Thirty Days 100K Covid Fatalities.

Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions?
Haven't been keeping up over the past year, eh. Where have you been hiding, in China Joes Basement? Rhetorical. Here ya' go moron. Learn how to use the internet or quit smoking so much dope so you can remember what every news outlet on earth has been saying for a year. United States Coronavirus: 28,765,423 Cases and 511,133 Deaths - Worldometer

I see that you are a recent member here, who never saw my numerous postings on this topic that have been posted since early last year.

Your numbers in post 1 remains unsupported. The link you gave me, I was probably the first one in the forum to post that source about 10 months ago. Heck just a few days ago I used that very link to make a fool of an Englishman: More Proof that lockdowns are political not based on science POST 40
And your point is?

Oh my you are that obtuse!

Obtuse? I see a liberal that feels that when he used a common resource (gee, I used Merriam Webster three days before you did, nyah nyah nyah) somehow makes him more important in any but his own mind. An insecure little twerp that feeds his ego by thinking he made a fool of an Englishman. Come back when they promote you to third grade.

You have failed in the thread mightily, you made stupid partisan attack on the current President, you didn't provide evidence that 100,000 died in his first 30 days and you keep refusing to fulfil my request for evidence to back you up.

Now you are falling apart over the word Obtuse with nasty name calling. It is clear you are an empty shell with no desire to make a discussion happen. You failed to back up your numbers against Biden, that is a fact you will have to face.

By the way, I am a Free Thinking INDEPENDENT, your latest failure just makes you look dumber and dumber......

Quoting your unsupported partisan attack:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions?
Haven't been keeping up over the past year, eh. Where have you been hiding, in China Joes Basement? Rhetorical. Here ya' go moron. Learn how to use the internet or quit smoking so much dope so you can remember what every news outlet on earth has been saying for a year. United States Coronavirus: 28,765,423 Cases and 511,133 Deaths - Worldometer

I see that you are a recent member here, who never saw my numerous postings on this topic that have been posted since early last year.

Your numbers in post 1 remains unsupported. The link you gave me, I was probably the first one in the forum to post that source about 10 months ago. Heck just a few days ago I used that very link to make a fool of an Englishman: More Proof that lockdowns are political not based on science POST 40
And your point is?

Oh my you are that obtuse!

Obtuse? I see a liberal that feels that when he used a common resource (gee, I used Merriam Webster three days before you did, nyah nyah nyah) somehow makes him more important in any but his own mind. An insecure little twerp that feeds his ego by thinking he made a fool of an Englishman. Come back when they promote you to third grade.

You have failed in the thread mightily, you made stupid partisan attack on the current President, you didn't provide evidence that 100,000 died in his first 30 days and you keep refusing to fulfil my request for evidence to back you up.

Now you are falling apart over the word Obtuse with nasty name calling. It is clear you are an empty shell with no desire to make a discussion happen. You failed to back up your numbers against Biden, that is a fact you will have to face.

By the way, I am a Free Thinking INDEPENDENT, your latest failure just makes you look dumber and dumber......

Quoting your unsupported partisan attack:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions? go look for yourself.
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

I had to say this on another thread.

I don't like Biden. Have not liked him or trusted him since the 80's.

However, you can't link those deaths to him (or Trump).

And the extrapolation is akin to out and out lying.

There is enough to get Biden on without resorting to making up this kind of garbage.
He is making a point about what the looney libbers did to President Trump.
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions? go look for yourself.

You can't do that, why don't YOU show the evidence in support of post one?

So far ZERO evidence presented to support this assertion:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

It appears my reasonable request are making some people appear stupid and lazy.
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions? go look for yourself.

You can't do that, why don't YOU show the evidence in support of post one?

So far ZERO evidence presented to support this assertion:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

It appears my reasonable request are making some people appear stupid and lazy.
Ok I will go do it, but it appears that your true lazy one may be right there in the mirror.
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions? go look for yourself.

You can't do that, why don't YOU show the evidence in support of post one?

So far ZERO evidence presented to support this assertion:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

It appears my reasonable request are making some people appear stupid and lazy.
Your opinion has been noted. The numbers have been presented and the case made. Now run along. This post wasn't made to meet with your approval--if you don't like what it says, you are free to leave.
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

Actually it's more like 499K deaths and that wasn't even in a year.
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions? go look for yourself.

You can't do that, why don't YOU show the evidence in support of post one?

So far ZERO evidence presented to support this assertion:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

It appears my reasonable request are making some people appear stupid and lazy.
I get 90,166.....
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions?
Haven't been keeping up over the past year, eh. Where have you been hiding, in China Joes Basement? Rhetorical. Here ya' go moron. Learn how to use the internet or quit smoking so much dope so you can remember what every news outlet on earth has been saying for a year. United States Coronavirus: 28,765,423 Cases and 511,133 Deaths - Worldometer

I see that you are a recent member here, who never saw my numerous postings on this topic that have been posted since early last year.

Your numbers in post 1 remains unsupported. The link you gave me, I was probably the first one in the forum to post that source about 10 months ago. Heck just a few days ago I used that very link to make a fool of an Englishman: More Proof that lockdowns are political not based on science POST 40
And your point is?

Oh my you are that obtuse!

Obtuse? I see a liberal that feels that when he used a common resource (gee, I used Merriam Webster three days before you did, nyah nyah nyah) somehow makes him more important in any but his own mind. An insecure little twerp that feeds his ego by thinking he made a fool of an Englishman. Come back when they promote you to third grade.

You have failed in the thread mightily, you made stupid partisan attack on the current President, you didn't provide evidence that 100,000 died in his first 30 days and you keep refusing to fulfil my request for evidence to back you up.

Now you are falling apart over the word Obtuse with nasty name calling. It is clear you are an empty shell with no desire to make a discussion happen. You failed to back up your numbers against Biden, that is a fact you will have to face.

By the way, I am a Free Thinking INDEPENDENT, your latest failure just makes you look dumber and dumber......

Quoting your unsupported partisan attack:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"


I accept your surrender.

Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions? go look for yourself.

You can't do that, why don't YOU show the evidence in support of post one?

So far ZERO evidence presented to support this assertion:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

It appears my reasonable request are making some people appear stupid and lazy.
I get 90,166.....

Ha ha, you used a different link and only 10,000 low. What you seem to miss that by YOUR link, the daily death rate has dropped rapidly in the last 3 1/2 weeks, over a FIFTY percent drop from the January 27 high......, thus for the 3 1/2 weeks of his four week Presidency the death rate has been dropping rapidly.

You affectively destroyed post one attack on President Biden.

Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions? go look for yourself.

You can't do that, why don't YOU show the evidence in support of post one?

So far ZERO evidence presented to support this assertion:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

It appears my reasonable request are making some people appear stupid and lazy.
I get 90,166.....

Ha ha, you used a different link and only 10,000 low. What you seem to miss that by YOUR link, the daily death rate has dropped rapidly in the last 3 1/2 weeks, over a FIFTY percent drop from the January 26 high......

You affectively destroyed post one attack on President Biden.

You said post stats so I did.....and you are cheering because my count only has him killing 90,000 instead of 100,000? So it will take Pinochijoe 6 months to reach 2020 totals rather than 5. And take a wild guess, just why do you think they daily death leftyflu death count is subsiding now....couldn't be the pneumonia and flu counts are going up could it?
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions?
Haven't been keeping up over the past year, eh. Where have you been hiding, in China Joes Basement? Rhetorical. Here ya' go moron. Learn how to use the internet or quit smoking so much dope so you can remember what every news outlet on earth has been saying for a year. United States Coronavirus: 28,765,423 Cases and 511,133 Deaths - Worldometer

I see that you are a recent member here, who never saw my numerous postings on this topic that have been posted since early last year.

Your numbers in post 1 remains unsupported. The link you gave me, I was probably the first one in the forum to post that source about 10 months ago. Heck just a few days ago I used that very link to make a fool of an Englishman: More Proof that lockdowns are political not based on science POST 40
And your point is?

Oh my you are that obtuse!

Obtuse? I see a liberal that feels that when he used a common resource (gee, I used Merriam Webster three days before you did, nyah nyah nyah) somehow makes him more important in any but his own mind. An insecure little twerp that feeds his ego by thinking he made a fool of an Englishman. Come back when they promote you to third grade.

You have failed in the thread mightily, you made stupid partisan attack on the current President, you didn't provide evidence that 100,000 died in his first 30 days and you keep refusing to fulfil my request for evidence to back you up.

Now you are falling apart over the word Obtuse with nasty name calling. It is clear you are an empty shell with no desire to make a discussion happen. You failed to back up your numbers against Biden, that is a fact you will have to face.

By the way, I am a Free Thinking INDEPENDENT, your latest failure just makes you look dumber and dumber......

Quoting your unsupported partisan attack:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"


I accept your surrender.

Surrender suggests war. You have a serious problem with your self image when you cannot discuss without the need for self gratification. You ran a ludicrous circular argument where I present FACTS that were so simple to read my first grade granddaughter had no problem and you apparently could not. Another poster sent you a third link and you couldn't figure that out either. So, Yeah, alright, I surrender. but you're cancelled. Troll.
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions? go look for yourself.

You can't do that, why don't YOU show the evidence in support of post one?

So far ZERO evidence presented to support this assertion:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

It appears my reasonable request are making some people appear stupid and lazy.
I get 90,166.....

Ha ha, you used a different link and only 10,000 low. What you seem to miss that by YOUR link, the daily death rate has dropped rapidly in the last 3 1/2 weeks, over a FIFTY percent drop from the January 27 high......, thus for the 3 1/2 weeks of his four week Presidency the death rate has been dropping rapidly.

You affectively destroyed post one attack on President Biden.

And US mortality rate currently stands at 1.77%....up from 1.6% before Pinochijoe took office.
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?
I think we lose 2mil plus. Nether Trump nor Biden can cure the fact that too many of us are fat and out of shape and COVID is a death sentence for those people.
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions? go look for yourself.

You can't do that, why don't YOU show the evidence in support of post one?

So far ZERO evidence presented to support this assertion:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

It appears my reasonable request are making some people appear stupid and lazy.
I get 90,166.....

Ha ha, you used a different link and only 10,000 low. What you seem to miss that by YOUR link, the daily death rate has dropped rapidly in the last 3 1/2 weeks, over a FIFTY percent drop from the January 26 high......

You affectively destroyed post one attack on President Biden.

You said post stats so I did.....and you are cheering because my count only has him killing 90,000 instead of 100,000? So it will take Pinochijoe 6 months to reach 2020 totals rather than 5. And take a wild guess, just why do you think they daily death leftyflu death count is subsiding now....couldn't be the pneumonia and flu counts are going up could it?

You are overlooking the part where YOUR link shows that for most of his 4 week presidency, the death rate has been plummeting. there is no way you can blame him for the first week at all since he just got sworn in.

You also overlooked the part where the daily death rate rise rapidly in Trumps last 3 1/2 months from October 20 low of 683 deaths to January 20 his departure day showing 4,409 deaths. My god! by your obstinate stupidity you are making Trump look bad here!

You should stop now, I am using YOUR link to demolish post one article. You are now making a total fool of yourself here. You should follow the facts as YOUR link shows......

Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?
I think we lose 2mil plus. Nether Trump nor Biden can cure the fact that too many of us are fat and out of shape and COVID is a death sentence for those people.
Absolutely. The point of the post was to illustrate the ludicrous democrat argument that somehow Trump was responsible for the run of this virus. I don't think his policies promoted or delayed the virus in any way other than supplying the vaccine. China Joe has done nothing at all and it is absurd to suggest that his policies have had any effect either. However there are morons on this thread that think Biden/DNC = savior/Trump = anti christ. I have my beliefs about how and why the virus was released, but that is another subject for another thread. Thanks for listening.
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions? go look for yourself.

You can't do that, why don't YOU show the evidence in support of post one?

So far ZERO evidence presented to support this assertion:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

It appears my reasonable request are making some people appear stupid and lazy.
I get 90,166.....

Ha ha, you used a different link and only 10,000 low. What you seem to miss that by YOUR link, the daily death rate has dropped rapidly in the last 3 1/2 weeks, over a FIFTY percent drop from the January 26 high......

You affectively destroyed post one attack on President Biden.

You said post stats so I did.....and you are cheering because my count only has him killing 90,000 instead of 100,000? So it will take Pinochijoe 6 months to reach 2020 totals rather than 5. And take a wild guess, just why do you think they daily death leftyflu death count is subsiding now....couldn't be the pneumonia and flu counts are going up could it?

You are overlooking the part where YOUR link shows that for most of his 4 week presidency, the death rate has been plummeting. there is no way you can blame him for the first week at all since he just got sworn in.

You also overlooked the part where the daily death rate rise rapidly in Trumps last 3 1/2 months from October 20 low of 683 deaths to January 20 his departure day showing 4,409 deaths. My god! by your obstinate stupidity you are making Trump look bad here!

You should stop now, I am using YOUR link to demolish post one article. You are now making a total fool of yourself here. You should follow the facts as YOUR link shows......

The total is the total looneybin......and the overall US mortality rate is UP.....not down.
Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?

How about posting some evidence to back up your assertions? go look for yourself.

You can't do that, why don't YOU show the evidence in support of post one?

So far ZERO evidence presented to support this assertion:

"Well Biden has been in power for thirty days now and there have been 100K covid fatalities. Extrapolated out that adds up to 1.2 million fatalities per year WITH A VACCINE AND MASKING. Trumps total for 2020 without a vaccine and limited masking 397K. Thoughts?"

It appears my reasonable request are making some people appear stupid and lazy.
I get 90,166.....

Ha ha, you used a different link and only 10,000 low. What you seem to miss that by YOUR link, the daily death rate has dropped rapidly in the last 3 1/2 weeks, over a FIFTY percent drop from the January 26 high......

You affectively destroyed post one attack on President Biden.

You said post stats so I did.....and you are cheering because my count only has him killing 90,000 instead of 100,000? So it will take Pinochijoe 6 months to reach 2020 totals rather than 5. And take a wild guess, just why do you think they daily death leftyflu death count is subsiding now....couldn't be the pneumonia and flu counts are going up could it?

You are overlooking the part where YOUR link shows that for most of his 4 week presidency, the death rate has been plummeting. there is no way you can blame him for the first week at all since he just got sworn in.

You also overlooked the part where the daily death rate rise rapidly in Trumps last 3 1/2 months from October 20 low of 683 deaths to January 20 his departure day showing 4,409 deaths. My god! by your obstinate stupidity you are making Trump look bad here!

You should stop now, I am using YOUR link to demolish post one article. You are now making a total fool of yourself here. You should follow the facts as YOUR link shows......

The total is the total looneybin......and the overall US mortality rate is UP.....not down.
And Pinochijoe is testing daily at about half the rate under Trump....hmmmm, fewer tests gives you fewer cases and fewer deaths, remember libber?

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