This Berlin "attack " is textbook false flag .

Why wasn't this OP moved to "conspiracy theories" where it could die a slow and deserved demise?

Don't be such a killjoy. How many conspiracies about Hillary and Obama are alallowed to live here.?
Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

Are you saying that the Merkel Administration had something to gain by perpetrating a "false flag" operation?

What 's the motive?


Not Merkle . But her far right rivals ! They want to run her out.

Or the Russians ? You gonna put it past them?

OK , the German far right does have something to gain.

They will use the attacks for political gain.

I don't see how Russia benefits.

Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?

Wow, ISIS was set up! Call the police!

You are one ... goofy ... dude ...

That's part of the plan. "They" knew isis would sign off on it . Like they do wh every lone wolf they have never even made contact with .

Isis is the perfect boogeyman!

I believe it as well, automatic truck, who I do not know. Anyone who hates Muslims in Europe or Muslims period like Israel.
Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?
Muslims you dimwit
Ah yes ! The fingerprints of a well known bad guy who was supposed to be deported but Tunisia wouldn't confirm that he was a citizen ?

How many countries DONT have this guys prints !?

Hands down this guy is killed by the cops . If he hasn't already ...........

Explain the benefit of letting him decompose, if killed by police.

You watch . He'll die in an explosion! Cause that's just what terrorists do . Blow themselves up!
Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?

Wow, ISIS was set up! Call the police!

You are one ... goofy ... dude ...

That's part of the plan. "They" knew isis would sign off on it . Like they do wh every lone wolf they have never even made contact with .

Isis is the perfect boogeyman!

I believe it as well, automatic truck, who I do not know. Anyone who hates Muslims in Europe or Muslims period like Israel.

It was probably Christians, you know how they're blowing up shit all over the place. Morons
Because we all know it is outlandish to believe Muslims would murder non Muslims out Christmas shopping.

Or attending a Christmas party.

Uhhhh yeah ! The base of all false flags is to have a ready bad guy to blame shit on.

Yeah, so I guess Pearl Harbor was the biggest False Flag attack in the history of mankind according to your way of thinking.

Dude, you have lost all sense of Reality.

A false flag attack is generally EXTREMELY convenient and useful for the government involved. A so-called Gift from God.

This attack was anything but as it is hugely harmful to the Merkel government politically, showed the security forces to be utterly incompetent, and killed far too many people for a government to execute on its own primary culture population.

No, this is OBVIOUSLY not a False Flag Attack.


Tell that to my Father N Law, may God rest his soul, who was there and watched his friends die during the attack.........

Sadly, thousands die in order to allow FDR to join WWII and help the UK.

Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?

No. The big question is how can a person so demonstrably stupid as yourself, can eat. To be a false flag operation you have to have a State operator that you wish to attack. Care to point out a target that the Germans wish to attack?
Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

Are you saying that the Merkel Administration had something to gain by perpetrating a "false flag" operation?

What 's the motive?


Not Merkle . But her far right rivals ! They want to run her out.

Or the Russians ? You gonna put it past them?

OK , the German far right does have something to gain.

They will use the attacks for political gain.

I don't see how Russia benefits.


How about this .

Merkle is poised to be crowned as leader of the free world when obama steps down. Not trump, as everyone sees him as a boob.

Putin can't have that happen . He wants his stooge in that spot . Notice how trump was all over this story the second it happened ???
Geebuz Christo, the more I read about this story the more it seems like a gawd awful episode of CSI .

The whole thing is a false flag scenario.

-semi truck stolen from some pollacks (insert joke hear). Truck owner is dead, telling no tales !

- truck attack by mooslim at a friggen Xmas market . Talk about stereotype attack . No video by the way.

-police nab the nearest brown face immigrant . And gee, turns out he's not the perp.

-isis takes sort of credit . What a shock , since they take credit for every bad thing that ever happens to anyone .

- but a clue ! The "real" terrorist leaves his immigration documents in the truck . Cause ya know , that's what you do on your crazy ass terror attack, Leave your ID behind !

- the "real" terrorist also happens to be an international bad guy that everyone has on the terrorist radar.

- the bad guys is now on the run ! Everyone cower on fear as we are all distracted by the multinational man hunt! It's like the joker in the batsman movie. Perfect distraction !

The big question, who isn't behind all this ?

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

Are you saying that the Merkel Administration had something to gain by perpetrating a "false flag" operation?

What 's the motive?


Not Merkle . But her far right rivals ! They want to run her out.

Or the Russians ? You gonna put it past them?

OK , the German far right does have something to gain.

They will use the attacks for political gain.

I don't see how Russia benefits.


How about this .

Merkle is poised to be crowned as leader of the free world when obama steps down. Not trump, as everyone sees him as a boob.

Putin can't have that happen . He wants his stooge in that spot . Notice how trump was all over this story the second it happened ???

Merkle isn't going to win her own election you clown. Get a clue, you progressives are being beat back all over the world. Real people don't like your policies because they SUCK!
Because we all know it is outlandish to believe Muslims would murder non Muslims out Christmas shopping.

Or attending a Christmas party.

Uhhhh yeah ! The base of all false flags is to have a ready bad guy to blame shit on.

Yeah, so I guess Pearl Harbor was the biggest False Flag attack in the history of mankind according to your way of thinking.

Dude, you have lost all sense of Reality.

A false flag attack is generally EXTREMELY convenient and useful for the government involved. A so-called Gift from God.

This attack was anything but as it is hugely harmful to the Merkel government politically, showed the security forces to be utterly incompetent, and killed far too many people for a government to execute on its own primary culture population.

No, this is OBVIOUSLY not a False Flag Attack.


Tell that to my Father N Law, may God rest his soul, who was there and watched his friends die during the attack.........

Sadly, thousands die in order to allow FDR to join WWII and help the UK.

You are saying that FDR purposely let them die........I have heard this before............I don't buy it............but lets for one moment say it's true...........

Who cares...............We had to enter the War sooner or later..........Germany had to be stopped.........and the expansion of Japan into Manchuria was leading us to eventual War with them anyway..............

So the argument is mute...........UNLESS you THINK GERMANY AND JAPAN should have been allowed to WIN..................Who's side are you on??????
Ah yes ! The fingerprints of a well known bad guy who was supposed to be deported but Tunisia wouldn't confirm that he was a citizen ?

How many countries DONT have this guys prints !?

Hands down this guy is killed by the cops . If he hasn't already ...........

Explain the benefit of letting him decompose, if killed by police.

You watch . He'll die in an explosion! Cause that's just what terrorists do . Blow themselves up!

Poor Muslims. Never blow up anybody.
Always get the blame.
Poor Muslims.
Ah yes ! The fingerprints of a well known bad guy who was supposed to be deported but Tunisia wouldn't confirm that he was a citizen ?

How many countries DONT have this guys prints !?

Hands down this guy is killed by the cops . If he hasn't already ...........

Explain the benefit of letting him decompose, if killed by police.

You watch . He'll die in an explosion! Cause that's just what terrorists do . Blow themselves up!

How about I just call BS on the police blowing him up. I can kill two stupid ideas with one blow.
Not trump, as everyone sees him as a boob.
"everyone"? Really? Hardly. As someone who wasn't a supporter, Trump has really impressed me. Looking forward to his administration.
Yeah everyone believes Trump is a boob which is why he won the election.

lol, libtards are devolving into 100% idiots

By "everyone" I mean word wide . Where he is known as crazy reality TV guy .

But hey. The Germans would never do anything underhanded ! They are the grandchilder of nazis after all!!!

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