Thirty Years of Rush


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
This week marked the 30-year anniversary of the syndicated Rush Limbaugh show.

Love him, hate him, or indifferent to him, Rush has had more impact on media in general than any other single person in history. He came onto the scene in the 1980's just as the flower children of the 60's were coming into their own and had pretty well dominated most of the media. They were still doing journalism at that time but they were pushing more and more leftist ideology and concepts. Traditional American values and modern American conservative principles had pretty much vanished from the scene.

Entered Rush with a common sense, usually humorous and satiric, new kind of talk program. He was talking about politics, people, personalities, and concepts that millions of us had been thinking but were no longer hearing on the radio, television, or reading in the newspapers. No, we didn't always agree with him or appreciate everything he said, but we were hungry to hear much of what he had to say that nobody else was saying.

He was entertaining, but because of some very good scholarship, he was also informative. I know I found myself researching some of the facts he presented. And he got it right a whole lot more than he got it wrong.

Because of his amazing success, he paved the way for radio talk shows for many others and affected television as well. And because there were so many of us, he went from a handful of stations when he first started to hundreds propelling talk radio/news stations to #1 in their market pretty much everywhere in the country. Rush pretty much single handedly caused an entire new industry to be created.

Rush, like many highly successful people, is an imperfect person. He suffers from chronic obesity, has had difficulty sustaining personal relationships, became addicted to prescription drugs to the point it destroyed his hearing--he has cochlear implants in both ears that destroyed his enjoyment of music--but he overcame that which was a heroic feat as any recovering alcoholic/addict knows. And like many/most highly successful people, along with some valid criticisms, he has been misquoted, taken out of context, unfairly, dishonestly, mischaracterized.

The left, then and now, does not appreciate being challenged in anything and attack and try to suppress, harm, silence, and/or destroy the messenger rather than rebut what is said and/or offer a better argument. The left is neither open minded nor tolerant of ANYBODY who does not share their rhetoric and point of view. And they certainly went after Rush with a vengeance. And Rush didn't care. He went right ahead and called it as he saw it, did his thing, and has maintained the #1 slot in his genre for 30 years now.

That's pretty amazing. And it is right to acknowledge it.
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Do not agree with a lot of Rush has to say, but anyone that keeps the far left in a tizzy for 30 years should be acknowledged.
Noting that this thread has been moved from current events to media. I will accept that but disagree with it. This thread is not about media but is about a personality who made a tremendous mark on the American culture. And acknowledging a 30-year anniversary of that is a current event.

Not always. But he damn sure gets it right a whole bunch more than he gets it wrong. That would be acceptable to the left if it was one of their guys. But anybody on the right who gets ANYTHING wrong, whatever that anything is becomes the lead story and total focus for the day or even for weeks.
30 years of lies, ignorance, hate, stupidity, and demagoguery; the font of rightwing fake news and conservative reactionaryism.
I don't really care for the guy. I listened to him a couple times 20 years ago, that being said you have to hand it to a guy that pisses off the left for 30 years to the point where he lives in their heads night and day.
30 years of lies, ignorance, hate, stupidity, and demagoguery; the font of rightwing fake news and conservative reactionaryism.

I highlighted a paragraph in the OP which will be the appropriate response to a post like this. Do have a great day.
I don't really care for the guy. I listened to him a couple times 20 years ago, that being said you have to hand it to a guy that pisses off the left for 30 years to the point where he lives in their heads night and day.

Back when I was running my business, I listened to him a lot because I was in my car more than I wasn't. Or he would be running in the background when I was working--I worked out of a home office. And though I was listening more for entertainment than information, and I was arguing with him sometimes a lot of the time, I came to understand his tactics and point of view, and how partisan and dishonest most of the stuff the left was throwing at him was. I by no means missed it when I missed his program--didn't think about it really--but I did notice that when he has a substitute host on, that host no matter how good just didn't have that certain something Rush has that is compelling.

These days I listen probably less than 30 minutes a month when I happen to be driving somewhere during his time slot. But even with that little exposure, he rarely fails to give me something to think about or that inspires me to research something when I get home. And I think that accounts for his success.
I don't really care for the guy. I listened to him a couple times 20 years ago, that being said you have to hand it to a guy that pisses off the left for 30 years to the point where he lives in their heads night and day.

Back when I was running my business, I listened to him a lot because I was in my car more than I wasn't. Or he would be running in the background when I was working--I worked out of a home office. And though I was listening more for entertainment than information, and I was arguing with him sometimes a lot of the time, I came to understand his tactics and point of view, and how partisan and dishonest most of the stuff the left was throwing at him was. I by no means missed it when I missed his program--didn't think about it really--but I did notice that when he has a substitute host on, that host no matter how good just didn't have that certain something Rush has that is compelling.

These days I listen probably less than 30 minutes a month when I happen to be driving somewhere during his time slot. But even with that little exposure, he rarely fails to give me something to think about or that inspires me to research something when I get home. And I think that accounts for his success.

I'm usually aware of everything he says before he says it. He isn't original at all, he is like a radio version of the Drudge report, a news aggregator, but for conservatives. Yet he uses sources that would usually be suppressed.

He brings a spotlight to news and work that independent journalists are doing, directly to the masses, stories that are otherwise suppressed and received scant coverage. The thing that really irks me, is he censors it, and only presents one side of the story.

There is A LOT of work that the non-corporate press, and independent press is doing, stuff that has a progressive or left populist flavor, that he doesn't present. He definitely has some backers with an agenda to it. It's troublesome to say the least.

OTH, he does provide an invaluable service. Everyone should listen for the POV and the stories he does cover. Just like they should listen to NPR or BBC with a mind to their bias and the stories and holes they will have.

He toots his own horn, but he really doesn't do very much but read, select stories, and talk.
He was entertaining, but because of some very good scholarship, he was also informative. I know I found myself researching some of the facts he presented. And he got it right a whole lot more than he got it wrong.
If you had ever researched anything he said, then you would know he is always wrong, so obviously you never researched anything he said. Like Donnie Dirtbag, he lies about the littlest things that are easy to check because he knows his DittoTards will never check him.

For example, the pathological liar claims he coined the term "Low information voter" in 2009. The term has been in publication since 1971.
This week marked the 30-year anniversary of the syndicated Rush Limbaugh show.

Love him, hate him, or indifferent to him, Rush has had more impact on media in general than any other single person in history. He came onto the scene in the 1980's just as the flower children of the 60's were coming into their own and had pretty well dominated most of the media. They were still doing journalism at that time but they were pushing more and more leftist ideology and concepts. Traditional American values and modern American conservative principles had pretty much vanished from the scene.

Entered Rush with a common sense, usually humorous and satiric, new kind of talk program. He was talking about politics, people, personalities, and concepts that millions of us had been thinking but were no longer hearing on the radio, television, or reading in the newspapers. No, we didn't always agree with him or appreciate everything he said, but we were hungry to hear much of what he had to say that nobody else was saying.

He was entertaining, but because of some very good scholarship, he was also informative. I know I found myself researching some of the facts he presented. And he got it right a whole lot more than he got it wrong.

Because of his amazing success, he paved the way for radio talk shows for many others and affected television as well. And because there were so many of us, he went from a handful of stations when he first started to hundreds propelling talk radio/news stations to #1 in their market pretty much everywhere in the country. Rush pretty much single handedly caused an entire new industry to be created.

Rush, like many highly successful people, is an imperfect person. He suffers from chronic obesity, has had difficulty sustaining personal relationships, became addicted to prescription drugs to the point it destroyed his hearing--he has cochlear implants in both ears that destroyed his enjoyment of music--but he overcame that which was a heroic feat as any recovering alcoholic/addict knows. And like many/most highly successful people, along with some valid criticisms, he has been misquoted, taken out of context, unfairly, dishonestly, mischaracterized.

The left, then and now, does not appreciate being challenged in anything and attack and try to suppress, harm, silence, and/or destroy the messenger rather than rebut what is said and/or offer a better argument. The left is neither open minded nor tolerant of ANYBODY who does not share their rhetoric and point of view. And they certainly went after Rush with a vengeance. And Rush didn't care. He went right ahead and called it as he saw it, did his thing, and has maintained the #1 slot in his genre for 30 years now.

That's pretty amazing. And it is right to acknowledge it.
I can’t believe you people still dare to bring up tolerance. You killed it last election. Intolerance will now be met with intolerance, and I hope you choke on it.
30 years of lies, ignorance, hate, stupidity, and demagoguery; the font of rightwing fake news and conservative reactionaryism.

I don't care for him, but all of your comment before the semicolon refers more to the left and it's media minions than it does to the right.
This week marked the 30-year anniversary of the syndicated Rush Limbaugh show.

Love him, hate him, or indifferent to him, Rush has had more impact on media in general than any other single person in history. He came onto the scene in the 1980's just as the flower children of the 60's were coming into their own and had pretty well dominated most of the media. They were still doing journalism at that time but they were pushing more and more leftist ideology and concepts. Traditional American values and modern American conservative principles had pretty much vanished from the scene.

Entered Rush with a common sense, usually humorous and satiric, new kind of talk program. He was talking about politics, people, personalities, and concepts that millions of us had been thinking but were no longer hearing on the radio, television, or reading in the newspapers. No, we didn't always agree with him or appreciate everything he said, but we were hungry to hear much of what he had to say that nobody else was saying.

He was entertaining, but because of some very good scholarship, he was also informative. I know I found myself researching some of the facts he presented. And he got it right a whole lot more than he got it wrong.

Because of his amazing success, he paved the way for radio talk shows for many others and affected television as well. And because there were so many of us, he went from a handful of stations when he first started to hundreds propelling talk radio/news stations to #1 in their market pretty much everywhere in the country. Rush pretty much single handedly caused an entire new industry to be created.

Rush, like many highly successful people, is an imperfect person. He suffers from chronic obesity, has had difficulty sustaining personal relationships, became addicted to prescription drugs to the point it destroyed his hearing--he has cochlear implants in both ears that destroyed his enjoyment of music--but he overcame that which was a heroic feat as any recovering alcoholic/addict knows. And like many/most highly successful people, along with some valid criticisms, he has been misquoted, taken out of context, unfairly, dishonestly, mischaracterized.

The left, then and now, does not appreciate being challenged in anything and attack and try to suppress, harm, silence, and/or destroy the messenger rather than rebut what is said and/or offer a better argument. The left is neither open minded nor tolerant of ANYBODY who does not share their rhetoric and point of view. And they certainly went after Rush with a vengeance. And Rush didn't care. He went right ahead and called it as he saw it, did his thing, and has maintained the #1 slot in his genre for 30 years now.

That's pretty amazing. And it is right to acknowledge it.
I can’t believe you people still dare to bring up tolerance. You killed it last election. Intolerance will now be met with intolerance, and I hope you choke on it.
Good. Lets get this war started.
This week marked the 30-year anniversary of the syndicated Rush Limbaugh show.

Love him, hate him, or indifferent to him, Rush has had more impact on media in general than any other single person in history. He came onto the scene in the 1980's just as the flower children of the 60's were coming into their own and had pretty well dominated most of the media. They were still doing journalism at that time but they were pushing more and more leftist ideology and concepts. Traditional American values and modern American conservative principles had pretty much vanished from the scene.

Entered Rush with a common sense, usually humorous and satiric, new kind of talk program. He was talking about politics, people, personalities, and concepts that millions of us had been thinking but were no longer hearing on the radio, television, or reading in the newspapers. No, we didn't always agree with him or appreciate everything he said, but we were hungry to hear much of what he had to say that nobody else was saying.

He was entertaining, but because of some very good scholarship, he was also informative. I know I found myself researching some of the facts he presented. And he got it right a whole lot more than he got it wrong.

Because of his amazing success, he paved the way for radio talk shows for many others and affected television as well. And because there were so many of us, he went from a handful of stations when he first started to hundreds propelling talk radio/news stations to #1 in their market pretty much everywhere in the country. Rush pretty much single handedly caused an entire new industry to be created.

Rush, like many highly successful people, is an imperfect person. He suffers from chronic obesity, has had difficulty sustaining personal relationships, became addicted to prescription drugs to the point it destroyed his hearing--he has cochlear implants in both ears that destroyed his enjoyment of music--but he overcame that which was a heroic feat as any recovering alcoholic/addict knows. And like many/most highly successful people, along with some valid criticisms, he has been misquoted, taken out of context, unfairly, dishonestly, mischaracterized.

The left, then and now, does not appreciate being challenged in anything and attack and try to suppress, harm, silence, and/or destroy the messenger rather than rebut what is said and/or offer a better argument. The left is neither open minded nor tolerant of ANYBODY who does not share their rhetoric and point of view. And they certainly went after Rush with a vengeance. And Rush didn't care. He went right ahead and called it as he saw it, did his thing, and has maintained the #1 slot in his genre for 30 years now.

That's pretty amazing. And it is right to acknowledge it.
I can’t believe you people still dare to bring up tolerance. You killed it last election. Intolerance will now be met with intolerance, and I hope you choke on it.
Good. Lets get this war started.
War? Lol. A stroke or a cancellation won’t start a war.
This week marked the 30-year anniversary of the syndicated Rush Limbaugh show.

Love him, hate him, or indifferent to him, Rush has had more impact on media in general than any other single person in history. He came onto the scene in the 1980's just as the flower children of the 60's were coming into their own and had pretty well dominated most of the media. They were still doing journalism at that time but they were pushing more and more leftist ideology and concepts. Traditional American values and modern American conservative principles had pretty much vanished from the scene.

Entered Rush with a common sense, usually humorous and satiric, new kind of talk program. He was talking about politics, people, personalities, and concepts that millions of us had been thinking but were no longer hearing on the radio, television, or reading in the newspapers. No, we didn't always agree with him or appreciate everything he said, but we were hungry to hear much of what he had to say that nobody else was saying.

He was entertaining, but because of some very good scholarship, he was also informative. I know I found myself researching some of the facts he presented. And he got it right a whole lot more than he got it wrong.

Because of his amazing success, he paved the way for radio talk shows for many others and affected television as well. And because there were so many of us, he went from a handful of stations when he first started to hundreds propelling talk radio/news stations to #1 in their market pretty much everywhere in the country. Rush pretty much single handedly caused an entire new industry to be created.

Rush, like many highly successful people, is an imperfect person. He suffers from chronic obesity, has had difficulty sustaining personal relationships, became addicted to prescription drugs to the point it destroyed his hearing--he has cochlear implants in both ears that destroyed his enjoyment of music--but he overcame that which was a heroic feat as any recovering alcoholic/addict knows. And like many/most highly successful people, along with some valid criticisms, he has been misquoted, taken out of context, unfairly, dishonestly, mischaracterized.

The left, then and now, does not appreciate being challenged in anything and attack and try to suppress, harm, silence, and/or destroy the messenger rather than rebut what is said and/or offer a better argument. The left is neither open minded nor tolerant of ANYBODY who does not share their rhetoric and point of view. And they certainly went after Rush with a vengeance. And Rush didn't care. He went right ahead and called it as he saw it, did his thing, and has maintained the #1 slot in his genre for 30 years now.

That's pretty amazing. And it is right to acknowledge it.

And for 30 years liberals would say...

Any day now.........

Rush is going off the air.....

FYI: to the young ones the only reason why Rush got to be so big and popular was the end to stifling free speech, the end to the fairness doctrine the year before.

He was entertaining, but because of some very good scholarship, he was also informative. I know I found myself researching some of the facts he presented. And he got it right a whole lot more than he got it wrong.
If you had ever researched anything he said, then you would know he is always wrong, so obviously you never researched anything he said. Like Donnie Dirtbag, he lies about the littlest things that are easy to check because he knows his DittoTards will never check him.

For example, the pathological liar claims he coined the term "Low information voter" in 2009. The term has been in publication since 1971.

You should know your picture is right after the definition of " low information voter" in the dictionary .

I don't really care for the guy. I listened to him a couple times 20 years ago, that being said you have to hand it to a guy that pisses off the left for 30 years to the point where he lives in their heads night and day.

Back when I was running my business, I listened to him a lot because I was in my car more than I wasn't. Or he would be running in the background when I was working--I worked out of a home office. And though I was listening more for entertainment than information, and I was arguing with him sometimes a lot of the time, I came to understand his tactics and point of view, and how partisan and dishonest most of the stuff the left was throwing at him was. I by no means missed it when I missed his program--didn't think about it really--but I did notice that when he has a substitute host on, that host no matter how good just didn't have that certain something Rush has that is compelling.

These days I listen probably less than 30 minutes a month when I happen to be driving somewhere during his time slot. But even with that little exposure, he rarely fails to give me something to think about or that inspires me to research something when I get home. And I think that accounts for his success.

I'm usually aware of everything he says before he says it. He isn't original at all, he is like a radio version of the Drudge report, a news aggregator, but for conservatives. Yet he uses sources that would usually be suppressed.

He brings a spotlight to news and work that independent journalists are doing, directly to the masses, stories that are otherwise suppressed and received scant coverage. The thing that really irks me, is he censors it, and only presents one side of the story.

There is A LOT of work that the non-corporate press, and independent press is doing, stuff that has a progressive or left populist flavor, that he doesn't present. He definitely has some backers with an agenda to it. It's troublesome to say the least.

OTH, he does provide an invaluable service. Everyone should listen for the POV and the stories he does cover. Just like they should listen to NPR or BBC with a mind to their bias and the stories and holes they will have.

He toots his own horn, but he really doesn't do very much but read, select stories, and talk.

Which is why to suggest that he is 'brainwashing' anybody is ludicrous. He made his mark by giving those of us who are not leftists a voice that represents who we are, what we think, etc. People who don't like him or resent what he says don't listen to him. So he succeeds by speaking what we already know or think but also provides enough scholarship that every now and then he already informs. And I do believe he occasionally opens some eyes too.

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