CDZ Thinking outside the box. Would you object to a, "Parent Observer" in every public school classroom. A Disinformation Czar so to speak.

I don't know what you do for a living but having a camera on you watching every move you make with people who are not trained in your area having a say on how you do your job doesn't sound like an optimum approach. It makes it more like a police state.

If that's the goal, then definitely go for it. Seems to me we have actual pressing issues to spend money on in schools. I already pay for your kids schooling (I don't have kids and my wife and I never will at this point) so maybe I refuse to have MY TAX money wasted on that. If you want that YOU pay for it. Not me.
1. So you oppose video cameras on police?
2. Your "more pressing issues" argument is an invalid logical fallacy.
3. Are (or were you) a teacher/educator? If so, you personally receive more benefits than you pay in taxes.
4. You would still be against cameras in the classroom even if you didn't pay for it, so why bring up this red herring?
5. I am starting to understand why you don't want "people who are not trained in your area" (i.e., parents) to see what you are doing. This is particularly ironic in that you are not trained in their area, either. But, of course, you know better...
We have that. It's teacher aids. Parents were welcome, but they had to help out. Teachers were all over any parent that wanted to help.
1. So you oppose video cameras on police?

I like the other poster's suggestion that if you have cameras that the output of them are not made available to the public unless as part of an investigation. But to be quite fair most teachers are not going to be beating or shooting the kids.

2. Your "more pressing issues" argument is an invalid logical fallacy.

So you don't know any teachers? They are often required to pay for school supplies by themselves because the school districts don't have enough money.
3. Are (or were you) a teacher/educator? If so, you personally receive more benefits than you pay in taxes.

LOL. LOLOLOL. That's absurd.

4. You would still be against cameras in the classroom even if you didn't pay for it, so why bring up this red herring?

Are you God almighty and can see into my soul? Or are you just making stuff up?
I like the other poster's suggestion that if you have cameras that the output of them are not made available to the public unless as part of an investigation. But to be quite fair most teachers are not going to be beating or shooting the kids.
Most police officers are not beating or shooting people, either.
So you don't know any teachers? They are often required to pay for school supplies by themselves because the school districts don't have enough money.
My spouse was in public education at all levels for over 30 years. Teachers having to buy "school supplies" is greatly overstated as to frequency and cost (assuming they are not reimbursed). And the amount of money allocated to disadvantaged schools is enormous.
LOL. LOLOLOL. That's absurd.
That fits with the depth of your other replies.
Are you God almighty and can see into my soul? Or are you just making stuff up?
Neither, but I can draw logical conclusions from your answers (or non-answers) to my questions.
That is what people elect School Boards for. If they aren't doing their jobs, it's because parents aren't doing theirs.
Do they have some special right to privacy that other professionals don't have?

The students in the class room have a right to privacy. Parents have to sign a waiver for pictures to be taken of them and used in any school publication or website
THERE should be TOTAL transparency in what is going on in your child's school and classroom.
THERE should be NO hiring of trans teachers, gay teachers homo or lesbian, no leftist activists.
There should be a fixed curriculum that teaches the child the basics, some logic, languages, history, observational science, MATH, LOTS Of math.
i've more.
And basic science. So we don't get adults like you.
Yeah that's going to make things great. An incredible cost to school districts that are already struggling to pay for school supplies (do we make the teachers pay for the spy cams?)

Is education really that bad these days? Or is this a lot of smoke and no real fire? Because we've DEFINITELY see people blow little things out of proportion. Just look at the panic that took hold in the 1980's when parents in some school districts became completely convinced the teachers were taking their kids to satanic masses in secret places. Maybe we need cameras on the PARENTS to know when they've gone over the edge.
It would all be voluntary parents. Paying them would corrupt it. The teachers union would run that....lololol

all voluntary and a parent cannot be in a school their child attends

clearing that up
Absolutely not to the parental observers. We pile too much on teachers as it is without having their actions micromanaged by someone who, by definition, doesn't know how to teach.

I'd be open to discussion about the cameras, as long as the images aren't accessible by the parents or the public, or live-streamed on the Internet, or anything like that. They can be retained by the school district and released upon a court order, to resolve legal charges or accusations, or to assist the administrators in performance reviews. Same reason.
We had a camera in every classroom for nearly two years. How may of these squealing frauds watched the classes and got involved in their children's education? Virtually none. Screw them and their lies.
Not sure what backwater you live in, but I can go observe my kids' classes whenever I want.
I live in a free state that afforded me a lifestyle where I never slaved to a boss so it is not backwards. Our public skewls crank out more winners than losers. You love the Baltimore district. Not one studnt competent in anything

This would be a mandatory parent in every class, all volunteer

You should go watch your pathetic skewl, you'd vomit
I'm getting old. I cannot keep up with my Fan Mail. I need a skirt to help out


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