Third Employee Complains Of Workplace Sexual Behavior By Cain

Cain is even a preacher at his church. The good ol' Family Values Party...
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A third former employee says she considered filing a workplace complaint over what she considered aggressive and unwanted behavior by Herman Cain when she worked for the presidential candidate in the 1990s. She says the behavior included a private invitation to his corporate apartment.

More: Heman Cain Sexual Harassment Charges: Third Former Employee Complains About GOP Candidate's Behavior

I am sure many more will be paid to circumvent Cain's success. When my employer stood behind my office chair and pressed himself against me...I quit my job! I found a better one, so it all worked out for the best.

Libertarians and conservatives are very divided on this issue Cain faces. I'm with the libertarians. The Right needs to get a grip.

"Lighten up fellow Rightists. You don't need to worship at the alter of political correctness. And a warning: If you want us libertarians to be part of your coalition, than stop being so goddamned prudish."

Where we libertarians part company with our conservative friends:

Libertarian Republican: Conservative PC? Concerned Women for America express concerns over Cain's alleged sexual remarks
Not sure how you are equating not forcing yourself on someone with being PC.
Doesn't this indicate the candidate's character? Allegations mount up and the next thing you know, Kenneth Starr will come out of retirement!

Oh. It's Herman Cain. So, these allegations cannot be true and this sort of story is just a smear campaign. Too bad this sexual harassment coin only has one side.

Sure, it can be used to determine the character of a candidate....
When it came to Obama I used:

The fact that after 4 years as a junior assoicate in a law firm he was unable to grow to the next level of partner...and he was actually seen by the partnership as worthy of basic boiler plate contract review...(they must have been racists!)

I also used...

His lying about public financing
His lying 3 different times about his relationship with ayers
Him saying that he was not aware of the ideology of Wright. I found that to be likely unture seeing as he referred to him as a mentor and knew him for 20 years.

Funny thing though Nosmo...that didnt bother you....but you are willing to use the allegations of two anonymous women who were SO distraught about what he did that they accepted a mere 35K payout to "go away".

And in todays day and age, it is quite commonplace to threaten sexual assault and discriminaition law suits in an effort to settle for cash.

So lets hold it against him for sure.

FYI...Cain does not have my vote becuase of his lack of experience.
Instead of rehashing the same old stuff, let's talk about my anonymous source who tells me Lakhota likes to eat cat turds out of the litter box... too?!?! I thought I was the only person who had heard that! Let's see if we can find a third person who heard Lactose eats cat turds. Anyone? This will once and for all cement his character.

Be careful. Lakhota hates it when people cite anonymous sources saying bad stuff about him. He will neg you in a couple seconds. And remember, don't get too close to your can smell the cat turds on his breathe.
Chris Wilson, a former NRA staffer, told Oklahoma radio station KTOK that he witnessed Cain sexually harassing a woman at Virginia restaurant in the late 90s. Wilson said that while he could not discuss specifics of what happened, "If she talks about it, I think it'll be the end of his campaign."

Wilson confirmed the incident to Politico.

"It was very uncomfortable," he said.

While I think of Herman Cain as an opportunistic buffoon and I regard his presidential candicacy as an aberration I do not consider a polite, discreet overture to be sexual harassment. It would be harassment if he persisted in spite of explicit rejections but the complaining woman didn't say that was the case.

There is some mention of "suggestive comments and gestures" but nothing specific. What "gestures?" What "comments?"
The McCarville Report Online: Chris Wilson Says He Witnessed Sexual Harassment In Virginia Restaurant

Oklahoma political consultant Chris Wilson (a Republican) says if the woman behind the reported sexual harassment complaint against GOP Presidential hopeful Herman Cain is allowed to speak publicly, it'll be the end of Cain's run for the White House.

Interviewed today on KTOK's Mullins in the Morning, Wilson, of Wilson-Perkins-Allen Opinion Research headquartered in Washington, D.C. explained he was a witness to the incident.

"I was the pollster at the National Restaurant Association when Herman Cain was head of it and I was around a couple of times when this happened and anyone who was involved with the NRA at the time, knew that this was gonna come up."
We're only hearing about some of Preacher Cain's unsuccessful attempts. You can bet there are more women out there. Maybe they all just found him too creepy for love...
The McCarville Report Online: Chris Wilson Says He Witnessed Sexual Harassment In Virginia Restaurant

Oklahoma political consultant Chris Wilson (a Republican) says if the woman behind the reported sexual harassment complaint against GOP Presidential hopeful Herman Cain is allowed to speak publicly, it'll be the end of Cain's run for the White House.

Interviewed today on KTOK's Mullins in the Morning, Wilson, of Wilson-Perkins-Allen Opinion Research headquartered in Washington, D.C. explained he was a witness to the incident.

"I was the pollster at the National Restaurant Association when Herman Cain was head of it and I was around a couple of times when this happened and anyone who was involved with the NRA at the time, knew that this was gonna come up."

How lovely. You don't FIND IT FUNNY this MAN comes forward.. YET we still HAVEN'T heard from ANY OF THE ACCUSERS?
my gawd...this is really PATHETIC

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