Rick Santorum doesn't like that people can vote to over ride politicians.

He made the remark today, Beavis.
You’re a moron. That isn’t the point, asslicker. The point is you turds quoting him triumphantly when he hasn’t been in office since 2007.

You’re a total imbecile. But at least yiur as thick as a brick.
You’re a moron. That isn’t the point, asslicker. The point is you turds quoting him triumphantly when he hasn’t been in office since 2007.

You’re a total imbecile. But at least yiur as thick as a brick.
The OP linked Santorum's idiotic remarks made today, Trump's asseater.

Shouldn't you be watching his hate rally as you jizz all over yourself?
The OP linked Santorum's idiotic remarks made today, Trump's asseater.
Nobody said it wasn’t made today. The poor, you brain dead shithead, is that Santorum himself is irrelevant politically.

That said, he happens to be right on at least one big point. We aren’t a “democracy.”
Shouldn't you be watching his hate rally as you jizz all over yourself?
Nah. I’m not one of you libtard NAZIs.
Nobody said it wasn’t made today. The poor, you brain dead shithead, is that Santorum himself is irrelevant politically.

That said, he happens to be right on at least one big point. We aren’t a “democracy.”

Nah. I’m not one of you libtard NAZIs.
The only "NAZI"'s are Brown Shirts like you who parrot Trump's authoritarian talking points, ass breath.
The only "NAZI"'s are Brown Shirts like you who parrot Trump's authoritarian talking points, ass breath.
Wrong, scum sucker. You libturds are the Nazis.

Also, shitmuncher, you are again exhibiting your insistence on posting off topic. Probably intentional. You are a pussy after all.

The topic was what a former politician said. He was relevant about a decade and a half ago. And what he said is still right on the big point.

I recognize that ignorant fucksticks like you don’t like this fact, but that doesn’t change its status AS a fact: we aren’t a democracy. We are a republic.

Thank God.
Wrong, scum sucker. You libturds are the Nazis.

Also, shitmuncher, you are again exhibiting your insistence on posting off topic. Probably intentional. You are a pussy after all.

The topic was what a former politician said. He was relevant about a decade and a half ago. And what he said is still right on the big point.

I recognize that ignorant fucksticks like you don’t like this fact, but that doesn’t change its status AS a fact: we aren’t a democracy. We are a republic.

Thank God.
I don't have a copy ov Mein Kampf at my bedside like your assbuddy Trump does, Brown Shirt.

Santorum was relevant about a decade ago? Then why are obsessed with him? His butt appeal to you, assfuck?
I don't have a copy ov Mein Kampf at my bedside like your assbuddy Trump does, Brown Shirt.
I doubt Trump has one. You must have memorized yours, you Nazi scumbag.
Santorum was relevant about a decade ago? Then why are obsessed with him? His butt appeal to you, assfuck?
Still rambling off topic. Assholes like you don’t recognize that commenting about his statement is to comment about the topic. I can’t fathom why you Nazi faggots are so fascinated by guys’ asses.
I doubt Trump has one. You must have memorized yours, you Nazi scumbag.

Still rambling off topic. Assholes like you don’t recognize that commenting about his statement is to comment about the topic. I can’t fathom why you Nazi faggots are so fascinated by guys’ asses.
Don't forget your brown shirts when 2024 get closer, dirtbag.

Trump doesn't need a copy of Hitler's book. He has it memorized, as you do.
So it seems Santorum is upset that politicians don't have complete control of the process. He doesn't like the idea of the people being able to vote for the laws that are over them.

Well screw you Rick Santorum. This is what is wrong with so many politicians. I'm pro-life but I understand the reaction from people seeing a right being taken from them. (I'm not here to rehash the abortion argument for the 10,000 time). The people will do the same if there is ever any real actions in banning the people's rights to own guns. It's why neither Obama nor Biden ever did anything other than give lip service. (Fringe actions at best).

Rick Santorum Says Quiet Part Out Loud After Republican Election Losses
You people are always going to be allowed to kill babies. You should be ecstatic.
Don't forget your brown shirts when 2024 get closer, dirtbag.

Trump doesn't need a copy of Hitler's book. He has it memorized, as you do.
You’re tired. And boring. And dull. And unimaginative.

You’re off topic and refuse to get your brainless ass on topic.

In any event, you Nazi quiff an are all alike. Scumbags and cowards.

Now, back on topic:

Has it ever dawned on you that we are not a democracy but are instead a republic. I swear, it used to be common knowledge. Maybe they didn’t teach you that in your Nazi Youth classroom.
You’re tired. And boring. And dull. And unimaginative.

You’re off topic and refuse to get your brainless ass on topic.

In any event, you Nazi quiff an are all alike. Scumbags and cowards.

Now, back on topic:

Has it ever dawned on you that we are not a democracy but are instead a republic. I swear, it used to be common knowledge. Maybe they didn’t teach you that in your Nazi Youth classroom.
We are a Democratic Republic, you asswipe. Fucktwits like you like to claim we are a Republic, not a Democracy because your orange assbuddy lost a supposeldy stolen election which you still can't prove nearly 3 years later. So fuck off, shit breath.

The taste of Trump's ass has ruined you for life, cultist.
Obviously the problem is young voters. This proves we should raise the voting age to 24 or 25.

---“You put very sexy things like abortion and marijuana on the ballot, and a lot of young people come out and vote. It was a secret sauce for disaster in Ohio,”---

We are a Democratic Republic,

False. We are a Constitutional republic, you imbecile.
Fucktwits like you like to claim we are a Republic, not a Democracy

Wrong again, shit for brains. I say we are a republic because that’s what we are. We are not a democracy because that’s what the Framers deliberately avoided.
because your orange assbuddy lost a supposeldy stolen election which you still can't prove nearly 3 years later.
Nope. I haven’t claimed that President Trump’s re-election was stolen from us.
Nice try, you whining sissy. But you lack the ability to tell me why incorrectly say that we are a republic.
So fuck off,
Tsk tsk. Nah. I’ll stick around and watch faggots like you continue to melt down over the truth and reality. :itsok:
The taste of Trump's ass has ruined you for life, cultist.
Just because you toss Branson’s salad isn’t a good reason for you to project, you quiff.

Meanwhile, although Santorum hasn’t been in office for like 15 years, and this idiot thread is largely just prissy whining bullshit, the fact remains. He was completely right in noting that we aren’t a democracy.

You’re welcome, you worthless whining wimp.
False. We are a Constitutional republic, you imbecile.

Wrong again, shit for brains. I say we are a republic because that’s what we are. We are not a democracy because that’s what the Framers deliberately avoided.

Nope. I haven’t claimed that President Trump’s re-election was stolen from us.
Nice try, you whining sissy. But you lack the ability to tell me why incorrectly say that we are a republic.

Tsk tsk. Nah. I’ll stick around and watch faggots like you continue to melt down over the truth and reality. :itsok:

Just because you toss Branson’s salad isn’t a good reason for you to project, you quiff.

Meanwhile, although Santorum hasn’t been in office for like 15 years, and this idiot thread is largely just prissy whining bullshit, the fact remains. He was completely right in noting that we aren’t a democracy.

You’re welcome, you worthless whining wimp.
As you respond to a thread that is "prissy whining bullshit", fucktwit?

Thankx for the long screed as YOU continue to melt down over your orange knuckle dragging god having his ass thrown out of office, & now facing life in prison.

Suck it up, girlie boi.
As you respond to a thread that is "prissy whining bullshit",
Are you capable of coherency? Nah. :itsok:

It’s amusing to get under the paper thin skin of a scumbag like you. :abgg2q.jpg:

Now, try posting on topic. I keep showing you how. But in addition to your very sad case of severe mental retardation, your memory is tragically short, too.
Are you capable of coherency? Nah. :itsok:

It’s amusing to get under the paper thin skin of a scumbag like you. :abgg2q.jpg:

Now, try posting on topic. I keep showing you how. But in addition to your very sad case of severe mental retardation, your memory is tragically short, too.
Remember this. Biden beats Trump's ass so bad he's still crying over it three years later. And so are you.

I usually hate to see grown men cry. But in Trump's case & yours, I'm loving it. :abgg2q.jpg:
Remember this. Biden beats Trump's ass so bad he's still crying over it three years later. And so are you.

I usually hate to see grown men cry. But in Trump's case & yours, I'm loving it.
Neither of us is crying. Don’t project.

Look. It’s clear. I hurted your feewings.


And, of course, in addition to being dishonest and a simpleton, you’re also still off topic. :itsok:

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