This CAN'T be true.....

Imagine the lefty at the NAACP who first met her...she says she's black....and the NAACP guy is terrified to call her out.....because if he does...he will be labeled as attacking a black woman....

The lefties are bat shit crazy....I really think she did our country a service....

Or she's just the person running the organization's obscure office in an obscure city.

No. Seriously. Tacoma Washington only has 136K people living in it. Probably most of them didn't even know they HAD a chapter of the NAACP.


You need to get up to speed on Rachel. She's not just a "nobody".

"She Is An Adjunct Professor of African-American Studies at Eastern Washington University. President of the university Mary Cullinan described her in March as “an inspiring role model for EWU students.” She teaches African-American studies, as well as classes including “African and African American Art History, African History, African American Culture, The Black Women’s Struggle, and Intro to Africana Studies at EWU.”

Yes, “The Black Women’s Struggle.” Her profile says her “scholarly research focuses on the intersection of race, gender and class in the contemporary Diaspora with a specific emphasis on Black women in visual culture.”"


She Acts as a Civilian Police Watchdog, and Stumps For #BlackLivesMatter.

Appointed by the mayor of Spokane, she goes on ride-alongs with police in order to oversee them for any hint of police brutality. She serves as chairwoman of the Office of Police Ombudsman Commission; her application to that position included the self-identifiers black, white, and American Indian.

Spokane City spokesman Brian Coddington admitted, “The community wanted diversity and limited background checks.” He also admitted that race “was certainly taken into account,” according to He said, “Race wasn’t a criteria in the selection process, but certainly diversity was an important part of the process.”

Everything You Need to Know About Transracial Hero Rachel Dolezal - Breitbart
Why is it the far right wants to tell everyone what to think, what to be, what to do? Two words: get lost.

Oh get freaking real. She's white pretending to be black and THEN playing the race card. Suweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!


The woman is a fraud and making her living by perpetrating a fraud. Like Ward Churchill, like Elizabeth Warren. Granted these are the small time fraudsters. Nothing on the scale of Lord Grey Owl.
Despite the Fact Rachel Dolezal has Two White Parents MSNBC Host Wonders Is it Possible She Might Actually be Black Video

So, the white broad is actually "trans-black"!?!?!?!?

My God! This world is absolutely crazy......2 white parents and this girl has been "playing" black (to the point) where she is in charge of the local NAACP office (she has been outed by her two WHITE parents) and this IDIOT on MSNBC says "Is it possible that she is black".......

God save the United States of America. We have lost our collective minds.
What difference does it make? Is America so hung up on race that it cannot let something like this pass? (pun unintended). Seriously: what difference does it make?
Despite the Fact Rachel Dolezal has Two White Parents MSNBC Host Wonders Is it Possible She Might Actually be Black Video

So, the white broad is actually "trans-black"!?!?!?!?

My God! This world is absolutely crazy......2 white parents and this girl has been "playing" black (to the point) where she is in charge of the local NAACP office (she has been outed by her two WHITE parents) and this IDIOT on MSNBC says "Is it possible that she is black".......

God save the United States of America. We have lost our collective minds.
What difference does it make? Is America so hung up on race that it cannot let something like this pass? (pun unintended). Seriously: what difference does it make?

Oh just come out and scream it!


It seems the same people upset over Dolezal were just fine with Jenner. Bunch of hypocrites if you ask me.

Who is upset with Dolezal?

I think both she and Jenner have issues.

I am also a little distressed that the NAACP apparently didn't vet this woman at all. Or maybe htey just don't care that much about Tacoma.

Who cares what color she is? Did she lie to the NAACP? They have white leadership in the NAACP, who says she has to be black? Now if she has lied to get the position, then it is up to the NAACP to decide what they want to do.

The city of Spokane is the one that is investigating her application for an ombudsman for they city position. She also has a position at EWU that she could lose and then another college in Idaho that she also teaches at.

I myself think she is a mental case but she can be Jesus for all I care.
Despite the Fact Rachel Dolezal has Two White Parents MSNBC Host Wonders Is it Possible She Might Actually be Black Video

So, the white broad is actually "trans-black"!?!?!?!?

My God! This world is absolutely crazy......2 white parents and this girl has been "playing" black (to the point) where she is in charge of the local NAACP office (she has been outed by her two WHITE parents) and this IDIOT on MSNBC says "Is it possible that she is black".......

God save the United States of America. We have lost our collective minds.
What difference does it make? Is America so hung up on race that it cannot let something like this pass? (pun unintended). Seriously: what difference does it make?

The city of Spokane, EWU and the NAACP are the ones to decide what they want to do with the liar. Do you want a person that committed fraud working for you or not.

Me, I think she needs mental help.
Despite the Fact Rachel Dolezal has Two White Parents MSNBC Host Wonders Is it Possible She Might Actually be Black Video

So, the white broad is actually "trans-black"!?!?!?!?

My God! This world is absolutely crazy......2 white parents and this girl has been "playing" black (to the point) where she is in charge of the local NAACP office (she has been outed by her two WHITE parents) and this IDIOT on MSNBC says "Is it possible that she is black".......

God save the United States of America. We have lost our collective minds.
What difference does it make? Is America so hung up on race that it cannot let something like this pass? (pun unintended). Seriously: what difference does it make?

The city of Spokane, EWU and the NAACP are the ones to decide what they want to do with the liar. Do you want a person that committed fraud working for you or not.

Me, I think she needs mental help.

She's a perfect leader for the NAACP. She lacks integrity!
She's resigned. I think this article about an interview she gave shows the length she went to for her "blackness" fantasy.

Holy toledo it's mind boggling. Wow. Just wow.

"A newly uncovered Rachel Dolezal interview shows just how far the NAACP leader went in deceiving people into believing she was a black woman.

The interview, from earlier this year, has Dolezal sharing stories about her black family, including one in which she details her father's exodus from the Deep South after he assaulted a police officer.

She goes on to claim he became a cop himself in San Diego after also serving in the Marines. "

Rachel Dolezal lied in interview claiming her father was black and fled Deep South Daily Mail Online

Rachel Dolezal and fictitious 'dad's exodus': Newly uncovered interview shows her claiming she had a black father who fled the South because a white cop was hunting him
  • In an interview from earlier this year, Rachel Dolezal repeatedly lies about her family

  • She claims her father is a black man who was forced to flee the Deep South after assaulting a police officer

  • She also claims he was in the Marines for 24 years and there were three attempts on his life by white subordinates

  • Dolezal announced Monday afternoon that she was stepping down as president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP
Who cares what color she is? Did she lie to the NAACP? They have white leadership in the NAACP, who says she has to be black? Now if she has lied to get the position, then it is up to the NAACP to decide what they want to do.

The city of Spokane is the one that is investigating her application for an ombudsman for they city position. She also has a position at EWU that she could lose and then another college in Idaho that she also teaches at.

I myself think she is a mental case but she can be Jesus for all I care.

I'm sure she's going to lose all of her jobs.

Here's the thing. Spokane has a population that is 86% white and only 2.3% black.

The NAACP probably didn't get a big stack of resumes when filling the job.
Who cares what color she is? Did she lie to the NAACP? They have white leadership in the NAACP, who says she has to be black? Now if she has lied to get the position, then it is up to the NAACP to decide what they want to do.

The city of Spokane is the one that is investigating her application for an ombudsman for they city position. She also has a position at EWU that she could lose and then another college in Idaho that she also teaches at.

I myself think she is a mental case but she can be Jesus for all I care.

I'm sure she's going to lose all of her jobs.

Here's the thing. Spokane has a population that is 86% white and only 2.3% black.

The NAACP probably didn't get a big stack of resumes when filling the job.

They hired her because she portrayed herself as black. Now they asked her to resign and they wouldn't say anything. You know the NAACP wants out of this story.
They hired her because she portrayed herself as black. Now they asked her to resign and they wouldn't say anything. You know the NAACP wants out of this story.

I'm sure it's not one of their best days, but she probably got the job because of her academic credentials and no one else wanted it.

And she was black.

Okay, if you really need to believe that.

Like it wouldn't? Come on how naive are you? You talk all the time about people getting and losing jobs based on sex, race and origin and now you deny it?

You are a lying again.
Like it wouldn't? Come on how naive are you? You talk all the time about people getting and losing jobs based on sex, race and origin and now you deny it?

You are a lying again.

I don't think I've talked about anyone "getting a job" based on sex, race or origin.

I talked about a lady who was fired for being gay I knew once.

I kind of suspect she sent in a resume with her credentials on it, and someone said, "Hire Her, because we don't think anyone cares about Spokane."
Like it wouldn't? Come on how naive are you? You talk all the time about people getting and losing jobs based on sex, race and origin and now you deny it?

You are a lying again.

I don't think I've talked about anyone "getting a job" based on sex, race or origin.

I talked about a lady who was fired for being gay I knew once.

I kind of suspect she sent in a resume with her credentials on it, and someone said, "Hire Her, because we don't think anyone cares about Spokane."

A half a million live in the area and they thought she was black.

And if people get fired for race sex and so on, then they damn we'll get hired that way.
A half a million live in the area and they thought she was black.

And if people get fired for race sex and so on, then they damn we'll get hired that way.

Uh, no, they really don't.

The population of Spokane is only 200K. But only 2.6% of the population is black. In short, it wasn't a key market for the NAACP, and they probably thought, "This woman is a professor and an Ombudsmen with the SPD? Hire her!"
Interesting concept, this TRANS business. How far does this stretch, gullibility wise? Say, I am transrich even though I am broke? Or transyoung even though I am old and tired? You can fool some of the people some of the time, this load of malarkey is a PT Barnum old-school load of malarkey.

I was talking to my son the other evening about this girl and he tells me that I (me) was a "Cisgender". I looked at him with the "what you talking about Willis" look on my face. He tells me that now, these various groups are "repulsed" at the word "normal" so, apparently, they have come up with a term for those who are "normal" - Cisgender. It mens that we are happy with ourselves, as who we are. Yep. That's me - a normal "cisgender" black male.

We are doomed.
It seems the same people upset over Dolezal were just fine with Jenner. Bunch of hypocrites if you ask me.

Who is upset with Dolezal?

I think both she and Jenner have issues.

I am also a little distressed that the NAACP apparently didn't vet this woman at all. Or maybe htey just don't care that much about Tacoma.
Could be they don't care much about Tacoma, but the NAACP sure seems not to give a flying f**k about Spokane.

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