This CAN'T be true.....

Imagine the lefty at the NAACP who first met her...she says she's black....and the NAACP guy is terrified to call her out.....because if he does...he will be labeled as attacking a black woman....

The lefties are bat shit crazy....I really think she did our country a service....

Or she's just the person running the organization's obscure office in an obscure city.

No. Seriously. Tacoma Washington only has 136K people living in it. Probably most of them didn't even know they HAD a chapter of the NAACP.
You may have a point, Spokane has a population of around 485,000, give or take a few. Have you been to Spokane? Not a lot of blacks there, so maybe she was the only applicant.
Imagine the lefty at the NAACP who first met her...she says she's black....and the NAACP guy is terrified to call her out.....because if he does...he will be labeled as attacking a black woman....

The lefties are bat shit crazy....I really think she did our country a service....

Or she's just the person running the organization's obscure office in an obscure city.

No. Seriously. Tacoma Washington only has 136K people living in it. Probably most of them didn't even know they HAD a chapter of the NAACP.


You need to get up to speed on Rachel. She's not just a "nobody".

"She Is An Adjunct Professor of African-American Studies at Eastern Washington University. President of the university Mary Cullinan described her in March as “an inspiring role model for EWU students.” She teaches African-American studies, as well as classes including “African and African American Art History, African History, African American Culture, The Black Women’s Struggle, and Intro to Africana Studies at EWU.”

Yes, “The Black Women’s Struggle.” Her profile says her “scholarly research focuses on the intersection of race, gender and class in the contemporary Diaspora with a specific emphasis on Black women in visual culture.”"


She Acts as a Civilian Police Watchdog, and Stumps For #BlackLivesMatter.

Appointed by the mayor of Spokane, she goes on ride-alongs with police in order to oversee them for any hint of police brutality. She serves as chairwoman of the Office of Police Ombudsman Commission; her application to that position included the self-identifiers black, white, and American Indian.

Spokane City spokesman Brian Coddington admitted, “The community wanted diversity and limited background checks.” He also admitted that race “was certainly taken into account,” according to He said, “Race wasn’t a criteria in the selection process, but certainly diversity was an important part of the process.”

Everything You Need to Know About Transracial Hero Rachel Dolezal - Breitbart
Seems that being "black" has been almost as lucrative for Rachel as it's been for Barry Soetoro.
Despite the Fact Rachel Dolezal has Two White Parents MSNBC Host Wonders Is it Possible She Might Actually be Black Video

So, the white broad is actually "trans-black"!?!?!?!?

My God! This world is absolutely crazy......2 white parents and this girl has been "playing" black (to the point) where she is in charge of the local NAACP office (she has been outed by her two WHITE parents) and this IDIOT on MSNBC says "Is it possible that she is black".......

God save the United States of America. We have lost our collective minds.
What difference does it make? Is America so hung up on race that it cannot let something like this pass? (pun unintended). Seriously: what difference does it make?
Is America so far gone morally that a liar and a cheat should be left alone to continue lying and cheating? Is honesty no longer a virtuous trait?
She's resigned. I think this article about an interview she gave shows the length she went to for her "blackness" fantasy.

Holy toledo it's mind boggling. Wow. Just wow.

"A newly uncovered Rachel Dolezal interview shows just how far the NAACP leader went in deceiving people into believing she was a black woman.

The interview, from earlier this year, has Dolezal sharing stories about her black family, including one in which she details her father's exodus from the Deep South after he assaulted a police officer.

She goes on to claim he became a cop himself in San Diego after also serving in the Marines. "

Rachel Dolezal lied in interview claiming her father was black and fled Deep South Daily Mail Online

Rachel Dolezal and fictitious 'dad's exodus': Newly uncovered interview shows her claiming she had a black father who fled the South because a white cop was hunting him
  • In an interview from earlier this year, Rachel Dolezal repeatedly lies about her family

  • She claims her father is a black man who was forced to flee the Deep South after assaulting a police officer

  • She also claims he was in the Marines for 24 years and there were three attempts on his life by white subordinates

  • Dolezal announced Monday afternoon that she was stepping down as president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP
This woman missed her true calling, she should be writing fiction. Maybe it's not too late, she'll be needing a job soon enough.
Despite the Fact Rachel Dolezal has Two White Parents MSNBC Host Wonders Is it Possible She Might Actually be Black Video

So, the white broad is actually "trans-black"!?!?!?!?

My God! This world is absolutely crazy......2 white parents and this girl has been "playing" black (to the point) where she is in charge of the local NAACP office (she has been outed by her two WHITE parents) and this IDIOT on MSNBC says "Is it possible that she is black".......

God save the United States of America. We have lost our collective minds.
What difference does it make? Is America so hung up on race that it cannot let something like this pass? (pun unintended). Seriously: what difference does it make?
Is America so far gone morally that a liar and a cheat should be left alone to continue lying and cheating? Is honesty no longer a virtuous trait?

She works for the NAACP.......where better for a liar and a cheater to work?
She works for the NAACP.......where better for a liar and a cheater to work?

The National Rifle Association would be a nice place.

They stand on a pile of 32,000 dead bodies every year and tell Americans guns make them safer.

Just ignore Europe and Japan that has nowhere near that level of carnage. Um. Founding Fathers. Freedom.
Despite the Fact Rachel Dolezal has Two White Parents MSNBC Host Wonders Is it Possible She Might Actually be Black Video

So, the white broad is actually "trans-black"!?!?!?!?

My God! This world is absolutely crazy......2 white parents and this girl has been "playing" black (to the point) where she is in charge of the local NAACP office (she has been outed by her two WHITE parents) and this IDIOT on MSNBC says "Is it possible that she is black".......

God save the United States of America. We have lost our collective minds.

Isn't being black a religion? Kinda like being jew.

Beats me....I've been black my whole life. Geez, if I would have known that I could call myself "white", my life would have been a LOT easier....oh well.....
Yes! Now everyone can have White Privilege!

Too funny...
She works for the NAACP.......where better for a liar and a cheater to work?

The National Rifle Association would be a nice place.

They stand on a pile of 32,000 dead bodies every year and tell Americans guns make them safer.

Just ignore Europe and Japan that has nowhere near that level of carnage. Um. Founding Fathers. Freedom.

could you provide a link to your 32000 number? I did some searching and found no such number contributed solely to fire arms deaths. Just trying to keep it real.

As can be seen in Israel and Switzerland gun ownership and murder rates have no coloration.

Comparing murder rates and gun ownership across countries - Crime Prevention Research Center

Firearm Homicides

Many gun control advocates prefer to look at only firearm homicides, not total murders. The United States has neither the highest firearm homicide rates for all countries or for developed countries. Among OECD countries, Mexico has the highest firearms homicide rate, with a rate about 3 times higher than the US rate. Brazil’s and Russia’s are much higher, though Russia does not report firearm homicides so it is only a guess for that country.

By the way, despite Israel and Switzerland having very high gun possession rates, their firearm homicide rates are extremely low. In the data shown below, Switzerland had a firearms homicide rate of 0.77 per 100,000 people and Israel has a rate of just 0.09 per 100,000.

Note that there are many countries that clearly have higher gun homicide rates than the United States that don’t have data available. Indeed, while 192 countries report total homicides, only 116 countries report firearm homicides. The average homicide rate for the countries that don’t have firearm homicides is 11.1 per 100,000. The median homicide rate for those that are missing is 8.7 per 100,000. Among the countries with higher homicide rates is Russia with a homicide rate of 11.6. The bottom line is that the countries that are missing the data are among the worst homicide countries.

Again, all the concerns provided over relying on cross-sectional data still apply here. In addition, the firearm homicide data is not available for many of the countries with the highest homicide rates, suggesting that this cross-sectional comparison is even more misleading than the discussion on homicides. Click on figures to enlarge.
Despite the Fact Rachel Dolezal has Two White Parents MSNBC Host Wonders Is it Possible She Might Actually be Black Video

So, the white broad is actually "trans-black"!?!?!?!?

My God! This world is absolutely crazy......2 white parents and this girl has been "playing" black (to the point) where she is in charge of the local NAACP office (she has been outed by her two WHITE parents) and this IDIOT on MSNBC says "Is it possible that she is black".......

God save the United States of America. We have lost our collective minds.
What difference does it make? Is America so hung up on race that it cannot let something like this pass? (pun unintended). Seriously: what difference does it make?
Is America so far gone morally that a liar and a cheat should be left alone to continue lying and cheating? Is honesty no longer a virtuous trait?

My answer would be no, honesty is not longer a virtuous trait, if it ever was. In my opinion the slide started when WJC lied under oath and the left wing let him have an almost free ride.
A half a million live in the area and they thought she was black.

And if people get fired for race sex and so on, then they damn we'll get hired that way.

Uh, no, they really don't.

The population of Spokane is only 200K. But only 2.6% of the population is black. In short, it wasn't a key market for the NAACP, and they probably thought, "This woman is a professor and an Ombudsmen with the SPD? Hire her!"

She was just on the Today show claiming still, to be black.....inside.
Imagine the lefty at the NAACP who first met her...she says she's black....and the NAACP guy is terrified to call her out.....because if he does...he will be labeled as attacking a black woman....

The lefties are bat shit crazy....I really think she did our country a service....

Or she's just the person running the organization's obscure office in an obscure city.

No. Seriously. Tacoma Washington only has 136K people living in it. Probably most of them didn't even know they HAD a chapter of the NAACP.


You need to get up to speed on Rachel. She's not just a "nobody".

"She Is An Adjunct Professor of African-American Studies at Eastern Washington University. President of the university Mary Cullinan described her in March as “an inspiring role model for EWU students.” She teaches African-American studies, as well as classes including “African and African American Art History, African History, African American Culture, The Black Women’s Struggle, and Intro to Africana Studies at EWU.”

Yes, “The Black Women’s Struggle.” Her profile says her “scholarly research focuses on the intersection of race, gender and class in the contemporary Diaspora with a specific emphasis on Black women in visual culture.”"


She Acts as a Civilian Police Watchdog, and Stumps For #BlackLivesMatter.

Appointed by the mayor of Spokane, she goes on ride-alongs with police in order to oversee them for any hint of police brutality. She serves as chairwoman of the Office of Police Ombudsman Commission; her application to that position included the self-identifiers black, white, and American Indian.

Spokane City spokesman Brian Coddington admitted, “The community wanted diversity and limited background checks.” He also admitted that race “was certainly taken into account,” according to He said, “Race wasn’t a criteria in the selection process, but certainly diversity was an important part of the process.”

Everything You Need to Know About Transracial Hero Rachel Dolezal - Breitbart

Fake black lives matter.
Despite the Fact Rachel Dolezal has Two White Parents MSNBC Host Wonders Is it Possible She Might Actually be Black Video

So, the white broad is actually "trans-black"!?!?!?!?

My God! This world is absolutely crazy......2 white parents and this girl has been "playing" black (to the point) where she is in charge of the local NAACP office (she has been outed by her two WHITE parents) and this IDIOT on MSNBC says "Is it possible that she is black".......

God save the United States of America. We have lost our collective minds.

Isn't being black a religion? Kinda like being jew.

Beats me....I've been black my whole life. Geez, if I would have known that I could call myself "white", my life would have been a LOT easier....oh well.....

From now on, if I fill out any applications, I am putting down that I am a native America, Mexican, woman trapped in a man's body and my religion is Black.
Interesting concept, this TRANS business. How far does this stretch, gullibility wise? Say, I am transrich even though I am broke? Or transyoung even though I am old and tired? You can fool some of the people some of the time, this load of malarkey is a PT Barnum old-school load of malarkey.

I was talking to my son the other evening about this girl and he tells me that I (me) was a "Cisgender". I looked at him with the "what you talking about Willis" look on my face. He tells me that now, these various groups are "repulsed" at the word "normal" so, apparently, they have come up with a term for those who are "normal" - Cisgender. It mens that we are happy with ourselves, as who we are. Yep. That's me - a normal "cisgender" black male.

We are doomed.
Sisgender, cisgender, I am told means ...normal, original. authentic unadulterated, unmolested, original, unprocessed, virgin OR REAL. The concept here is to indulge or justify a delusion. Trans sexual is a fiction, so is trans racial. The mad hatter was all up on the transreality thing. Sorry kids, not buying this BS.
By the way, despite Israel and Switzerland having very high gun possession rates, their firearm homicide rates are extremely low. In the data shown below, Switzerland had a firearms homicide rate of 0.77 per 100,000 people and Israel has a rate of just 0.09 per 100,000.

Israel is an apartheid Police State. Probably not the kind of place you want to use as an example.

Note that there are many countries that clearly have higher gun homicide rates than the United States that don’t have data available. Indeed, while 192 countries report total homicides, only 116 countries report firearm homicides. The average homicide rate for the countries that don’t have firearm homicides is 11.1 per 100,000.

This is more horseshit. Compared to INDUSTRIALIZED DEMOCRACIES, the US Has more total murders. Most of them don't break four figures in homicides. We have 16K a year.
To date, there are 5 threads about this non issue of a white woman trying to be black, as if this is news. Like I said before, visit the south someday......wigga white women every damn where. 5 threads about this chic....yet not one thread about the white chic that f**** two prison guys, helped the escape and is now in prison for it. If ever a story begged for attention, this mop is fodda for it and yet, all you morons want to do is harp on this non issue of a white women trying to pass as black. Like I said, wigga's are all over the south...if your truly interested.
Interesting concept, this TRANS business. How far does this stretch, gullibility wise? Say, I am transrich even though I am broke? Or transyoung even though I am old and tired? You can fool some of the people some of the time, this load of malarkey is a PT Barnum old-school load of malarkey.

I was talking to my son the other evening about this girl and he tells me that I (me) was a "Cisgender". I looked at him with the "what you talking about Willis" look on my face. He tells me that now, these various groups are "repulsed" at the word "normal" so, apparently, they have come up with a term for those who are "normal" - Cisgender. It mens that we are happy with ourselves, as who we are. Yep. That's me - a normal "cisgender" black male.

We are doomed.
Sisgender, cisgender, I am told means ...normal, original. authentic unadulterated, unmolested, original, unprocessed, virgin OR REAL. The concept here is to indulge or justify a delusion. Trans sexual is a fiction, so is trans racial. The mad hatter was all up on the transreality thing. Sorry kids, not buying this BS.

Doesn't matter to me. If the perverts don't like the word "normal" - I will use it on a daily basis ;)

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