CDZ Thinking outside the box. Would you object to a, "Parent Observer" in every public school classroom. A Disinformation Czar so to speak.

And guess what: that doesn't really happen very much these days either. It's blown out of proportion because you folks who are extremely old live and breathe Fox Outrage Machine.
You certainly are quite simple-minded. All you seem to know of the world is what team you are on and soldiering for your team.

I would suggest you apply yourself towards actually becoming educated instead of just talking about education. .
And guess what: that doesn't really happen very much these days either. It's blown out of proportion because you folks who are extremely old live and breathe Fox Outrage Machine.
Lol! Fox fox fox fox. Broken record. I dont watch fox either.
You certainly are quite simple-minded. All you seem to know of the world is what team you are on and soldiering for your team.

I would suggest you apply yourself towards actually becoming educated instead of just talking about education. .

What would you know about education? Tucker Carlson isn't the best teacher.
Lol! Fox fox fox fox. Broken record. I dont watch fox either.

Uh huh. I'm sure.

I've never met a conservative who admits to watching Fox. Not once.

Funny how that happens. Years of talking to Conservatives and you'd think no one watches Fox.

I believe you.
It's a science degree, but don't you worry your little woke head over it, k?

Oh so then you'll understand what DATA is. (Probably not though). So you'll be able to provide me data showing that all these horrors you guys clutch your pearls over are widespread and systemic.

You wouldn't understand any of it.

I probably would. But you wouldn't dare try to talk about it because know... "reasons". ;)
Your "cost" argument against video cams is bogus, just like the same argument against a border fence. You would still be against them if they were free. Why don't you want to be able to verify what goes on in the classroom?
This is taking the old USSR surveillance to ridiculous levels. Possibly if there is a genuine reason to believe someone is acting inappropriately it may be acceptable. To see how different teaching styles affect result might also be appropriate but to video all classes is entering a sci fi age when the individual and human element disappears into the robotic desired one.
This is taking the old USSR surveillance to ridiculous levels. Possibly if there is a genuine reason to believe someone is acting inappropriately it may be acceptable. To see how different teaching styles affect result might also be appropriate but to video all classes is entering a sci fi age when the individual and human element disappears into the robotic desired one.
So let's ban surveillance cameras everywhere? Or just in classrooms where children are potentially subject to the whims of an unaccountable adult? Are teachers so much better than everyone else?
I don't know what you do for a living but having a camera on you watching every move you make with people who are not trained in your area having a say on how you do your job doesn't sound like an optimum approach. It makes it more like a police state.

If that's the goal, then definitely go for it. Seems to me we have actual pressing issues to spend money on in schools. I already pay for your kids schooling (I don't have kids and my wife and I never will at this point) so maybe I refuse to have MY TAX money wasted on that. If you want that YOU pay for it. Not me.
Parents do not exist to make teachers “feel” comfortable in the classroom

We need cameras for parental oversight to protect the children
So let's ban surveillance cameras everywhere? Or just in classrooms where children are potentially subject to the whims of an unaccountable adult? Are teachers so much better than everyone else?
I possibly should tell you I am not American. WTF do you think teachers are doing other than trying to give children the best education they can and included in that is giving them the right to think for themselves. I have nothing to change from what I said before.

This is taking the old USSR surveillance to ridiculous levels. Possibly if there is a genuine reason to believe someone is acting inappropriately it may be acceptable. To see how different teaching styles affect result might also be appropriate but to video all classes is entering a sci fi age when the individual and human element disappears into the robotic desired one.

As for other surveillance cameras that also should be treated with the utmost caution. We have far too much. Are you not creative? Do you not value that part of humanity. I cannot believe I am hearing people from the West suggest such things in the 2000's.
No, we just need to clean out the riff raff from schools is all it is.

We didn't need observers in school 30 years ago when I was still in it. Most parents only knew what happened in school if they got a call or their child told them.

That was before we let social and political agendas infect every facet of our society and we let the freakazoids have control. That happened because we raised a generation or two of soft, weak willed kids that don't know their ass from a hole on the ground. And they grew up and instead of working, making a life, being productive, struggling to make their way and this become stronger they just sit on their phones online complaining about useless, dumb, meaningless bullshit and how they deserve everything just for being born and arguing about the most inane bullshit.

School just needs to be school and that's it. It shouldn't be allowed to be a battlefield for social ideas and agendas from the staff and the public.

Weed out the crap teachers, and re educate students that they are there to learn and that's all
And guess what: that doesn't really happen very much these days either. It's blown out of proportion because you folks who are extremely old live and breathe Fox Outrage Machine.
The surviving machine is now in progress. The world and the United States by design has been made more complicated-on purpose. Causing much angst, despair and violence for suggestions of wrongs in ways of living. If you are young, you have never experienced the inflation with little growth outrage. It looks better on some levels because the inflation also raises taxes even with the economy treading water or in decline. But it isn't. And the prime rate needs to rise much higher to attempt to strangle the inflation. This will affect loans on homes and cars and more and the national yearly debt can or will mushroom.
WTF do you think teachers are doing other than trying to give children the best education they can and included in that is giving them the right to think for themselves. I have nothing to change from what I said before.
Encouraging children to be thinking about their sexual nature at an age FAR too young for such things is giving them the best education they can?

How about teaching them math and science, instead, eh?
Yeah that's going to make things great. An incredible cost to school districts that are already struggling to pay for school supplies (do we make the teachers pay for the spy cams?)

Is education really that bad these days? Or is this a lot of smoke and no real fire? Because we've DEFINITELY see people blow little things out of proportion. Just look at the panic that took hold in the 1980's when parents in some school districts became completely convinced the teachers were taking their kids to satanic masses in secret places. Maybe we need cameras on the PARENTS to know when they've gone over the edge.
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