THIRD VIDEO OF GRUBER: Democrats are stupid!


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In reality, on at least three different occasions Gruber openly stated that the administration sought to deliberately deceive Americans during the promotion of Obamacare, relying on what he termed “the stupidity of the American voter” and a “lack of transparency” to accomplish the feat.

THIRD Gruber Video Reveals How Administration Sought to Hide Obamacare Tax Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Thank the "conspiracy theorist" Alex Jones with 10+ million American following for exposing this tyrant!
Lefties will call BS on it because it only seems to be getting coverage from FOX....
They will say it never happened....
Even though there are multiple videos on it showing Gruber saying it.
Even after he admitted saying it....

They will say it never happened.
Some woman with a fat ass is newsworthy. American citizens being lied to doesn't seem to raise much concern. Our priorities are really screwed up.
Gruber is typical of the faculty lounge Marxist who is long on theory but short on common sense. He and his ilk don't think they know what's best for us. They are sure of it. Lenin, Mao and Castro were too.

Smarter than Thou
The “stupidity of the American voter” is an article of faith for the Left.

By Ian Tuttle

"...Gruber’s comments point to a more disturbing reality: To the liberal mind, there is no distinction between academic intelligence and moral intelligence, between what we might call “learnedness” and “wisdom.” In fact, they correspond. The more one learns, the “better” a person one becomes. Since Obama is “perhaps the smartest guy ever to become president” (per presidential historian Michael Beschloss), he must also be virtuous. Since the people who crafted Obamacare had excellent credentials and prestigious tenured positions, Obamacare must be not just smart policy, but good.
This belief is not the product of reason or careful thought. It is an article of faith, and those who would dispute it are not just “stupid”; they are heretics.

That this church of liberalism can, at its most zealous, pose a serious danger to the health of a body politic should be obvious. After all, Lenin was the smartest guy in the room, too."

Smarter than Thou National Review Online
When a lefty elitist like Dean calls foul, that puts Gruber off the moonbat scale.

On MSNBC's Morning Joe today, Howard Dean had a terse reaction to Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber's recently unearthed comments about the "stupidity" of the American voter in regards to passing the legislation.

"The problem is not that he said it. The problem is that he thinks it. I'm serious. The core problem under this damn law is that it was put together by a bunch of elitists who don't really fundamentally understand the American people. That's what the problem is," Dean, a doctor, said Wednesday.

Howard Dean Obamacare Written By Elitists Who Don t Fundamentally Understand The American People Video RealClearPolitics
I give MSNBC a hard time and Mika on Morning Joe quite a bit of it but...
Good job this morning...
But they probably didn't have much of a choice.
This is something no one can defend.
He is a perfect liberal Elitist. He represents their views perfectly - .Everyone is an idiot, except them. That's why they need to lie and deceive, it's for your own good you filthy unwashed cur!!
Lefties will call BS on it because it only seems to be getting coverage from FOX....
They will say it never happened....
Even though there are multiple videos on it showing Gruber saying it.
Even after he admitted saying it....

They will say it never happened.
Gruber has Grubercrats pegged.

Dumb, gullible fools, all.
It was off the cuff, and he's apologized. :lol:
THREE TIMES off the cuff, same script each time.

Of course, you a Grubercrat, fall for it, because "he's apologized'.

Gruber is spot on, the truth is an offense, but not a sin.
Gruber isn't dumb, he just hasn't used his brain!


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