to fill that role. His soldiers knew that he was a barely competent braggart but no one was going to ask them for an opinion.

Well, then you must be a complete fucking ignorant moron, there's no other explanation

To call Patton "Barely competent braggart" is just plain fucking stupid

IYAOEO - that means in your arrogant and obscenely expressed opinion.

It saddens me that one with whom I often agree should throw a tantrum when he encounters a contrary opinion.

Don't take it personally.

Had Patton and Bradley never changed position as happened after the soldier Slap. The US and Brits would have been in Berlin months ahead of the Soviets.

Patton wrote extensively in his diaries and he was spot on in his assessment of the war effort. As it was happening, he wrote that he wanted to seal shut the Falaise Pocket, he was against Monty's MarketGarden and said Ike was on crack for believing the "National Redoubt"

He all but resigned over the boneheaded decision (Bradley's and Ike's) to left German 7th Army escape Falaise

The USSR Collapsed on their own

[ame=]I Love That Story - YouTube[/ame]
you have been taken to school time and time again that contrary to your lies,reagan did not beat the USSR.that the soviet union collpased on its own and it did not matter who was the president at the time reagans cousin.:cuckoo:

Then you might like to consider this:

"At no point, however, did Gorbachev want to yield Moscow's pride of place as the number two superpower. And he was blissfully confident that the risks were tolerable:
"There is no reason to fear the collapse or the end of socialism", Gorbachev assured Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu three weeks after the Berlin Wall had been breached and three weeks before the Romanian dictator was executed by his own people.
Reagan was made from far sterner stuff than was his Soviet counterpart. "
The 'Amazing and Mysterious Life' of Ronald Reagan | The National Interest

yep really should pick up this book of Bunchs "tearing down the myth." and read it.
Will Bunch: Tearing Down The Reagan 'Myth' : NPR

It shreads to pieces the lies that resident troll Crusader Retard e -whom Im convinced is a couson of Reagans,because of his the meltdowns he has here at this site when he gets proven wrong about reagan never addressing facts.:D

Its a waste of my time posting this link though because like all reaganuts,you wont read it.anytime i challenge you reagan worshippers to read it,you never take up that challenge and run away from it.:cuckoo: Bunch backs up his book with actual sources from back then in the 80's listed in the book as well. a fact crusader retard always ignores when I say that acting like i never posted that.:cuckoo:

you would know all this to be true if you ever actually bothered to read the posts of dante,myself and many others who have shreadded to pieces the lies the CIA controlled media has spread about him ever since his death on this thread here.:D

"Will Bunch, of the Philadelphia Daily News, was an identified member of JournoList - an email group of approximately 400 "progressive" and socialist journalists, academics and "new media" activists.

JournoList members reportedly coordinated their messages in favor of Barack Obama and the Democrats, and against Sarah Palin and the Republican Party. JournoList was founded in 2007 and was closed down in early 2010."
Will Bunch - KeyWiki

You certainly have the correct avi.
It's not like I actually lived through the Reagan Years and formed my own opinions, ya know. I need 9/11 and Dante to interpret it for me.

Tell me more about what an awesome guy Gorby was!
The "American" Left can never forgive Reagan for calling their home team an "Evil Empire", promising to destroy them, and overseeing their collapse

[ame=]Reagan at Brandenburg Gate - "tear down this wall" - YouTube[/ame]
Reagan was fearful of an atomic war and when Gorby offered Reagan a deal, Reagan grabbed it. Stalin would not have offered the deal but Gorby did, and what American president since Hoover would not have also grabbed the USSR offer?
What we might remember is that Marxian communism had no chance of ever lasting. The USSR dropped it a few years after their revolution, also America fought the USSR every step of the way except when America needed the Russians to fight Hitler.
The end result of the war, the USSR economic system and America's long battle resulted in Gorby's deal, and while I'm no Reagan fan at least he recognized a deal when offereed.
Reagan was fearful of an atomic war and when Gorby offered Reagan a deal, Reagan grabbed it. Stalin would not have offered the deal but Gorby did, and what American president since Hoover would not have also grabbed the USSR offer?
What we might remember is that Marxian communism had no chance of ever lasting. The USSR dropped it a few years after their revolution, also America fought the USSR every step of the way except when America needed the Russians to fight Hitler.
The end result of the war, the USSR economic system and America's long battle resulted in Gorby's deal, and while I'm no Reagan fan at least he recognized a deal when offereed.

Total nonsense.

"Gorby" is the attempt by the Left to hide the fact that Reagan reversed all of the benefits that FDR provided to make certain that world communism was nourished. Leftists struggle to siphon off the benefits of Reagan's victory and try to claim it for one of you champions, the Soviet leader.
Reagan was fearful of an atomic war and when Gorby offered Reagan a deal, Reagan grabbed it. Stalin would not have offered the deal but Gorby did, and what American president since Hoover would not have also grabbed the USSR offer?
What we might remember is that Marxian communism had no chance of ever lasting. The USSR dropped it a few years after their revolution, also America fought the USSR every step of the way except when America needed the Russians to fight Hitler.
The end result of the war, the USSR economic system and America's long battle resulted in Gorby's deal, and while I'm no Reagan fan at least he recognized a deal when offereed.

Total nonsense.

"Gorby" is the attempt by the Left to hide the fact that Reagan reversed all of the benefits that FDR provided to make certain that world communism was nourished. Leftists struggle to siphon off the benefits of Reagan's victory and try to claim it for one of you champions, the Soviet leader.

Another way to look at it is how long did America fight communism? We fought the Korean War, the Vietnam War and other wars to stop USSR's imperialism? How much did America spend fighting communism in lives and money before Reagan ever took office?
No one is trying to take away Reagan's moment, another president might not have accepted Gorby's offer, but Reagan did. Was Reagan's acceptance of Gorby's deal a surrender by Reagan or the results of a long bitter war that America has waged against communism over a long span of years? Your attempt to change history, changes nothing, but only reinforces some people's thinking.
It's now time for some name calling.

If Gorby had not offered Reagan a deal and Reagan accepted if neither one of those events occurred would we still
Total nonsense.

"Gorby" is the attempt by the Left to hide the fact that Reagan reversed all of the benefits that FDR provided to make certain that world communism was nourished. Leftists struggle to siphon off the benefits of Reagan's victory and try to claim it for one of you champions, the Soviet leader.

Isn't it funny that once Communism fell, Gorby became a Global Warmist.

From Red to Green with no change at all......
Total nonsense.

"Gorby" is the attempt by the Left to hide the fact that Reagan reversed all of the benefits that FDR provided to make certain that world communism was nourished. Leftists struggle to siphon off the benefits of Reagan's victory and try to claim it for one of you champions, the Soviet leader.

Isn't it funny that once Communism fell, Gorby became a Global Warmist.

From Red to Green with no change at all......

Now....just hold on, Uncensored!

That was from Red to Red!!!
Give the guy credit for consistency.

In the Iron Curtain countries, where there were no constitutional democracies and no private property rights, the central planning ethic could be fully realized; the results have been shown to be catastrophic. But, in dire need of a mitigation for their beloved Marxism, the failure, it was posited, was due to the fact that it hadn’t been tried using the bounty of the West!

a. When the Soviet Union fell, many fellow travelers migrated to the environmental movement. So much so, that the movement is often referred to as the ‘Watermelon Movement”: green on the outside, red on the inside.

b. “Delingpole does an excellent job of cutting through he jargon and presenting the essentials. But where the book really shines is exposing the politics behind this manufactured crisis.” From a review of “Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors

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