CDZ Thinking outside the box. Would you object to a, "Parent Observer" in every public school classroom. A Disinformation Czar so to speak.

pleasejustquit said:
I made the decision at age 17 to get married, absolutely certain this was the man I wanted to spend my life with. It lasted two months. Thank God nothing irreversible happened. What these children are being brainwashed into is, often, completely irreversible and I can imagine how devastating it could be to undergo the whole process and then realize they were as mistaken in their desires as I was about my first husband.

making that final decision to end it showed remarkable wisdom and maturity for a 17 year old.
If not, Are they your kids? Do you decide?

No....but I would be happy to have cameras in the parents can check in whenever they want. it would be less disruptive ..... but parent volunteers actually helping out in the classroom would be good too.....some inner city schools now have groups of parents walking the halls of their schools.....they say hi to the kids, let them know there are people who care about them, especially the students from broken homes........their presence tends to de-escalate violence in those schools.
The saddest thing is the research shows that 90% of children who have some confusion, which many have I'm sure, it all ends by 18. No need to chop boobies or pee pees off and load em with hormones at 13

You are an adult 18. Free of adult persuasions

Remember....the democrat party is the party that believes that the world is overpopulated and that humans are destroying the planet......if they are allowed to inject hormones into children and surgically alter their bodies, those children will not be able to have children........and any reduction in population.....especially of the non seen as a good thing.
No....but I would be happy to have cameras in the parents can check in whenever they want. it would be less disruptive ..... but parent volunteers actually helping out in the classroom would be good too.....some inner city schools now have groups of parents walking the halls of their schools.....they say hi to the kids, let them know there are people who care about them, especially the students from broken homes........their presence tends to de-escalate violence in those schools.
School districts like Baltimore and most should have the least amount of attention paid to them. We need resources anywhere but in the hoods...They are hopeless and will get worse....No one knows who their parents are. Like a Charles Dickens novel
They have to be strictly screened. Anyone approving of teaching trans sexual butt sex to a 6 yr old is forbidden. In fact the county should be notified and Child Protective Services immediately take custody
Yeah but I don't trust cps as far as I can throw them.
Plus, cps does nothing to stop the monsters in schools who are perverting kids.
Hard to believe that there is a small but very vocal percentage hell bent on distroying the public school system. & if your going to let them in our class rooms please at least make sure that they have a child in that school & in that class.
Cameras in every class, just like preschool. Let any interested parent log in and see/hear what's going on whenever they want. Can no longer trust the schools.
Just Google 'trans closets in schools' and 'Transition closets' for why the assorted faggots and other deviants don't want cameras or parents in schools; they don't want outsiders to see those wonderful faggot teachers offer their 'helping hands' to little boys hiding their testicles in their female school clothes.

The California Family Council and others eventually confirmed the identity of the teacher as Oakland Unified School District Spanish teacher Thomas Martin-Edwards, who’s also the founder of “Queer Teacher Fellowship.”

Martin-Edwards, the teacher who runs the trans closet, is also transgender. He has posted videos of himself in the classroom showing off the stilettos he wears to school.

Neither Martin-Edwards, a former assistant principal in another school district, nor the school responded to inquiries by The Epoch Times about the trans closet.

So much for the idiots claiming the schools are transparent.
Remember....the democrat party is the party that believes that the world is overpopulated and that humans are destroying the planet......if they are allowed to inject hormones into children and surgically alter their bodies, those children will not be able to have children........and any reduction in population.....especially of the non seen as a good thing.

Yes. We can bet these 'elite' degenerates don't stand for this faggot crap in their choices of private schools for their own kids.
Cameras in every class, just like preschool. Let any interested parent log in and see/hear what's going on whenever they want. Can no longer trust the schools.

If that's how America wants to work it it might accidentally end up with the parents getting the education they somehow missed the first time around.

Maybe this is a good idea.
I don't know what you do for a living but having a camera on you watching every move you make with people who are not trained in your area having a say on how you do your job doesn't sound like an optimum approach. It makes it more like a police state.

If that's the goal, then definitely go for it. Seems to me we have actual pressing issues to spend money on in schools. I already pay for your kids schooling (I don't have kids and my wife and I never will at this point) so maybe I refuse to have MY TAX money wasted on that. If you want that YOU pay for it. Not me.
You believe that an all-powerful state owns people's children and so can indoctrinate them any way they wish, yet you characterize attempts at allowing parents any access to the education their children receive as the actual example of a police state.

Are you being this Orwellian intentionally, or do you simply have no clue?
You believe that an all-powerful state owns people's children and so can indoctrinate them any way they wish

I was in elementary school in the 1970's. Honestly I don't believe ANY of the hyperbolic crap you folks on the Right seem to be hiding from. You have generated these massive monsters hiding under your beds and now you are terrified. Sounds pretty scary to live like that.

, yet you characterize attempts at allowing parents any access to the education their children receive as the actual example of a police state.

No matter how you feel about it, putting cameras on teachers all day everyday so they can be watched by all the parents is pretty much the definition of "police state".

Are you being this Orwellian intentionally, or do you simply have no clue?

I guess the question is: do you know what any of that means?
I was in elementary school in the 1970's. Honestly I don't believe ANY of the hyperbolic crap you folks on the Right seem to be hiding from. You have generated these massive monsters hiding under your beds and now you are terrified. Sounds pretty scary to live like that.

No matter how you feel about it, putting cameras on teachers all day everyday so they can be watched by all the parents is pretty much the definition of "police state".

I guess the question is: do you know what any of that means?
I was in the University system in the 70s, myself.

I can guarantee you that not once during the entirety of my educational experience did I have any teachers encouraging me to question my gender or demand I apologize for the color of my skin.

Perhaps you should have stayed past the elementary school stage as you may have eventually learned enough to recognize the fallaciousness of your anecdotal appeal. How you were taught 50 years ago has no bearing on how children are taught today.
I can guarantee you that not once during the entirety of my educational experience did I have any teachers encouraging me to question my gender or demand I apologize for the color of my skin.

And guess what: that doesn't really happen very much these days either. It's blown out of proportion because you folks who are extremely old live and breathe Fox Outrage Machine.

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