This chart of Mich.Wisc. as posted on twitter expresses why so many Americans are asking questions about the insane overnight turnaround in votes...

In Detroit, GOP ballot counter observers are kicked out. A bunch of ballots marked for Biden were brought in in the wee hours.

Nah. There's no skullduggery going on.

I suppose they looked at every so-called ballot There is no skullduggery going on..
You can suppose all you like. The reality is that they kicked the ballot observers out. Those observers are supposed to be there. Ballot workers came into the building with suitcases full of ballots! Then they put coverings over the windows and locked the doors keeping the observers and the public out.


In Detroit, GOP ballot counter observers are kicked out. A bunch of ballots marked for Biden were brought in in the wee hours.

Nah. There's no skullduggery going on.

I suppose they looked at every so-called ballot There is no skullduggery going on..
You can suppose all you like. The reality is that they kicked the ballot observers out. Those observers are supposed to be there. Ballot workers came into the building with suitcases full of ballots! Then they put coverings over the windows and locked the doors keeping the observers and the public out.

View attachment 411777

Illegal and bullshit.
Frau Whitmer's state!
Your BS is what happens on the interwebz!
You idiots are demonstrating you have little understanding of what you're talking about but are willing to believe anything that helps confirm your deep seated bias.
In Detroit, GOP ballot counter observers are kicked out. A bunch of ballots marked for Biden were brought in in the wee hours.

Nah. There's no skullduggery going on.
And they covered the windows so no one could observe them.
I don't understand how no one can stop them from doing things like this? Don't we have election officials, police? Anything?'s not real, dope. There is nothing nefarious. Just poll workers from accross the political spectrum counting votes.

I just heard, "I like what's happening, so that means there's nothing bad happening."

Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Ahh...Those sweet ,sweet Trumptard tears.
In Detroit, GOP ballot counter observers are kicked out. A bunch of ballots marked for Biden were brought in in the wee hours.

Nah. There's no skullduggery going on.
And they covered the windows so no one could observe them.
I don't understand how no one can stop them from doing things like this? Don't we have election officials, police? Anything?'s not real, dope. There is nothing nefarious. Just poll workers from accross the political spectrum counting votes.

I just heard, "I like what's happening, so that means there's nothing bad happening."

Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Ahh...Those sweet ,sweet Trumptard tears.
View attachment 412685

What do I have to cry about, DOPE? No matter what happens, you will always be the dogshit I hose off my patio. No election result will EVER change that.
In Detroit, GOP ballot counter observers are kicked out. A bunch of ballots marked for Biden were brought in in the wee hours.

Nah. There's no skullduggery going on.
And they covered the windows so no one could observe them.
I don't understand how no one can stop them from doing things like this? Don't we have election officials, police? Anything?'s not real, dope. There is nothing nefarious. Just poll workers from accross the political spectrum counting votes.

I just heard, "I like what's happening, so that means there's nothing bad happening."

Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Ahh...Those sweet ,sweet Trumptard tears.
View attachment 412685

What do I have to cry about, DOPE? No matter what happens, you will always be the dogshit I hose off my patio. No election result will EVER change that.
That’s it. Let that butthurt flow through you. :206:
In Detroit, GOP ballot counter observers are kicked out. A bunch of ballots marked for Biden were brought in in the wee hours.

Nah. There's no skullduggery going on.
And they covered the windows so no one could observe them.
I don't understand how no one can stop them from doing things like this? Don't we have election officials, police? Anything?'s not real, dope. There is nothing nefarious. Just poll workers from accross the political spectrum counting votes.

I just heard, "I like what's happening, so that means there's nothing bad happening."

Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Ahh...Those sweet ,sweet Trumptard tears.
View attachment 412685

What do I have to cry about, DOPE? No matter what happens, you will always be the dogshit I hose off my patio. No election result will EVER change that.
That’s it. Let that butthurt flow through you. :206:

Enjoy the five minutes or so that you get to ignore having to go through life being you.
In Detroit, GOP ballot counter observers are kicked out. A bunch of ballots marked for Biden were brought in in the wee hours.

Nah. There's no skullduggery going on.
And they covered the windows so no one could observe them.
I don't understand how no one can stop them from doing things like this? Don't we have election officials, police? Anything?'s not real, dope. There is nothing nefarious. Just poll workers from accross the political spectrum counting votes.

I just heard, "I like what's happening, so that means there's nothing bad happening."

Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Ahh...Those sweet ,sweet Trumptard tears.
View attachment 412685

What do I have to cry about, DOPE? No matter what happens, you will always be the dogshit I hose off my patio. No election result will EVER change that.
That’s it. Let that butthurt flow through you. :206:

Enjoy the five minutes or so that you get to ignore having to go through life being you.
Enjoy the five minutes or so that you get to ignore having to go through life being you.
My life only gets better every day while your misery grows.
Newsmax reports that 188,000 ballots show up in Michigan, and not one was for Trump.
It's a rip-off!
Trump will NOT give up. The Wisconsin results are too close. Despite the ridiculous public polling used as a voter suppression tactic, Wisconsin has been a razor-thin race as we always knew it would be.

There have been irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results. We are requesting a RECOUNT. We cannot let the Left go unchecked any longer. There are too many irregularities and room for potential DECEPTION to give up now. We need to FIGHT BACK

I believe the glitch was purposely built in to the software as a back door to rig the elections with a simple flip of a software switch.

Look at who is behind the manufacture of the voting machines, contributions to various districts to purchase them and who the investors are.

China built them
Soros paid for them
Clinton & Feinstein are partners in the software company who made the software on them.
The fix is in. We all knew it was going to happen.

There is no fix. You canh't accept a Trump loss.
Of course there is a fix. Mail-in voting was the first step

There is no fix. Just vote counting.
They are manufacturing the votes before they count them.
Prove it, dope.
The president's lawyers are working on it.
In Detroit, GOP ballot counter observers are kicked out. A bunch of ballots marked for Biden were brought in in the wee hours.

Nah. There's no skullduggery going on.
And they covered the windows so no one could observe them.
I don't understand how no one can stop them from doing things like this? Don't we have election officials, police? Anything?'s not real, dope. There is nothing nefarious. Just poll workers from accross the political spectrum counting votes.

I just heard, "I like what's happening, so that means there's nothing bad happening."

Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Pssst, DOPE. Whatever is and isn't happening behind the covered windows while the count observers are barred from the room, just the windows BEING covered and the observers BEING barred from the room is nefarious. It's not allowed, which you would know if you weren't a piece-of-shit leftist who thinks rules are things that happen to everyone else.
Ahh...Those sweet ,sweet Trumptard tears.
View attachment 412685
Rectal insertion seems to be a topic with which you are quite familiar

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