This Berlin "attack " is textbook false flag .

News this morning says our patsy was killed by Italian poleeZ . Not in an explosion as predicted .
Pretty amazing that the mindless sheeple on the left are only now aware of false flag operations. Up until recently most LWNJ's would classify them as "Far Right Conspiracy Theories" akin to "9/11 was an inside job". Not to be taken seriously!! gufffaw, guffaw, chortle, snort!! :rofl:

But when a terrorist attack shines a harsh bright light on the failings of Germany's "progressive" Muslim immigration policy..... well, then it must be a FALSE FLAG!!! Peace loving Muslims would never do this!! NEIN!!! Germany is "doing the right thing".....:rofl: they'll even go back and say that the terrorist attacks in France were probably the act of a "far right conspiracy" designed to discredit "the left".

It's not just in Europe either. Here in the USA, now that their benevolent leader Obama is leaving, the left will suddenly start to look askew at all things government. Their loving shepherd Obama is no longer there to protect the herd of mindless sheep. Fear will overcome them and SNAP!!!! They'll flip like cheese omelettes and become virulently anti-government in a flash!

The hypocrisy is glaring, and unfortunately, quite predictable.

Good times!!

Democrats don't have enough intelligence to know anything outside the confines of their own surroundings without the media telling them.

Everything that doesn't fit with the narrative laid out by the media or academia is either "fake news" or a "conspiracy theory"(as explained by the same media that laid out the narrative LOL)

The media just told them what a "conspiracy theory" is btw.
And it happens the same time as the Russian embassador is killed ?

Shady !
Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

Are you saying that the Merkel Administration had something to gain by perpetrating a "false flag" operation?

What 's the motive?

The voices in his head.

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