This Administration NEEDS Rick Santorum


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Given the crooks and dimwits the idiot trump has installed in federal agencies, chosen as his close advisers, and hired for his legal team, why has Rick Santorum been passed over for so long?

Santorum has all the obvious qualifications the idiot trump looks for in his yes men (and women). Santorum is a Republican, he's really, really white, he will give his all to help Big Business screw working people and consumers, and he consistently makes stupid statements in his efforts to redirect any issue that exposes the GOP's exclusive service to lobbyists and corporations.

In his attempt to impress conservatives, the NRA, and the gun nuts, Santorum offered his solution to mass murders in our public schools: The students should learn CPR. Santorum says this would be a much better use of the students' time, instead of pestering the congressional Republicans with the minor problem of teenagers killed by guns.

Yes, along with the other conservative solution to gun violence, that being to arm teachers, Santorum believes students should be required to act as battlefield corpsmen. While the teachers fire at anything that moves, students must run into the crossfire, drag the limp bodies of their bleeding classmates to cover, and perform CPR on what is most likely a teenager's dead carcass. In fact, it might even be another of Santorum's corpsmen killed while attempting a rescue only seconds earlier.

The conservatives keep coming up with solutions to mass murders in public schools, which, if put into practice, can only significantly increase both the number of rounds fired and the body counts.

Santorum does, indeed have the limited mental powers perfect for an important position in the idiot trump's administration. And just think, it will give him many more opportunities to publicly impress conservatives with his extremely low intelligence level, which IS the level they most prefer in their leaders.

A job on the idiot trump's team could jump-start Santorum's failed political career. (And yes, there are millions of voters as equally stupid as Santorum, you know who you are, who would jump at the chance to vote for him.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

I haven't heard from Santorum for a while. I guess I should Google him to see what he has been up to. We wouldn't want him to think everybody has forgotten about him.

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