This 100 year annivesary will not be celebrated in Russia

Communism is discredited in Russia, but there are still many in the United States who cling to this failed idea. Many of them are in the leadership of the Democratic Party.
Some of our far right Russian lovers here in town are celebrating it. Go, Comrades!
100th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution gets no celebration in Russia
The Russia of today would not be what it is -- a bizarre combination of the worst aspects of both democracy and socialism -- but for the the October Revolution. While it's not surprising that Russia appears to consider the septuagenary of the USSR a dark period in its history, it's hardly the case that what preceded, an overbearing monarchy, and follow it, an authoritarian state masquerading as a democracy, are markedly better. Accordingly, I suspect among most Russians feel they don't have much to celebrate as goes the state of their state.
100th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution gets no celebration in Russia
The Russia of today would not be what it is -- a bizarre combination of the worst aspects of both democracy and socialism -- but for the the October Revolution. While it's not surprising that Russia appears to consider the septuagenary of the USSR a dark period in its history, it's hardly the case that what preceded, an overbearing monarchy, and follow it, an authoritarian state masquerading as a democracy, are markedly better. Accordingly, I suspect among most Russians feel they don't have much to celebrate as goes the state of their state.
What you're saying is that Russia has always sucked, with or without Communism. That statement is true.
100th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution gets no celebration in Russia
The Russia of today would not be what it is -- a bizarre combination of the worst aspects of both democracy and socialism -- but for the the October Revolution. While it's not surprising that Russia appears to consider the septuagenary of the USSR a dark period in its history, it's hardly the case that what preceded, an overbearing monarchy, and follow it, an authoritarian state masquerading as a democracy, are markedly better. Accordingly, I suspect among most Russians feel they don't have much to celebrate as goes the state of their state.
What you're saying is that Russia has always sucked, with or without Communism. That statement is true.
That's not an accurate summary of my thoughts on the matter, but I'll nonetheless acquiesce to agreeing with you because it's directionally correct. Were the matter of the nature and history of the Russian state something that concerns me, I'd offer a clarification, but I don't, so your paraphrasing will do, at least for now.

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