This Berlin "attack " is textbook false flag .

Because we all know it is outlandish to believe Muslims would murder non Muslims out Christmas shopping.

Or attending a Christmas party.

Uhhhh yeah ! The base of all false flags is to have a ready bad guy to blame shit on.

Yeah, so I guess Pearl Harbor was the biggest False Flag attack in the history of mankind according to your way of thinking.

Dude, you have lost all sense of Reality.

A false flag attack is generally EXTREMELY convenient and useful for the government involved. A so-called Gift from God.

This attack was anything but as it is hugely harmful to the Merkel government politically, showed the security forces to be utterly incompetent, and killed far too many people for a government to execute on its own primary culture population.

No, this is OBVIOUSLY not a False Flag Attack.
Pearl Harbor was the BIGGEST false flag ever and yet even after all the evidence, most Americans won't accept it. FDR set it up, knew it was coming, warned no one, and it resulted in lots of death and suffering. Politicians are scum and we must expect the worst from them...always.

See it all here...
FDR knew!
We had intel on pearl Harbor and the incompetency of our military and diplomatic communications (as well as Japans) kept the left hand from knowing what the right hand was doing until it was all over.

Logically one should not attribute to conspiracy what is more easily explained through greed and incompetence.

FDR knew. He knew the Japanese navy was steaming to Pearl Harbor. Followed it across the ocean...even cleared the area of shipping and made sure Pearl's air patrols did not patrol north of Hawaii...then got the carriers out to sea and left WWI battleships and cruisers that meant little...then sacrificed those American sailors.

Read Robert Stinnett's book...and he is but one historian among several, to prove it. All documented and PROVED. Believe it. FDR was a lying scumbag much like most of the presidents who followed him.
Excuse the fuck out me "toastedpatriot"

In 1949 , The Truman Administration removed 1.5 MILLION Muslim from Palestine in order to give it to the Zionists in exchange for 2 MMMMMillion dollars.

The Obama administration has completely destroyed Syria in order to grandstand for the Zionists.

Should the Muslims remain peaceful nevertheless?


Muzzies don't mix well with civilization.
We might have to move all of them elsewhere.........

Was it a "CIVILIZED" act when Truman forcibly removed 1.5 MMMMMILLION MUSLIMS from Palestine in 1949?

Was it a "CIVILIZED" act when Obama forcibly removed 4.8 MMMMILLION Muslims from Syria?


How did Truman force them out?
I thought the ones who are ruining Europe left on their own?
Personally, I think all the "refugees" need to be sent to Syria.


Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

Most people who knew the Middle East at first hand opposed the partition plan, adopted by the United Nations on November 29, 1947. Patently unfair, it awarded 56 percent of Palestine to its 650,000 Jewish inhabitants, and 44 percent to its 1,300,000 Muslim and Christian Arab inhabitants.

Israel , assisted by the US has slowly stolen the remaining 44%


Thanks. Now where is your proof he forced them out?



After Truman threw the Palestinians under the bus the Zionists could to to them whatever they wanted now that the Palestinians were FOREIGN citizens.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders."


FDR knew. He knew the Japanese navy was steaming to Pearl Harbor. Followed it across the ocean...even cleared the area of shipping and made sure Pearl's air patrols did not patrol north of Hawaii...then got the carriers out to sea and left WWI battleships and cruisers that might little...then sacrificed those American sailors.

Read Robert Stinnett's book...and he is but one historian among several, to prove it. All documented and PROVED. Believe it. FDR was a lying scumbag much like most of the presidents who followed him.
Lol, dude, there is no proof that FDR knew that the Japanese were on their way to Pearl Harbor prior to December 7th.

Our decryption methods of JN-25 traffic was too slow to give real actionable intel prior to the way ramp up in signal intel. So even if we had intercepted the traffic, we could not decrypt them fast enough prior to 1942 to respond in a useful way in real time.

Beyond the actual facts of the matter, there was no benefit to letting Japan sink most of our surface fleet we had int he Pacific. In hind sight now we can see that our fleet was repairable in many cases and that the aircraft carriers would be able to sustain our war effort, BUT AT THAT TIME that was not a commonly held view that air craft carriers would be so dominate. There simply had not yet been a major war that could demonstrate the superiority of air craft carriers.

There was no benefit along the lines of getting us into the European war. Our Congress was still unwilling to declare war on Germany and we fully intended to go after Japan solely until Hitler made the bone-headed move of declaring war on us and freeing FDR of the need of winning over Congress afterwards.

Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
Muzzies don't mix well with civilization.
We might have to move all of them elsewhere.........

Was it a "CIVILIZED" act when Truman forcibly removed 1.5 MMMMMILLION MUSLIMS from Palestine in 1949?

Was it a "CIVILIZED" act when Obama forcibly removed 4.8 MMMMILLION Muslims from Syria?


How did Truman force them out?
I thought the ones who are ruining Europe left on their own?
Personally, I think all the "refugees" need to be sent to Syria.


Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

Most people who knew the Middle East at first hand opposed the partition plan, adopted by the United Nations on November 29, 1947. Patently unfair, it awarded 56 percent of Palestine to its 650,000 Jewish inhabitants, and 44 percent to its 1,300,000 Muslim and Christian Arab inhabitants.

Israel , assisted by the US has slowly stolen the remaining 44%


Thanks. Now where is your proof he forced them out?



After Truman threw the Palestinians under the bus the Zionists could to to them whatever they wanted now that the Palestinians were FOREIGN citizens.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders."


Thanks. Now where is your proof he forced them out?
Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?
I didn't know they have pot-laced eggnog?
Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?

Have you totally lost your marbles? Your problem is that you probably watch too much TV. :rolleyes-41:
Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?
Last I heard, it was a Mooseleem lone wolf again.

Not ISIS nor Al Qaeda.
Was it a "CIVILIZED" act when Truman forcibly removed 1.5 MMMMMILLION MUSLIMS from Palestine in 1949?

Was it a "CIVILIZED" act when Obama forcibly removed 4.8 MMMMILLION Muslims from Syria?


How did Truman force them out?
I thought the ones who are ruining Europe left on their own?
Personally, I think all the "refugees" need to be sent to Syria.


Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

Most people who knew the Middle East at first hand opposed the partition plan, adopted by the United Nations on November 29, 1947. Patently unfair, it awarded 56 percent of Palestine to its 650,000 Jewish inhabitants, and 44 percent to its 1,300,000 Muslim and Christian Arab inhabitants.

Israel , assisted by the US has slowly stolen the remaining 44%


Thanks. Now where is your proof he forced them out?



After Truman threw the Palestinians under the bus the Zionists could to to them whatever they wanted now that the Palestinians were FOREIGN citizens.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders."


Thanks. Now where is your proof he forced them out?

The worst blind is he who does not want to see.

'nuff said.


FDR knew. He knew the Japanese navy was steaming to Pearl Harbor. Followed it across the ocean...even cleared the area of shipping and made sure Pearl's air patrols did not patrol north of Hawaii...then got the carriers out to sea and left WWI battleships and cruisers that might little...then sacrificed those American sailors.

Read Robert Stinnett's book...and he is but one historian among several, to prove it. All documented and PROVED. Believe it. FDR was a lying scumbag much like most of the presidents who followed him.
Lol, dude, there is no proof that FDR knew that the Japanese were on their way to Pearl Harbor prior to December 7th.

Our decryption methods of JN-25 traffic was too slow to give real actionable intel prior to the way ramp up in signal intel. So even if we had intercepted the traffic, we could not decrypt them fast enough prior to 1942 to respond in a useful way in real time.

Beyond the actual facts of the matter, there was no benefit to letting Japan sink most of our surface fleet we had int he Pacific. In hind sight now we can see that our fleet was repairable in many cases and that the aircraft carriers would be able to sustain our war effort, BUT AT THAT TIME that was not a commonly held view that air craft carriers would be so dominate. There simply had not yet been a major war that could demonstrate the superiority of air craft carriers.

There was no benefit along the lines of getting us into the European war. Our Congress was still unwilling to declare war on Germany and we fully intended to go after Japan solely until Hitler made the bone-headed move of declaring war on us and freeing FDR of the need of winning over Congress afterwards.

Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory - Wikipedia


Another dumb fuck who can not handle the truth.

FDR was fighting Japan in indochina BEFORE the attack

FDR froze Japanese assets before the attack

FDR refused to sell them oil BEFORE the attack
Pearl Harbor Is a Fake News Story

Stinnett conclusively demonstrates with vast and incontrovertible documentary evidence that in order to precipitate an unwilling American public into supporting intervention in the Second World War, President Roosevelt oversaw the contrivance and deployment of a closely-guarded secret plot to goad the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor.

But is your prerogative to stay ignorant and stupid.

How did Truman force them out?
I thought the ones who are ruining Europe left on their own?
Personally, I think all the "refugees" need to be sent to Syria.


Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

Most people who knew the Middle East at first hand opposed the partition plan, adopted by the United Nations on November 29, 1947. Patently unfair, it awarded 56 percent of Palestine to its 650,000 Jewish inhabitants, and 44 percent to its 1,300,000 Muslim and Christian Arab inhabitants.

Israel , assisted by the US has slowly stolen the remaining 44%


Thanks. Now where is your proof he forced them out?



After Truman threw the Palestinians under the bus the Zionists could to to them whatever they wanted now that the Palestinians were FOREIGN citizens.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders."


Thanks. Now where is your proof he forced them out?

The worst blind is he who does not want to see.

'nuff said.


Look out.....the Jews are out to get you!!!

FDR knew. He knew the Japanese navy was steaming to Pearl Harbor. Followed it across the ocean...even cleared the area of shipping and made sure Pearl's air patrols did not patrol north of Hawaii...then got the carriers out to sea and left WWI battleships and cruisers that might little...then sacrificed those American sailors.

Read Robert Stinnett's book...and he is but one historian among several, to prove it. All documented and PROVED. Believe it. FDR was a lying scumbag much like most of the presidents who followed him.
Lol, dude, there is no proof that FDR knew that the Japanese were on their way to Pearl Harbor prior to December 7th.

Our decryption methods of JN-25 traffic was too slow to give real actionable intel prior to the way ramp up in signal intel. So even if we had intercepted the traffic, we could not decrypt them fast enough prior to 1942 to respond in a useful way in real time.

Beyond the actual facts of the matter, there was no benefit to letting Japan sink most of our surface fleet we had int he Pacific. In hind sight now we can see that our fleet was repairable in many cases and that the aircraft carriers would be able to sustain our war effort, BUT AT THAT TIME that was not a commonly held view that air craft carriers would be so dominate. There simply had not yet been a major war that could demonstrate the superiority of air craft carriers.

There was no benefit along the lines of getting us into the European war. Our Congress was still unwilling to declare war on Germany and we fully intended to go after Japan solely until Hitler made the bone-headed move of declaring war on us and freeing FDR of the need of winning over Congress afterwards.

Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory - Wikipedia


Another dumb fuck who can not handle the truth.

FDR was fighting Japan in indochina BEFORE the attack

FDR froze Japanese assets before the attack

FDR refused to sell them oil BEFORE the attack
Pearl Harbor Is a Fake News Story

Stinnett conclusively demonstrates with vast and incontrovertible documentary evidence that in order to precipitate an unwilling American public into supporting intervention in the Second World War, President Roosevelt oversaw the contrivance and deployment of a closely-guarded secret plot to goad the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor.

But is your prerogative to stay ignorant and stupid.


Without knowing when or where, FDR knew an attack was imminent. He needed an excuse for us to join Britain in the war. Germany had already sunk our supply ships crossing the North Atlantic and even that didn't anger the American people. Pearl Harbor did.
Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?

Have you totally lost your marbles? Your problem is that you probably watch too much TV. :rolleyes-41:

Have I ? Just admit it, this thread has got you thinking ..... And that makes you so uncomfortable that you have to lash out .

I forgive you .
Without knowing when or where, FDR knew an attack was imminent. He needed an excuse for us to join Britain in the war. Germany had already sunk our supply ships crossing the North Atlantic and even that didn't anger the American people. Pearl Harbor did.
Sept 11 2001 did.

Pearl Harbor did too.

The Lusitania did.

Fort Sumter did.

Lexington and Concord did as well. And this is where it all started.

It takes a lot but it happens from time to time.
Without knowing when or where, FDR knew an attack was imminent. He needed an excuse for us to join Britain in the war. Germany had already sunk our supply ships crossing the North Atlantic and even that didn't anger the American people. Pearl Harbor did.

And yet we still had to let the Germans declare war on us as Congress would not budge on fighting in Europe.

Hitlers stupidity saved the GOP a lot of trouble.

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

Most people who knew the Middle East at first hand opposed the partition plan, adopted by the United Nations on November 29, 1947. Patently unfair, it awarded 56 percent of Palestine to its 650,000 Jewish inhabitants, and 44 percent to its 1,300,000 Muslim and Christian Arab inhabitants.

Israel , assisted by the US has slowly stolen the remaining 44%


Thanks. Now where is your proof he forced them out?



After Truman threw the Palestinians under the bus the Zionists could to to them whatever they wanted now that the Palestinians were FOREIGN citizens.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders."


Thanks. Now where is your proof he forced them out?

The worst blind is he who does not want to see.

'nuff said.


Look out.....the Jews are out to get you!!!
What do you expect from a guy who's name starts with a "c..nt"?
Last edited:
Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?

Have you totally lost your marbles? Your problem is that you probably watch too much TV. :rolleyes-41:

Have I ? Just admit it, this thread has got you thinking ..... And that makes you so uncomfortable that you have to lash out .

I forgive you .
Yes, you're right, it's threads like this that gets me start thinking...there's a lot of crazy wacko fucks that need to be locked up in asylums, roaming around us.

FDR knew. He knew the Japanese navy was steaming to Pearl Harbor. Followed it across the ocean...even cleared the area of shipping and made sure Pearl's air patrols did not patrol north of Hawaii...then got the carriers out to sea and left WWI battleships and cruisers that might little...then sacrificed those American sailors.

Read Robert Stinnett's book...and he is but one historian among several, to prove it. All documented and PROVED. Believe it. FDR was a lying scumbag much like most of the presidents who followed him.
Lol, dude, there is no proof that FDR knew that the Japanese were on their way to Pearl Harbor prior to December 7th.

Our decryption methods of JN-25 traffic was too slow to give real actionable intel prior to the way ramp up in signal intel. So even if we had intercepted the traffic, we could not decrypt them fast enough prior to 1942 to respond in a useful way in real time.

Beyond the actual facts of the matter, there was no benefit to letting Japan sink most of our surface fleet we had int he Pacific. In hind sight now we can see that our fleet was repairable in many cases and that the aircraft carriers would be able to sustain our war effort, BUT AT THAT TIME that was not a commonly held view that air craft carriers would be so dominate. There simply had not yet been a major war that could demonstrate the superiority of air craft carriers.

There was no benefit along the lines of getting us into the European war. Our Congress was still unwilling to declare war on Germany and we fully intended to go after Japan solely until Hitler made the bone-headed move of declaring war on us and freeing FDR of the need of winning over Congress afterwards.

Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory - Wikipedia


Another dumb fuck who can not handle the truth.

FDR was fighting Japan in indochina BEFORE the attack

FDR froze Japanese assets before the attack

FDR refused to sell them oil BEFORE the attack

Pearl Harbor Is a Fake News Story

Stinnett conclusively demonstrates with vast and incontrovertible documentary evidence that in order to precipitate an unwilling American public into supporting intervention in the Second World War, President Roosevelt oversaw the contrivance and deployment of a closely-guarded secret plot to goad the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor.

But is your prerogative to stay ignorant and stupid.


Without knowing when or where, FDR knew an attack was imminent. He needed an excuse for us to join Britain in the war. Germany had already sunk our supply ships crossing the North Atlantic and even that didn't anger the American people. Pearl Harbor did.
He KNEW where and when...even told his advisers before the attack, that the US would soon be at war with Japan...then told Edward R Murrow after the attack, he knew in advance. The US broke the Japanese code long before Pearl Harbor.

You can chose to believe the lies of a lying government and politician, or you can chose the truth.

Pearl Harbor Deceit

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